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US Mosque burned to ground

sorry to burst your bubble but your argument is flawed...

Financial deterioration is what causes anarchy..
now that financial situation is getting bad in USA so iare acts of racism and violence against minorities...
so your argument is wrong that they are good.... and wer are bad..it has all to do with finances..

If you call current financial state of US to cause anarchy, then hell; we in india /Pak are in one since 65 years then.
They are just trying to clarify the confusion, it is their right to clarify.

Clarifying the difference leaves the perception that there is something wrong with who they are trying to differentiate themselves from.
As long as muslims refuse to reform islam like christianity hatred againts islam and muslims will only grow and muslims have no one other then themselves to blame.

1-Stop respecting bearded mullahs.If any bearded arab wannabe try to interfare with your life when you are walking with your friends you dont stop and listen him , you tell him get lost , you insult him or as last resort you hit him.

2-Remove any islamic state/political islam ideas from your heads.

3-All islam teachers/preachers will be under state control to make sure they dont go ahead with themselves and declare share law or give judgement to others with their simple minds.

4-Remove idea of to be true muslim you need to be as radical as arab wahabists from your heads.
I have lived in Missouri (albeit before 9/11) and always liked the state than NY area. It is two bad news in two days, but members need to treat it as isolated events instead of seeing a pattern and look for positives like this snippet here in the article.

"Jill Michel, pastor of the South Joplin Christian Church, said several area churches have offered their churches to members of the Islamic Society if they need a place to gather. She said she and other faith leaders from the community had been at a dinner Saturday at the center, and that the community would rally around the center's members."

Page 2: Joplin Mosque Razed in Fire; 2nd Blaze This Summer - ABC News
Clarifying the difference leaves the perception that there is something wrong with who they are trying to differentiate themselves from.

9/11 was not the doing of Sikhs, why should they they be targeted, just because they wear turbans too, or is that ok?
9/11 was not the doing of Sikhs, why should they they be targeted, just because they wear turbans too, or is that ok?
Perhaps that is what he wants: That everyone non-Christians in the US shares the same suspicions as the muslims are under, rightly or wrongly.
My fiance is actually studying in Missouri and to add to that she is a Muslim as well. I honestly don't know what I would do if I found out something happened to her, by a stupid crime like this. (God forbid)
Perhaps that is what he wants: That everyone non-Christians in the US shares the same suspicions as the muslims are under, rightly or wrongly.
Suspicion is one thing, if a lunatic decides to take his own version of revenge on the Muslims just the possibility that he would blow up some Sikh because he was not aware of his background is somehow ok. The feeling of differentiation is above an innocent life and his self-preservation because he could not differentiate himself!
Relax - US is far better then India or Pakistan.Sikhs or Muslims enjoy much better life in US then in India or Pakistan.Let's not forget what happened to mob who burned Christian Church in Pakistan?Nothing..same for those who attacked Golden Temple and the mob which attacked Babri Mosque in India.If i was a member of minority then i would prefer living in USA instead of 3rd world sh!tholes like India/Pakistan or even developed Middle East Gulf States.

Pak claims to be islamic country and worried about muslims all over the world. When it comes to minority they did not do thier job as islam teached.
They should have treated their minority in better way and showed India how to treat minorities. But hate from Pak only caused Indian muslims suffer.
They should have treated their minority in better way and showed India how to treat minorities. But hate from Pak only caused Indian muslims suffer.

Pakistan need not teach India how to treat their minorities. India has been treating them well for millenia right from the earliest of them - Jains to Buddhists to Jews to Christians to Parsis and finally Muslims.

Sorry for offtopic.
9/11 was not the doing of Sikhs, why should they they be targeted, just because they wear turbans too, or is that ok?
Are united States citizens are so idiot that by looking at repeated bin-laden pic they assumed him sikhs? What kind of idiots are they? I think obama should more focus on posting muslim terrorists pic without turban and beared.
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