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US Mosque burned to ground

How can a Muslim be a Islamophobe you idiot zionist.
Very easily when they become afraid of violent extremists.

A parallel in this country are African-Americans who fear militant organizations like the Black Panthers or simply fear walking in neighborhoods heavily populated by African-Americans.

Of course, there are always those Muslims who want to leave the faith but are afraid to. However in the U.S. such fear is low and I think I've met a couple of Muslim apostates in addition to a few who refer to themselves as "bad Muslims" for treating non-Muslims as equals, believing in equality between the sexes, etc.

The only thing that would save the existence of your stupid less than a sh*t stain country that is barely identifiable on a map is the fact that you zionazis would hold the whole world hostage with your f*cking nuclear weapons.
Now that's particularly vulgar in at least seven different ways. I think that rather than you maybe being banned you might offer us Zionists an apology.
Very easily when they become afraid of violent extremists.

A parallel in this country are African-Americans who fear militant organizations like the Black Panthers or simply fear walking in neighborhoods heavily populated by African-Americans.

Of course, there are always those Muslims who want to leave the faith but are afraid to. However in the U.S. such fear is low and I think I've met a couple of Muslim apostates in addition to a few who refer to themselves as "bad Muslims" for treating non-Muslims as equals, believing in equality between the sexes, etc.

Now that's particularly vulgar in at least seven different ways. I think that rather than you maybe being banned you might offer us Zionists an apology.

that is worst reasoning anyone could come up with.
By the way: ARSENAL6 probably isn't either an Israeli or a Zionist, he used to wear the Cross of St. George, he only switched flags to tick Israelis off, I think.

that is worst reasoning anyone could come up with.
Not really. Pakistanis seem to confuse "big" with "strong". The impression is that Pakistanis are looking for the bully to suck up to. No wonder so many are offended by little Israel, a country that owes its existence and even its prosperity to its Jewish populace sticking with its identity through centuries of oppression whereas the forbears of many of today's Muslims made the opposite decision. Even without the religious angle from the standpoint of ego Israel's continued existence as a small non-expansionist free state is an affront to many, as KingMamba has demonstrated.
By the way: ARSENAL6 probably isn't either an Israeli or a Zionist, he used to wear the Cross of St. George, he only switched flags to tick Israelis off, I think.

Not really. Pakistanis seem to confuse "big" with "strong". The impression is that Pakistanis are looking for the bully to suck up to. No wonder so many are offended by little Israel, a country that owes its existence and even its prosperity to its Jewish populace sticking with its identity through centuries of oppression whereas the forbears of many of today's Muslims made the opposite decision. Even without the religious angle from the standpoint of ego Israel's continued existence as a small non-expansionist free state is an affront to many, as KingMamba has demonstrated.

I agree he probably is not Israeli as an Israeli would not have called someone a dark skinned Bharthi.

No, I will not apologize you probably know from most of my posts already that I am not a fan of you Zionists. I stand by my opinion and if I get an infraction that is fine by me. I was defending the USA from the idiots on this thread and Arsenal6 poked his face in an argument that he had no part in. I replied to his first comment with sarcasm to which he then went on a tirade.

Yes the mosque was burned down and yes they had no right to do that but to act like this is common in the USA is stupid. USA is not perfect but it is still way better than Pakistan. This is coming from an American born and raised Pakistani but I doubt that will matter and posters like Safrizz will say I am trying to be like one of "them" when he himself is living among one of "them".
By the way: ARSENAL6 probably isn't either an Israeli or a Zionist, he used to wear the Cross of St. George, he only switched flags to tick Israelis off, I think.

Not really. Pakistanis seem to confuse "big" with "strong". The impression is that Pakistanis are looking for the bully to suck up to. No wonder so many are offended by little Israel, a country that owes its existence and even its prosperity to its Jewish populace sticking with its identity through centuries of oppression whereas the forbears of many of today's Muslims made the opposite decision. Even without the religious angle from the standpoint of ego Israel's continued existence as a small non-expansionist free state is an affront to many, as KingMamba has demonstrated.

lol, it seems that YOU have napoelon complex. :lol:
As long as muslims refuse to reform islam like christianity hatred againts islam and muslims will only grow and muslims have no one other then themselves to blame.

1-Stop respecting bearded mullahs.If any bearded arab wannabe try to interfare with your life when you are walking with your friends you dont stop and listen him , you tell him get lost , you insult him or as last resort you hit him.

2-Remove any islamic state/political islam ideas from your heads.

3-All islam teachers/preachers will be under state control to make sure they dont go ahead with themselves and declare share law or give judgement to others with their simple minds.

4-Remove idea of to be true muslim you need to be as radical as arab wahabists from your heads.

The best comment ever on PDF. :tup:

Those who don't change get vanished.
why minority are under a surge of attacks in US? what happened to US as it is becoming a dis-functional society day by day..
Still far less casualties than one suicide bombing at a mosque in Muslim nations...
But its true your nation has killled the most in the last century more than any.
Jew must be kidding, I did Nazi that coming!

Lol. Look at the president of Pakistan and have a really good laugh.
More proof, you said that poverty causes it, but even though is the richest in Pakistan, he is worst. Case dismissed.

Lol. Look at the president of Pakistan and have a really good laugh.
More proof, you said that poverty causes it, but even though he is the richest in Pakistan, he is worst. Case dismissed.
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