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US lawmakers compares China to Nazi Germany

I have already said, the truth can not hurt you, the fact is the fact that you did not answer my question, you really do not.
Yes? On which time? From start of India as country? or from beging of time? By police force? By politic choose? By civil-war?

You are not serious to compare China to any Third world government?! Talk about lowing the standard...

Most like between 5-10million. I hope your are not using me as your personal google machine.

34,800-3 million depend on the source. Not few...
I know what's the point of that little idiocy. The fact is it was as poinless as GLF! Mao had underting of both agriculture nor economy. And it had set us back years behind all! Even the japase that two nuke drop on them.
What you call "transfoorm the intellection elite" way of thinking? RE-Camp= Re-education camp.

Even I don't like some of the change Deng made, still if I would said "thank you"!

no understanding, then why did our first nuclear submarine go into the water, why did 袁隆平 create hybrid rice, why did we synthesize insulin, why did we have 两弹一星, why did we increase literacy from 20% to 80%, why did we double population at same time, why did we increase average calorie intake...
Yes? On which time? From start of India as country? or from beging of time? By police force? By politic choose? By civil-war?

Famine, lack of nutrition, because the incompetent government policies, the same and that time.

You are not serious to compare China to any Third world government?! Talk about lowing the standard...

Do not play with a small smart, China has always been a backward semi-feudal semi-colonial society in 1949. even far behind than many developing countries in the long term. It is true, what you want to do?

Most like between 5-10million. I hope your are not using me as your personal google machine.

U.S. government killed the American people, right?

34,800-3 million depend on the source. Not few...
I know what's the point of that little idiocy. The fact is it was as poinless as GLF! Mao had underting of both agriculture nor economy. And it had set us back years behind all! Even the japase that two nuke drop on them.
What you call "transfoorm the intellection elite" way of thinking? RE-Camp= Re-education camp.

Even I don't like some of the change Deng made, still if I would said "thank you"!
I did not say little, although my view is that the specific number is still a mystery

You can not have any rational point of view? You really can not? US transfusion to Japan, and unilateral opening of markets and technology to Japan, and Japan before the war has been the basis of industrialization, education, basic industries, technical staff, all were retained. Do you want to ignore these? Much more complex situation in China, so many difficulties, if you really do not know, I suggest you look to the situation in India, you will not take any simple idea in China, a huge population and far behind the country.

What is the Great Leap Forward, even if the Chinese government's propaganda is not credible, and of course it is politically correct. So no matter what you say, I do not want to discuss, because too much smoke in there.
I have already said, the truth can not hurt you, the fact is the fact that you did not answer my question, you really do not.

no understanding, then why did our first nuclear submarine go into the water, why did 袁隆平 create hybrid rice, why did we synthesize insulin, why did we have 两弹一星, why did we increase literacy from 20% to 80%, why did we double population at same time, why did we increase average calorie intake...

He has his purpose, he does not care about facts, but simply to promote his private goods.
The ancient Athenians had this twist to their democracy: once a year they would vote to expel the most hated citizen from their community. The problem is that these people were often the ones who made the most responsible and difficult political and military decisions for the greater good of the community.

In short, the very fact that they stood up and made a successful effort to do the right thing engendered envy from the majority who lacked the necessary gifts, and from that envy came hatred. Something similar seems to lie behind much of the anti-Israel and anti-U.S. hatred of today.

Quaint comparison but ignores history. If you look at what the process (ostracism) was actually used "as a way of defusing major confrontations between rival politicians (by removing one of them from the scene), neutralizing someone thought to be a threat to the state, or exiling a potential tyrant."

Not the point you wanted to make I think.
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no understanding, then why did our first nuclear submarine go into the water, why did 袁隆平 create hybrid rice, why did we synthesize insulin, why did we have 两弹一星, why did we increase literacy from 20% to 80%, why did we double population at same time, why did we increase average calorie intake...

I'm just curious,did all this happen during the Mao era or under his later successors?
I'm just curious,did all this happen during the Mao era or under his later successors?

All under Mao. People don't like to give him the credit for China's successes, but he did more than Deng ever did in making China. Under him it went from broken remnants of a feudal system to a modern nation state, poised for take-off.
Of all the China-India comparisons I dislike, the one that I truly think is stupid is the commonly held notion that India is just like China, only China started 10 years earlier or 15 years if the poster was being generous.

Simply false. Market reforms was not what made China, it was merely what made China rich. If you want to compare think of it as a 100 year race not a 30 year race. China's change was and is transformative.
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