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US offers to sell weapons to Bangladesh

Foreign Minister already told US Ambassador their products are expensive. So better forget about F-16 Block 70. As a new customer we gotta spend at least 200 million for each fighter. Like Slovakia did for their 14 F-16 Block 70 or Iraq did for their Block 52.


Royal Bahrain Air Force is different case. They already have the infrastructure, weapons and logistics as they operate F-16C. So they paid $143 million for each. Still BD can't spend that much for each fighter. Brazil paid $138 million for each Gripen NG with a line of credit in a $5.44 billion deal which they gotta pay in 25 years with 2.19% interest. So whether it's F-16, Gripen or even EFT, it looks like we are still financially (and obviously in other sectors) not ready for western fighters.
Foreign Minister already told US Ambassador their products are expensive. So better forget about F-16 Block 70. As a new customer we gotta spend at least 200 million for each fighter. Like Slovakia did for their 14 F-16 Block 70 or Iraq did for their Block 52.


Royal Bahrain Air Force is different case. They already have the infrastructure, weapons and logistics as they operate F-16C. So they paid $143 million for each. Still BD can't spend that much for each fighter. Brazil paid $138 million for each Gripen NG with a line of credit in a $5.44 billion deal which they gotta pay in 25 years with 2.19% interest. So whether it's F-16, Gripen or even EFT, it looks like we are still financially (and obviously in other sectors) not ready for western fighters.
So you suggest Russian stuff? Or only Chinese? I don't think we should put all egg in same basket.
Okay but my question is what is the practical performance of Gripen E? And is it a good match for Indian dassault rafale?

Gripen E is not as good as Rafale for sure but the difference would be not that great. Rafale main advantage is range and weapons load.
So you suggest Russian stuff? Or only Chinese? I don't think we should put all egg in same basket.

If China offer a customized J-10B then probably Chinese & Russian mix fleet. But J-10 has no export success yet so BD might just for an all Russian fleet with Su-30/35 and Mig-35 which is just a refined Mig-29. Who knows?! We will get some ideas if something happens this year. And like it or not we are still in Eastern circle which is major source for our military supplies. But that might change in distant future.
The Kashmir issue can only be solved by the good will of India. I dont think Kashimiris are in a position to make their choice.

Goodwill which butchers Kashmiri sons and rapes Kashmiri daughters. To Hell with that kind of goodwill.

Every Kashmiri will become Burhan Wani with that mentality. Already Kashmiris are out in the streets.

India only knows how to exaggerate its problems and enflame Kashmiris.

As a Muslim majority Indian state, Kashmir is a strong voice for the protection of Indian Muslim interest within India. Kashmir is the reason, Indians have a strong reason to maintain India's secular tradition. Loosing Kashmir will only make Indian Muslims smaller, weaker minority and Hindutva fanatic more aggressive towards Muslims minority. We Bangladeshi Mulsims have sympathy for all the Indian Muslims. It is for the betterment of Indian muslims, Kashmir should remain part of India. Whether Pakistani munafiq like it or not.

This kind of long-winded BS logic to justify BD support of India in Kashmir. While Kashmiris are dying, government of BD supports those murderers killing them.

Hasina is the real munafiq, and you will see it in your lifetime.

I strongly defer Kashmir separation will have any impact on other Muslim population of India . rather if Kashmir problem solve then India Pakistan relation any improve which ultimately improve the situation on Muslim . If even after solving Kashmir problem brings any significant change then we have to admit its not Pakistan or Kashmir which hinder close relationship between Hindu Muslim but the mentality of Hindu people towards Muslim in their hearts .

Thanks brother. This is the right answer.

Pakistan and Bangladesh are in a similar position with India, we are eventually going to have to confront this beast which does not understand civility.

No matter how much we try for peace, India is a fascist warmongering rabidly anti-Muslim nation.

We will join together to defend our dignity and those of Kashmiris, Rohingya, and Indian Muslims suffering from saffron terror.

