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US Navy Boosts Gulf Presence

It will be like the first gulf war but more expensive, if GCC is willing to fund such a war like in the 90s... expensive ****.

I don't think you understood what @Arabian Legend was trying to say. He said that the Gulf states will likely be neutral in case of any attack on Iran. But, if Iran attacks any GCC-member state then it will be a different story.

On other note.
KSA won't fund a damn thing.
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I don't think you understood what @Arabian Legend was trying to say. He said that the Gulf states will likely be neutral in case of any attack on Iran. But, if Iran attacks any GCC state member then it will be a different story.

On other note.
KSA won't fund a damn thing.

What if they do not attack and Iran acquires nuclear weapons ?
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Well I seriously doubt that but remember that we were quite crucial in you getting the bomb in the first place.:pakistan:

The whole world was too jerk and mean to Pakistan, trying to halt its nuclear program.

shut up man don't say it just take them and stay silent;)

I can't believe how inhumane some Gov't(s) were when Pakistan was developing its nuclear-weapon program.
The whole world was too jerk and mean to Pakistan, trying to halt its nuclear program.

I can't believe how inhumane some Gov't(s) were when Pakistan was developing its nuclear-weapon program.

they have no choice dear one side we have f-16s mirages other side missiles and powerfull army and in sae french made submarines ans US made destroyers frigates and we have rulers which never knee down . look at my profile he was intelligence chief of ISI a best friend of turkey bin faysel .the best general in pak army always he won . turkey came to his office and he welcome him without any notice . and turkey bin faysal ask him may i come in sir ? if you have Pomegranate juice and BITTER MELON with meat cooked :woot:

and general akhter abudlrehman always said yes why not welcome in turkey


@Imran Khan

That is the reason why I have a fundamental respect for the Pakistani Gov't. Regardless of what Pakistan-bashers say, Their Gov't never dropped on its knees whatsoever. For those of you who don't know, Pakistan rejected the US aid during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Nevertheless, Pakistan continued its nuclear program till the end.

I know Gen. Akhter Abdulrahman -bless his soul- he is one of the most popular figures here, he had given his life and took the risk to defend his country, and helped freedom-fighters in Afghanistan, he truly is a man of honor, a hero, and a legend.

The Fasials' are pro-Pakistan by nature, I guess it's more like of a like father, like son you know :lol:
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ever heared AL-SULAYYIL missile base :yay:

Hahaha that's a code-red facility, among some other facilities of course ;) ..

The US has been asking for a full-scale inspection of Al-Sulayyil for more than 27 years. King Fahad expelled the US Ambassador as he kept asking us to allow them to inspect it.

Only Pakistanis can get in their :pakistan:
@Yzd Khalifa


What do you think that Mr. Putin will say if we get the bomb?

Do we even have any nuclear cooperation with Russia by any chance? My guess is a resounding no or a minimal one if any. Am I correct?

Anyway why is Russia even needed when we have Pakistan, China, France and possibly USA?
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may be kabsa also not only coffee :)

Not just kabsa and coffe but

مجبوس و ثريد و مفطح طلي و هريس و لقيمات. ما احلى الكشتة :D
@Yzd Khalifa


What do you think that Mr. Putin will say if we get the bomb?

Do we even have any nuclear cooperation with Russia by any chance? My guess is a resounding no or a minimal one if any. Am I correct?

Anyway why is Russia even needed when we have Pakistan, China, France and possibly USA?

I doubt that Al-Faisal will even bother about Russia at all, after what they did to the Syrian people.

Not just kabsa and coffe but

مجبوس و ثريد و مفطح طلي و هريس و لقيمات. ما احلى الكشتة :D

يا اخي انت تعال وما عليك أبشر بعزك
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