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US Mosque burned to ground

sorry to burst your bubble but your argument is flawed...

Financial deterioration is what causes anarchy..
now that financial situation is getting bad in USA so iare acts of racism and violence against minorities...
so your argument is wrong that they are good.... and wer are bad..it has all to do with finances..

acts of racism and violence have been going on in most countries through out Human history. one problem is in some cultures people are taught and encouraged to hate. take a look at some of the youtube videos that show Muslim children being taught that jews and christians are no better then apes and pigs and dress them up in fake suicide vests. Tell me that none of the madrasahs teach thier students to kill infidels. And who is an Infidel? anyone that doesnt agree with thier particuler sect belief.

As far as economics being a factor I know plenty of people throughout the world who are very poor. Yet they are richer then any billionair. They work hard, have a great sense of honor and integrity, go out of thier way to help others even at the risk of thier own life. Even what little they have they have no problem giving to others in even more need then they are. In fact I am currently in Africa and had the chance just today to meet such a person.
As long as muslims refuse to reform islam like christianity hatred againts islam and muslims will only grow and muslims have no one other then themselves to blame.

1-Stop respecting bearded mullahs.If any bearded arab wannabe try to interfare with your life when you are walking with your friends you dont stop and listen him , you tell him get lost , you insult him or as last resort you hit him.

2-Remove any islamic state/political islam ideas from your heads.

3-All islam teachers/preachers will be under state control to make sure they dont go ahead with themselves and declare share law or give judgement to others with their simple minds.

4-Remove idea of to be true muslim you need to be as radical as arab wahabists from your heads.

That is Munafiqat, the muslims who followed above 4 points will not be respected in their countries thats the nature, They might be killed.
acts of racism and violence have been going on in most countries through out Human history. one problem is in some cultures people are taught and encouraged to hate. take a look at some of the youtube videos that show Muslim children being taught that jews and christians are no better then apes and pigs and dress them up in fake suicide vests. Tell me that none of the madrasahs teach thier students to kill infidels. And who is an Infidel? anyone that doesnt agree with thier particuler sect belief.

As far as economics being a factor I know plenty of people throughout the world who are very poor. Yet they are richer then any billionair. They work hard, have a great sense of honor and integrity, go out of thier way to help others even at the risk of thier own life. Even what little they have they have no problem giving to others in even more need then they are. In fact I am currently in Africa and had the chance just today to meet such a person.
Ok,i am in no mood to have caps lock fight...again :no:


For some reason you lot always venture into the wrong section of youtube to a level that you fail to see anything positive about us...Its impossible that 2 billion muslims have nothing positive in them,or you lot deliberately turn a blind eye from everything good about us and magnify and advertise whatever bad you find about us..Thats your form of radicalization against us.
Now who hates whom? its obvious.
That is Munafiqat, the muslims who followed above 4 points will not be respected in their countries thats the nature, They might be killed.

Not to mention those four points he posted have nothing to do with Islam.
That is Munafiqat, the muslims who followed above 4 points will not be respected in their countries thats the nature, They might be killed.

In simple words he is saying that leave islam all together..
Thats thd whole point of this gynormous anti muslim anti islam propoganda.. And they are winning.
seen this in a certain european country with sizeable 'ethnic' muslim population.
The only difference between a muslim and a christian is that muslim wears a crescent in the neck and christian wears a cross...
Other than that both eat pork and say its fine,and both drink alcohol.
Both dont bother marriage and have hoards of kids with girl friends.
And muslim cant read quran or namaz and unaware of tauheed.
But a 'proud' 'liberal muslim'.
Soon Pakistan wont be any different.
seen this in a certain european country with sizeable 'ethnic' muslim population.
The only difference between a muslim and a christian is that muslim wears a crescent in the neck and christian wears a cross...
Other than that both eat pork and say its fine,and both drink alcohol.
Both dont bother marriage and have hoards of kids with girl friends.
And muslim cant read quran or namaz and unaware of tauheed.
But a 'proud' 'liberal muslim'.
Soon Pakistan wont be any different.

I hope to god that what you said is not true. If this is the case 90 percent of Pakistan will be stateless.

Revojam should leave his faith and take up christianity. Nobody will miss him.
Very easily when they become afraid of violent extremists.

A parallel in this country are African-Americans who fear militant organizations like the Black Panthers or simply fear walking in neighborhoods heavily populated by African-Americans.

Of course, there are always those Muslims who want to leave the faith but are afraid to. However in the U.S. such fear is low and I think I've met a couple of Muslim apostates in addition to a few who refer to themselves as "bad Muslims" for treating non-Muslims as equals, believing in equality between the sexes, etc.

