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US official's visit to Islamabad postponed on Pakistan's request: US Embassy

message is clear.u can not.blame pakistan and threat pakistan and then become mr nicd guy again.
She was essentially coming to Pakistan demanding more transit aid for India, because US want more Indian presence in Afghanistan.
unless you bribe us you have no support, please bribe us...
and hence politicians, army men, NGOs all get their share
Talking with such confidence is of No use , I Repeat is of No use if you Don't No Your Geography
so , No Not Chabahar ,Iran or Russia , But Central Asian Countries Route from Germany Turkey to Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan to Afghanistan
USA & NATO have spent billions of $ dollar and can easily put couple of billions more, Pakistanis overate their supply route importance the Facts are contrary to this , the USA & NATO does Not depend on Pakistan for transport as their are other routes available & have also been used before they can do it again Pakistan seriously needs to change its policy & should be worried
& Pakistan can message all it wants doesn't matter , Remember you re Talking to a Superpower Yad rakhkho Tum ek Super power se baat kar rahe ho !
& Yes We American's , Canadian's , British , French in Short NATO can Accuse & Do whatever we Want
What on earth are you talking about. Before giving anyone else a lecture on geography, it will be better if you learn some yourself. Here is the map, just tell me what are the possible land routes going into Afghanistan. Its either through Russia, Iran or Pakistan. Iran never allowed US to use its airspace or land route.


So it was Pakistan and the Northern Distribution Network that started from Riga Latvia and after passing through large swathes of Russia, went into Kazakhstan, then to Uzbekistan and then Afghanistan. NDN was 4 times costly as compared to Pakistan, but it was there for situations like the ones that occurred after Salala.

Do you think Russia still allows NATO to use its land to transport supplies?

So it is just Pakistan now. Of course as you say that NATO does not mind spending a bit more so they can supply their troops through air right. Well again look at the map. The US main supplies come from their bases in the Gulf, if and when Pakistan closes its airspace, they will have to go to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Best of luck with that.
What on earth are you talking about. Before giving anyone else a lecture on geography, it will be better if you learn some yourself. Here is the map, just tell me what are the possible land routes going into Afghanistan. Its either through Russia, Iran or Pakistan. Iran never allowed US to use its airspace or land route.

View attachment 421379

So it was Pakistan and the Northern Distribution Network that started from Riga Latvia and after passing through large swathes of Russia, went into Kazakhstan, then to Uzbekistan and then Afghanistan. NDN was 4 times costly as compared to Pakistan, but it was there for situations like the ones that occurred after Salala.

Do you think Russia still allows NATO to use its land to transport supplies?

So it is just Pakistan now. Of course as you say that NATO does not mind spending a bit more so they can supply their troops through air right. Well again look at the map. The US main supplies come from their bases in the Gulf, if and when Pakistan closes its airspace, they will have to go to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Best of luck with that.

this whole issue is because USA probably stopped bribing some higher ups, is going to be solved soon as soon as the bribes resume
Yes There Are Other Routes
1 Russia.
2 Iran.
No point in Discussing 1st and 2nd route for Now.
3 Northern tion Network Which involves many countries and its Only For nonlethal Supplies Only.
Must Longer , Slower , not that Well protected , and cost thrice.
4 Pakistan quickest , cheapest , and Safest. Unless Pakistan is Pissed than thats a another Story

Few Pointers Guy
It Wont be the First time Pakistan Maybe Faces Economic Sanctions. But This Time China is Strong Enough to Protect its investment. Pakistan is For more Stronger Now . and it can survive and thrive without Depending on Uncle Sam that much.

and Indians goes Ga Ga
The Only Way to progress , is Having Mutual corporation , and Whole World is Not Enough To Start a war just to make Indian Keyboard Warriors Happy.

