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US officially launches air strikes in Iraq

Launching some air strikes are not solution in Iraq the solution should be military + political to make Iraq a peaceful country for all people.
Iraq was under US control as I said before let the amrikans deal with its mess-
US committed a lot of mistakes, including Syria and Gaza. Why exclusion for the situation in Iraq?
Amrikans at it again-
First create a mess in a country by bombing it-
Next try to save it from the mess it created by again bombing it-

All hail Amrikan democrazy-

Loha Lohey ko Katata hai..................aur BOMB BOMB ko :enjoy:
Those air strikes are because the Americans in Arbil are in danger from ISIS attack, the US has placed Apache attack helicopters in Baghdad airport to intervene if the US military personnel and embassy staff are in danger as well but Baghdad isn't in danger therefor they have not used them yet.

Not a campaign of airstrikes to severely weaken ISIS in both Syria and Iraq
Launching some air strikes are not solution in Iraq the solution should be military + political to make Iraq a peaceful country for all people.
You are right.. But all this time US kept its distance but not one Arab country came forward to find a solution.. I guess it's not fair on thier part to keep mum too...
US committed a lot of mistakes, including Syria and Gaza. Why exclusion for the situation in Iraq?
Since ISIS has a big presence in Iraq-
Let the heavyweights in their own leagues fight it out-
The only reason I see US getting involved in this is because I think ISIS has refused to sell amrika cheap illegal oil it produces-
good, I support this action by the 'murricans, burn in hell ISIS scum
These bunch of ragtag forces with nothing but Technicals (Military term for a 4X4 pick up) and Convoy based invasions can be easily dispatched with airpower alone, Air Strikes against them will be devastating the reason why Syria and Iraq can't handle them is because of their obsolete and none existent air force respectively, Syrian airforce airstrikes are extremely inaccurate and they don't have the capability to mount enough sorties in a location to sustain enough damage.

A few laser guided GPUs and Paveways will make a force like ISIS a turkey shoot and will completely cripple them. I am willing to bet everything I own that these bombs that were dropped in this single sortie did more damage to ISIS than a few dozen sorties carried out by the Syrian Regime, and this is where technological superiority really shines.

This is why I say if KSA enters the fight with our advanced F-15s and Torandoes we could bring the fight to a close in a matter of days. However it is not politically viable to stage an invasion against Iraq for ISIS, at least not right now.
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Had Americans left a few hundred military advisers in Iraq back in 2011 the situation would have been much better. Maliki and his army are good for nothing!

This army is helping a lot, it's not the most organized and trained army but without it there would be genocide. Can we say that the army of Nawaz Sharif is good for nothing either, after all TTP capture an airport from time to time.
This army is helping a lot, it's not the most organized and trained army but without it there would be genocide. Can we say that the army of Nawaz Sharif is good for nothing either, after all TTP capture an airport from time to time.

I don't know other definition of genocide!

Well I think you need to brush up your facts - TTP never captured any airport. Secondly find some appropriate analogy, Pakistan army has executed so many successful operations. May be you should read more about ops in FATA. Moreover Pak army doesn't demote or debar officers of certain sect - in a nutshell it's one of the professional armies in the world.
I don't know other definition of genocide!

Well I think you need to brush up your facts - TTP never captured any airports. Secondly find some appropriate analogy, Pakistan army has executed so many successful operations. May you should read more about ops in FATA. Moreover Pak army doesn't demote or debar officers of certain sect - in a nutshell it's one of the professional armies in the world.

None of that impresses me considering the firepower, airpower and effective intel agency you have followed by a state that was not attacked several times by a superpower unlike others.

My point is clear anyway.
None of that impresses me considering the firepower, airpower and effective intel agency you have followed by a state that was not attacked several times by a superpower unlike others.

My point is clear anyway.

If there was a point... Yeah!

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