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China denies visa for former Norwegian prime minister to attend religious m

Norway is one of Uncle SAM's yesman who does the dirty work for her master.
Yes,but a clown serving for Uncle Sam is still a clown,that won't change。
China won't care about the diplomatic relation with a stupid clown. Those clowns in the world need to think twice whether he is qualified
to play those sick political tricks with China。:coffee:
They should ban the world council of churches. Christianity is one of the worst poison that have infect the world, have destroyed hundred of cultures and broken up millions of family by instilling a racist and fanatic belief into the Asian continent. It is sad. Good job on China for rejecting these racist people from trying to undermine the Chinese nation.

Unfortunately, I would say the same to Islam as well. Only Islam didn't destroy the fabric of many East Asian society, Christianity and Catholicism did. Christianity might have a nice message but underneath, it only serves the Western white man's interest to see you whole history destroyed, like how they destroyed many African nation's history by converting them and forcing them to speak their tongue.

China should be vigilant against these Christian poison.
talk about lama's growing influence :whistle:

Lama Strong!
China is following some blind logic which is harming itself.after this episode,China will never get approve for Arctic Council,where Norway is a vital member.and what would China get by denying Visa???it made its own image more dull..
The awards given to Lê Ðức Thọ and Henry Kissinger prompted two dissenting Committee members to resign. Thọ refused to accept the prize, on the grounds that peace had not actually been achieved in Vietnam.

The awards given to Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat, Lê Ðức Thọ, Henry Kissinger, Rigoberta Menchú, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Liu Xiaobo and Barack Obama have all been the subject of controversy.

Liu Xiaobo Nobel Peace Prize was clearly political motivated and a blatant attempt by the Nobel Committee to influence and alter the political structures of a sovereign country. It elects itself to be the judge and executioner on what's the right political system for a country by using models the Committee members think is the correct system. The way they use 'one size fit all' as a political system is arrogant as it' best.

Liu, a human right activist, who advocates political reforms and end of the Chinese Communist single part rule was clearly an example of that obvious attempt. I'm not saying Liu doesn't deserve to be recognized for his efforts, but rather pointing out the Nobel Committee was trying influence and speed up the changes from outside thus can create social chaos from within. More often than not meddling like these create more problems than the existing one itself.
China's Hu on landmark visit to Denmark

COPENHAGEN: Chinese President Hu Jintao comes to Denmark on Thursday for the first-ever state visit by a Chinese president to the Scandinavian country, the Danish prime minister's office said.

"President Hu is to be accompanied by a large delegation of ministers and other central Chinese decision-makers. The programme for the Chinese guests includes, among other issues, economic cooperation and sustainability," a statement said on Monday.

Hu will stay in Denmark, which currently holds the presidency of the European Union, until Saturday before attending the G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico on June 18-19.

Ties between Beijing and Copenhagen were strained in 2009 when the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, was received by then-prime minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen and foreign minister Per Stig Moeller during a visit to Denmark.

The welcome accorded to him in what was termed a private trip led to the cancellation of official Danish visits to China and caused problems for Danish firms operating in the country.

Denmark sent a diplomatic note to Beijing later that year to smooth things over, saying it would oppose Tibetan independence and carefully consider China's reaction before inviting the Dalai Lama again

The full details of Hu's visit have yet to be disclosed, but according to a preliminary programme he will attend a banquet hosted by Queen Margrethe II on Friday, and hold talks with the prime minister the following day.

Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt has told Danish media she plans to raise human rights issues and the situation in Tibet in her talks with Hu.

China's Hu on landmark visit to Denmark - Channel NewsAsia

Norway should learn from denmark
If Denmark is friendlier to China than Norway, give Denmark weapons to attack and conquer Norway.
If Denmark is more friendly than Norway, give Denmark weapons to attack and conquer Norway.

There is indeed an old relationship between Denmark and Norway because Norway was ruled by Denmark for centuries but had to hand it over to Sweden after Denmark's ally Napoleon lost at Waterloo.
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