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'US main sponsor of terrorism'

lol could war us had cover ops to destabilize countries that would not comply with every order that they give, why not now i think that they are doing it, they already said they have a global agenda but they only tell very little about it and the rest is confidential
U.S has been the biggest backer of dictators in terror groups throught the whole world though being a superpower they can just twist and cover it better than others


though they were "mujahideen" back then U.S didn't mind supporting militants and printing jihadi literature as long as it suited their interests in killing russians.Now they have the nerve to blame pakistan for their failures they have very short memories americans.......

another classic pic says it all really.......


how ironic they accused him of having WMDs when they gave them to him in the first place.
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Disgusting thread. An average Pakistani DEPENDS on US for his survival. US has supported Pakistani with lots of funds, in her fight for survival against India. Yet, the average Pakistani has absolutely NO sense of gratitude towards US.
It is totally right without any questions..I guess now is the time for the world powers to join hands and take away the WMD from this evil power...otherwise this terrorism will never end and the whole world be destroyed by its evil actions...

Well USA gov is full of idiots Reasons are below
1- WMD in Iraq ( nothing found.)
2- Afghanistan and Taliban issues created by USA....(1980s and 1990s)
3- Iran history is they have never attacked any other country in known history.
4- USA every after 5 to 10 years attacked other nations.
5- USA is the only nation who used WMD (so world to be free of WMD should start with USA without WMD)
6- There was no issues in Pakistan before invasion of Afghanistan so USA is the only Sponsor of Terrorism (PROVED so many times.)

If you want to reply then use facts not what your media tells you...


WMD was first used in WW1 in the form of poison gas. Saddam made use of it against his own Kurdish people. Further, he publicly declared he wanted more. Indications that he had stockpiles were intentionally leaked prior to 2003, done thinking this would make him invulnerable to attack. He was wrong. I have NEVER been a fan of the Iraq conflict - I think it could have been done in other ways - but it's all water under the bridge, and the goal now should be a stable, democratic Iraq.

The connection between Mujahideen, Taliban, and Al-Quaeda is tenuous and complicated. The Muj formed in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They were strengthened by the U.S. A lot of people think the U.S. should have pumped many billions into Afghanistan after the Soviet expulsion. Since the Soviets did the vast bulk of the destruction/disruption, I am always curious as to why the USSR/Russia never takes any blame for the mess there.

Most of the people here are too young to strongly remember the Cold War. Between much of the free world and the USSR stood the USA, who poured out blood and treasure to block Soviet expansionism. Yes we benefitted. But Western Europe, South Korea (38,000 U.S. dead), Japan, West Germany were saved from the boot heel. Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, were not.

Was everything roses and kittens? Of course not, there was plenty of ugliness, but the overall effect was one of good rather than bad.

Don't forget the only country to terrorize civilian with atomic bombs was USA.

And the quantity of Napalm and Agent Orange that USA used in Vietnam, horrors of which still remain today....

By far, USA is the main sponsor of terrorism. Policies to oust soviets led to what we now call the Taliban.

Indirect or direct, you have to agree.......

Your government is not faring any better at the moment. With near broke economies, you should be more concerned about whats happening back home than abroad.

Offcoarse ..we r going to start first, ripping off evry country from the WMD starting frm the biggest evil power in the world.
inshAllah...to save humanity....:woot::coffee:

BTW Who provided this poison gas to saddam ? my friend its again USA.
USA provided saddam with all these things to control Iran. and sponsor Iran-Iraq war.

bro ...I believe ..whoever have history of killing innocent humans or thinks to kill humans is a real lunatic...is dangerous for humanity..should not have no WMDs:agree:...:coffee:

lol could war us had cover ops to destabilize countries that would not comply with every order that they give, why not now i think that they are doing it, they already said they have a global agenda but they only tell very little about it and the rest is confidential

U.S has been the biggest backer of dictators in terror groups throught the whole world though being a superpower they can just twist and cover it better than others

though they were "mujahideen" back then U.S didn't mind supporting militants and printing jihadi literature as long as it suited their interests in killing russians.Now they have the nerve to blame pakistan for their failures they have very short memories americans.......

how ironic they accused him of having WMDs when they gave them to him in the first place.

