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US lawmakers compares China to Nazi Germany

When a country is invaded, occupied, and its citizens slaughtered, are you surprised by the hate against the invaders? How much longer can you stay before the whole country wants to kill you?

BBC News - Afghan support for attacks on Nato rising - poll

"Afghan support for attacks on Nato rising - poll
6 December 2010 Last updated at 10:32 ET

More Afghans feel that attacks against foreign forces are justified than at any time since 2005, a survey suggests."

US Rockets Strike Afghan Home, Kill 12 Civilians - ABC News

"US Rockets Strike Afghan Home, Kill 12 Civilians
US rockets kill 12 Afghan civilians in offensive against Taliban as Marines scour for bombs
The Associated Press

By ALFRED de MONTESQUIOU Associated Press Writer
MARJAH, Afghanistan February 14, 2010 (AP)"

ASK News NATO air strike kills 33 Afghan civilians

"Feb 23, 2010 ... KABUL: A NATO air strike killed at least 33 civilians, the Afghan government said on Monday, in the third such mistaken bombing raid in ..."

US warplanes 'bomb Afghan wedding party' - Asia, World - The Independent

"Nov 6, 2008 ... Two dozen children are said to be among the dead after US warplanes reportedly bombed a wedding party in Afghanistan. US military officials ..."

in over 10 years of war a few horrible incidents happen( noticed you repeated the same incident by citing multiple news outlets). I am for getting out of there, but your missing the boat here.

I'm done with debating you- when you think we slaughter people purposely or we invaded Afghanistan just because. :angel:
Re : Torture, rendition . I wholeheartedly agree that those things are horrible and beyond the pale. But none of things exist now... they were either ruled unconstitutional or stopped period.

You are ignorant of current facts.

Secret renditions continue under Obama. Guantanamo Bay detention camp is still in operation. Helicopter gunships and airstrikes killing civilians continue today in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, the U.S. military is doing a better job in hiding its encrypted video tapes of massacring Iraqi and Afghan civilians from sight.


"Daily Kos - Laurence Lewis - ‎Dec 5, 2010‎
Nobody forced him to continue secret renditions or a policy of denying suspected terrorists the human right of due process. Nobody forced him to order his ..."
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in over 10 years of war a few horrible incidents happen( noticed you repeated the same incident by citing multiple news outlets). I am for getting out of there, but your missing the boat here.

You've got to be kidding me. You think only "a few" civilians were killed? Iraqi and Afghan civilians are dying every day.

The euphemism is "collateral damage." In reality, collateral damage means we couldn't care less if civilians die. Too bad, you were in our way.

PressTV - US warplanes bomb central Iraq

"US warplanes bomb central Iraq
Tue Dec 7, 2010 7:6AM
Also in September, US and Iraqi forces launched a joint operation in Fallujah which resulted in the deaths of at least seven civilians."
Father waterboards daughter, 4, who couldn't recite the alphabet

"Father waterboards daughter, 4, who couldn’t recite the alphabet
Monday, February 8th, 2010 By Steve Tarlow
Father waterboards daughter because she wouldn’t recite her ABCs

Fox News reports that a U.S. soldier named Joshua Tabor, 27, is facing allegations that he waterboarded his four-year-old daughter. No reason for such an act would be good enough, but the talk is that Tabor held her head under the kitchen sink because she wouldn’t recite the alphabet on cue.

I’m not sure I understand the “alleged” part of this, as media reports indicate that Tabor told police that he and his girlfriend “held her down on the counter and submerged her head into the water three or four times until the water came around her forehead and jawline.” And yes, it was because she was “refusing to say her letters.” Other statements indicate there may have been a history of abuse."
This only shows the world how shameless some americans are and what kind of moral standards they have now. Killing people everyday and invading at least one foreign country for each new US president, how dare they can compare China with Nazi Germany?! They are living by lies after lies. This is why they are so upset when wikileak released many of their dirty secrets to the public. However, just remind you, Wikileak only expose just a tip of the iceburge of the evil empire.
Let's see if this makes any sense. A foreign military comes into your country. They make all these rules, which the locals may not be familiar with or always remember. The penalty for not slowing down near a checkpoint is death?!

