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US offers to sell weapons to Bangladesh

Absolutely wrong. Don't know where you pick that one from. Pakistan stance is crystal clear that kashmir issue should be solved according to the wishes of kashmiris. So currently it is not part of Pakistan. Even Azad Kashmir has its own govt with parliament, president, etc except currency, foreign ministries security. So you see we influence many things in IOK which your master called is their atoot ang.
The Kashmir issue can only be solved by the good will of India. I dont think Kashimiris are in a position to make their choice. Pakistan can play a constructive role and work with India and make border a peaceful region so that Kashimiris from both side of the border can communicate and travel with ease.
Whatever Azad kashmir has is the show business. Everybody knows.

India will approve only if it does not give Bangladesh military considerable amount of power.

We consider our independence as precious. And since nobody have us independence in a bowl we can even eat grass than to compromise on our security. I know it is too hard for someone who is gifted their independence to understand.

Well Pakistan independence was handed over by Bengalis and Biharis with a Gujrati leader at the helm. I hope you know the meaning of precious independence where American SF raid at the very heart of the independent country and PK cant say nothing.
The Kashmir issue can only be solved by the good will of India. I dont think Kashimiris are in a position to make their choice. Pakistan can play a constructive role and work with India and make border a peaceful region so that Kashimiris from both side of the border can communicate and travel with ease.
Whatever Azad kashmir has is the show business. Everybody knows.

Thats a dickless approach

Leaving a muslim state in a nation turning hindutva
Getting Kashmir out of India's hand will make rest of 15 crore Indian muslim only weaker. It will only serve PK interest not Indian muslim interest neither of BD interest.
As if Pakistan ever serves Muslim interest other than its own.

Absolutely wrong. Don't know where you pick that one from. Pakistan stance is crystal clear that kashmir issue should be solved according to the wishes of kashmiris. So currently it is not part of Pakistan. Even Azad Kashmir has its own govt with parliament, president, etc except currency, foreign ministries security. So you see we influence many things in IOK which your master called is their atoot ang.
That's why you fought so many wars there? I thought the "K" in Pakistan stands for Kashmir
Getting Kashmir out of India's hand will make rest of 15 crore Indian muslim only weaker. It will only serve PK interest not Indian muslim interest neither of BD interest.
True, Kashmir is the reason, India will try to remain at least nominally secular. Secular India is beneficial for Indian Muslims as well as Bangladesh.

Kashmir is the reason, Hindutva fanatics can not give excuse to drive out Indian muslims citing partition based on religion. As Kashmir part of India, so are Indian muslims.
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Getting Kashmir out of India's hand will make rest of 15 crore Indian muslim only weaker. It will only serve PK interest not Indian muslim interest neither of BD interest.

Indian muslims are a lost cause

Humiliated and degraded in india

Bangladeshis are not much better, militarily incapable and at the mercy of surrounding states

Kashmiris have a chance
The Kashmir issue can only be solved by the good will of India. I dont think Kashimiris are in a position to make their choice. Pakistan can play a constructive role and work with India and make border a peaceful region so that Kashimiris from both side of the border can communicate and travel with ease.
Whatever Azad kashmir has is the show business. Everybody knows..

Pakistan position is clear and stronger so there is no pressure on Pakistan to back off. Pakistan will keep supporting Kashmiris whether your master like it or not.

Have you ever visited Azad Kashmir, if not you are useless to talk about what is useful ans what is useless.

Well Pakistan independence was handed over by Bengalis and Biharis with a Gujrati leader at the helm. I hope you know the meaning of precious independence where American SF raid at the very heart of the independent country and PK cant say nothing.

Pakistan's was a dream of Allama Iqbal, nothing to do with bengalis. Bengalis or not, pakistan was bound to happen as it was historically a separate entity.

At the very heart? Did they raided Islamabad? Yes their helis came undetected because they used advanced stealth technology. Most advance systems of Pakistan are located at Indian border which is why Pakistan failed to detect early. But you see despite American requests and threats pakistan sentenced the doctor jail for 33 years.

