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China should get Nobel Peace Prize for poverty relief success: Norway's

No. China never hate the Nobel Prize. China just said that the prize to Dalai Lama and Lui does not meet Noble criteria nor intend. Noble himself would have turn in his grave.

According to the last will and testament of Alfred Nobel, the prize should go to whoever “shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses”.

Gandhi is a perfect person for this award. But under pressure from the British, it was not given to Gandhi. It is the fault of the committee not Noble.
Come on you know nobel is bullshit. Obama won the peace prize. take a look at past winners and tell me why anyone would really want that prize other than some money .
What sanctions did you put on Norway?:undecided:

Norway was excluded from China’s 72-hour transit visa scheme, which allows visitors from all European Union member states, Iceland and Switzerland to stay in Beijing for three days without a visa.

In addition, Norway’s share of China’s salmon market, once as high as 92 per cent, plummeted to 29 per cent last year, with mountains of Norwegian salmon left rotting at port, Agence France-Presse reported in January.
The peace prize is a bullshit award that lost its prestige. We don't even want it.
As if we needed others' recognition to recognize the fruits of our own achievements.

Last thing we want is to fall into the trap of complacence. We are just at the beginning and a lot of miles to take until we prize ourselves.

Friendly compliments are fine, though.
Come on you know nobel is bullshit. Obama won the peace prize. take a look at past winners and tell me why anyone would really want that prize other than some money .

Its the Noble committee that is made up of old, retire, out of touch and bias people that is so screwed up.
kind of agree from what I hear in the news Chinna's been doing a lot of good, like creating jobs in africa bulding ports in south east asia even helping india
the worst thing china ever made is funding and advising Khmer Rouge to massacre millions people, and they killed thousands of Vietnamese innocent people by themselves in 1979
the worst thing china ever made is funding and advising Khmer Rouge to massacre millions people, and they killed thousands of Vietnamese innocent people by themselves in 1979

Is it true? That nasty! Then gather your troop and attack China. You must avenge them! Don't waste your time in PDF. I'll cheering you from here.
you dont know what you are? but we know what we are. we are here to exchange to chinese regular not cyber cops. we study what you share too, even agree or not. dont poor this forum
Nobel peace prize has no value. When Obama and Kissinger can get it, basically anyone with power can get it.
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