Not even one of us is supporting US????? WOW. No matter how much the US helps Pakistani, Pakistanis can never reciprocate that love. Because US is not a muslim country?
Not even one of us is supporting US????? WOW. No matter how much the US helps Pakistani, Pakistanis can never reciprocate that love. Because US is not a muslim country?

I don't know... it makes me sad to be honest. While U.S. helicopters are rescuing Pakistanis from the flood, and feeding Pakistanis with food grown and packaged in the U.S., we are condemned. Every major world disaster in the last 50 years has seen an intense U.S. response.

When Hurricane Katrina smashed New Orleans, the only country to respond in any amount was Mexico. I think the rest of the world essentially said "Oh well, they can handle it."
I don't know... it makes me sad to be honest. While U.S. helicopters are rescuing Pakistanis from the flood, and feeding Pakistanis with food grown and packaged in the U.S., we are condemned. Every major world disaster in the last 50 years has seen an intense U.S. response.

When Hurricane Katrina smashed New Orleans, the only country to respond in any amount was Mexico. I think the rest of the world essentially said "Oh well, they can handle it."


Pakistan On September 4 Pakistan offered to send a team of doctors and paramedics to support the relief agencies. Pakistan has also pledged USD 1 million through the Red Cross.

Several countries helped the U.S.! For more information please visit this website: Hurricane Katrina international aid response (most recent) by country
I stand corrected. Thank you for your assistance. I was not aware of it.
I don't know... it makes me sad to be honest. While U.S. helicopters are rescuing Pakistanis from the flood, and feeding Pakistanis with food grown and packaged in the U.S., we are condemned. Every major world disaster in the last 50 years has seen an intense U.S. response.

When Hurricane Katrina smashed New Orleans, the only country to respond in any amount was Mexico. I think the rest of the world essentially said "Oh well, they can handle it."

Just to add something more to it as my friend has already corrected you.
The main reason Pakistanies dont like USA is very clear by this

1- Can you tell me 1 issue where muslims are not being hit by USA.

2- Can you tell me 1 non-muslim country issues on UN panel from last 20 or more years?

3- USA always support non-muslim states in case of issue b/w muslim and non-muslim states.

4- USA media always targeting Pakistan military.

5- when USA gives any military weapons to Pakistan they say 'not to use against your enemy like india', what about when they sell weapons to India , do they say openly anything like 'not to use against Pakistan'?

6- Pakistan being front like nation against war on terror and paying the highest price, and still getting treats from USA that if one more incident happened, Pakistan will be in trouble. What about incidents in Pakistan which are linked with USA (CIA, Black Water, XE, etc)

I dont hate american people i think they are the best friendly nation i have ever seen as compared to brits, japs, etc,i dont like mentality against Muslims and Pakistan in perticular

i hope my friends here will tell you more te reasons USA cant understand of being most hated nation in Pakistan.

:pakistan: :usflag:
I had a huge post ready to address all your issues, but it was pointless.

Feel free to hate. Rest assured that Pakistan's efforts DO NOT go unnoticed and are hugely appreciated. I don't know how else to say it.

I thought I would enjoy contributing to this forum. I feel like I can bring a lot to the table, with my military background. Instead, all I hear is garbage like HAARP caused the flood, the U.S. is the source of all evil, we want to steal your nukes, and Amerikkans simply want to kill Muslims.

Someone, perhaps many someones, are spoon-feeding the average Pakistani a gigantic spoonful of really bad propaganda, and if people choose to believe it all, there is little I can do, and I am wasting my time here.

Time has come for Pakistan,to make a repeat performance of post ‘79,when it caused USSR to dis-integrate.Now is the turn of USA.