Story line Changed after the interview from the US General John Nicholson where he pointed out at Quetta , and Peshawar.
Nicholson told the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2016 that "Since 9/11, the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan has largely defined my service."
So after that many years he says that Why they Reject Co ops with Pakistan , Why didnt they protected there side of the Border
For me its more of a Face save and point the gun in the other direction situation from this guy

Problem with Pakistani Gov and military is they are too busy in Pakistan and totally ignore International Community, No one is on presenting the Pakistani Side , If you guys dont Talk and Tell the World how can they understand what you guys have Lost . and off course people will only listen to the one side story which is being presented by the other side.
For 4 years we have a PM whose brain was hijacked by India and was also te FM just to stall and paralyze foreign policy to give Pakistan and army a bad name. Thanks goodness SC has removed the tantruming toddler and things will gradually improve. Once Imran Khan becomes PM, Pakistan will be on way to rapid salvation.

What on earth are you talking about. Before giving anyone else a lecture on geography, it will be better if you learn some yourself. Here is the map, just tell me what are the possible land routes going into Afghanistan. Its either through Russia, Iran or Pakistan. Iran never allowed US to use its airspace or land route.

View attachment 421379

So it was Pakistan and the Northern Distribution Network that started from Riga Latvia and after passing through large swathes of Russia, went into Kazakhstan, then to Uzbekistan and then Afghanistan. NDN was 4 times costly as compared to Pakistan, but it was there for situations like the ones that occurred after Salala.

Do you think Russia still allows NATO to use its land to transport supplies?

So it is just Pakistan now. Of course as you say that NATO does not mind spending a bit more so they can supply their troops through air right. Well again look at the map. The US main supplies come from their bases in the Gulf, if and when Pakistan closes its airspace, they will have to go to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Best of luck with that.
There is another alternative. Pakistan allow supplies and charge $5000 for every trailer and $1 million for every flight.
Don't worry about us, taking risks and dealing with them is not new to us.

It's too risky at present for pakistan to play against USA .
They won't mind wether it's left or right to get their job done


NO price is ever good enough to let your arch enemy encircle you from two sides. anyone who allows that will be a moron.

There is another alternative. Pakistan allow supplies and charge $5000 for every trailer and $1 million for every flight.
The Great Game and Afghanistan: Eleven Point Agenda for Pakistan

Following the announcement of Trump’s new plan for Afghanistan, which is basically the old plan packaged as new with a topping of increased Pakistan-bashing, here is my simple eleven-point agenda for Pakistan to implement in its Afghanistan policy.

  1. Shut down USAID programs as well as other US-backed projects involved in subversion operation in Pakistan. Follow up by stopping all kinds of US packages that are given to Pakistani media to push Washington’s policies in the region.
  2. Shut down NATO supply routes completely and stand by it. Don’t open them even if US/NATO are willing to offer commercial rates.
  3. Convince Russia and/or China to prepare and introduce sanctions against US Army and NATO individuals involved in war crimes in Afghanistan.
  4. Officially announce US-India backed Kabul regime as Pakistan’s enemy # 2, only second to India. Follow up with limited sanctions on key individuals of Kabul regime involved in anti-Pakistan terrorism.
  5. Go on the offensive, covertly and overtly, in Afghanistan against anti-Pakistan terrorist groups and individuals including ISIS-Khorasan Province. Follow up by naming and shaming countries at the UN that are covertly supporting ISIS-Khorasan Province.
  6. Improve and increase US-focused counter-intelligence in Afghanistan, particularly HUMINT capabilities.
  7. Announce a parallel pro-Pakistan Afghan government based in Islamabad and get it recognized by as many allied countries as possible.
  8. Persuade Russia to invade Afghanistan in near future on behalf of Taliban, who are seen as a legit stakeholder in Afghanistan by all parties (including US).
  9. Refuse any kind of US military aid that would put Pakistan’s interests at stake. In fact, it would be far better to refuse US military aid altogether.
  10. Officially announce Indian influence and activities in Afghanistan a threat to Pakistan and its national interests. Follow up by making India bleed through a thousand cuts in Afghanistan.
  11. Lastly, make sure Pakistan gets a good share out of any deal relating to extraction of minerals from Afghanistan. A war without profit is not a war but stupidity.
This is the eleven-point agenda that Pakistan should consider implementing in to protect its national interests in the region.

