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‘US flexible to adapt itself to meet India’s defence needs’

Well we dont need freebies .If we want something we gave them hard cash and will buy.

India move forward whole this years with out US help.We can move forwar again with out US help .All we need a fair trade condition.

And look where our defensive equipment status is now, night blind tanks, dwindling airforce squadron numbers, both Russia and France are looting us for upgrades, stalled joint projects with Israel and Russia.
While you guys are talking about so called 'co-development'.Russians on other sides did that long time ago.Now except Russia we have 100% technology of Su-30MKI .Even our neighbouring countries take technical support from us.
We dont trust US .at least blindly.We trust But only after verify.
This so called US offer of 'co -developemt ,co-operation offer is a recent phenomenon ' only to take advantage on our market .Not for friendship.
That is why I told you GoI action will only remained 'need' basis.
And for rocket science.We know how US block our effort for an indigenous cryo engine ,even if we succeed ,we lost 14 years and service of 2 brilliant scientists.

I take it comprehension is not your strong suite

Just being offered co-development from the other side does not make this any less in value. Your market is of no concern for us albeit a nice side note. Rather- It is the strategic nature of your region that we are interested in. Btw- russians have not offered you co-development, they just took your money and are playing games with you now on it. There are plenty of articles where Indian side( military) has complained about the lack of any credible contribution being allowed by India and TOT being delayed.

lastly, what GOI will ' need' is certainly not based on opinions such as yours...you are insignificant in the equation.

The Cryo engine was blocked for everyone, not just India- and it was blocked because if India was given exception then N korea, Iran and every rogue country would get it from the russia and the chinese. And since that engine can be used for inter continental military purposes , it was blocked. But for you to know this_ you would have to an iota of awareness on the subject matter.
Please provide us some of these!! :D :D


Or by flexible, did they meant to give us this?? :P :P

Bottom line: Can the US of A be trusted? They can shut the tap anytime they please like it has happened before leaving us high and dry. This would be a nice way for blackmail. Behave or else......

That why you co-develop. Once we have the technology, it becomes difficult to turn the tap off and we continue to advance all the time. I welcome the US offer & common sense dictates that we look at this very seriously.
That why you co-develop. Once we have the technology, it becomes difficult to turn the tap off and we continue to advance all the time. I welcome the US offer & common sense dictates that we look at this very seriously.
Do you for a moment think that the the Americans will transfer high technology to us? Nope! They might sell equipment but no TOT!
Do you for a moment think that the the Americans will transfer high technology to us? Nope! They might sell equipment but no TOT!

We take them at their word and do co-development. I'm sure they will hold back on something but we will get a reasonable understanding about the rest of the production . We will continue to improve on areas where we aren't getting the knowledge rather than reinventing the whole wheel.
I take it comprehension is not your strong suite

Just being offered co-development from the other side does not make this any less in value. Your market is of no concern for us albeit a nice side note. Rather- It is the strategic nature of your region that we are interested in. Btw- russians have not offered you co-development, they just took your money and are playing games with you now on it. There are plenty of articles where Indian side( military) has complained about the lack of any credible contribution being allowed by India and TOT being delayed.

lastly, what GOI will ' need' is certainly not based on opinions such as yours...you are insignificant in the equation.

The Cryo engine was blocked for everyone, not just India- and it was blocked because if India was given exception then N korea, Iran and every rogue country would get it from the russia and the chinese. And since that engine can be used for inter continental military purposes , it was blocked. But for you to know this_ you would have to an iota of awareness on the subject matter.

Who are you?
US president Barack Obama.
How can you become so significant in all these matters.
Last time Indo US relation is in rock bottom over diplomatic case.
Our PM modi visa case is also very well reputed.
We are interesting in cooperation but only when we get true tech.
Who is this US to determine ,which country is rogue or not.
Iran is not a rogue country for us.They are our friends.
US interest is not a matter for us.Our aim is to fulfilling our national security and prosperity.
GoI has the records how US treat us in past decades and in present diplomatic case.
Any kids with basic level education can understand present pathetic condition of US -Indo relationship.
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Then the salesman wouldn't be doing its job if not trying at all.

well this salesman is promising India " Special role in Asia "

such roles are not bestowed upon by somebody to someone ....it needs to be achieved by us on our own strength .

India will achieve its role in Asia on its own accord .

so yes ! this salesman is promising something it can't deliver ..simply to sell its stuff .

But then thanks for conforming to our belief that you are nothing more than seller looking for buyer ....

and that you can't be trusted as friend or ally ....and needs to be treated just as one needs to treat a trader pushing for his products .

yeah ... offering what would be a dream status for india is trying too hard LOL

giving full TOT and co joint development on the latest and advanced technologies from the leader in the world on advanced technologies, could only be seen as a negative, by the US deranged syndrome types ... fortunately they tend to be nobodies like you and cannot influence decisions.

Self obsessed , retarded moron like you will off course go on harping on what US is promising ....

What dream status you are talking about ?

The dream status of great strategic ally that Pakistan is enjoying ???

Or Puddle status that UK is enjoying ???

Or dependent nation status that countries like Phillipines enjoy which you desert time to time to keep China in good humor ?

what dream status are you talking about you moron ???

How many TOT US has given so far ....

We have given the money worth in gold for all the assets we have purchased from US .

You may like to showcase it as sign of your great affection ...but no thanks ...We understand business .

This is the same US administration which provided Pakistan F16s to fight terrorism knowing very well that there are no terrorists which needs to be tackled with f16s except us . We are not a naïve country that's why we have kept US at a distance it deserves to be .