Now that's particularly vulgar in at least seven different ways. I think that rather than you maybe being banned you might offer us Zionists an apology.

This is where I have an issue when a guy from Kansas goes to the middle east for three months, has a PHD in Communication or Mathematics, comes back from a three month trip and starts to teach 'Islam' or 'The Middle Eastern Cultures'. Well, he's still teaching you crap that he personally believes in as 3 - 6 months worth of living doesn't teach you sh*t, especially when you can't even speak the language.

The analogy I used here is because my man you are talking about "bad muslims" without knowing the actual meaning or reference....it is NOT a term because someone treats 'others' equal. In fact, equality is probably the biggest attribute of Islam believe it or not. People don't practice that and that's a whole different story, the lack of proper practice produces Talibans et all as they get into their own translation. The lack of proper practice or straight forward translation is ALSO the main issue in many Muslim countries and WHY they are behind. When the same thing is practiced right, you see prosper countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, UAE, etc. Otherwise, you'll see Afghanistan, Somalia, etc.

The term "Bad Muslim" is like a slang, it just refers to "being modern", drinking alcohol, having girl friends, etc. It has NOTHING to do with treating others equally or unequally. It's just a reference to not practicing, praying and not doing what you are suppose to. No different than a Christian guy ( I mean a REAL Christian who believes in the first testament) saying that he feels that he's a bad Christian because he's been banging chicks and doing drugs, etc. Btw, Islam refers to Christians and Jews as 'People of Book' so....that itself if a respectful reference to others and a clear indication that there is respect towards Jews and Christians. Talibans don't believe in that but that doesn't represent 1.5 billion Muslims.

Anyway, the slang "Bad Muslims" has nothing to do with how he's treating a Muslim or Jew bad......hope ya'll got the point!

Btw, in the US, the hate crimes are on the rise, primarily due to the economic situation. There is anti muslim sentiment there but I think its calmed down a lot. I love NY and its home to me. I saw my city burn and people die on 911. But you know what? The AMERICAN public was actually calling muslims that they knew asking them if they were ok and that they had the support because the barbaric people who did it, weren't American Muslims.

Mosques and muslims in general were given extra security. This is the beauty of America. If Christians had done something like this in Pakistan, India or Afghanistan, there would've been mass killings by the majority. But, the US acted opposite to it. A few issues here and there don't really mean anything as they are VERY marginal. As a result of the attack, the scrutiny and profiling of muslims increased but what do you expect? That's a natural result after such a tragic thing. The government wants to make sure that people are safe so extra scrutiny is to help people. And the security people at the airport DO pull out Americans, white, black, brown too. It's not JUST muslims.

Recently, one of the crazy bit*ches called out one of the Muslim Americans who's Hillary's right hand and said crap about her being Muslim. John McCane and Boehner, along with other top level republicans defended her and called out the crazy women from their own party. John Mcane was running for the president and Boehner is the speaker right now....the HIGHEST level in the US administration and politics so to speak. This speaks for itself. But there will always be some radical elements in EVERY society.

But, the US is MUCH better than majority of the Muslim countries. Mosques are protected and given extra security during gatherings, Friday prayers, etc. I've seen police squad cars blocking streets to protect people praying, they also allow expedited access to mosque goers to drive through busy streets quicker, helping with even parking establishment (that's not their job). Trust me, when it comes to providing basic rights, US far exceeds everyone, including many 'modern' European countries.



So leave the US then.


so according to your argument 65% of Americans should leave along with me :P

think before you post


Ok,i am in no mood to have caps lock fight...again :no:


For some reason you lot always venture into the wrong section of youtube to a level that you fail to see anything positive about us...Its impossible that 2 billion muslims have nothing positive in them,or you lot deliberately turn a blind eye from everything good about us and magnify and advertise whatever bad you find about us..Thats your form of radicalization against us.
Now who hates whom? its obvious.

its pointless to reason with a known teabagger
Ok,i am in no mood to have caps lock fight...again :no:


For some reason you lot always venture into the wrong section of youtube to a level that you fail to see anything positive about us...Its impossible that 2 billion muslims have nothing positive in them,or you lot deliberately turn a blind eye from everything good about us and magnify and advertise whatever bad you find about us..Thats your form of radicalization against us.
Now who hates whom? its obvious.

I pointed out the YouTube videos because it is some of the most glaring examples of what I was talking about. You notice I did say that hate in racism has been going on throughout human history. No need to get defensive just because I used Youtube as an example. My job takes me to places all over the world giving me an opportunity to witness some of the racism and hate which can be subtle and somtimes very obvious.