There is no simple answer to this.
For BD the cost will be on the high side as BD has no
infrastructure in place. Others like Pakistan on the low side as they already operate many dozens of F-16s.
My guess is that BD will be looking to pay around 4 billion US dollars for 24 latest block F-16s, this will include the cost of converting the airbases to handle F-16, maintenance for first 5-10 years, training of pilots, bombs and missiles and the actual planes themselves.
Although this sounds a lot, remember that Western aircraft are more reliable and have higher life expectancy in areas like engines than either Russia or Chinese planes. BD pays more now but gets the payback over the life of the plane.

Use Pakistan as Arabs do. BD only gains advantages by improving relations with Pakistan.
YOu can keep dreaming while your eyes shut and keep sinking in the hell hole. Nobody will be able to help you.

Economies fluctuate and go up and down

But the ability to defend yourself is built over time

Pakistan is not responsible for indian muslims who a little more then a beaten dog at the moment
We are not responsible for Rohingya who are just bengalis too us
Nor are we responsible for haram khor afghans

None of theze people have ever helped Pakistan that we should be so concerned about their well being

Let them take responsibility for their own defence and future

Kashmir is a muslim majority state that wants freedom from a hindutva india
They believed in partition as set out in 1947 and were denied their freedom

They continue to fight for their freedom and India is a hated entity
Pakistan will retain control of Azad Kashmir and GB and help the Kashmiris in IOK to continue their struggle

India will continue down its hindutva path
Indian muslims and Bangladeshis will have no where to run
Come what may Pakistan will build its defence and has over 150 nuclear warheads pointed at the bastards
Foreign Minister already told US Ambassador their products are expensive. So better forget about F-16 Block 70. As a new customer we gotta spend at least 200 million for each fighter. Like Slovakia did for their 14 F-16 Block 70 or Iraq did for their Block 52.


Royal Bahrain Air Force is different case. They already have the infrastructure, weapons and logistics as they operate F-16C. So they paid $143 million for each. Still BD can't spend that much for each fighter. Brazil paid $138 million for each Gripen NG with a line of credit in a $5.44 billion deal which they gotta pay in 25 years with 2.19% interest. So whether it's F-16, Gripen or even EFT, it looks like we are still financially (and obviously in other sectors) not ready for western fighters.

Ok.....this thread's on possible US weapons sales to BD.....not Kashmir.

Just a few quick points.

Lets talk strictly big ticket item: Fighters for the BAF.

I am a STRONG proponent of biting the bullet and spending large up front to enter the Western ecosystem.

If you asked me several years ago, I would have said BD doesn't need to spend on the military and we have other issues to address.

While this is still somewhat true, the events of the last several years have exposed how vulnerable BD is.

What BD needs is not just new hardware.

It needs political backing.

In addition, it needs the actual ability to wage war.

Learning Western tactics, Improved training perhaps jointly, and perhaps the Western powers being more politically vested in a customer, in addition to the actual hardware is what comes with being a customer for a Western fighter aircraft.

BD is a nation of 160 million with a blossoming economy. It is western oriented in thought. It is moderate. Bengali society is a healthy society. And the nation has some degree of social capital in geopolitics due to its UN presence.

It is no pariah.

I know the path of least resistance and the most "cost-effective" route is to buy Russian or Chinese.

But in life you get what you pay for.

BD needs to think outside of the box and perhaps redefine what "cost-effective" is.
Egypt gifted some tanks to BD after her creation. Those tanks were used for the killing of Mujib and his extended family....

I am pretty sure Hasina has learnt her lessons....
Ah. I think I need to explain some problems.

First. I repeat it again —— China has a policy of "non-interference in foreign internal affairs"(International recognition). BD buy any national weapon is BD national rights, this is Bangladesh sovereign scope.

Then, China and Pakistan are allies, and we fully respect each other. Non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

Finally, the basic principle of Chinese arms exports!
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@Bilal9 @Nilgiri friends, I know you understand chinese. Please testify for me.