The foreign soldiers gun you down in your own country because you forgot to slow down or were distracted? How does that make them a champion of human rights?

IRAQ: Airport closed after U.S. troops kill engineer near checkpoint | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times

"IRAQ: Airport closed after U.S. troops kill engineer near checkpoint
November 28, 2010 | 8:32 am

Iraqi employees of Baghdad International Airport shut down the facility for two hours to protest the killing of an Iraqi engineer by American soldiers near a checkpoint, an airline official told Babylon & Beyond.

An engineer named Karim Obaid Bardan was shot dead in his car after he allegedly failed to stop or slow down as he neared a checkpoint before dawn Sunday morning, a U.S. military spokesman told the Associated Press.

An official at Iraqi Airways, speaking on condition of anonymity, said outraged airport personnel closed down the airport for two hours in protest. "Why such killing?" the Iraqi official demanded. "Where is the security agreement between the government and the U.S.? Was this the democracy they brought to us? Democracy of killing?"

He added of the victim, "He was an official going to his job."

-- Los Angeles Times Baghdad bureau"
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US lawmakers compares China to Nazi Germany

US lawmakers have compared China to Nazi Germany as the State Department urged Beijing to free Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, set to receive the honour for his campaign for democratic reforms.

Republican Representative Frank Wolf yesterday said China was joining the infamous World War II regime of Adolf Hitler -- as well as the Soviet Union and Myanmar -- by barring the peace laureate from attending Friday's ceremony in Norway.

"China should be ashamed and China should be embarrassed to be in the company of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Burma," Wolf said at a press conference with other lawmakers to call for Liu's immediate release.

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in October to Liu, who was jailed in December 2009 for 11 years on subversion charges after co-authoring "Charter 08," a manifesto calling for democratic reform in one-party China.

Wolf hailed Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's plans to attend the ceremony, saying her presence would "send a powerful message" that Washington stands with Chinese advocates of democratic reforms and broader human rights.

The US House of Representatives was expected to vote today or tomorrow on a symbolic resolution, crafted by Republican Chris Smith, honouring Liu and urging Beijing to free him.

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Beijing must listen to critics of its "warped political system" and demanded Liu and his wife be set free "at once."

She noted that Nazi Germany blocked the 1935 laureate, Carl von Ossietzky, from attending his award ceremony, while Moscow barred Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov in 1975, and Myanmar's military rulers stopped democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi from attending hers in 1991.

"Beijing now joins the ranks of the infamous Nazi regime and the repressive Burmese junta in locking up a Nobel Peace prize winner," she said, demanding "rulers of Beijing, have you no shame?"

Shortly after the press conference, Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg called human rights in China "an important subject matter" in ties between the two countries and called for Liu's release.

"We hope that China will take positive steps on human rights including the release of Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo," Steinberg stressed in an address on China at the Center for American Progress think tank in Washington.

US lawmakers compares China to Nazi Germany

They have to think "US lawmakers compares US to Nazi Germany" It is near to reality.Isn't?
Queens woman plans to file suit after she says cops beat her because she didn't pick up dog poo

"Queens woman plans to file suit after she says cops beat her because she didn't pick up dog poo
BY Rocco Parascandola
Wednesday, December 8th 2010, 4:00 AM


Anna Stanczyk sits with her terrier, Psotka. Below, she shows bruises allegedly from Queens cops in Nov. 26 dispute over dog poo. (Keivom/News)

Ann Stanczyk had a Black Friday she'll never forget - the 49-year-old Queens woman says she was humiliated and beaten by two NYPD cops in a dispute over dog droppings.

Pictures taken by her son a day after the Nov. 26 incident show Stanczyk with a welt under one eye and a garish purple bruise on her breast, plus injuries to her hands and knee.


