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US Government vs Congress: Sale of F16s to Pakistan

US used Pakistan once again. It killed all the Jehadi Muslim by their own Muslim countries,now they are all alone and looking for the help of Muslim ummah because now they are terrorist country of the world.
US used Pakistan once again. It killed all the Jehadi Muslim by their own Muslim countries,now they are all alone and looking for the help of Muslim ummah.

It is funny how Trump talks about using the help of "his" Muslim allies in the Middle East. The Americans are looking for cannon fodder. That's all. Everywhere the Americans have set a foot, there is a fire raging. They went into Iraq, unilaterally. They couldn't find the WMDs, destroyed the entire country in the process and are now dealing with the disastrous after effects. So much so, the fire has now reached other regions of the Middle East such as Syria. They don't know how to extinguish this fire. It is beyond anyone's control. To make matters worse, they are blatantly arming certain militia groups such as their "allies" the Kurds and their so-called "friendly" Sunnis which has also backfired. This is all an act of desperation.

Afghanistan is no different. Barbaric child molesting Northern Alliance warlords are ruling over the Afghan population. They replaced one barbarian with the other. Women don't have any rights. Children don't have any rights. The Afghan economy is an opium based economy. Its people are mass fleeing to other nations. Even Kabul isn't secure. The ethnic Pashtun population totally alienated. The list goes on and on. Yet, these people find the audacity to blame others.
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Ref. Article.
It is mentioned that Americans did not equip dfrm which is useful for jamming. They didn't give bvrs and lacked other ecm measures.

Why so much amount of money was spent on these F16s which seemed only good enough for fighting Talibans. And in agreement with USA that they won't be used against Indians. Is this the planning of PAF?

I mean if only targeting pod was the reason for buying these F16, then there are serious sanity issues with the decision makers. We could have and should have Gone for rafale when we were getting these and still we need 8 more "handicapped" F16s. If PAF thinks so what if we have made agreement of not using these jets against india , we will use them when required. I am sorry, I don't buy this cheating.
The only problem is that Pakistan doesn't have the money to buy the fighters and decided to ride on American goodwill instead. That goodwill has obviously taken a good beating thanks to OBL episode, Pakistan's decision to block supply routes, support to Haqqanis and the incessant anti-American rhetoric and its cozying up to China. People in the States aren't blind to that.

But I guess people in your country are dumb and stupid enough to ignore the 70k lives and USD 120 Billion that Pakistan has lost in the US initiated and imposed TERROR WAR. And ofcourse people in your country are so low on IQ that they are unable to understand international politics and the truths and lies of the West, including the Iraqi WMDs!!
If Issue was purchasing item cash then we would rather go for F16 Block E/F

It should dawn on Pakistan that Congress' rejection of subsidizing Pakistan's purchase of F-16 is just not about money, but what equipment Pakistan will be allowed to buy. If you are expecting to buy whatever you want, including AESA -equipped F-16s, you are sorely mistaken.
8 F-16 are not going to boost our defence to a magical high. It is upto US to take its decisions on whether to finance this deal or otherwise. Similarly, it is for us to make the decisions on our defence acquisitions as well as how to further our relationship and cooperation with other nations. Stay tuned my friend.

Sir , we cant base our Foreign policy based on just F-16's , Pak-US relationship must not , in fact will not be limited to the sale of some F-shola ...
I doubt Pentagon is run by the world biggest idiots, who will piss of the Pakistan in the crucial times when they were sent home humiliated from Iraq and Afghan Taliban maybe be preparing for the winter Assault ..
our Politicians are neglecting the National Interest because they are not even Pakistan Nationals , all have their families and business's set everywhere except Pakistan, and they know if and when Pakistan is collapsing they will take a private jet and leave Pakistan, with its people and Army to stand ..

I personally believe Pakistan must swallow this hard pill and move on from the F-16 , it is time
EFT Available but expensive
Su-35 Still under Negotiations + Expensive
F-16's Sanction Prone + string attached .
Turkish TFX No where near the serial Production
J-10's only Suitable and Quick Addition Option
J-31 still in Prototype Stage
J-20 Not clear for Export and No Mass Production starts
As i said.. @MastanKhan hope you remember sir.
very soon US will through Bone and our dirty politician and PAF shit management will start licking their shoes.
Uncle sam will never let Pakistan move on. Here i just can wish ALLAH hidayat de bas. Ameen
Pakistan can still try to get the used F-16s from European countries.

From which nations? We've a handful (52) of F-16s that we're dumping soon to make room for these:



Our F-16s have already been MLU'd and aren't exactly anything special:





European nations are either still using them or plan to replace them, but not until the mid-2020s. There aren't many Euro F-16s on the market at the moment and by the mid-2020s, when Gripen or F-35 replace those that are slated to be replaced, one should hope Pakistan isn't still wishing it had these aircraft.

From outside, its seems there is no government control over the policies in America. Some random dic***** can hijack state to state relations and business. America needs to change the way the country is governed specially in matters relating to the foreign policy, in particular its dealings with Pakistan. If they have special protocols in dealing with Israel, they need to do the same with Pakistan. Otherwise these prostitutes in capital hill will keep on creating hurdles between state to state relationship on the whims of their highest bidders, which got nothing to do with the core American national interests.


The protocol is that in the next election the person against israel is going to lose or come close to losing.

The problem is with pakistan---it had a certain window of opportunity and it missed it with a wide margin.
From which nations? We've a handful (52) of F-16s that we're dumping soon to make room for these:



Our F-16s have already been MLU'd and aren't exactly anything special:





European nations are either still using them or plan to replace them, but not until the mid-2020s. There aren't many Euro F-16s on the market at the moment and by the mid-2020s, when Gripen or F-35 replace those that are slated to be replaced, one should hope Pakistan isn't still wishing it had these aircraft.
Not just Europe, but anyone willing to sell. Pakistan did the same thing with it's Mirage fleet, especially during sanctions era. It bought mirage fighters on mass from anyone getting rid of it's fleet.

From what it looks like, this has already begun, as Pakistan a 2 years back bought 16 F-16s from Jordan, with rumors that it is negotiating for more, and also looking to get some from other nations as well.
Why not trust in Dassault or Eurofighter Group , lead country Germany ?

Where are most PAK F-16s upgraded and refurbished ?

Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) delivered the last four F-16 aircraft to Pakistan Air Force (PAF) under Pakistan F-16 Modernization Program, at a ceremony held at TAI's facilities in Ankara, Turkey, on September 02, 2014.

The avionics and structural modernization of 41 F-16s of Pakistan Air Force, under the program which was effected by a contract between TAI and Pakistan Ministry of Defense in 2009, was performed at TAI's facilities. Pakistan Air Force personnel also had been qualified for the modernization by having classroom and on-the-job training given by TAI and have participated to the work performed at TAI.
I think it's about cost. For now Pak will keep the F-16s in place as they have 33 years experiance with them and all the support logistics in place. Down the road Pak will go for fifth generation aircraft. Most likely Chinese.
I think it's about cost. For now Pak will keep the F-16s in place as they have 33 years experiance with them and all the support logistics in place. Down the road Pak will go for fifth generation aircraft. Most likely Chinese.

That's the plan all along bruv. Hope you're keeping well. Good to see your posts.
We've a handful (52) of F-16s that we're dumping soon

You lack permission to re-export your F-16's. US has complete end user claims to any and all of it's equipment it sells.

Unless you arm lock Lockheed to either buy-back or find a buyer for these craft in order to buy the F-35s, there's no guarantee Pakistan will be introduced to any European F-16's.

Even then US Congress will still have to approve the transfer.

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