It is easy to hate and let it eat you up on the inside. Great is the man or people that can learn to forgive and not let hate and unforgiveness take root.
Christian college student's idea leads to rally for burned mosque

By Josh Levs, CNN

(CNN) - When 20-year-old Ashley Carter heard about a mosque burned to the ground in her town this week, she was shocked.

"I was very saddened," she told CNN on Wednesday. "I thought it was very evil."

So Carter, a student at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, texted a friend, suggesting they organize an event "promoting acts of love."

But quickly, the idea changed: They would organize a "rally of people coming together, from all walks of life, all religions, a really diverse group of people trying to promote this radical love."

She called Kimberly Kester, spokeswoman for the Islamic Society of Joplin, whose worship house serving about 50 families in the southwest Missouri city burned down Monday. Investigators have not determined the cause, but the mosque has been attacked in the past.

Kester supported the idea. So Carter and some of her friends created the plan for the rally and announced it on a Facebook page. The next day, Tuesday, word began to spread. By Wednesday morning, more than 400 people had posted that they would attend the event, scheduled for Saturday, August 25.

Carter said she was inspired by "my love for Jesus. And I know that Jesus calls us to love people."

"With everything that's been happening in the news this week" - which includes a shooting Sunday at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin that left six worshipers and the gunman dead - "I was pretty discouraged," Carter said. "Regardless of what you believe, I think everybody's entitled to loving whoever."

Kester told CNN she and other members of the mosque plan to attend the rally.

The response to the burning from people throughout the community has been "outstanding," she said. "There were representatives from different churches, different organizations at the site that afternoon speaking to the Imam. People have been calling anyone that they know that has been involved with the mosque, offering to help."

St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Joplin is hosting an iftar - a meal eaten by Muslims after dark during Ramadan - on Wednesday evening. The Council on American-Islamic Relations announced that speakers will include members of the interfaith community. Sponsoring groups include the South Joplin Christian Church, the United Hebrew Congregation, the First Community Church and Peace Lutheran Church, CAIR said.

Representatives of various Islamic groups will attend, Kester said. They will discuss the future and what provisions are needed to continue Sunday school and prayers.

The mosque is holding daily prayers at someone's house now, and expects to rent a new place as soon as this week, although numerous religious institutions have offered their facilities, Kester said.

"We're hoping for security and that type of support from our community," she added.

Members say this is an opportunity to kind of start over and improve on things that we've always wanted to improve upon, like our security system or Sunday school facilities," she said. "It's a time for us to unite and focus on supporting each other. And yes, it's a tragedy ... but we want to focus on coming together and building a stronger community."

No final decision has been made on whether the mosque will move to a new location, but there is a consensus to move inside the city limits, Kester said. "We feel that the response time for fire employees would be less if were in the city limits and it would offer us a little bit more protection and security."

No definite plans will be made before an investigation is completed into the burning, said the mosque's treasurer, Navid Zaidi. "We need to get this crime solved, before we do anything."

He said he hopes the rally is safe and that authorities keep everyone protected. Assuming the fire was arson, the perpetrator "is out there - he is loose," Zaidi said.

Zaidi described the support coming from the community as "tremendous."

A fundraising effort to help rebuild the mosque is off to an auspicious start.

The website of the official campaign shows a goal of $250,000, with more than $40,000 pledged by Wednesday afternoon.

A video for the campaign refers to the mosque as "our refuge in a crazy and hectic world." It shows what the mosque looked like, followed by images of the charred wreckage.

Arsalan Iftikhar, an international human rights lawyer and founder of TheMuslimGuy.com, tweeted that he will donate a dollar for every retweet of his message. He quickly got hundreds of retweets.

Iftikhar is a frequent contributor to CNN.com.

Carter says she expects donations to be taken at the rally. And anyone who wants to donate money to cover the costs of staging the rally can through the Facebook page.

Different kinds of bands will play, including religious bands, she said. And speakers will talk about "promoting love."

"When there's an act of hate, you have a choice to make it something beautiful. So that's what this is all about: making things beautiful from things that aren't."

–CNN's Anna-Lysa Gayle contributed to this report.

Christian college student's idea leads to rally for burned mosque – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

A controversial ad is running on San Francisco city buses that inadvertently places riders in one of the world's longest-running and most heated disputes:

"In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad."

The ad, which quotes libertarian icon Ayn Rand and controversially refers to Palestinians as "savages," was placed by the American Freedom Defense Initiative. It will run for at least a month despite San Francisco's policy of not running political ads on its buses and trains. It was brought to media attention by a rider upset by its message.

Pro-Israel ads on Muni buses spark criticism in Bay Area | abc7news.com
Np insurance policy covers stuff

BUILD A BIGGER MOSQUE and put water sprinklers on it .. realy big ones
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