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‘US flexible to adapt itself to meet India’s defence needs’

Oh come on, you are so sad and shameful about the state of your home country India that you virtually beg your Indian compatriots to fall on their knees just like you did to the US. Sadly for you, that of your Indian compatriots are more patriotic and have more dignity than you. :)

LOL. you being chinese, obviously not being a german, you would forget that the US protects that country and germany is part of NATO.

I respect a poor India than be known as world's stealer of other technology, the gunator of worlds genocidal manics and pariah states...or be a slave to the CCP masters

Oh really??:lol::lol::lol:.
That is why I asked to you?
Who are you?US President Obama or Foreign secretary John Kerry.
India has its own values and methods .That is why our present BJP govt ban FDI in multibrand retail and snub Walmart and other companies.

NSG drama was good .It also helped us to increase our trade.But we dont go to die even if we dont get that so called 'single handedly' effort.If US dont stage that drama in India we dont fucking care about that.We can move alone with our technology advancement in nuclear science.
But US did that only for an eye in our market .And we gave reward by buying billions $ weapon from US.
So mr American wannabe save you rant on yourself .
We dont need US favour for our growth.It always a good business.

here is your diagnosis

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, similar to hyperkinetic disorder in the ICD-10) is a psychiatric disorder[1][2] of the neurodevelopmental type[3][4] in which there are significant problems of attention, hyperactivity, or acting impulsively that are not appropriate for a person's age.[5] These symptoms must begin by age six to twelve and be present for more than six months for a diagnosis to be made.[6][7] In school-aged individuals the lack of focus may result in poor school performance.
LOL. you being chinese, obviously not being a german, you would forget that the US protects that country and germany is part of NATO.

I respect a poor India than be known as world's stealer of other technology, the gunator of worlds genocidal manics and pariah states...or be a slave to the CCP masters

You are the only one arguing against all your Indian compatriots, don't you see? You compatriots perceive you as a traitor and sell out.

You compatriots have self-respect, don't try to make them into a floor creeping traitor like yourself, you won't succeed. :)
LOL. you being chinese, obviously not being a german, you would forget that the US protects that country and germany is part of NATO.

I respect a poor India than be known as world's stealer of other technology, the gunator of worlds genocidal manics and pariah states...or be a slave to the CCP masters

here is your diagnosis

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, similar to hyperkinetic disorder in the ICD-10) is a psychiatric disorder[1][2] of the neurodevelopmental type[3][4] in which there are significant problems of attention, hyperactivity, or acting impulsively that are not appropriate for a person's age.[5] These symptoms must begin by age six to twelve and be present for more than six months for a diagnosis to be made.[6][7] In school-aged individuals the lack of focus may result in poor school performance.

This is your disorder
Dissociative identity disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD),[1] is a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness

Indian -American and American president:lol::lol:.
we should maintain mainly "Sellers Buyers relationship" with USA for Defence product,few JVs maybe.butIndia didn't ask for "Special Role and recognition",so none needed.we shouldn't join any "Block" in Asia,created by USA.
You are the only one arguing against all your Indian compatriots, don't you see? You compatriots perceive you as a traitor and sell out.

You compatriots have self-respect, don't try to make them into a floor creeping traitor like yourself, you won't succeed. :)

two of a billion is not all... once again showing your lack of comprehension. :lol: only a brainwashed chinese like you would perceive that as being a traitor. let alone that one has to be of that country's citizenry to be a traitor. :lol:
two of a billion is not all... once again showing your lack of comprehension. :lol: only a brainwashed chinese like you would perceive that as being a traitor. let alone that one has to be of that country's citizenry to be a traitor. :lol:

You are not very successful selling your US Cool Aid to your compatriots as I can see. Your master will not be pleased at all. Your Indian compatriots have spine, unlike you creeping on the floor to lick your master's boots. Poor guy, indeed.
The reason we treat them the way they are because they did something stupid. Why do we treat Iraq the way it was? Because it invaded Kuwait? Why did we treat Iran the way it is? Because of the embassy takeover. And so on. Should you expect an ally to treat you with respect even though you took over its embassy?
Iraq invaded Kuwait not America....I can smell oil here
You are not very successful selling your US Cool Aid to your compatriots as I can see. Your master will not be pleased at all. Your Indian compatriots have spine, unlike you creeping on the floor to lick your master's boots. Poor guy, indeed.

It is hilarious that you and your people that are born into servitude as slaves of the CCP , a country that has 50 cent army, is speaking of cool AID. you own government tells us how stupid their own people are when they have censor mere opinion and words in media from you :rofl:
It is hilarious that you and your people that are born into servitude as slaves of the CCP , a country that has 50 cent army, is speaking of cool AID. you own government tells us how stupid their own people are when they have censor mere opinion and words in media from you :rofl:

In another thread, your compatriots are all getting hot to work with China more closely. Your US Cool Aid is becoming a shelf warmer as your compatriots rather engage with China at eye level, while you prefer to bent over backward to serve your master.

