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US officially launches air strikes in Iraq

Look at that moron maliki .He dismantled all the sunni participation in govt when he rise to power.
US is again involved because they are going to make another profit from this .They already have a command centre in Kurdistan.
Now through bombing they will ensure the survival of Peshmerga forces .And in return Kurd leaders will force to give anything that US asked to them.

They are implementing what they had said since long, forming new ME which include Afghanistan & Pakistan too. Look how they have behaved when a civil war erupted in Europe after USSR and how the are behaving in ME.
If they wanted to do this at the end, they should have done it much earlier. I hope this makes a difference now.
They are implementing what they had said since long, forming new ME which include Afghanistan & Pakistan too. Look how they have behaved when a civil war erupted in Europe after USSR and how the are behaving in ME.

Self interest dude ,self interest.
ISIS is not going to die in future.That would ensure their presence in Kurds and Baghdad .
They could have destroy this ISIS long time ago.But at its intial stage it was not good for their interest.Now time has arrived.
Great news. Muslim countries need to learn from US on how to stop extermination of a group. Israel. *wink wink*
Air strikes alone will not do the work. Needs support from Iraqi ground troops (with whatever they have now). And when they (Shia troops) gain ground, do not allow them to do to Sunnis what they have done to Shias, otherwise the cycle will again return and carry on.
Self interest dude ,self interest.
ISIS is not going to die in future.That would ensure their presence in Kurds and Baghdad .
They could have destroy Ithis ISIS

For Muslim world ISIS is going to bigger evil then Al-Qaida, I was shocked to see Indian occupied Kashmirs waving ISIS flag in a pic, I want to see Kashmir as part of Pakistan but supporting ISIS for Independence is insanity, because they have their own agenda.

Iraqi Army holds the key to future but only when it truly represent Iraq.
khawarij are not going any where , this is not stop them, they r there until dajjal comes out from a town in between Syria and Iraq .i don't know why i recall the pre malhama ahadit where muslims n romans would fight an enemy behind them ...
For Muslim world ISIS is going to bigger evil then Al-Qaida, I was shocked to see Indian occupied Kashmirs waving ISIS flag in a pic, I want to see Kashmir as part of Pakistan but supporting ISIS for Independence is insanity, because they have their own agenda.

Iraqi Army holds the key to future but only when it truly represent Iraq.

That instant excitment about ISIS is not going to work in India.We are dealing with this stuff for more than 25 years.
Noone in Kashmir can make a call with out eavesdropping.
Our intelligence have full details of youths misdirected to Iraq..Because we know they may become a mess in future.
But I dont think that is the case of Pakistan.In addition with TTP that would become a dangerous situation for that nation .
Don't be mistaken. US wouldn't have done humanitarian help if they didn't have a self-interest. 500 Yazidi starving in the moutains is just bull. They didn't do anything when much larger people were being killed and replaced in Syria.

True, The only reason they bombed IS is to help the Kurds up north, recently the battle with the Kurds switched to IS favour and that's why the US decided to intervene, they don't give a damn about these Yazidis nor the central government in Baghdad, if the US really wanted to help helpless people they would've done it a long time ago in Syria or Gaza where the real massacres really happen.
so what is your opinion ?
It is always money. It is oil in North Iraq. They won't allow it to be put into danger. Capitalist US won't move their arse if there is no quick buck to be made. People still buy this humanitarian crises bull.
True, The only reason they bombed IS is to help the Kurds up north, recently the battle with the Kurds switched to IS favour and that's why the US decided to intervene, they don't give a damn about these Yazidis nor the central government in Baghdad, if the US really wanted to help helpless people they would've done it a long time ago in Syria or Gaza where the real massacres really happen.
Yea, I always said Kurds are no match for ISIS. Kurds have herd mentality. They can't fight conventional war. Only hit and run and attack soft targets. I predicted this a long time ago but US won't allow Kurds to be over-run. It is controlled chaos created by US. ISIS will be pushed into the other direction. Probably towards Iran and Southern neighbors. US won't fully destroy ISIS. They don't have interest in that. They serve a purpose which is mostly to drain Iranian resources and let them waste it in Syria and Iraq.
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they cant let ISIS over ran Iraqi Kurdistan because that's the only legacy they achieved in invading Iraq
True, The only reason they bombed IS is to help the Kurds up north, recently the battle with the Kurds switched to IS favour and that's why the US decided to intervene, they don't give a damn about these Yazidis nor the central government in Baghdad, if the US really wanted to help helpless people they would've done it a long time ago in Syria or Gaza where the real massacres really happen.

The United States was restricted during such times, if I recollect, the majority of US Congress voted against military action in Syria, which was in lieu with American public sentiment. Given, Obama wanted a limited scale intervention.

Where Congress Stands On The Syrian Intervention Vote


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