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US officially launches air strikes in Iraq

Did Obama ask his congress before intervening in Iraq? No? Yea.

Is that a rhetorical question ? Surely you must know that G.W was on the helm that time.

US has conducted an airstrike on a mortar position with a drone armed with Hellfires. Also, 4 F-18s attacked 7 ISIS vehicles with 8 500lb GPS-guided bombs.

Excellent. Any news if there will be any more surgical strikes on key areas?
Is that a rhetorical question ? Surely you must know that G.W was on the helm that time.

Excellent. Any news if there will be any more surgical strikes on key areas?

Nothing specific, but jets are conducting air patrols in the area and firing on targets as they see them. Artillery and armor are easy to spot.
Nothing specific, but jets are conducting air patrols in the area and firing on targets as they see them. Artillery and armor are easy to spot.

Artillery/tanks can be spotted by the radars, not just FLIR sight right ?
So the US has finally found a way to enter Syria now. ISIS, lead the way!
Did Obama ask his congress before intervening in Iraq? No? Yea.

For the US, congressional approval is only necessary for declaring/instigating war. Obama doesn't need it because he is not going to war - in fact, Iraq has requested this assistance. Same reason he didn't need permission to launch drone strikes in Yemen.

Anyway, these ISIS animals are committing the ugliest crimes in the Middle East. They are shitting all over your neighborhood! Why wouldn't you want some air strikes to mow them down?
The US needs ISIS, as weird as that sounds. Realize that the FSA is stalled in Syria. All the incompetent Syrian Commanders are dead and deserters have deserted, the competent Captains and Lt.s are now leading battalions and regiments. A reason Assad is gaining ground. Although the Rebel infighting doesn't hurt.

Remember when Al-Qaida disowned their bastard child? FSA & Rebels attacked ISIS, ISIS responded by showing the world who's the boss among the Rebels. FSA now thinks twice against getting in the way of ISIS.

To US planners ISIS entering Iraq was a shock. They expected the Iraqi Border, reinforced by Iraqi troops, would repel any attack and shadow warriors, behind the scenes, would convince ISIS to fight Assad. It didn't work out so far. But there's still hope that ISIS would take their captured American equipment into Syria to rejuvenate the retreating battle lines.

CIA or covert special forces teams could also be on the ground calling in airstrikes.

To think they aren't there is being naive.

So the US has finally found a way to enter Syria now. ISIS, lead the way!


For the US, congressional approval is only necessary for declaring/instigating war. Obama doesn't need it because he is not going to war - in fact, Iraq has requested this assistance. Same reason he didn't need permission to launch drone strikes in Yemen.

Technically Obama can send boots to the ground for combat roles, as long as he takes them out 60 days if Congress doesnt give him permission.
F-18s in the Arabian Gulf
some one had to do it to stop those terrorists ,people who are complaining has no right when their own countries cannot do anything to change the ground situation.
There is no such thing as that, retard. Educate yourself with the proper name before posting nonesense.

That's exactly what the US Navy refers to it as. I'm well aware of the name dispute, but honestly could care less.

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