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US' overtly pro-India stance will hurt Pak: China

N0,you cant,because you are too weak, and "India's overtly pro Japan" is totally a joke, because Japanses ,let alone china,can crumb you indians like crumb a bug

Then what are you waiting for??? Come and get South Tibet and Dalai Lama.:chilli:

You know very well that you can't........and that is the truth.:azn:
india will see the effects of friendship in the future!!!

japan was nuked (yeah i want the same U.S friendship with you)!!!

south korea is used against north korea, no friendship!!!

canadians and europeans hate americans and there economy is already captured by Ashkenazi jews!!!

All there wars are for economy which is in the hands of jews!!!

First of all, we are larger country than all you have mentioned combined. A country of that our size cannot be taken lightly or can be pushed beyond limits.

Nobody can nuke anyone these days......USA lost to Vietnam and USSR also eat dust in Afganistan; but both were unable to have courage to use Nukes. Only North Korea and Pakistan can use nukes...........but what will happen after that; we all know.

You have problems with Jews...........we don't. In India, everybody is Indian............then anything else. If somebody is doing good in any field, let him do. It will benefit us all as a country.
US' overtly pro-India stance will hurt Pak: China

Wow,Didnt China once said tht "Pakistan is a Israel for China" , and now its becoming true, they are using pakistan's name for their own International Interests, just like How US wer using Israel(defence of Israel/safety of Israel ,etc reason ) for securing the US's interests in Middle East .
US' overtly pro-India stance will hurt Pak: China

The usual all words no real moves..... Just another business opportunity, by a pleasing statement.
you are stuipd, you get what you pay ,if you get cheap and low quality goods, then i m sure it is suit for you and your price

That is actually true. It all depends on how much sugar one adds to the tea. The more sugar the sweeter the tea. However, you keep most of your good quality stuff for hi-end electronics and commercial purposes (like vehicles, jets, airlines etc).
First of all, we are larger country than all you have mentioned combined. A country of that our size cannot be taken lightly or can be pushed beyond limits.

I didn't mention any country i was replying to "praful"

Nobody can nuke anyone these days......USA lost to Vietnam and USSR also eat dust in Afganistan; but both were unable to have courage to use Nukes. Only North Korea and Pakistan can use nukes...........but what will happen after that; we all know.

Results will be disastrous on both sides AGREED!!!

You have problems with Jews...........we don't. In India, everybody is Indian............then anything else. If somebody is doing good in any field, let him do. It will benefit us all as a country.

I don't have any problem with jews. i have problem only with rothschild, same advise to you learn something about them!!!

This will help you!!!

india will see the effects of friendship in the future!!!

Really? Well since we got a full hands on display about what happens when you ask others to run your economy (your example), we will be careful. Besides, we Indians don't like others doing our work as it makes us fat and lazy. Self-work is the way one not just commands respect but also ensure that partners remain partners and don't become masters.

What you're realizing now at this point of time after 55 years of subservience, we realized it quite long back when we saw the examples from past and around our neighborhood. This is not CW era. We're used to being treated as equivalent because of Soviet Union and know where to differentiate between friendship and bullying. Thanks for your warning but India is not Pakistan to endure the same fate. You needed a new mentor and you got one; we simply retained our strategic friends of old (Russia and CIS as USSR) and we're ready to make more. That's the difference between rational politics and emotional one.

japan was nuked (yeah i want the same U.S friendship with you)!!!

That sums up about your intellect....Comparing Imperial Japan of 1930s and 40s to India of 2011.. :fie:

south korea is used against north korea, no friendship!!!

Who uses who? ROK is the largest donor of aid, food and assistance to DPRK. ROK is the one that initiated the Korean reunification initiative. ROK is the one that ALWAYS refuses to retaliate to fat Kims' insane aggression everytime because it fears that innocent North Korean civilians will suffer in the war. It is always South Korea that walks the extra mile, unlike those deranged sick Kims who fatten ordering Macdonald's from China by air when their population cannot even eat a single bowl of rice in peace.

The day these Kims' get eliminated and replaced by a proper government, will be the day there will be friendship and unity between Koreans. Here's a trivia for you: Both Koreas have same culture, same language and even same set of faith beliefs. Then what's the issue? US is not the answer. Neither is China. It is the evil Kims that have made the lives of common North Koreans a living hell. Ask the South Korean dude here who's new member. He will tell you.

canadians and europeans hate americans and there economy is already captured by Ashkenazi jews!!!

All there wars are for economy which is in the hands of jews!!!

:lol: You guys are really conditioned and indoctrinated to hate Jews from birth, aren't you? Interesting to see how contradictions about intention and action keep coming up every second line. Just let the Jews live. They're also a community like you. Day and night despising them will not get you anywhere. Take a breather and relax.
hina is at its most vulnerable moment since the Tiananmen Square upheaval of 1989.

At a recent panel discussion at the College of Defence Management, Secunderabad, I argued that it is important to include the dimension of China’s vulnerabilities in the way we see the India-China dynamic. The following is a summary of my remarks:

First, it has managed to antagonise almost all major nations–Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and India—in its region, causing them to explore ways to counter-balance it. This has raised the demand for a US presence and strategic engagement in East Asia. The upcoming East Asia Summit will essentially be a framework that will attempt to bind China’s rise in the silken bonds of international norms. [See the East Asian kabuki]

Second, it is locked into geo-economic interdependence with the United States in a situation akin to two people with a gun to each others’ heads. China cannot escape the consequences of a US default or devaluation. [See my colleague V Anantha Nageswaran's pieces on China's policy tangle, quest for balance and US default.]

