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US official's visit to Islamabad postponed on Pakistan's request: US Embassy

No kidding. Pakistan has given 60,000 lives and lost 120 billion dollars in the fight against terrorism. And here we have a cowardly president who wants to undermine counter-terrorism by siding with India. Good job President Trump ... way to isolate your allies even more

Face the facts. The Taliban has not been routed by the US army. They control over 40% of Afghanistan and are regaining territory as we speak ... all due to the failed foreign policy initiatives of Bush and Obama

And hows that worked out for us Americans? Aren't you at all worried about the prospects of collateral casualties here? Fighting the Taliban isn't the same as bombing the sh*t out of every suspected village ...

The more prudent approach would have been realizing the fact that Kabul administration and their child molesting drug addict army is good for nothing. If the goal was ....... protection of American interests ...... then it has been lost definitely after this recent statement. Plus choosing sides so blatantly in a 70 years old conflict was never a sane decision.
Much is about to happen. The postponement of talks is just a symbolic gesture. We know that the 'Muricans are angry and upset for many reasons.

The Yanks have always been under the illusion that they can stranglehold Pakistan into submission. Their sanctions threat has fallen on deaf ears.

No one cared about the cancellation of the F-16 deal. No one cared about the withholding of reimbursement fees. No one cared about aid money being withheld.

Times have changed. Allegiances have changed. Everyone is rubbing their hands and willing to take their chances against a highly unpopular and racist thug known as Trump. 'Murica is in a serious crisis with a maniac like Trump. American domestic politics is a mess. There is huge dissatisfaction and division. 'Murica is in no position to hand out empty threats.
There ain't no deal fool. Keep dreaming. 'Murica has been sidelined. China and Russia are the main players in Afghanistan. Not daddy 'Murica.

are you worth talking no i dont think so. dont reply if its not what you want to hear but be civilised.
are you worth talking no i dont think so. dont reply if its not what you want to hear but be civilised.

LOL you got nothing useful to add fool.

Is this the same Trump who disbanded his own crew not so long ago LOL? What happened to Bannon and others? Weren't these folks going to make America great again? Is this the same Trump who now puts his faith in generals? What are you even going to talk about.
These Russians are really smart... They didn't help Trump in election coz they love him but they think that this man can make US hit the rock bottom ...
Cold war Season-2.... is to begin
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Pakistan defied Soviet with USA help
You defied India with USA help yesterday and Chinese help today
You are defying USA with China backing.

Your strength is not inherent ( for example- Iran )

Who ever sits in Afghanistan doesn't make any difference in Washington
It's just their which is keeping them there

Pakistan is not the only route to Afghanistan, it's most feasible one. That's all

Our strength is the reason why we remain a power player in the world. Since you are an Indian, your prejudices do not allow you to see it. Which is good for us.

For your information, who controls Afghanistan is important for Washington. Why do you think they have been fighting for 16 years and spent almost a trillion USD on it? Neither is it just about the route. Pakistan is naturally close to the Pakhtoons of Afghanistan and so has the most influence over there. We know the reality of Afghanistan and while Indians might be awed by this American bluster, we know this is the drop scene for America.
Our strength is the reason why we remain a power player in the world. Since you are an Indian, your prejudices do not allow you to see it. Which is good for us.

For your information, who controls Afghanistan is important for Washington. Why do you think they have been fighting for 16 years and spent almost a trillion USD on it? Neither is it just about the route. Pakistan is naturally close to the Pakhtoons of Afghanistan and so has the most influence over there. We know the reality of Afghanistan and while Indians might be awed by this American bluster, we know this is the drop scene for America.

Once upon a time all the due importance given to Afghanistan was to prevent Soviet Union to come till Arabian Sea.
Let it be the great game of British or jihad by Americans.

Every country will have their sphere of influence. It's not just for pakistan

I see who as the only reason why USA wants to stay in Afghanistan or poppy weed may be

Pakistan is the only country which has considerable influence in Afghanistan because other countries simply refused to enter the Quagmire. That's why so many afghan refugees in Pakistan, so many terror incidents.

I don't see any strategic depth that Afghanistan can offer to Pakistan. Not even one ( I may be wrong )

Pakistan is important to Afghanistan, seeing their relationship with Iran. Not vice versa

Afaik Afghanistan common people doesn't have good opinion on you

Our strength is the reason why we remain a power player in the world. Since you are an Indian, your prejudices do not allow you to see it. Which is good for us.

