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US offers to sell weapons to Bangladesh

Not up to India is it?

They could only whine when BD brought 2 submarines from China.

Now think about this - BN and government have openly stated the intention to build 2 +6 nex-generation frigates that will become a formidable foe to the IN in the Bay of Bengal, so what will 1-2 squadrons of fighters be in comparison?
Oh but it is and we both know it
U think in this way since u r looking at things through ur green tinted Pakistani glass. I dont blame u though. Pakistan used to take permission from US in the past and now they have to take permission from China before taking every major decisions.

Hence, u believe that all the other countries must be doing the same. But thankfully we Bangladeshis always have taken decisions by ourselves and will continue to do so. There is a reason why we r friendly with China and India at the same time as well as don't have problem with working simultaneously with US and Russia.

Why is your military so weak and pathetic then?
U think in this way since u r looking at things through ur green tinted Pakistani glass. I dont blame u though. Pakistan used to take permission from US in the past and now they have to take permission from China before taking every major decisions.

Lol, everyone sees it except, of course banglis. Pakistan never took permission from US or China that could in any way damage our interests. When Pakistan needed to clean ttp terrorists, it didn't asked anyone and even crushed them inside Afghanistan but when US wanted Pakistan to go after some guys that were not Pakistan's problem, pakistan did not. Why do you think US accuse pakistan of not helping. Similarly Pakistan have Chinese investment but bought Turkish choppers instead of Chinese. But forget it you have slave mentality and it's not worth explaining you logical things.

Hence, u believe that all the other countries must be doing the same. But thankfully we Bangladeshis always have taken decisions by ourselves and will continue to do so. There is a reason why we r friendly with China and India at the same time as well as don't have problem with working simultaneously with US and Russia.

We all know that, the very recent example when you gifted a project to your master when chinese company was perfectly for for the job, explains us all. But anyways you stay in your bubble, alright?
Bollywood, dhaliwood and star jolsha sanctions. :enjoy:
lol india is not china who controls pakistan.

Pakistanis .....:p:

India can of course, never be China. As for controlling Pakistan, only Pakistanis control Pakistan and even it's surrounding regions, but if that made you dream happy, so be it.


Bhai, what type of sanction India can enforce on Bangladesh?

Just for starters, Banglis have vast trade relations with India, it should'nt be so hard for you to guess.

Dude, Chittagong port is in the process of being upgraded to allow frigates up to 5000 tonnes to be built.

Whether India likes it or not, BD will end up with the 2nd most powerful Navy in S Asia.

Everyone have right to dream.

US will allow Gripen sale and even sell F-16s if BD is willing to pay.:D

Actually, I met with a Bangaldeshi-American who is active amongst US lawmakers in some capacity in my recent trip to So. Cal.

I doubt F-16s are on the cards BUT there is definitely a shift that has taken place.

The US has its own reasons for what it does.

Probably, if Bangaldesh is interested....smaller ticket items.

But its a start at least.
We want F-35 for our air force and few aegis destroyer for Navy. :-)

Khwab dekhley ekta roshogolla na, doshtai khawa jai.

If you're gonna dream - then why have one Rusgulla instead of ten?

Why is your military so weak and pathetic then?

Dare I say Sir, in your mind only.

Plus Bangladesh has other priorities than arming ourselves to the teeth and preparing for apocalypse and Jannat.
Khwab dekhley ekta roshogolla na, doshtai khawa jai.

If you're gonna dream - then why have one Rusgulla instead of ten?

Dare I say Sir, in your mind only.

Plus Bangladesh has other priorities than arming ourselves to the teeth and preparing for apocalypse and Jannat.
Very true.

Wait did I just read someone say India will impose sanctions on Bangladesh?

This is what atom bomb Pakistanis think here.......:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Bhai, what type of sanction India can enforce on Bangladesh?

Just for starters, Banglis have vast trade relations with India, it should'nt be so hard for you to guess.

Those vast trade relations (I'd peg it at say some $20 Billion legal and illegal) are mainly imports from India. We can switch those imports to Indonesia and China IN A HEARTBEAT. Now who should worry?? :lol:

Dude, Chittagong port is in the process of being upgraded to allow frigates up to 5000 tonnes to be built.

Whether India likes it or not, BD will end up with the 2nd most powerful Navy in S Asia.
Everyone have right to dream.

There is no dream, it is reality. You may need to educate yourself about our Naval capabilities, before you comment. Ours is not an antiquated navy and the yards we have are quite capable of supplying local needs except the largest vessels.

Cargo carrier Builds of 7000 to 8000 tons are being built by the dozens every year in Chittagong yards (private yards mostly, for export). Some of these are very specialized ICE class vessels for arctic use.



There are half a dozen large private yards in Chittagong - each of them the size of KSEW compared to the single KSEW in Karachi. They are busy building the local merchant marine fleet, which is humongous for a country our size. Ports in Myanmar, India and soon Thailand and Sri Lanka will be connected to our capital Dhaka for container traffic.

Plus CTG also boasts large Navy dry docks which are already capable of building 3000 ton warships/vessels like the F22P, but we are upgrading the facilities to build 5000 ton frigates. These upgrades to the dockyard (using modern gantry cranes and heavy build assembly handlers) for the frigate builds will proceed at the same time. This process is already past RFP stage.

We have already inducted enough modernized medium sized corvettes and frigates for both Navy and Coast Guard as interim platforms so we can comfortably take our sweet time in building our capability to build these platforms.

I know Pakistan is trying to upgrade its capabilities with twin yards planned at Gwadar with Govt. funding, but we already have self-sustaining profitable shipbuilding export industry in multiple locations like CTG and KHL, and are already building large brand new navy yards and naval bases in two more locations (Matarbari and Payra). These two projects are way past land reclamation phase already. Please go look at the infra sticky thread.

So at this point, build-volume wise, we are ahead of Pakistan, if not specialization. We don't need foreign experts to come help us with building smaller Navy builds of up to 1000 ton size, but for 5000 ton Frigate we will need a JV partner like yards in China, or maybe even Fincantieri, DCNS, Navantia etc.

This is not a dream, it HAS BEEN reality for us. We are the shipbuilding powerhouse because our building tradition (for sea-faring ships) was not born today, but goes back to Buddhist times.

Shipyards at Khulna and Chittagong (both private and public) already build LPC's and ASW mini-corvettes larger than your AZMAT class on routine basis (some for export). Build sizes are being ramped up in planned fashion.



Granted, we haven't built 4000 ton frigates like the 054AP or even 3000 ton frigates like F22P that Pakistan built at KSEW with China's help, but near-analogs for those already exist in our Navy, so we can aim for a higher capability.
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