Third, China’s internal stability has been rocked by multiple vectors. The three big ethnic minorities are in various stages of unrest: the Mongolians have joined Tibetans and Uyghurs in mass protests. Rising productivity is exerting upward pressure on wages that the Communist Party is being forced to keep a lid on. Some of the labour grievances have erupted into agitations. Farmers protesting against expropriation and eviction have constituted another vector of instability. While many of these incidents might not make it to televisions, newspapers and even websites due to information control, Beijing still has to deal with them.

Fourth, there is certainly a serious factional war raging within the cloisters of the Chinese Communist Party. The recent drama around the health and whereabouts of Jiang Zemin is the latest in a series of events that suggest China’s policies are outcomes of factional contention. For all its attempts to show otherwise, the Chinese Communist Party leadership is not a monolithic entity. The Shanghai faction, the Youth Communist League Faction and the ‘Princeling’ faction have been identified. Even within the PLA, geographical regional loyalties and the changing balance of power between the PLA and the PLA Navy (PLAN) might be shaping China’s behaviour, not least in the East Asian maritime domain.

What should we make of it?

India should attempt to become a swing power. It should aim to achieve better relations with China and the United States than they enjoy with each other. At the same time, it must have the credible capacity to inflict pain and give pleasure to either of the two. This requires an unprecedented level of foreign policy dexterity.

While there is some empirical evidence that China tends to be more amenable to settling boundary disputes when it is internally weak, India should not be (and should not appear to be) in any haste to rush to a settlement. China is and perceives itself to be much more powerful than India at this time, and is likely to insist that disputes are settled only on its own terms. Instead of over-emphasising the Himalayan frontier, India should engage more deeply in East Asia, and contribute to a stable balance of power there [See the Asian balance and on the East Asian dance floor]. This is the primary means for India to acquire strategic leverage vis-a-vis China, for New Delhi is mostly on a weaker wicket on other issues.
The Acorn » China’s moment of vulnerability
The Asian Balance: The East Asian kabuki

Excerpts from Business Standard column today:

The first act began a few days ago when some online military buffs posted images of a new stealth aircraft, tested on the very day Robert Gates, US defence secretary, was in Beijing to discuss, well, military cooperation. The test surprised a lot of people — including, apparently, Mr Hu himself. The underlying message, however, should not. Powerful political constituencies within the People’s Republic not only see the US-China relationship as adversarial, but have developed the capacity to challenge US military power in East Asia and beyond. In recent years we have seen the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) deploy a submarine fleet that can counter the US Navy’s surface combatants, develop missiles that can destroy aircraft carriers and satellites, and now test next-generation fighter aircraft.

No, it is extremely unlikely that the United States and China will get into a war — hot or cold — in the near future, but China is attempting to shape a military balance that will give it greater leverage over Japan, South Korea and their primary protector, the United States. At the same time, Vietnam, Australia, Indonesia and India will either feel awed, more insecure or both. North Korea, Pakistan, Myanmar and Iran will be emboldened. Like the slow, initial act of traditional Japanese theatre, this sets the stage for the remaining acts of the unfolding drama. There are four more acts in this East Asian kabuki. [Business Standard]
The Acorn » The Asian Balance: The East Asian kabuki
Given the situation as mentioned in the above two articles, one can draw one's own conclusions.
Really? Well since we got a full hands on display about what happens when you ask others to run your economy (your example), we will be careful. Besides, we Indians don't like others doing our work as it makes us fat and lazy. Self-work is the way one not just commands respect but also ensure that partners remain partners and don't become masters.

What you're realizing now at this point of time after 55 years of subservience, we realized it quite long back when we saw the examples from past and around our neighborhood. This is not CW era. We're used to being treated as equivalent because of Soviet Union and know where to differentiate between friendship and bullying. Thanks for your warning but India is not Pakistan to endure the same fate. You needed a new mentor and you got one; we simply retained our strategic friends of old (Russia and CIS as USSR) and we're ready to make more. That's the difference between rational politics and emotional one.

Bhashan ka shukria, BTW you are really not known about the power of rothschild learn about them!!!


That sums up about your intellect....Comparing Imperial Japan of 1930s and 40s to India of 2011.. :fie:

I was replying to praful who said U.S is the friend of japan i said they nuked them they are not their friend that's it!!! i am not comparing you with them!!!

Who uses who? ROK is the largest donor of aid, food and assistance to DPRK. ROK is the one that initiated the Korean reunification initiative. ROK is the one that ALWAYS refuses to retaliate to fat Kims' insane aggression everytime because it fears that innocent North Korean civilians will suffer in the war. It is always South Korea that walks the extra mile, unlike those deranged sick Kims who fatten ordering Macdonald's from China by air when their population cannot even eat a single bowl of rice in peace.

But still there are tensions between them!!!

The day these Kims' get eliminated and replaced by a proper government, will be the day there will be friendship and unity between Koreans. Here's a trivia for you: Both Koreas have same culture, same language and even same set of faith beliefs. Then what's the issue? US is not the answer. Neither is China. It is the evil Kims that have made the lives of common North Koreans a living hell. Ask the South Korean dude here who's new member. He will tell you.

I was replying according to the current situation no one knows the future!!!

:lol: You guys are really conditioned and indoctrinated to hate Jews from birth, aren't you? Interesting to see how contradictions about intention and action keep coming up every second line. Just let the Jews live. They're also a community like you. Day and night despising them will not get you anywhere. Take a breather and relax.

Learn something about rothschild they are not good for anyone except themselves!!!


Have you forgotten what Mahatir said at the conference of the OIC at KL?

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