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'US main sponsor of terrorism'

US is innoscent. The people behind US Govt are the main Terrorists of the World.


The Fall of America: Government Has Been Hijacked
The United States of America has been in a decline for over forty years and like all past powerful and great Empires and Republics, the handwriting is on the wall. The sad thing about this reality and predicament is that most Americans do not have a clue that this government, our government is in trouble. The Fall of America is inevitable the breakdown of the family structure is proof positive that values and morality that under girds this institution has been eroded. Those who robbed the American people and the world of its most precious commodity gold and silver and set-up the Federal Reserve System in 1913 and handed our monetary system over to a small criminal inspired Cartel and rogue led private bankers, known as the Central Banks, which have help to lead us down the road of abyss and of no return.

This is list of Banking Inst that rules the Globe
This is a list of Banking Institutions (Central Banks) that rules the entire planet: 1. Rothschild Bank of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, 2. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Rockefeller)Chase National bank of New York (Rockefeller). 3. First National Bank of New York. 5. Hanover National Bank of New York. 6. Goldman Sachs of New York. 7. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York. 8. Lehman Brothers of New York. 9. Warburg Bank of Hamburg Warburg Bank of Amsterdam. 10. Lazard Brothers of Paris. 11. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy. 12. JP Morgan. The Thirteenth Tribe is the Mother of all banks—The Bank for International Settlements based in Basel, Switzerland. (Reference: Ashahed M. Muhammad; “The Synagogue of Satan”)

This Bloodline have become our masters.
Their bloodline descendents have become our masters and we are their slaves. It should read "In The Central Banks and their Invisible Rulers do We Trust". Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) during this 2008 presidential election campaign was talking about the Federal Reserve System, but very few were listening or heard him because the mass mediums both electronic and print had us fixated on the other low level operatives---Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Clinton, Obama, etc. They just drowned Dr. Paul out and since the same people who runs the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks owns corporate media; they determine and shape public opinion.

The Central Banks are the ones that forced George Bush and the United States Government to go war with the defenseless nation of Iraq in 2003. War is always good for business and if it was not for the Afghanistan and the Iraq War, America would not just be facing an economic recession in 2008, it would be facing a serious economic depression perhaps far worst than the 1929 Great Depression. This is why Bush continues to take a hard line position and will not give a timetable for withdrawal of US Troops because only the Central Banks and the Unseen Hand—Cartel can give him the ultimate approval to leave Iraq. These Money Changers now have their eyes set on Iran and believe it or not, war with Iran is inevitable.

My mission is to inform all people of good will of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolisms and reinterpret the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlighten world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. My MOTTO is speaking truth to power.
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