Yesterday, the Polish immigrant filed a complaint with the Civilian Complaint Review Board and plans to sue.

"I just doing it to protect other people from police brutality," Stanczyk told the Daily News. "I don't want what happened to me happen to anyone else. I want to protect the others. If it can happen to me it can happen to other people."

Stanczyk, a married housewife from Rockaway Beach, was walking her terrier, Psotka - Polish for "prankster" - when she wound up in a confrontation with two uniformed officers from the 100th Precinct, Shaun Grossweiler and Richard DeMartino.

"They saw my dog and they said I didn't clean up," said Stanczyk, fighting back tears as she spoke in halting English. "I said, 'No, she only pee.' They, of course, not agree with me and I say, 'Show me. Where is it?'"

The officers found dog feces nearby, she said.

"Pick it up," she said one cop ordered her. "I got scared. I pick up. I said, 'It's cold, not belong to my dog.' When I smiled and said I didn't do anything, that made them very upset."

At that point, Stanczyk was handcuffed and arrested. When she used her feet to try to prevent them from closing the patrol car door to secure her, she says, the beating began.

"I get scared to death," she said. "I started to scream, 'My dog! My dog!' They punch me in my face. They punch me in my breast. They punch me in my stomach."

A neighbor ran over to take Psotka and cops took Stanczyk to the precinct. She was treated for her injuries - her knee still requires physical therapy - and charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

Court papers indicate police accused Stanczyk of causing a ruckus by yelling at the officers to leave her alone. They also said she locked her hands in front of her to avoid arrest.

The case was adjourned until May, when it will be dismissed as long as she stays out of trouble.

Stanczyk had never been arrested before. She lost her job as a nurse in 2008 when she failed to attend a training program after an argument with a coworker. Her lawyer, Jon Norinsberg, said the workplace disagreement is "something that uneqivocally had nothing to do with what happened with police beating her the way they beat her."

Stanczyk said nothing she did warranted her injuries. She can't get past what happened.

"I am afraid to leave the apartment," she said. "I call my friends and beg them to go out with me. I feel better to stay home all the time."

Grossweiler, a four-year veteran, and DeMartino, a 10-year veteran, did not respond to a request for comment.

The only Nazi Germany here is the USA itself fueled by self obsession mania. The threat posed by China is neither political nor economical or military. It is the long term war of hearts and mind. China is rapidly working and investing rapidly in bringing economic development to third world. Offering affordable products on sale and building infrastructure while benefiting communities. On the other hand the much hyped western "democratic" political and financial system has only bought more corruption, misery and looting of national wealth in third world. Few elites got richer and richer while US backed dictators ruled in broad day light.

Influences flow with economic ties and in near future the poorer but resource rich third world will see China as more reliable partner than the west ever can be as well heeding to Chinese political consultation for reforms and governance. This is where the western powers feel threatened. With no appeal in the hearts and mind they can offer little support to their corrupt dictators and puppet leaders to rule by force and corruption.

Therefore the propaganda wing is in full swing to demonize China from all fronts.
Hmm, wasn't it Germany that sent its military on back-to-back unprovoked invasions of its neighbors in the years prior to World War II?

Hmm, isn't it the US that also sends its military on invasion after invasion of Middle Eastern and African countries?

Anyone see a similarity?
Sari = Star of David in US.

US Airport security “humiliates” yet another famous Indian | Guy Adams | Independent The Foreign Desk Blogs

Meera Shankar, the Indian ambassador (pictured here with President Obama), made the mistake of visiting the Deep South last week, to address students of the University of Mississippi’s International Studies programme.

On her way home, she wore a Sari. Big mistake. To the cosmopolitan folk manning the security queue at Jackson airport (whose geographical, political and historical awareness appears to mirror that of Sarah Palin), the traditional Indian outfit apparently looked like Muslim garb. So she was identified as a potential terrorist and singled out for what is known in the trade as “additional screening.” You can read local news accounts of the incident here.

