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US lawmakers compares China to Nazi Germany

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US lawmakers compares China to Nazi Germany

US lawmakers have compared China to Nazi Germany as the State Department urged Beijing to free Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, set to receive the honour for his campaign for democratic reforms.

Republican Representative Frank Wolf yesterday said China was joining the infamous World War II regime of Adolf Hitler -- as well as the Soviet Union and Myanmar -- by barring the peace laureate from attending Friday's ceremony in Norway.

"China should be ashamed and China should be embarrassed to be in the company of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Burma," Wolf said at a press conference with other lawmakers to call for Liu's immediate release.

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in October to Liu, who was jailed in December 2009 for 11 years on subversion charges after co-authoring "Charter 08," a manifesto calling for democratic reform in one-party China.

Wolf hailed Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's plans to attend the ceremony, saying her presence would "send a powerful message" that Washington stands with Chinese advocates of democratic reforms and broader human rights.

The US House of Representatives was expected to vote today or tomorrow on a symbolic resolution, crafted by Republican Chris Smith, honouring Liu and urging Beijing to free him.

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Beijing must listen to critics of its "warped political system" and demanded Liu and his wife be set free "at once."

She noted that Nazi Germany blocked the 1935 laureate, Carl von Ossietzky, from attending his award ceremony, while Moscow barred Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov in 1975, and Myanmar's military rulers stopped democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi from attending hers in 1991.

"Beijing now joins the ranks of the infamous Nazi regime and the repressive Burmese junta in locking up a Nobel Peace prize winner," she said, demanding "rulers of Beijing, have you no shame?"

Shortly after the press conference, Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg called human rights in China "an important subject matter" in ties between the two countries and called for Liu's release.

"We hope that China will take positive steps on human rights including the release of Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo," Steinberg stressed in an address on China at the Center for American Progress think tank in Washington.

US lawmakers compares China to Nazi Germany
I wonder if the Nazi Germany was as peaceful as China how the world would had fared...
Peaceful as china???.......hahahaha.......What a joke!!
china just dosent have the courage to stand up to formidable foes. Else it does a pretty good job in bullying others
If Nazi Germany was like today's China

I was disgracing Nazi Germany in my ignorance :cry:

Sorry Hitler I have always been cursing you :cry: :cry: :cry:
Do Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay detention camp, waterboarding, and secret renditions ring a bell?

Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Beginning in 2004, accounts of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including torture, rape, sodomy, and homicide of prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib ..."

Guantanamo | Human Rights Watch

"As I sat watching the sentencing hearing at Guantanamo Bay of Omar Khadr, a former child soldier, I wondered how his being detained here for eight years ..."

Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing the subject on his/her back with the head inclined downwards. Water is then poured over the ..."

Obama's No-Torture Order and CIA Secret Renditions - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

"Feb 2, 2009 ... Secret rendition is a big deal. Ask Khaled el-Masri. The CIA should not be grabbing people off the street and flying them on chartered ..."
Is not the US lawmakers taking the matter too far?
below freezing...The US is the real nazi country.

No my friend, you've to read in depth history on Germany and Nazi..
Germans and the Nazis were still humble. US the the only barbaric mass murderers genocidal that dropped the Atomic Bomb over civilian population instantaneous killing millions and yet many are affected today on birth.
So How could you even compare those nazis to insulter of humanity the one and only Govt of us of a.
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Don't know why people are making such a big deal out of this. If Bush and the Republicans get compared to the Nazis once in a while it is only natural for them to pass on the hate.
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