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US has won against Turkey... US pastor free...

You better stfu and give some money to Trump for protection from Iran.

Yes it is rebuilt by Turks. Just like your shitty country demolished and raped by Americans rebuilt by us .

Turkish Construction Companies Generate Revenues Of $ 24.827 Billion In Iraq

I wouldn't go somewhere 2nd and 3rd time if I didn't like at first time. Because culture remains same everywhere. But you have been to Turkey 3 times. Interesting, a secret lover jeaolous by our country's beauty and vomit hatred now ?
Cut the bs Iraq was destroyed because of the terrorism which your erdogan is part of just like how he was one of the main destructors of syria

Also no need to tell you how the Middle East was backward under your rule
Cut the bs Iraq was destroyed because of the terrorism which your erdogan is part of just like how he was one of the main destructors of syria

Also no need to tell you how the Middle East was backward under your rule

If the Turks ever rule the Middle East again I hope they put you dirty arabs in chains again.
All of the Anti-American Warriors here must know the truth.
Modern day super powers cannot be taken down Militarily or by threats. Being Super power includes a lot of things at so many levels including its Allies. Soviet union is a clear example. USA could not have taken it down in 100 years in a military war. For Soviet Union it was all about ideology of Communism and People Covered in an Armour of strong national government and its institutes from which it drew its massive military power. that military was unbeatable even by US Standards. And its allies were standing strong. Their was no support from any private organizations what soever . once those Govt institutes decided against it, it was over.
For USA its a Capitalist super power. It Draws its power from its Private Entrepreneurship and Economy from which it supports its massive military machine which is like Soviet Union unbeatable by anyone AND the massive Technology and research output. Unless the demand for US Dollar in international market dwindles their is no dethroning of the USA. All of your countries Do international trade in USD and Euro 90%.
Bottom line is unless the world becomes independent of US Dollar for international Trade and US Bases Research and Technology, USA is your need by your choice
Freakin should have done so sooner. With all these tariffs on Turkey leading to emerging market crash. SIGH
The USA has won its "war" against Turkey. Today a court ordered the US pastor Andrew Brunson is free to leave.


Yesterday NBC already reported about a secret agreement between the US and Turkey government. The pastor is the center of the problems between USA and Turkey, he was imprisoned for two years.
The turkish accusations collapsed after three witness withdrawn their statments.
Journalits witness the court claimed the whole negotiation was a joke. Every witness made contradictory statements ...

Erdogan collapsed under the preassure of Trump...


What an idiotic title... wasn't it Turkey which freed him?
it shows, Turkey is co-operating more than enough when they hand over a spy all by them selves!
Turkish media spread lies to Turkish people and tells them that American pastor is a a hidden Muslim, so that Erdogan released him :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

you should prove orginal video. that fake photos that gulenists baboons are spreading such fake news every time. just lizards belive that news and some slave chinesse lol
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I wonder what Turkish members will say, @xenon54 @cabatli_53 @Sinan

Too soon to talk about it, let's see what Erdo gained in return.

At the same day of Pastors release, Erdo visited a commando brigade in Kayseri and made some speech. He said, Turkish army will enter east of Euphrates soon. We shall see.
USA win from the begining

Dare turkey really disobey the order from its master?

A hidden muslim?:yahoo:

Maybe,people should leave turkey alone for a while,its national dignity are bleeding:hitwall:
that fake news chinese . i watched 1984 movie yesterday i said that this movie describes future chinese society. Chinese are figurant of movie ha ha
Nope, they are mafia bosses. Don't belittle them.

Turkey has an independent judiciary, this is just another example of it.

It's not that, Turkey got something out of freeing the Pastor/CIA agent. His freedom was not free, wait and see.
What happened to Sultan? Crawled under US pressure? Hope he does not buy a new iPhone...

What kind of pressure makes you hide your rat hole?

USA win from the begining

Dare turkey really disobey the order from its master?

A hidden muslim?:yahoo:

Maybe,people should leave turkey alone for a while,its national dignity are bleeding:hitwall:

He has been released after serving two years in jail. It was not like "This is chinese territory, stay away, stay away! Oh please stay away!"
Too soon to talk about it, let's see what Erdo gained in return.

At the same day of Pastors release, Erdo visited a commando brigade in Kayseri and made some speech. He said, Turkish army will enter east of Euphrates soon. We shall see.

-East of Euphrate, Menbic in Syria will be tied to Turkish land with killing dozen of PYD terrorists protected by US. Army is being prepared for a new operation in Syria at present.
-F-35? It is likely since training of Turkish pilots are proceeding. We will see the results. Just patience.

Turkiye is not like coward wahabi dictators who owe their seats to US protection against their own public so being milked by US daily.
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