Result: one highly-offended ambassador, who – while officially declining to comment on the affair – has vowed to never again venture back to the KKK’s favourite State. Being groped, in plain view of fellow travellers, was “humiliating,” it seems.
Its an over-generalization to compare china to Nazi-Germany.But it surely is on it's way to becoming one. Pointers to that effect are:
1)Claiming new territories every other day from it's neighbours(read India,vietnam,Japan.........) just like Third Reich did in 1930s
2)Repression and persecution of political opponents at a staggering pace
3)Massive military build-up(similar to the resurrection of the luftwaffe and kreigsmarine and expansion of the wehrmaht)
4)Support for dubious regimes like ones in Sudan,Myanmar,North Korea,blocking sanctions against terrorist groups like JuD a.k.a LeT(draws parallel to Nazi support for Franco of Spain)
Many other parallels can be cited
While the US is no saint or GOI is at best an imp....china is definitely on the way to becoming the modern Nazi empire
Its an over-generalization to compare china to Nazi-Germany.But it surely is on it's way to becoming one. Pointers to that effect are:
1)Claiming new territories every other day from it's neighbours(read India,vietnam,Japan.........) just like Third Reich did in 1930s
2)Repression and persecution of political opponents at a staggering pace
3)Massive military build-up(similar to the resurrection of the luftwaffe and kreigsmarine and expansion of the wehrmaht)
4)Support for dubious regimes like ones in Sudan,Myanmar,North Korea,blocking sanctions against terrorist groups like JuD a.k.a LeT(draws parallel to Nazi support for Franco of Spain)
Many other parallels can be cited
While the US is no saint or GOI is at best an imp....china is definitely on the way to becoming the modern Nazi empire

No doubt that US senator has struck a chord with you :lol: When someone makes a bigotry remark you can be assured some bigot somewhere will clap his hands in kind.

Just look at India's disputes will its own neighbours, its military build up, its suppression of dissidents and corruptions before you get so worked up on the chinese "nazi empire".
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Its an over-generalization to compare china to Nazi-Germany.But it surely is on it's way to becoming one. Pointers to that effect are:
1)Claiming new territories every other day from it's neighbours(read India,vietnam,Japan.........) just like Third Reich did in 1930s

Chinese claims have been at constant fix ever since its inception as a republic. While Indian claims are growing tall day by day. Recently they have also fallen in love with Dalai Lama for Tibet.

2)Repression and persecution of political opponents at a staggering pace
Exactly what India is doing to Kashmiris. And exactly the same reason for having insurgencies in 20 out of your 29 states. There are no insurgencies going on in China other than occasional Ughair riots.
3)Massive military build-up(similar to the resurrection of the luftwaffe and kreigsmarine and expansion of the wehrmaht)
The indian millitary buildup is going at much faster and advance pace than China. And it is also India begging on the world stage for help against China. Guess what did India recently signed up for on Obama visit?? half the deals are of military nature.
4)Support for dubious regimes like ones in Sudan,Myanmar,North Korea,blocking sanctions against terrorist groups like JuD a.k.a LeT(draws parallel to Nazi support for Franco of Spain)
No country has their hands so "oranged" in terrorism than India. Which has or had supported every terrorist gang around south asia as well in the arab world. China has only stood strong for Sudanese regime to protect the territorial integrity of Sudan with the UN and western imperials are hell bent to break apart to feed their oil thirst. It is surprising that India has much close relations with Sudan than China or Pakistan as well a strong supporter of same regime..

What neither the honourable minister nor sections of the media are telling the people of India is that the US$750 million (Rs. 3,750 crore) deal (one third of India's FDI for the last fiscal year) with Canada's Talisman Energy Inc. concerns an area where Sudan's Islamic military government has been waging a brutal war against its own people. Up to 2 million civilians have been killed and more than 4 million displaced in the south of the country, where the people are primarily animist and Christian "African Sudanese" who differ significantly from the ruling "Arab Sudanese" in the north in their race, culture, skin colour and often religion.
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