When there are such slave dogs like you barking at instance of white masters ....they do not have to fend for themselves ....They just have to keep feeding greedy dogs like you with their material prosperity ....!!!

what are you ? President of United States to promise dream status to India ..???
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Seems too good to be true

A country which was arming country like Pakistan with F16 fighters ( under pretext of help to fight terrorism ....you tell me against which terrorists Pakistan would need F16 ) just a decade ago ...now suddenly wants to give India " special status in Asia " ....

First off all who is US to provide such status to India ?
Second thing Can such status be provided by one country to another country ?
Third thing Can't India achieve such status without US help ?

these are the worthwhile questions to be asked ....

US is No 1 today ... it's position seriously challenged by No 2 that is China . Now US is trying get the No. 3 i.e India to stand against and fight No. 2 ...so that it's No.1 remains intact ....

It is a straightforward game for Geopolitical supremacy ...we should use US to the extent possible to advance our interests without compromising our own .

We should not become Pawn at the hands of Americans in their game against China .

they will sacrifice us as easily as they have done with Pakistan in their game against Soviet Russia .

Do we want to be America's next " Pakistan" ???

I think you know the answer already !!!

And look where our defensive equipment status is now, night blind tanks, dwindling airforce squadron numbers, both Russia and France are looting us for upgrades, stalled joint projects with Israel and Russia.

If Russia and France are looting us ...then is US going to enrich us ???

Bottom line: Can the US of A be trusted? They can shut the tap anytime they please like it has happened before leaving us high and dry. This would be a nice way for blackmail. Behave or else......

This is the one country which is 'Antonym' to word " TRUST "

Believe me it's 400 year history is full of myriads instances of betrayals and treachery .

I would trust any other country on back of this Planet but United states of America !!!
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At the start of Modi's tenure as PM, he has already given a indication that China will be having more priority than US... Good relations with China will automatically bring down the threat perception on our eastern flank...

What you want as per the thread, they want to pitch us against China.. Remember a friend can be changed but you cant change neighbor..

If technology is offered to us without hurting Indo-China-Russia relations, then am okay, but not at the cost of our regional friends..
Do you for a moment think that the the Americans will transfer high technology to us? Nope! They might sell equipment but no TOT!

If they are so much interested in strategic partnership ...let them give TOT to India on crucial high end products ..and then we will see.

We should not be burdened by past altogether at the same time we should not be over-buoyed by hope of big promises .

Logic dictates that we approach this issue in cold , calculated manner .

There is no need to get carried away with these promises of " special status " and so on ...

I however do not believe in these US promises of giving India " Special status in Asia "

they can't !

The crown is not bestowed upon anybody like that ...and if it is , then nobody respects such ' bestowed crowns' .

Real king is he who carves out his own empire ....

India should not depend on or expect US help to achieve its due place in comity of nations .

We should work hard to make world accept us in that role .
yeah ... offering what would be a dream status for india is trying too hard LOL

giving full TOT and co joint development on the latest and advanced technologies from the leader in the world on advanced technologies, could only be seen as a negative, by the US deranged syndrome types ... fortunately they tend to be nobodies like you and cannot influence decisions.

Pardon me sir but you are forgetting this part'' a former US government official has said'' it clearly says sales man has no business making these statements as his opinion no longer counts.
And look where our defensive equipment status is now, night blind tanks, dwindling airforce squadron numbers, both Russia and France are looting us for upgrades, stalled joint projects with Israel and Russia.

US would not bring any change in that picture.They also will loot us.Atleast Russians and French will gave us technology .US also dont do that.All this co-development words is just a smoke .We cant trust them.
Open our FDI bring foreign companies on the basis of advantage and pure merit.All these nations companies can invest in that manner..

well this salesman is promising India " Special role in Asia "

such roles are not bestowed upon by somebody to someone ....it needs to be achieved by us on our own strength .

India will achieve its role in Asia on its own accord .

so yes ! this salesman is promising something it can't deliver ..simply to sell its stuff .

But then thanks for conforming to our belief that you are nothing more than seller looking for buyer ....

and that you can't be trusted as friend or ally ....and needs to be treated just as one needs to treat a trader pushing for his products .

Self obsessed , retarded moron like you will off course go on harping on what US is promising ....

What dream status you are talking about ?

The dream status of great strategic ally that Pakistan is enjoying ???

Or Puddle status that UK is enjoying ???

Or dependent nation status that countries like Phillipines enjoy which you desert time to time to keep China in good humor ?

what dream status are you talking about you moron ???

How many TOT US has given so far ....

We have given the money worth in gold for all the assets we have purchased from US .

You may like to showcase it as sign of your great affection ...but no thanks ...We understand business .

This is the same US administration which provided Pakistan F16s to fight terrorism knowing very well that there are no terrorists which needs to be tackled with f16s except us . We are not a naïve country that's why we have kept US at a distance it deserves to be .

When there are such slave dogs like you barking at instance of white masters ....they do not have to fend for themselves ....They just have to keep feeding greedy dogs like you with their material prosperity ....!!!

what are you ? President of United States to promise dream status to India ..???
Absolute right bro.We Indians know our country government.But this guy is teaching us the significance of his opinion.what a joke:lol:
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US would not bring any change in that picture.They also will loot us.Atleast Russians and French will gave us technology .US also dont do that.All this co-development words is just a smoke .We cant trust them.
Open our FDI bring foreign companies on the basis of advantage and pure merit.All these nations companies can invest in that manner..

Absolute right bro.We Indians know our country government.But this guy is teaching us the significance of his opinion.what a joke:lol:
That guy is moron. On one thread, he did not read the full report, and started lecturing everyone, and still continued his nonsense after knowing that he had been acting like a dumb guy.
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