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US has won against Turkey... US pastor free...

If the Deep Nation doesn't support its very own Deep State and vice versa, then who will????? By the by, the common folks throw themselves under the tanks for Reis Erdo'an!!!!

Anyway, it looks like a good bargain from the Reis for the following reasons:
  • External financial pressure is lessened, so fiscal reforms can be strengthened
  • Confidence of the international investors is boosted further
  • Putting TL in the forefront of the international trade/investment can be fast tracked
  • Paving the way for putting the Turkish forces inside the currently US supported PKK/YPG held regions inside Syria
  • Unhindered growth of the indigenous military industrial complex
  • Chasing the outsiders away from looking for petrol/gas in the Mediterranean regions near Turkey
  • etc.

All the Projects and ambitions listed above were going fine until they got obstructed and derailed due the us pressure. The only two thingss which are annoying me are that

1- why did he challenge the yankees at the cost of the trukish economy and repute when at the end he had to give in?

2- what kinda bail out he's expecting to fix what has been damaged?
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liar TROLL ...... its India or Pakistan even maybe Bangladesh but not Turkey

look at their traditional dresses and stop lying

Google says Turkey

My friend here is a good thread for you to read.

Now this thread is about pastor and not poverty. If you really want to discuss poverty between Italy and Turkey please start a thread and I will show you and world horrors of poverty in south Italy. You tall buildings are made on the graves of many poor and they are not hidden from me so please stick to the topic.

Direct this also against the Turk who insults Italy?
It's more like Turkey got some sanctions removed, but also got concessions on US policy with Kurds in Syria, in exchange for not publicly accusing Saudi Arabia of killing Jamal Khashoggi.
Direct this also against the Turk who insults Italy?
If you both insult each other can we have a constructive discussion you are wasting your energy on pulling out dirt rather than reaching at the truth.
All the Projects and ambitions listed above were going fine until they got obstructed and derailed due the us pressure. The only two thingss which are annoying me are that

1- why did he challenge the yankees at the cost of the trukish economy and repute when at the end he had to give in?

2- what kinda bail out he's expecting to fix what has been damaged?
Brunson or no Brunson, they'd have gone for the financial attack for the physical ones are failing!!! Maybe Brunson is like a blessing in disguise....
If you both insult each other can we have a constructive discussion you are wasting your energy on pulling out dirt rather than reaching at the truth.

You adressed only me, not the turk, which makes this accussation worthless.

That said, Turkey is a very poor country and in gigantic economic trouble. The currency collapses and nothing stops that. Thats the reason why Erdogan gave by, he hopes Trump might help him. 2 weeks ago Erdogan was in Germany and begged for money. He got no money, so releasing Branson was Plan B. If he had got help from EU, he would not have give by to trump.
LOL who gave a fvck about the pastor. The pastor is just an insignificant pawn and a means to an end. Probably the pastor didn't do sh!t or maybe he did. It doesn't matter one tiny bit. Now that he has been freed Turkey can demand something in return which it probably already did. That is called bargaining. Whoever is celebrating this as some victory needs to see a mental health doctor.

As for the real game. The Turks won't give an inch in Syria and the Kurdish issue.
Brunson or no Brunson, they'd have gone for the financial attack for the physical ones are failing!!! Maybe Brunson is like a blessing in disguise....
I agree,but Turkey got wobbly legs after a modest financial attack,so Turkey is really not ready for real war with US. nuff said.Regarding Turkey being in NATO, Turkey has to decide if Turkey is In, or Out. TUrkey cant play the fence.
Erdogan takes orders from his master Trump

View attachment 504734
Look who's talking!!! Have some shame at the least!!! Anyway, I know it's too much to ask for....

By the by, the Turkish forces are on their way to the US supported and KSA/UAE financed PKK/YPG held areas inside Syria!!!! Down the drain all the Haram money from "two weeks survivors" MBS/MBZ!!!! Haram IN, Haram OUT....
You adressed only me, not the turk, which makes this accussation worthless.

That said, Turkey is a very poor country and in gigantic economic trouble. The currency collapses and nothing stops that. Thats the reason why Erdogan gave by, he hopes Trump might help him. 2 weeks ago Erdogan was in Germany and begged for money. He got no money, so releasing Branson was Plan B. If he had got help from EU, he would not have give by to trump.
Turkey is poor or rich they can extort money any time from Europe for example European defence depends on Turkey they are a large force in NATO and Russia knocks your door every day so who is in more need Europe or Turkey? These events don't happen just like the equation you are giving me.
Turkey is poor or rich they can extort money any time from Europe for example European defence depends on Turkey they are a large force in NATO and Russia knocks your door every day so who is in more need Europe or Turkey? These events don't happen just like the equation you are giving me.

You just show your prejudice. Typical of your ilk.

EU denied Turkey payments. Many EU member states want Turkey out of NATO. Turkey is poor and isolated. Russia is an historic arch enemy of Turkey. Turkey has no allies
Look who's talking!!! Have some shame at the least!!! Anyway, I know it's too much to ask for....

By the by, the Turkish forces are on their way to the US supported and KSA/UAE financed PKK/YPG held areas inside Syria!!!! Down the drain all the Haram money from "two weeks survivors" MBS/MBZ!!!! Haram IN, Haram OUT....

The lawyer of the American pastor told the media: I expected Brunson to be released, but not that faaaaast and TODAY.

Even the lawyer was shocked & surprised that Erdogan caved to his American masters so fast.
Trump has literally humiliated Erdoan and Turkey's judiciary system which has become a total joke.

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