They cannot be friend of any Muslim state.They are also targetting Turkey these days.Case against Sudan President has been revived again.

AlHamduLillah,it is only Pakistan which can teach a lesson.Hope the nation,as a whole,rises to the occassion and does not leave our Armed Forces alone,as America will now target them.


If this is typical, God help us all.

Make good use of the F-16's, the AIM-9M's, the Red Flag training, the helicopters. You have my warm wishes and encouragement to the Pakistani armed forces in their struggle against extremism.

I had a huge post ready to address all your issues, but it was pointless.

Feel free to hate. Rest assured that Pakistan's efforts DO NOT go unnoticed and are hugely appreciated. I don't know how else to say it.

I thought I would enjoy contributing to this forum. I feel like I can bring a lot to the table, with my military background. Instead, all I hear is garbage like HAARP caused the flood, the U.S. is the source of all evil, we want to steal your nukes, and Amerikkans simply want to kill Muslims.

Someone, perhaps many someones, are spoon-feeding the average Pakistani a gigantic spoonful of really bad propaganda, and if people choose to believe it all, there is little I can do, and I am wasting my time here.

If this is typical, God help us all.

Make good use of the F-16's, the AIM-9M's, the Red Flag training, the helicopters. You have my warm wishes and encouragement to the Pakistani armed forces in their struggle against extremism.


Sorry if i hurt your feelings by friend, i dont hate Americans , they are really friendly people, always smile on thier faces,

My friend jsut compare the ratio of how many innocent Muslims have been killed for no reason in Afghanistan and Iraq, lot of Americans are telling this now and asking thier gov to stop this war no terror which is not going in any direction....

I had a huge post ready to address all your issues, but it was pointless.

Feel free to hate. Rest assured that Pakistan's efforts DO NOT go unnoticed and are hugely appreciated. I don't know how else to say it.

I thought I would enjoy contributing to this forum. I feel like I can bring a lot to the table, with my military background. Instead, all I hear is garbage like HAARP caused the flood, the U.S. is the source of all evil, we want to steal your nukes, and Amerikkans simply want to kill Muslims.

Someone, perhaps many someones, are spoon-feeding the average Pakistani a gigantic spoonful of really bad propaganda, and if people choose to believe it all, there is little I can do, and I am wasting my time here.

If this is typical, God help us all.

Make good use of the F-16's, the AIM-9M's, the Red Flag training, the helicopters. You have my warm wishes and encouragement to the Pakistani armed forces in their struggle against extremism.


Sir unfortunately many of my fellow countrymen are misguided, the US is always used as the bogeyman. Their is always going to be resentment towards the US because of American actions in 65, 71 and 90's. The Taliban/Al Qaeda has done an excellent job in exploiting this propaganda, making it look like the Americans have waged a war against Islam. That we all know is not true and this is something where the Americans have failed miserably, failing to make their intentions clear to the common people. We all know that it were the Americans who saved the Muslims in Bosnia, so this whole notion of Americans waging a war against Islam is nothing but a hoax.

The US has failed to pressurize Arab Rich countries to stop funding these extremist schools, they are literally brainwashing our people. I have had countless arguments with these foreign clerics who have made my country home and are spreading this religious extremism :angry:. Just two months ago in my home city of Lahore i lost my cool and punched a Saudi cleric in his face who was advocating Jihad against Pakistan. We Pakistanis appreciate all the funding the US is providing for infrastructure projects, the Chinooks have been a life saver for us in the flood affected areas. Dont let a couple of bad apples distort your view of our country.
I appreciate your response, thank you. I have tried here and on many forums to openly acknowledge U.S. shortcomings. What country doesn't have them? But I try to look at the original intentions, and I try to put myself in the shoes of those who made the decisions that went wrong. And understand "why" things happened as they did.

