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US Mosque burned to ground


Jun 14, 2010
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US Mosque burned to ground

A mosque burned to the ground in Missouri on Monday, in what worshippers suspect was a hate attack, less than a day after six people were killed in a shooting at a Sikh temple.

:40PM BST 06 Aug 2012

Firefighters and police were called to a blaze at the Islamic Center in Joplin, Missouri – where around 125 members of the local Muslim community pray – at around 3:40am (0840 GMT), according to the FBI's Kansas City office.

"The building was completely destroyed," said Sharon Rhine, a spokesman for the local Jasper County Sheriff's office. No one was wounded in the incident.

"No one was apprehended. They don't want to call it a hate crime without information or knowledge of having someone to charge," Rhine said.

Monday's fire followed an attack on July 4, when an unidentified suspect threw a petrol bomb onto the roof of the same mosque, causing minor damage.

The mosque's surveillance cameras captured an image of the assailant's face, and the FBI offered a $15,000 (£9,600) reward for information related to the July incident, but no one has been apprehended.

"It does seem coincidental that there was a fire a month ago and there was another one this month," Rhine said.

FBI spokesman Bridget Patton said both incidents occurred in the middle of the night, but said the FBI would "wait to determine the cause of the fire."

"If it is determined that the attack was intentional, we will conduct and investigation to see if there is any correlation between this fire and that of July 4," Patton added.

Local community members say this is one of a series of attacks on their mosque since it was founded in 2007.

"Since the establishment of the mosque, we've been constantly under attack," said former mosque board member Navid Zaidi, 47. "Our sign has been burnt ... Our mailbox was smashed multiple times. We had bullets shot at our sign."

Zaidi says the local community is lucky the attack occurred in the early morning, when no one was there.

"During Ramadan is a time when more people attend the services. We are fortunate that no one was hurt today," he said, referring to the ongoing Muslim holy month of fasting and prayer.

Zaidi complained that no suspects have been apprehended in the month since the July 4 attack. "I don't recall in my 27 years in the US, ever seeing perpetrators apprehended," he said.

US Mosque burned to ground - Telegraph
Did it happen in the same state , where attack on Gurdwara happened?
Relax - US is far better then India or Pakistan.Sikhs or Muslims enjoy much better life in US then in India or Pakistan.Let's not forget what happened to mob who burned Christian Church in Pakistan?Nothing..same for those who attacked Golden Temple and the mob which attacked Babri Mosque in India.If i was a member of minority then i would prefer living in USA instead of 3rd world sh!tholes like India/Pakistan or even developed Middle East Gulf States.
Damn, where those people desperate for violence come from anyways? :lol:
Well we dont claim to be " The land of the free " either.
Yup...Burning a mosque here,a mosque there...Killing a muslim here and there..or a few sikhs...doesnt really matter..

All hail USA.

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