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US has won against Turkey... US pastor free...

Many EU member states are weak ,useless and pathetic .. even only Istanbul has bigger GDP and population than 17 EU member countries including Greece ,Denmark , Finland ,Romania , Chech Rep, and Portugal ... Turkey has the 5th biggest GDP PPP in Europe after Germany,France,the UK and Italy and 2nd strongest Army in NATO after the US Army

and Russia is building nuclear power plant for $20 billion in Turkey ,
Russia invest $6 billion for Turkstream gas pipeline project
Russia sells most lethal air defense system S400 to Turkey
Russia is major trade partner of Turkey
over 6 million Russian tourists comes to Turkey for holiday

and Turkey has real brothers such as nuclear power Pakistan , rich oil-gas countries Qatar,Kuwait,Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan also Uzbekhstan,Turkmenistan,Bosnia,Albania,Somali,Sudan,Indonesia,Maleysia

numbers dont make a Army strong... face it all of your ground Force equipment is completely outdated early cold war stuff... M-48, M-60, Leo1 most modern tank in service Leo2 A4 (technical standart of 1985) ...
Not France not UK not Italy not Spain not Sweden and many more use such useless outdated equipment... so having 2000 tanks that u see today elsewere only in museum does not make the turkey army strong.
Your Army is so strong that they cant handle a small group of terrorists since decades... worst part Erdogan stripped the Army of the good officers and replaced them with his whoreshipper...

Qatar and Kuwait are rich because of the west... not of Turkey... if they have to choose they will drop you like a hot potato... thats for sure... money in the pocket is more important than a "friend" far away...
What bitch slap are you talking about,you got more sanctions from them,what did you do?
See how they are trying to get Brunson free?
Watch and learn.

Watch and learn what, exactly?

By the way, China's trade surplus with the USA has reached (yet another) record high.
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Gulen still lives in his big 3 stories house in America under the protection of Trump, in the meantime, Turkey couldn't bear the pressure of Trump and released the American pastor who meant to be traded off with America for Gulen but nah Trump will never let Gulen to be under the hands of Erdogan

the house of Gulen in America


Coward Erdogan couldn't keep his words together.

You better stfu and give some money to Trump for protection from Iran.

But it was not built by Turks

Yes it is rebuilt by Turks. Just like your shitty country demolished and raped by Americans rebuilt by us .

Turkish Construction Companies Generate Revenues Of $ 24.827 Billion In Iraq

Visited 3. Istanbul, Izmir and Ephesos. The only good thing were the roman artifacts in Ephesos. The rest was lame..

I wouldn't go somewhere 2nd and 3rd time if I didn't like at first time. Because culture remains same everywhere. But you have been to Turkey 3 times. Interesting, a secret lover jeaolous by our country's beauty and vomit hatred now ?
numbers dont make a Army strong... face it all of your ground Force equipment is completely outdated early cold war stuff... M-48, M-60, Leo1 most modern tank in service Leo2 A4 (technical standart of 1985) ...

You are only talking about Tank
but what about another most modern Turkish weapons of the Turkish Army to crush weak and tiny German or French or Italian or any European Army like little insect

-- MPT-55 , MPT-76 and KCR-556 Rifles entered service after 2013
-- OMTAS 5th gen anti Tank Missile entered service by 2017 and better than old MILAN
-- 350 of T-155 STORM and 400 of T-155 PANTHER 155mm Howitzers and Turkey has developed new T-155 STORM-II Howitzer and YAVUZ truck mounted 155mm Howitzer after 2016

-- 40km TRG-122 guided MLRS entered service by 2016 ( Germany,France,the UK uses old American GMLRS with 39km SCATMIN rocket )

-- 120 km TRG-300 guided MLRS entered service by 2016 ( only the US and Turkey in NATO )
-- 150 km J600T Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 280 km BORA-I Tactical Ballistic Missile entered service by 2016-2017 ( only the US and Turkey in NATO )

-- total of 87 TAI T-129 Attack Helicopters will be produced between 2014 and 2022 ( the biggest Attack Helicopter fleet in Europe .... excluding Russia )
-- Bayraktar TB-2 Tactical UCAV entered service by 2015 ( and Turkey has the biggest UCAV fleet in Europe including Russia ) .... You are dreaming about it

-- KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System entered service by 2015 ( what a great technology )

and new weapons until 2021 such as HISAR-A and HISAR-O Air Defense Systems ,, ALTAY Tank and many more for the Turkish Army

Dont compare your weak , tiny and outdated Armies with Turkish Army

Your Army is so strong that they cant handle a small group of terrorists since decades

Turkish Army is only successful Army in the world against terrorism and guerrilla tactics ......
the US,Israel,Germany,France,Italy,Iraq,Iran,Syria backed loser Pkk terrorists could not take even 1cm2 of land from Turkey since 1985

and 28 countries including the US,the UK,Germany,France,Italy could not destroy aTALIBAN in Afghanistan since 2002

worst part Erdogan stripped the Army of the good officers and replaced them with his whoreshipper...

ERDOGAN kicked The US,The UK,Germany backed traitor FETO terrorists out of the Army

Qatar and Kuwait are rich because of the west... not of Turkey

Iraq and Libya are so poor because of the west ( even Iraq and Libya have rich oil reserves but they are one of the poorest countries in the world because of thieves murderer terrorist the US and the UK invaded Iraq and thieves murderer terrorist France attacked Libya )
Watch and learn what, exactly?

By the way, China's trade surplus with the USA has reached (yet another) record high.
You are the Think Tank here,im sure you can think of ''things,deals'' we got for releasing a CIA operative.
The guy seems to be very important to them by looking at what they gave us.
You will see.
Turkish media spread lies to Turkish people and tells them that American pastor is a a hidden Muslim, so that Erdogan released him :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ha ha you write down all this with shakey finger, but Turkey is a shithole.

Dude when we stepped out of Starbucks in Istanbul, there came dozens of stinking children to sell us shit.


Says someone who could not even get a visa for Italy ha ha ha
Visa for Italy???? mate i shit on the pisshole callled italy, i study at a top tier Australian university after which im gonna go back to my very privilaged life back home in Pakistan, my family could probably hire ten italians like u to clean our shit, go figure....
Turkish media spread lies to Turkish people and tells them that American pastor is a a hidden Muslim, so that Erdogan released him :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Thats actually fake people in Turkey made that a meme to mock the whole ordeal you stupid arab
even as of 2018 Turkish construction Industry is the second in the world after China
Turks are building modern Turkey with airports , hospitals , skyscrapers , hotels , stadiums , highways , tunnels , etc

Ha ha build by foreign architects. Typical for 3rd world countries. Build on debt btw and inflation of 25%.

You better stfu and give some money to Trump for protection from Iran.

Yes it is rebuilt by Turks. Just like your shitty country demolished and raped by Americans rebuilt by us .

Turkish Construction Companies Generate Revenues Of $ 24.827 Billion In Iraq

I wouldn't go somewhere 2nd and 3rd time if I didn't like at first time. Because culture remains same everywhere. But you have been to Turkey 3 times. Interesting, a secret lover jeaolous by our country's beauty and vomit hatred now ?

You talk bullshit, i went one time in 2013 during a cruise. It stopped in izmir and istanbul. It was pathetic there.

Visa for Italy???? mate i shit on the pisshole callled italy, i study at a top tier Australian university after which im gonna go back to my very privilaged life back home in Pakistan, my family could probably hire ten italians like u to clean our shit, go figure....

Lol mark your post as satire.

You dont study in australia.

And you obviously have a privilidged life in pakistan. Contrary to mist you seem to have electricity.
Ha ha build by foreign architects. Typical for 3rd world countries. Build on debt btw and inflation of 25%.

You talk bullshit, i went one time in 2013 during a cruise. It stopped in izmir and istanbul. It was pathetic there.

Lol mark your post as satire.

You dont study in australia.

And you obviously have a privilidged life in pakistan. Contrary to mist you seem to have electricity.
USA win from the begining

Dare turkey really disobey the order from its master?

Turkish media spread lies to Turkish people and tells them that American pastor is a a hidden Muslim, so that Erdogan released him :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

A hidden muslim?:yahoo:

Maybe,people should leave turkey alone for a while,its national dignity are bleeding:hitwall:
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even as of 2018 Turkish construction Industry is the second in the world after China
Turks are building modern Turkey with airports , hospitals , skyscrapers , hotels , stadiums , highways , tunnels , etc
Proof? Or it's just YOU say so.
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