I love a legitimate debate as much as anyone, but only when backed by the most very basic logic and facts at a minimum. If there is ONE THING I feel I need to emphasize, over and over, is that the U.S. is not at war with Islam! The notion is beyond ludicrous, when we have at least 4,500,000 practicing Muslims right here, and they are free to worship and even proselytize if that is their choice.

We have Muslim Chaplains in the U.S. armed forces!!

So how can people come to the conclusion that this is a religious conflict? Worst of all, it diverts attention from the REAL issue, which are terrorist elements of ANY (or no) religion.
1- Can you tell me 1 issue where muslims are not being hit by USA.

It is muslims who have an issue with the US for the most part. US schools don't teach ANYTHING against Muslims or the Middle-East. Infact, most school-educated folks oppose war in Iraq etc.

But, in muslim countries, people are TAUGHT to hate US.

The war on Iraq was primarily for natural resources, secondly to get rid of the tyrant. It had nothing to do with Muslims/Islam.

3- USA always support non-muslim states in case of issue b/w muslim and non-muslim states.

USA supported Pakistan against India.

4- USA media always targeting Pakistan military.
Bullshit. They target Pakistani Military whenever some act of corruption/scandal surfaces.

5- when USA gives any military weapons to Pakistan they say 'not to use against your enemy like india', what about when they sell weapons to India , do they say openly anything like 'not to use against Pakistan'?

We GIVE Pakistan weapons to FIGHT terrorists. How can we GIVE weapons to let Pakistan FIGHT India?

And US SELLS India weapons. They actually pay money. Dictating terms becomes harder.

6- Pakistan being front like nation against war on terror and paying the highest price, and still getting treats from USA that if one more incident happened, Pakistan will be in trouble. What about incidents in Pakistan which are linked with USA (CIA, Black Water, XE, etc)
Cheap conspiracies are cheap.

I dont hate american people i think they are the best friendly nation i have ever seen as compared to brits, japs, etc,i dont like mentality against Muslims and Pakistan in perticular

i hope my friends here will tell you more te reasons USA cant understand of being most hated nation in Pakistan.

All that lack of hate is well-reflected in this thread.
Sir unfortunately many of my fellow countrymen are misguided, the US is always used as the bogeyman. Their is always going to be resentment towards the US because of American actions in 65, 71 and 90's. The Taliban/Al Qaeda has done an excellent job in exploiting this propaganda, making it look like the Americans have waged a war against Islam. That we all know is not true and this is something where the Americans have failed miserably, failing to make their intentions clear to the common people. We all know that it were the Americans who saved the Muslims in Bosnia, so this whole notion of Americans waging a war against Islam is nothing but a hoax.

The US has failed to pressurize Arab Rich countries to stop funding these extremist schools, they are literally brainwashing our people. I have had countless arguments with these foreign clerics who have made my country home and are spreading this religious extremism :angry:. Just two months ago in my home city of Lahore i lost my cool and punched a Saudi cleric in his face who was advocating Jihad against Pakistan. We Pakistanis appreciate all the funding the US is providing for infrastructure projects, the Chinooks have been a life saver for us in the flood affected areas. Dont let a couple of bad apples distort your view of our country.

Thanks bro.
If you guys go to the thread about US helicopter carrying relief supplies into flood affected areas, you'll see that many Pakistani forum members are grateful for the assistance that US is giving.

Most members here don't hate US. They merely hate the foreign policy that US is advocating. Most people do realize that the foreign policy does not reflect the wish of the people.

The reason people bash the US is because they caught up in the heat of the debate. And its not just confined to US. I've seen China vs US, India vs UK, Pakistan vs India, etc. Just remember that its most likely just someone getting caught up in their emotions.

On topic, I believe US follows what's in it's best interest. They wanted to counter Soviet influence in Central Asia, so they supported the militancy. Any country that is in power will always use their power to further their interests and goals. This does not excuse that country from being criticized. US needs to adopt a more open trade and less intervention policy, like it had back in its early days. They was a reason why US had a much more favorable image around the world in the early 1900's then they do today.
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