For your information, who controls Afghanistan is important for Washington. Why do you think they have been fighting for 16 years and spent almost a trillion USD on it? Neither is it just about the route. Pakistan is naturally close to the Pakhtoons of Afghanistan and so has the most influence over there. We know the reality of Afghanistan and while Indians might be awed by this American bluster, we know this is the drop scene for America.
Pakistan is just a regional player , not a power player

Blah blah blah Indian fool.

So much empty talk and barking. It has taken your mighty 'Murica a staggering 16 years to install a corrupt regime in Afghanistan who can only blame and not even take care of its own people. Today, millions of Afghans reside inside Pakistan and they don't want leave even if we humiliate or push them back. So much for the Afghan success story.

Your 'Murican masters rely on our supply lines and beg us to do more. If they are so mighty and invincible they should rely on their ally India. Surely India can resolve all the problems in Afghanistan LOL

Why don't you for once put your money where your mouth is and go ahead with your "threats"?

India never sold it's sovereignty or decision making power, and we have no masters

16 years is too small to reconstruct a country like Afghanistan and USA is not good at it

Like I said your land is the most feasible line of supply to Afghanistan, wish Iran opens their land to Afghanistan and want to see what happens

And once US-Iran go out on a date, fall in love, propose, and marry each other there will be the option of another feasible route.

Sensible reply.
Once upon a time all the due importance given to Afghanistan was to prevent Soviet Union to come till Arabian Sea.
Let it be the great game of British or jihad by Americans.

Every country will have their sphere of influence. It's not just for pakistan

I see who as the only reason why USA wants to stay in Afghanistan or poppy weed may be

Pakistan is the only country which has considerable influence in Afghanistan because other countries simply refused to enter the Quagmire. That's why so many afghan refugees in Pakistan, so many terror incidents.

I don't see any strategic depth that Afghanistan can offer to Pakistan. Not even one ( I may be wrong )

Pakistan is important to Afghanistan, seeing their relationship with Iran. Not vice versa

Afaik Afghanistan common people doesn't have good opinion on you

Afghanistan has always had a central role, intentionally or forcibly, in the affairs of South Asia since the times of Alexander. There was a time when the Afghans had influence over the territories of Pakistan, and now the reverse is true. So every country might have a sphere of influence, but that is always limited due to a number of factors such culture and geography. That is why Pakistan has the strongest influence in Afghanistan. You are mistaken when you say that other countries, and especially India, have not tried to build their influence in Afghanistan.

India has been trying to do that since 1947, and that is the main reason why Pakistan's relations with Afghanistan were always unstable. India fanned the issue of the Durand line and that is why problems remained up till the Daud Khan govt of Afghanistan. India then gave tacit support to the Soviet puppet regimes which remained hostile to Pakistan. When the Najibullah govt fell, India supported the Northern Alliance factions under Ahmed Shah Massoud, which burnt Kabul and killed thousands of Afghanis. It was only in 1996 that the Taliban arose against the Northern Alliance warlords who were pillaging and plundering Afghanistan. As the Taliban were ethnic Pashtoon, and did not brutalize the people like the Northern Alliance, they quickly gained momentum. Pakistan is only the second country in the world with a dominant Pashtoon population, it was naturally allied to the Taliban and so the Taliban beat the Northern Alliance, which had extensive support of India, to the tiny Panjshir valley.

This is the complete story and it is being repeated today. This time it is the Americans and the Indians which are backing the wrong side, and they will fail. With regards to the opinion of the common Afghan people being against Pakistan, that is all nonsense. The govt has a negative opinion because it is made entirely of the Northern Alliance pedophiles. The local media is controlled by them and so they will only present a position that supports them. The fact of the matter is that the Taliban would not have been able to control more than 40% of Afghanistan if they didn't have local support, and even if Pakistan supports them, it can never match the cash spent by the Americans and the Indians, so the facts on the ground do not support the narrative of the West and India.

It is not about strategic depth. The main objective is to keep India out of Afghanistan. India has a huge number of consulates in Afghanistan, but none of them except for its embassy in Kabul have any visa processing facilities. So that is Pakistan will never accept this demand of the Americans. Not at any cost. This is the main reason, and Iran has nothing to do with this.

Pakistan is just a regional player , not a power player

India is also a regional player. Not a power player.

India never sold it's sovereignty or decision making power, and we have no masters

16 years is too small to reconstruct a country like Afghanistan and USA is not good at it

Like I said your land is the most feasible line of supply to Afghanistan, wish Iran opens their land to Afghanistan and want to see what happens

India just signed the LEMOA with the Americans to allow them the use of their military facilities. It is also kowtowing the American narrative in the hope that it can get some support on its illegal occupation of Kashmir. America wants to contain the Chinese in Asia so that the Chinese do not ever challenge them at their coast lines, and India is following their directions very obediently.

