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US stirring up ‘Iranophobia’ to boost arms sales to Arab nations – Tehran

When Iran signed the nuclear deal with their Obama almighty, that was good. However, if Saudi Arabia intends to buy equipment from Trump, its bad. There is nothing bad in purchasing defense equipment from US.
Though, the way Saudi Arab treated Trump, I'm against that. However, Iran should be ashamed of it hypocrisy.
What hypocrisy?,theres simply no comprison between these agreements.The jcpoa was an international agreement involving iran and the eu,china,russia and the us,it also had nothing to do with supplying any weapons whatsoever ,quite the opposite in fact.The weapons deal with the saudis is between the us and saudi alone and unlike the jcpoa which helped to reduce tensions in the region,this weapons deal runs the risk of touching off a regional arms race which risks further destabilizing the region which is already in dreadful turmoil because of the saudi backed wahabist terror groups like isis and their sectarian hatreds towards shiites,kurds,christians,alawites,yazidis,houthis and of course non wahabist sunnis etc..
Iran-Iraq war?? and who were the people with iman? the Iraqi Muslims or Irani Muslims ??? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Come on remain a Pakistani if you are a Pakistan indeed do not try to become an Irani or for that matter a Saudi.

I give a rat shittt what Iran and KSA do to each other. They should just spare us of their terrorism and internal hate towards each other.

The only worrisome factor for me is that this entire episode is going to effect Pakistan in a very bad way.

We have our own problems and we cannot afford to either support Iran or KSA.

Majority of Irani loving Pakistani shias who are more Iranian than the Pakistanian should register yourself for fight against KSA. Please join the holy war we have no issue.

Just leave our country in peace. We do not need such mir jaffars here in Pakistan anymore.
Our Country?
Are you high on Sasti Charas? Its my country more than its yours. This idiotic balancing policy won't lead you to anywhere. "LEAVE OUR COUNTRY" Lol!

Khamenai regime murdered over 1 million Muslims and expelled over 10 million Muslims for sake of atheist corrupt dictator and then they accusing others of Islamophobia. o_O
Oh Looks Whos Saying! A stooge from Zionist State who's Pigs killed and are killing Christians and Muslims all over the world. Wasn't a defeat twice by Nasrallah enough for you?
what Tehran said is right :)
actually it not a hurt feeling :)
its just Business
Oh Looks Whos Saying! A stooge from Zionist State who's Pigs killed and are killing Christians and Muslims all over the world.
Muslims and Christians in Israel live much better and safer than in neighboring countries.

Wasn't a defeat twice by Nasrallah enough for you?
U forgot that we also were "defeated" by Nasrallah's master Assad in 1973. They are still celebrating it each year. :lol:
Muslims and Christians in Israel live much better and safer than in neighboring countries.

U forgot that we also were "defeated" by Nasrallah's master Assad in 1973. They are still celebrating it each year. :lol:

Talk about Nasrallah. Your Pigs still get roasted at Lebanese Border.
Talk about Nasrallah. Your Pigs still get roasted at Lebanese Border.
* Lebanese border is calm while Nasrallah is hiding in bunker in Beirut.
* Nasrallah started a war in 2006 to "liberate" Shabaa Farms. He failed miserably. Now he is slaughtering Muslims in Syria instead.

That's "victory" Nasrallah style.
* Lebanese border is calm while Nasrallah is hiding in bunker in Beirut.
You invaded Lebanon @500 The final invasion will be your final days
* Nasrallah started a war in 2006 to "liberate" Shabaa Farms. He failed miserably. Now he is slaughtering Muslims in Syria instead.
Hezbollah was the only force against ISIS, thanks to them there is no rebellions in Lebanon and the country is safer than anytime.
That's "victory" Nasrallah style.
Have this b@st@rd ::
The crushed skull of your soldier was vacated from it
You invaded Lebanon @500 The final invasion will be your final days
No, its Hezbollah who started the war in 2006.

Hezbollah was the only force against ISIS, thanks to them there is no rebellions in Lebanon and the country is safer than anytime.
Hezbollah never fought ISIS, they fight only against anti ISIS rebels.