If US wants to play tango with Pakistan, then it’s time to tango.


NO price is ever good enough to let your arch enemy encircle you from two sides. anyone who allows that will be a moron.

May be

But find a better way

The Americans have been fighting, paying and dying in Afghanistan for 16 years. Defying America is not impossible.

The era of a uni-polar world is over. Times have changed.

Defiance is not the key word, but at what cost is

Uni-polar world has ended but still USA is the leader

yup if U.S keep continue to listen India's retarded statement.. then soon U.S will Cut the branch on which U.S is sitting in Afghanistan.

when India is going to send Indian troops in Afghanistan to fight against Taliban ?

Neither USA not India are retarded to believe and rely on each other

Both countries care about their own interests

Sure, if USA agrees to pay IA for the war it's worth considering
Defiance is not the key word, but at what cost is

Uni-polar world has ended but still USA is the leader

Defiance is the key word.

Pakistan has been defying India for 70 years. Pakistan has defied the Soviet union. Pakistan is defying the Americans now.

We are not afraid. There is no cost too high for us to preserve our freedom.
What on earth are you talking about. Before giving anyone else a lecture on geography, it will be better if you learn some yourself. Here is the map, just tell me what are the possible land routes going into Afghanistan. Its either through Russia, Iran or Pakistan. Iran never allowed US to use its airspace or land route.

View attachment 421379

So it was Pakistan and the Northern Distribution Network that started from Riga Latvia and after passing through large swathes of Russia, went into Kazakhstan, then to Uzbekistan and then Afghanistan. NDN was 4 times costly as compared to Pakistan, but it was there for situations like the ones that occurred after Salala.

Do you think Russia still allows NATO to use its land to transport supplies?

So it is just Pakistan now. Of course as you say that NATO does not mind spending a bit more so they can supply their troops through air right. Well again look at the map. The US main supplies come from their bases in the Gulf, if and when Pakistan closes its airspace, they will have to go to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Best of luck with that.

Georgia>Azerbaijan>Turkmenistan> Afghanistan
How long can you avoid talking to US?

You better acquiesce to the demands immediately. US patience is running out quickly.

We are talking to the Americans but they are not listening and they are backing the wrong side. The issue is that they are propping up the Northern Alliance side in Kabul and since the Northern Alliance are the most corrupt and depraved people in Afghanistan, they are bound to fail no matter how much money America puts into them. This was the main reason why the Taliban first rose to power and confined the Indian backed Northern Alliance to the tiny Panjshir valley.

So I think the Pakistani govt is absolutely right in resisting these nonsensical demands of the Americans. Just like in Vietnam, the Americans kept backing a corrupt regime which never gained popular support, the Northern Alliance will also be kicked out. The Americans will now have to come and talk to us. If you think I am wrong, please watch the following documentary by Vice media which is an independent American company;

Looks like Pak can afford to be at odds with the US policies right now!! Turkey has been doing it for some time!!! And, guess what? She's getting stronger by every day. Welcome to the brave new world!!!!!!

I've heard that Pakistan has contacted Turkey and both are now working hard to bring together China and Russia to the grouping as well.

US should no longer entertain this nonsense.

Haha. Pakistan is no longer entertaining this American nonsense.
To meet this US official most probably Pakistani FM would have to have postponed his visits to other regional countries .... in a way this also conveys a message which countries are considered important by Pakistan now......
NO SPARE PARTS for your F16.

They are just a meuseum piece without USA aisstance.

it will be very easy to win air superamcy as the rest of PAF is bvery modest

They were flying in 90s without US assistance and spare parts same will happen again, although Pakistan should have learn lesson from past and should have avoided F-16 purchase in Mush time. Now JF-17 next block become more important.
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