Whereas Pakistan had a strong relationship with America which we used to counter India's hegemonic designs on South Asia, and which you label as selling one's sovereignty, now India is following the same path and selling itself to America. Enjoy.
Afghanistan has always had a central role, intentionally or forcibly, in the affairs of South Asia since the times of Alexander. There was a time when the Afghans had influence over the territories of Pakistan, and now the reverse is true. So every country might have a sphere of influence, but that is always limited due to a number of factors such culture and geography. That is why Pakistan has the strongest influence in Afghanistan. You are mistaken when you say that other countries, and especially India, have not tried to build their influence in Afghanistan.

India has been trying to do that since 1947, and that is the main reason why Pakistan's relations with Afghanistan were always unstable. India fanned the issue of the Durand line and that is why problems remained up till the Daud Khan govt of Afghanistan. India then gave tacit support to the Soviet puppet regimes which remained hostile to Pakistan. When the Najibullah govt fell, India supported the Northern Alliance factions under Ahmed Shah Massoud, which burnt Kabul and killed thousands of Afghanis. It was only in 1996 that the Taliban arose against the Northern Alliance warlords who were pillaging and plundering Afghanistan. As the Taliban were ethnic Pashtoon, and did not brutalize the people like the Northern Alliance, they quickly gained momentum. Pakistan is only the second country in the world with a dominant Pashtoon population, it was naturally allied to the Taliban and so the Taliban beat the Northern Alliance, which had extensive support of India, to the tiny Panjshir valley.

This is the complete story and it is being repeated today. This time it is the Americans and the Indians which are backing the wrong side, and they will fail. With regards to the opinion of the common Afghan people being against Pakistan, that is all nonsense. The govt has a negative opinion because it is made entirely of the Northern Alliance pedophiles. The local media is controlled by them and so they will only present a position that supports them. The fact of the matter is that the Taliban would not have been able to control more than 40% of Afghanistan if they didn't have local support, and even if Pakistan supports them, it can never match the cash spent by the Americans and the Indians, so the facts on the ground do not support the narrative of the West and India.

It is not about strategic depth. The main objective is to keep India out of Afghanistan. India has a huge number of consulates in Afghanistan, but none of them except for its embassy in Kabul have any visa processing facilities. So that is Pakistan will never accept this demand of the Americans. Not at any cost. This is the main reason, and Iran has nothing to do with this.

India is also a regional player. Not a power player.

India just signed the LEMOA with the Americans to allow them the use of their military facilities. It is also kowtowing the American narrative in the hope that it can get some support on its illegal occupation of Kashmir. America wants to contain the Chinese in Asia so that the Chinese do not ever challenge them at their coast lines, and India is following their directions very obediently.

Whereas Pakistan had a strong relationship with America which we used to counter India's hegemonic designs on South Asia, and which you label as selling one's sovereignty, now India is following the same path and selling itself to America. Enjoy.

Afghanistan was once a gateway to India by land route. Remember pakistan was not there then.

Those days are gone, now it slumbers in it's past glory

Every nation will try to work for it's own interests , so does India.
Anyway afghan never identified Durand line officially , they always opposed it. Even Taliban

With your support the most peaceful organization in the world rose to power in Afghanistan, later they are the ones who killed your civilians on daily basis.

Whatever said and done the present govt is a transformation of northern alliance..

Now coming to lemoa, it's mutual and not obligatory.
Who ever uses the services pays for it.

We just won't bend over with our pants down..

We never begged USA to talk on our behalf nor allowed 3rd parties to enter in our issues.
We can't be just threatened by any one of being bombed to Stone age and get their work done..

Sure India is a regional power, but a stronger regional power
Afghanistan was once a gateway to India by land route. Remember pakistan was not there then.

Those days are gone, now it slumbers in it's past glory

Every nation will try to work for it's own interests , so does India.
Anyway afghan never identified Durand line officially , they always opposed it. Even Taliban

With your support the most peaceful organization in the world rose to power in Afghanistan, later they are the ones who killed your civilians on daily basis.

Whatever said and done the present govt is a transformation of northern alliance..

I brought up that history because you said that Afghanistan is only important because of American attention. In any case, India might have its interests but the only difference is that it has been sorely beaten for the past 20 years in Afghanistan, and it will continue to be beaten no matter who it hides behind.