Have this b@st@rd ::
The crushed skull of your soldier was vacated from it
Poor Hezbies are so desperate to show some victory that they collect every trash left by Israeli soldiers.


Here Nasrallah gifted to Ahmadinejad FN FAL rifle, claiming it was captured from Israeli soldier in 2006. Although its out of service since 1970-es.
* Lebanese border is calm while Nasrallah is hiding in bunker in Beirut.
* Nasrallah started a war in 2006 to "liberate" Shabaa Farms. He failed miserably. Now he is slaughtering Muslims in Syria instead.

That's "victory" Nasrallah style.
No they didnt,shaba farms had nothing to do with it,hezbollah was fighting a defensive war to stop an israeli invasion,israel started the war with the expressed intent of driving all the way to the litani river and forcing Hezbollahs rocket forces back beyond the range of israel,this was their stated war aim,in the event of course israel got stopped cold just inside the border and ultimately never achieved a single one of its war aims and hezbollah rocket forces continued to rocket all of northen israel right up until the ceasefire.You are right about the quiet border tho,which I have no doubt would be due in no small part to hezbollahs fire power and their willingness to use it.

Hezbollah never fought ISIS, they fight only against anti ISIS rebels.
Oh,do you mean like the al-qaeda affiliated al-nusra?,the same ones who are often fighting side by side with the so called "free syrian army"?.
Would the Middle East be where it is currently if Saddam Hussein was still in charge in Iraq? US ill-advised invasion led to so many unintentional consequences, including this Iran-GCC standoff.
I agree, that was a big blunder by the U.S/U.K. We should have let Saddam remain in power, If he was still there Iran wouldn't be so involved with Saudi Arabia/GCC conflict like today. Saddam(even though a brutal dictator) was keeping a delicate balance of power with Iran (even though he was an upstacle to Iran). However, he kept the peace and stability in the region. It was a mistake removibg him, and worse still dismantling the baathist regime altogether, we should have maintained the regime, but just replace Saddam.
In this fire of hatred toward non shia or pro saudi Gov,s Iran is also losing its friends very fast.
No, its Hezbollah who started the war in 2006.

Hezbollah never fought ISIS, they fight only against anti ISIS rebels.

Poor Hezbies are so desperate to show some victory that they collect every trash left by Israeli soldiers.


Here Nasrallah gifted to Ahmadinejad FN FAL rifle, claiming it was captured from Israeli soldier in 2006. Although its out of service since 1970-es.
Of course, it's normal. When an inferior force faces an overwhelming superior advanced military power , any little 'victory' they get will be publicised and celebrated like they won the lottery. It's normal and only human. Similarly, Al Qaeda, Shia terrorist/militias groups and the Taliban did that extensively whenever they got any little 'victory'(read a U.S/British soldier military gadget, or suicide attack/car bomb/rocket launch) they achieved against Western forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. They advertise, publicise such events all over their propaganda channel/social media etc. It's indeed a major "victory' for them if you look at it from their perspective/point of view to be honest. Hezbollah in this regard isn't any different. :)
I don't expect less from a narrow minded thinking, I am not here to describe how good Sunnis are or how bad Shias can be sometimes. When I did not brought Religion debate in my argument than why have you tried your sarcastic approach just to make an explanatory statement that I could be a considered sympathetic towards Shia Sect.

It is obvious that Pakistan have many things to worry about, as I explained it in my statement that I cannot explain that how and when did Pakistan along with other Countries helped Syrian Government to fight against ISIS more decisively.

Iran is our neighbor and that's where all the arguments ends. Whether you are a Sunni or Shia you have to digest the fact that we have a neighbor who needs us and we needs them more than ever. If you stick in your religious debates that who is Kafir and who is Momen than there are thousands of other forums to join, this isn't just the right one for you.
You totally took the opposite meaning from my statement, I just wanted to say that if we are into criticizing KSA/Arabs than Iran is not a saint either. When two mullahs are fighting each other they are at their lowest and really a bad omen for everyone especially neighbors. Arabs being Arabs I expect more from Iran but till now they were only a source of disappointment (hint: look how Farsi speaking people have diminished in our country)
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