1, China arms exports is to help customers improve their defense capabilities.
2, China arms exports do not undermine world peace and stability.
3, don't interfere in the internal affairs of weapons customers!

@UKBengali @American Pakistani @Neptune

Friend my spoken Chinese (mostly cantonese, only some mandarin) is passable at basic level (though probably not so great now as it once was when I used it lot more).

Written/Reading wise not so good friend, very rudimentary. I can just about discern its something about spokesperson? saying weapons export? is consistent with some law or something like that....but mostly because you hinted at what its about already.
BD needs to think outside of the box and perhaps redefine what "cost-effective" is.
Yes I also think so. We not going to buy military stuffs everyday, but those equipments are going to protect us for decades, so probably we need to look beyond our current eastern block, if we really need to achieve our goal . So probably it's time to get sophisticated military equipment with higher cost.

Gripen E is not as good as Rafale for sure but the difference would be not that great. Rafale main advantage is range and weapons load.
@UKBengali , please take a look in this comparative article related to F-16 viper and Gripen E.
Goodwill which butchers Kashmiri sons and rapes Kashmiri daughters. To Hell with that kind of goodwill.
Butchers or what how do you want to solve an issue with India without its goodwill, by war? Do not you see by talking incessantly about Kashmir Pakistan has already in $95 billion in debt to foreign countries? It is wiser that Pakistan thinks about the welfare of its own citizens first rather than taking over Kashmir with force. Wasting money on the military is a luxury that Pakistan cannot afford. Build your country with that money.
The guy agrees that the Gripen E is better than the F-16V - no surprise as it is a design 2 decades newer.
Yes but perhaps reliability should be an issue. However in the end it's all are up to authority that which one they will choose.
Butchers or what how do you want to solve an issue with India without its goodwill, by war? Do not you see by talking incessantly about Kashmir Pakistan has already in $95 billion in debt to foreign countries? It is wiser that Pakistan thinks about the welfare of its own citizens first rather than taking over Kashmir with force. Wasting money on the military is a luxury that Pakistan cannot afford. Build your country with that money.

Worry about Rohingya issue and bordering Indian Muslims being forced out.

Don’t worry about Kashmir. It is not your headache. Let Pakistan handle it in the best way and Kashmiris are more than capable of resisting occupation, they have succeeded for 72 years.

I know a lot about Indian goodwill as I am originally from the South Kashmir, North East Punjab border region. We saw their goodwill when they slaughtered millions of Muslim civilians in East Punjab and Kashmir.
Getting away from the stupidity from some people on this thread.....

The very fact that the US ambassador brought up this topic shows that some things have changed from the US perspective.

The real challenge will be for Bangladesh to recognize and implement how to maximally utilize this for her security interests.

Also I applaud weapons sourced from the US for Bangladesh.

Interesting happenings in South Asia.

Thanks for steering this thread back to actual discussion worth anything.

I believe the US maybe trying to offload a few things to us but like our minister said (and practically so), we are low end buyer.

So - what can we actually buy from the US that is low end?

Quite a few things actually.

There are aircraft and fairly advanced tanks and armor (for subcontinental scenario) that we can get from the US.

We could get F16's and F18's, (latest versions of F-16's fitted with conformal tanks from Turkey would be my choice) as frontline fighters which are analogs to Mig35 (but not Su-30 variant).

We could get nice armor (refurbished/re-engined and fitted with new sensors and gun computers by a third country such as Turkey) such as the M60's (upgraded to Sabra standard) at super-reasonable prices for our 'numbers' Tank requirement. For 'quality' requirement we can get either Altay tanks or MBT3000.


We could get older wheeled AFV's such as various LAV variants refurbished (again) in Turkey which are excellent mobile infantry and fire support platforms capable of 62 mph.


In this respect we can follow the examples of Turkey and Egypt, both countries are heavy duty users of new and refurbished US systems.

@cabatli_53 your thoughts please brother.

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