True, Kashmir is the reason, India will try to remain at least nominally secular. Secular India is beneficial for Indian Muslims as well as Bangladesh.

Kashmir is the reason, Hindutva fanatics can not give excuse to drive out Indian muslims citing partition based on religion. As Kashmir part of India, so are Indian muslims.


That's why you fought so many wars there? I thought the "K" in Pakistan stands for Kashmir

To show support for Kashmiris. And most time we just retaliate. Even today pakistan fires at bharti troops at loc killing them as revenge for them killing Kashmiris. Yes K stands for Kashmir region which include Gilgit Baltistan, Azad Kashmir, and Indian occupied Kashmir ladakhjammu. Just like A stand for afghania region does not mean Pakistan merge Afghanistan without having a referendum in Afghanistan. Same with Punjab P stand for punjab region doesn't mean haryana or khalistan will be forcefully merged or istan for Balochistan doesn't mean part of balochistan in Afghanistan or Iran will be forcefully merged.
Indian muslims are a lost cause

Humiliated and degraded in india

Bangladeshis are not much better, militarily incapable and at the mercy of surrounding states

Kashmiris have a chance
This is you selfish pakistani mentality. You have no feelings for 18 crore Indian muslims. You are only looking at your own selfish gain at the expense of Indian Muslims. This is no different of what your mentality was towards the people of East Pakistan. You were ready to sacrifice East Pakistan for your selfish gain from India.

As a Muslim majority Indian state, Kashmir is a strong voice for the protection of Indian Muslim interest within India. Kashmir is the reason, Indians have a strong reason to maintain India's secular tradition. Loosing Kashmir will only make Indian Muslims smaller, weaker minority and Hindutva fanatic more aggressive towards Muslims minority. We Bangladeshi Mulsims have sympathy for all the Indian Muslims. It is for the betterment of Indian muslims, Kashmir should remain part of India. Whether Pakistani munafiq like it or not.
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This is you selfish pakistani mentality. You have no feelings for 18 crore Indian muslims. You are only looking at your own selfish gain at the expense of Indian Muslims. This is no different of what your mentality was towards the people of East Pakistan. You were ready to sacrifice East Pakistan for your selfish gain from India.

As a Muslim majority Indian state, Kashmir is a strong voice for the protection of Indian Muslim interest within India. Kashmir is the reason, Indians have a strong reason to maintain India's secular tradition. Loosing Kashmir will only make Indian Muslims even a smaller, weaker minority and Hindutva fanatic more aggressive towards Muslims minority. We Bangladeshi Mulsims have sympathy for all the Indian Muslims. It is for the betterment of Indian muslims, Kashmir should remain part of India. Whether Pakistani munafiq like it or not.

We cant help people who DONT want to be helped

Jinnah was quite clear we needed a free independent muslim Pakistan able to defend itself

Everything else from economy etc fluctuates but the ability to defend yourself and protect your strategic interests is built over time

Indian muslims put themselves into this situation
Indian secularism is dying a dogs deaths
India is and will become a increasingly hindutva state
They are already lynching for eating meat
Trying to erase muslim history and place names
Refusing entry to bengali muslim refugees etc

Only FOOLS would think Kashmir would stop the inevitable as Jinnah predicted:pakistan:

We have made a great deal of effort to thwart indian efforts in the region from Afghanistan to Khalistan to a fully anti indian Kashmir
Now is the time to push for freedom
Azad Kashmir and GB is not enough, we want the rest of Kashmir free

Indian muslims and Bangladeshis have made their bed and now must face their future on their own

We just don't want theze people anywhere near Pakistan
This is you selfish pakistani mentality. You have no feelings for 18 crore Indian muslims. You are only looking at your own selfish gain at the expense of Indian Muslims. This is no different of what your mentality was towards the people of East Pakistan. You were ready to sacrifice East Pakistan for your selfish gain from India.