The West might've created a negative impression of the Taliban, but they are still better than the pedophiles India supports in Afghanistan, and that is one reason why the Northern Alliance govt is loosing its grip on the situation.

Now coming to lemoa, it's mutual and not obligatory.
Who ever uses the services pays for it.

We just won't bend over with our pants down..

We never begged USA to talk on our behalf nor allowed 3rd parties to enter in our issues.
We can't be just threatened by any one of being bombed to Stone age and get their work done..

Sure India is a regional power, but a stronger regional power

Oh so you are confident that you are getting paid for your services? How is it different from the Pakistan-American partnership?

So you think India will not bend over with its pants down? How can you guarantee that? It has happend and will happen. All partners of America bend over with their pants down. India has done it too. America begged for American help after the 1962 war. Nehru went to America with a begging bowl. That is when the IAF got the C-119 packets. India has been begging for American help in Doklam. It will allow 3rd parties to enter in its issues. And when the time comes, it will threatened into getting bombed to the stone age to get their work done.

Sure India is a regional power, but a stronger regional power

India has the wealth, but it is also too petty to build any meaningful relationships. That is why Sri Lanka hates India. That is why Nepal is opening up to China. That is why India is defrauding Bhutan. It is a richer country in the region, but it is also equally hated for its pettiness.
Face the facts. The Taliban has not been routed by the US army. They control over 40% of Afghanistan and are regaining territory as we speak ... all due to the failed foreign policy initiatives of Bush and Obama

In 2001 they were routed by 100 special forces troops & USAF
I brought up that history because you said that Afghanistan is only important because of American attention. In any case, India might have its interests but the only difference is that it has been sorely beaten for the past 20 years in Afghanistan, and it will continue to be beaten no matter who it hides behind.

The West might've created a negative impression of the Taliban, but they are still better than the pedophiles India supports in Afghanistan, and that is one reason why the Northern Alliance govt is loosing its grip on the situation.

Oh so you are confident that you are getting paid for your services? How is it different from the Pakistan-American partnership?

So you think India will not bend over with its pants down? How can you guarantee that? It has happend and will happen. All partners of America bend over with their pants down. India has done it too. America begged for American help after the 1962 war. Nehru went to America with a begging bowl. That is when the IAF got the C-119 packets. India has been begging for American help in Doklam. It will allow 3rd parties to enter in its issues. And when the time comes, it will threatened into getting bombed to the stone age to get their work done.

India has the wealth, but it is also too petty to build any meaningful relationships. That is why Sri Lanka hates India. That is why Nepal is opening up to China. That is why India is defrauding Bhutan. It is a richer country in the region, but it is also equally hated for its pettiness.

Afghanistan was made important by USA, because of their who.
India was not pro active in Afghanistan because we don't want to be another pakistan.
Yeah, killers of Pakistani citizens are always better than who don't isn't it?
Afghanistan as such is unstable. No one knows when & what happens.

Coming to USA , if you fight some one else's war and asks payment for it that's a master & servant relationship.
That's why you never gain respect from them
Ours is partnership only- not even friends. That's why all things with USA are on papers.

India didn't ask any ones support on doklam on contrary Chinese went on complaining spree. We always said that we are ready to handle things ourself

We ain't an easy pass over to be controlled
Afghanistan was made important by USA, because of their who.
India was not pro active in Afghanistan because we don't want to be another pakistan.
Yeah, killers of Pakistani citizens are always better than who don't isn't it?
Afghanistan as such is unstable. No one knows when & what happens.

You are mistaken to think that Afghanistan is important because of the USA, and you are mistaken to think that India has not tried its hardest to gain influence in Afghanistan. It has and it has been beaten by Pakistan. America wants Pakistan to attack the Afghan Taliban but they have not fought against us and we are not going to attack them to bring the war to Pakistan. We are going after killers of Pakistani citizen and we have Kulbhushan Jhadev in our custody. The rest of the RAW and NIA network is also being dismantled. Afghanistan is only unstable because the pedophile Northern Alliance backed by the Indian govt has been unnaturally foisted upon the Afghan people, and as soon as they are kicked out, Afghanistan will become stable again. You might remember that the Taliban completely eradicated Heroin production in Afghanistan, and that is called stability. That will happen very soon.

Coming to USA , if you fight some one else's war and asks payment for it that's a master & servant relationship.

So you just said the following thing;

Now coming to lemoa, it's mutual and not obligatory.
Who ever uses the services pays for it.

By your definition, America is the master who is paying for your military services, and India is the servant who is following obediently because they getting paid.
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