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US has won against Turkey... US pastor free...

You just show your prejudice. Typical of your ilk.

EU denied Turkey payments. Many EU member states want Turkey out of NATO. Turkey is poor and isolated. Russia is an historic arch enemy of Turkey. Turkey has no allies
Why do you think Turkey has no allies? Currently Pakistan frontline ship is Turkey and that ship is capable of destroying any country it wants with the few weapons that ship has. Turkey has allies. Now back to your point where you said I am bias yes you are correct I am to some extent but I am giving you counter argument and let's settle our dispute on arguments rather than blames. Now Russia and Turkey are both close to each other and Turkey is buying weapons from Russia so what is your point here? My friend you are underestimating Turkey. Italy is European country but not a very rich one or a military power yes it is a social power and some Italian companies are global economy shaper but in the same way some Turkish companies are global shapers.

Moving on to pastor he was guilty and worked for cia that is why he got punished. Here you need to prove he was not guilty and the Turkish court you are parsing today said he was guilty and served his term.
EU denied Turkey payments. Many EU member states want Turkey out of NATO. Turkey is poor and isolated. Russia is an historic arch enemy of Turkey. Turkey has no allies

Many EU member states are weak ,useless and pathetic .. even only Istanbul has bigger GDP and population than 17 EU member countries including Greece ,Denmark , Finland ,Romania , Chech Rep, and Portugal ... Turkey has the 5th biggest GDP PPP in Europe after Germany,France,the UK and Italy and 2nd strongest Army in NATO after the US Army

and Russia is building nuclear power plant for $20 billion in Turkey ,
Russia invest $6 billion for Turkstream gas pipeline project
Russia sells most lethal air defense system S400 to Turkey
Russia is major trade partner of Turkey
over 6 million Russian tourists comes to Turkey for holiday

and Turkey has real brothers such as nuclear power Pakistan , rich oil-gas countries Qatar,Kuwait,Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan also Uzbekhstan,Turkmenistan,Bosnia,Albania,Somali,Sudan,Indonesia,Maleysia
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Guess Saudi Arabia had to send alot of oil to Erdogan so he has some lubricant or Trump went in dry. :D


Dude Turkey got it so hard from trump

Erdogan loves to please

What are you talking about? Trump has been begging for 2 years to get him free while detained. We don't know what are spoken in secret talks but it seems we got some good stuff. Possibilities ;

- Feto
- Munbij and east of Euphrates

Ones who see this kneeling before Usa are simply the naivest morons.
Many EU member states are weak ,useless and pathetic .. even only Istanbul has bigger GDP and population than 13 EU member countries including Greece and Portugal ... Turkey has the 5th biggest GDP PPP in Europe after Germany,France,the UK and Italy and 2nd strongest Army in NATO after the US Army

and Russia is building nuclear power plant for $20 billion in Turkey ,
Russia invest $6 billion for Turkstream gas pipeline project
Russia sells most lethal air defense system S400 to Turkey
Russia is major trade partner of Turkey
over 6 million Russian tourists comes to Turkey for holiday

and Turkey has real brothers such as nuclear power Pakistan , rich oil-gas countries Qatar,Kuwait,Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan also Uzbekhstan,Turkmenistan,Bosnia,Albania,Somali,Sudan,Indonesia,Maleysia

Buddy don't feed this semi-human troll.
I wonder who has better relations with US, Turkey or Saudis? Those two nations now are having a row.

Turkey has no good relations with Usa for almost one decade. Whats this? China employed all sub-zero IQ asian dwarfs in this forum?
Beside that, Italy has 1% growth. Turkey 25% inflation and is collapsing.

For years you keep saying that Turkey collapse this year, next year etc bla bla... You will have no enough life time to see if Turkey collapses one day.

better not talking about IQ, reality will hit you hard :D

What now? Will you post general IQ surveys of the world? If there was a possibility to scale 1,5 billion chinese, one by one, believe me that reality would hit you harder.
For years you keep saying that Turkey collapse this year, next year etc bla bla... You will have no enough life time to see if Turkey collapses one day.

What now? Will you post general IQ surveys of the world? If there was a possibility to scale 1,5 billion chinese, one by one, believe me that reality would hit you harder.

even will hit you harder :enjoy:
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