Work harder, scream harder to your compatriots. They might change their mind. Don't disappoint your master, you hear me? :)
In another thread, your compatriots are all getting hot to work with China more closely. Your US Cool Aid is becoming a shelf warmer as your compatriots rather engage with China at eye level, while you prefer to bent over backward to serve your master.

Work harder, scream harder to your compatriots. They might change their mind. Don't disappoint your master, you hear me? :)

haha... them working to be closer with China makes no difference to me... it is all talk till chinese come into their borders and embarrass them again. I dont need to work at anything like you have to - being a slave to the CCP and all :lol:
haha... them working to be closer with China makes no difference to me... it is all talk till chinese come into their borders and embarrass them again. I dont need to work at anything like you have to - being a slave to the CCP and all :lol:

Oh now you are mocking your compatriots for not buying your shelf warmer Cool Aid. No wonder they treat you as a traitor who bends over backward to please his master. Poor you!
we don't have sale persons , the official is all probability ex- pentagon official in the know... no salesperson can get such a deal . they need explicit permission from the US congress to do this

Well you are a moron for sure ...
because you do not even understand a sarcastic statement !

I just said that " this salesman is trying hard " in jest ...and you are stupid enough to go on explaining that he is not a salesman .

Your lack of intellect to understand such joke is obvious.
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this why I call you a slum dog. You are too uneducated to comprehend what the topic is about and go off in a tangent about every other thing which has no bearing on the subject matter.

US to promote co development of latest defense technology has been talked about for a while. US offered to do so on the next generation of Javelin.

it is a dream status because rather than only being a buyer and many without TOT. A co development is TOT and guarantees India will be getting cutting edge technology because US will use the same technology for their defense forces too... plus it gives india a share on sales/ exports. a person with average IQ would be able to see why this is best damn outcome.... but village idiot like you ...you are worried about if your cows will be fed grass...

But to a slum dog like you --- what pakistan got and blah blah about every other thing is more important to get your emotional diarrhea into it

Your lack of understanding and education is clear from your hilariously idiotic comments .
You are a stupid masochist who enjoys being tormented ...you were itching to get whacked from me despite the drubbing you got other day on a thread where you started commenting even without reading the post .

and that's why you quoted me for a comment made in jest !

as far as your slave mentality in glorifying your white masters is concerned , there is nothing new about it .

You may consider the offer of co-development as dream status ...but we are not naïve to go for your pleadings.

US is not a trustworthy country . And as we can see its game plan to get India embroiled in raising Anti China brigade.

We have made it clear on numerous occasions that we are not interested in joining any military alliance ...even if it happens to be our closest rival that is China .

US strategy to use other countries as pawn against one another and throw off once its needs are fulfilled is quite well known .

We will not subjugate our national interests at altar of professed strategic partnership with US .

We will consider US offer carefully based on its merits and accept only if it conforms to our needs without compromising long term interests .

Meanwhile we will not pay heed to slave dogs barking at the instance of his masters . We will deal with our partner at our own conditions and terms !!!

Look around yourself ...nobody is interested in your howl !!!

Meanwhile keep barking ....that's best what you can do .

US is the no.1 country in this world .How did they get this type of people like you?
Our military still contains 79% purchase from Russia.
That was right.US create all these nuclear drama and then what happens?
For our own security we pass nuclear liability law and then US so called nuclear friendship is finished.
US sanctions us in 1974 just after Pokhran -1.They even create NSG after that.
But do you know the nuclear technology advancement of India after 1974?.
Now We are the front runner in thorium based reactor in this world.We already developed full fledged PFBR and Fast Breeder technology.
Guess what?' US so called sanctions made us stronger.So the conclusion or the fact you must understand we can move forward without US help if we want.
They create all this drama because they need a fair share of our nuclear business.But they dont get it.

Exactly ...we have the highest number of publications in field of thorium research ...outclassing even mighty US which boasts to heir and attract best brains from world on sheer strength of material prosperity it extends .

We have managed to do all despite oppressive sanctions and technology denial ....sheer due to our hard work .

US lifted sanctions only when it realized that sanctions have helped India and were hurting their own interests ...

They are a self centered , self obsessed country and all their dealings are based on their own interests
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LOL. you being chinese, obviously not being a german, you would forget that the US protects that country and germany is part of NATO.

I respect a poor India than be known as world's stealer of other technology, the gunator of worlds genocidal manics and pariah states...or be a slave to the CCP masters

here is your diagnosis

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, similar to hyperkinetic disorder in the ICD-10) is a psychiatric disorder[1][2] of the neurodevelopmental type[3][4] in which there are significant problems of attention, hyperactivity, or acting impulsively that are not appropriate for a person's age.[5] These symptoms must begin by age six to twelve and be present for more than six months for a diagnosis to be made.[6][7] In school-aged individuals the lack of focus may result in poor school performance.

who started commenting without reading full post ?

who is suffering from attention deficit ?

who acted impulsively to comment for sake of commenting without reading and understanding actual issues ?

The description fits well to yourself ....and you are projecting it on others .

So you have ADHD besides being a moron !!!
if Co-Development is offered in exchange of being a pawn of USA in ASIA..then a big NO..........
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