As a Muslim majority Indian state, Kashmir is a strong voice for the protection of Indian Muslim interest within India. Kashmir is the reason, Indians have a strong reason to maintain India's seculAar tradition. Loosing Kashmir will only make Indian Muslims even a smaller, weaker minority and Hindutva fanatic more aggressive towards Muslims minority. We Bangladeshi Mulsims have sympathy for all the Indian Muslims. It is for the betterment of Indian muslims, Kashmir should remain part of India. Whether Pakistani munafiq like it or not.

I strongly defer Kashmir separation will have any impact on other Muslim population of India . rather if Kashmir problem solve then India Pakistan relation any improve which ultimately improve the situation on Muslim . If even after solving Kashmir problem brings any significant change then we have to admit its not Pakistan or Kashmir which hinder close relationship between Hindu Muslim but the mentality of Hindu people towards Muslim in their hearts .
I strongly defer Kashmir separation will have any impact on other Muslim population of India . rather if Kashmir problem solve then India Pakistan relation any improve which ultimately improve the situation on Muslim . If even after solving Kashmir problem brings any significant change then we have to admit its not Pakistan or Kashmir which hinder close relationship between Hindu Muslim but the mentality of Hindu people towards Muslim in their hearts .
Kashmir will not be separated from India. PK neither Kashmiris can do that. First accept this fact and then everything can be worked out and easy.
Having a Muslim majority state in India is in the interest of Indian muslim as well as BD.

We cant help people who DONT want to be helped

Jinnah was quite clear we needed a free independent muslim Pakistan able to defend itself

Everything else from economy etc fluctuates but the ability to defend yourself and protect your strategic interests is built over time

Indian muslims put themselves into this situation
Indian secularism is dying a dogs deaths
India is and will become a increasingly hindutva state
They are already lynching for eating meat
Trying to erase muslim history and place names
Refusing entry to bengali muslim refugees etc

Only FOOLS would think Kashmir would stop the inevitable as Jinnah predicted:pakistan:

We have made a great deal of effort to thwart indian efforts in the region from Afghanistan to Khalistan to a fully anti indian Kashmir
Now is the time to push for freedom
Azad Kashmir and GB is not enough, we want the rest of Kashmir free

Indian muslims and Bangladeshis have made their bed and now must face their future on their own

We just don't want theze people anywhere near Pakistan

YOu can keep dreaming while your eyes shut and keep sinking in the hell hole. Nobody will be able to help you.
I strongly defer Kashmir separation will have any impact on other Muslim population of India . rather if Kashmir problem solve then India Pakistan relation any improve which ultimately improve the situation on Muslim . If even after solving Kashmir problem brings any significant change then we have to admit its not Pakistan or Kashmir which hinder close relationship between Hindu Muslim but the mentality of Hindu people towards Muslim in their hearts .
Do you think, India will let go Kashmir peacefully? No. It will create another bitter legacy like the one in 1947. Which will be harmful for Indian Muslims. Solving Kashmir problem and India-Pakistan relation improvement is only possible, if both India and Pakistan accept the existing border. India is open to this possibility, but Pakistan is not. Trying to capture Kashmir forcefully and trying to forment unrest in Kashmir, this is how Pakistan is sabotaging the peaceful co-existence. Whose bad effect are being felt by Indian Muslims. Kashmir separation from India with mutual satisfaction(!) and without the harmful effect on Indian Muslims is never possible.
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BD is no more a LDC neither it is a threat to US interest. Why would congress object?

It's not about being LDC, US is still pressing for an investigation over the irregularities in the last election. If not democracy, I'm guessing governance will surely be a major issue.
It's not about being LDC, US is still pressing for an investigation over the irregularities in the last election. If not democracy, I'm guessing governance will surely be a major issue.

Not at all when it comes to military relationship. Military relationship depends on strategic alignment as well as mutual benefit.
Western country will always press for human rights and democracy. Unless you are an enemy like N.Korea Iran or China you will not be holded up for that.
BD has only in the last 2 years been looking at purchasing advanced platforms. Modern weapons need lots of money and BD has been short of this in the past.
India has zero say and we shall see this year a contract announced for modern fighters.
let him cry..
Purchase of Chinese Subs by Bangladesh 'An Act of Provocation' Toward India:rofl::rofl:

Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two ..

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