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US Mosque burned to ground

Are united States citizens are so idiot that by looking at repeated bin-laden pic they assumed him sikhs? What kind of idiots are they? I think obama should more focus on posting muslim terrorists pic without turban and beared.

Dude, the US administration made some videos to increase awareness and differentiate specially for the Sikh community.. search on youtube..
why minority are under a surge of attacks in US? what happened to US as it is becoming a dis-functional society day by day..
FIRST the SIKH then this BURN down of MOSQUE what next
SIKH and MUSLIMS had lot of problems after 9/11
the Government did not do anything
TERRORIST IS INSIDE IN USA and they are saying they will liberate other from terrorist

my condolence to the Sikh Familys and i condemn both of the terrorism acts
sorry to burst your bubble but your argument is flawed...

Financial deterioration is what causes anarchy..
now that financial situation is getting bad in USA so iare acts of racism and violence against minorities...
so your argument is wrong that they are good.... and wer are bad..it has all to do with finances..

the poodle wants to show he is a worthy servant, hence he sees everything wrong with Pakistan and everything right in the land of his masters
August 6, 2012

‘Suspicious’ fire leads to destruction of Joplin mosque

By Kelsey Ryan kryan@joplinglobe.com

JOPLIN, Mo. — About a month after the Joplin Islamic Society’s roof was damaged in a suspected arson, the entire building burned down in a suspicious early morning fire on Monday, leaving little but charred remains.

The remains of the structure were still smoldering at 8 a.m. as Carl Junction fire crews started to leave the scene. They received a call from a passerby around 3:30 a.m.

“This should not stop us from serving God,” said Imam Lahmuddin, the mosque’s religious leader. “We still have to fulfill our obligation. We will do our prayer in other places. If we don’t find a place, we will do our prayers in our home. We cannot miss any of the five prayers.”

Lahmuddin said they do not have plans yet for where they will pray, but it is still early.

“We just take this as a test from God. God is testing us. This is the month of Ramadan. We are fasting we are not supposed to get angry, we are not supposed to say anything bad,” he said. “But that’s not only for this month, but for every day of our lives. In Ramadan we are more careful in guarding our tongues, not to say anything inappropriate. We come here during the month of Ramadan more often. Last night we left at about 11:20 p.m. when we finished final prayers and we were supposed to get in here about 5 a.m. for the morning prayer. But God has a plan.”

The mosque, located at 1302 S. Black Cat Road, serves about 50 families in the area.

“It’s unbelievable,” said Omar Ahmed, 15, who came to the scene around 5 a.m. “It’s a house of worship. It’s a place of God.”

Some people like to stay the night at the mosque during Ramadan, Ahmed said, but no one was in the building at the time of the fire.

“The whole thing was on fire,” Ahmed said. “As soon as we turned on 32nd Street and Black Cat Road, you could just see the pillars (of smoke).”

This is the month of Ramadan, which ends on Aug. 18, where Muslims fast from sunup to sundown. At the end of the month, they will celebrate Eid-ul-fitr.

“It’s basically our Christmas,” Ahmed said.

On the morning of July 4, a man attempted to set the mosque on fire. The man was not identified, but his image was caught on surveillance cameras. There is still a $15,000 reward for information leading to charges from the FBI.

Carl Junction Fire Chief Bill Dunn said Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents were on the scene and he believed the FBI would investigate the fire.

“It was really burning when we got here,” Dunn said. “The fire got inside and broke through the roof.”

Dunn said an accelerant could have helped build up the fire’s strength. He said the fire is suspicious and is under investigation, but they cannot yet prove it was arson. They retrieved a surveillance video box and it will be sent to the FBI. It received fire damaged, he said.

the poodle wants to show he is a worthy servant, hence he sees everything wrong with Pakistan and everything right in the land of his masters

So leave the US then.

What's wrong with Sikhs pointing out thy they are not Muslims if it makes them less susceptible to being killed.

It's human nature to protect themselves, how does that in any which way means inciting haters to attack mosques?

so you mean that sikhs will be protected in future if they distinct themselves as non muslims??
sorry to burst your bubble but your argument is flawed...

Financial deterioration is what causes anarchy..
now that financial situation is getting bad in USA so iare acts of racism and violence against minorities...
so your argument is wrong that they are good.... and wer are bad..it has all to do with finances..
No... just no
Morals dont die with money
Your nation trying to rob the title from us since its inception though. :rolleyes:

Your nation trying to share the title with us since giving us all the hi-tech miltary hardware even though you know we don't need it and your media support us who brainwashes the masses of Israel being the victims in any war or politic conflict though. :rolleyes:

So leave the US then.

The US doesn't need an Islamophobe that spends his life hating others due to ones belief. Such immature, backward attitude is not needed in that country as this harms their image , so in all KingMamba you should be the one to leave the US .


However there is glima of hope, you could come down to Israel and clean my toilet bowl after I used it. That way you have served Israel and the US looks at this very kindly. You could lie that you used your tongue in the process to speed up the process of getting a green card and look very respectble in Zion loving govt. I know its difficult for you getting any recognistion to live in the States being a dark skinned Bharti.
I hope the criminals behind this attack and gurdwara attacks are brought to justice swiftly.

Minorities must show some faith in the law n order and not take any reprisal actions otherwise things will get really out of hand and the blame would just fall upon the minorities at the end of the day.
Your nation trying to share the title with us since giving us all the hi-tech miltary hardware even though you know we don't need it and your media support us who brainwashes the masses of Israel being the victims in any war or politic conflict though. :rolleyes:

The US doesn't need an Islamophobe that spends his life hating others due to ones belief. Such immature, backward attitude is not needed in that country as this harms their image , so in all KingMamba you should be the one to leave the US .


However there is glima of hope, you could come down to Israel and clean my toilet bowl after I used it. That way you have served Israel and the US looks at this very kindly. You could lie that you used your tongue in the process to speed up the process of getting a green card and look very respectble in Zion loving govt. I know its difficult for you getting any recognistion to live in the States being a dark skinned Bharti.

How can a Muslim be a Islamophobe you idiot zionist. I was defending my country which I have every right to do. Farooq wants to talk sh*t about the country he resides in so I have every right to call him out on it. Especially when he acts like Pakistan is so much more perfect. USA isn't perfect but it has way less problems than Pakistan at the moment. Don't worry my passport is blue I don't worry about a green card you should just pray that we Americans continue to pay our taxes on time. As for the rest of your rant it just shows the level of your inteligence or lack thereof. If the US stopped supporting you today you idiots wouldn't last a couple of months. The only thing that would save the existence of your stupid less than a sh*t stain country that is barely identifiable on a map is the fact that you zionazis would hold the whole world hostage with your f*cking nuclear weapons. Don't worry though, the public here is waking up to your stupidity you can see many examples of this just by reading the comments of Americans on CNN articles concerning Iran so you might just get your wish of abandonment yet.

I won't bother to answer you following this like I said I am not trying to get an infraction from Aero but feel free to rant all you want. :cheers:

Charity begins at home...USA leaves us alone there the goodness will start...

I don't agree with US policy in many countries but to act like Pakistan is in a better situation than the US and then live in the country you bash is hypocrisy at best.
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