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‘US flexible to adapt itself to meet India’s defence needs’

Pardon me sir but you are forgetting this part'' a former US government official has said'' it clearly says sales man has no business making these statements as his opinion no longer counts.

we don't have sale persons , the official is all probability ex- pentagon official in the know... no salesperson can get such a deal . they need explicit permission from the US congress to do this
well this salesman is promising India " Special role in Asia "

such roles are not bestowed upon by somebody to someone ....it needs to be achieved by us on our own strength .

India will achieve its role in Asia on its own accord .

so yes ! this salesman is promising something it can't deliver ..simply to sell its stuff .

But then thanks for conforming to our belief that you are nothing more than seller looking for buyer ....

and that you can't be trusted as friend or ally ....and needs to be treated just as one needs to treat a trader pushing for his products .

Self obsessed , retarded moron like you will off course go on harping on what US is promising ....

What dream status you are talking about ?

The dream status of great strategic ally that Pakistan is enjoying ???

Or Puddle status that UK is enjoying ???

Or dependent nation status that countries like Phillipines enjoy which you desert time to time to keep China in good humor ?

what dream status are you talking about you moron ???

How many TOT US has given so far ....

We have given the money worth in gold for all the assets we have purchased from US .

You may like to showcase it as sign of your great affection ...but no thanks ...We understand business .

This is the same US administration which provided Pakistan F16s to fight terrorism knowing very well that there are no terrorists which needs to be tackled with f16s except us . We are not a naïve country that's why we have kept US at a distance it deserves to be .

When there are such slave dogs like you barking at instance of white masters ....they do not have to fend for themselves ....They just have to keep feeding greedy dogs like you with their material prosperity ....!!!

what are you ? President of United States to promise dream status to India ..???

this why I call you a slum dog. You are too uneducated to comprehend what the topic is about and go off in a tangent about every other thing which has no bearing on the subject matter.

US to promote co development of latest defense technology has been talked about for a while. US offered to do so on the next generation of Javelin.

it is a dream status because rather than only being a buyer and many without TOT. A co development is TOT and guarantees India will be getting cutting edge technology because US will use the same technology for their defense forces too... plus it gives india a share on sales/ exports. a person with average IQ would be able to see why this is best damn outcome.... but village idiot like you ...you are worried about if your cows will be fed grass...

But to a slum dog like you --- what pakistan got and blah blah about every other thing is more important to get your emotional diarrhea into it
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this why I call you a slum dog. You are too uneducated to comprehend what the topic is about and go off in a tangent about every other thing which has no bearing on the subject matter.

US to promote co development of latest defense technology has been talked about for a while. US offered to do so on the next generation of Javelin.

it is a dream status because rather than only being a buyer and many without TOT. A co development is TOT and guarantees India will be get cutting edge technology because US will use the same technology for their defense forces too... plus it gives india a share on sales/ exports. a person with average IQ would be able to see why this is best damn outcome.... but village idiot like you ...you are worried about if your cows will be fed grass...

But to a slum dog like you --- what pakistan got and blah blah about every other thing is more important to get your emotional diarrhea into it
Stop insulting him and others as slumdog, what are you then? Coconut? brown on outside, white on inside.USA can take their "Dream status" and shove it in their ***,we don't care, what matters for is our country's interests .
Everyone knows how USA treats its allies pakistan,ex-ally iran,iraq etc.History is full of it.
Hear, hear, Indians! Now fall on your knees for the dream status the US grants you. :partay:

says the chinese who is always on knees for his master the CCP.

being inherently ignorant , you would not know the " dream status" is what every country would want as a partnership vs. a buyer only role

we are not talking about leaning on US troops to protect the country, like we have in germany...

Stop insulting him and others as slumdog, what are you then? Coconut? brown on outside, white on inside.USA can take their "Dream status" and shove it in their ***,we don't care, what matters for is our country's interests .
Everyone knows how USA treats its allies pakistan,ex-ally iran,iraq etc.History is full of it.

slum dog to me is one with an ignorant mentality... that includes you too... the village idiots

Pardon me sir but you are forgetting this part'' a former US government official has said'' it clearly says sales man has no business making these statements as his opinion no longer counts.

you are forgetting ex govt official is not a salesperson
you are not also understanding ( for obvious reasons) that US does not employ salespersons.... co development is govt to govt deal needing explicit permission from the US congress.
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says the chinese who is always on knees for his master the CCP.

being inherently ignorant , you would not know the " dream status" is what every country would want as a partnership vs. a buyer only role

we are not talking about leaning on US troops to protect the country, like we have in germany...

LOL, losing the argument and go ad hominem. What else can I expect?

Indian troops in Germany, in your dream indeed. :jester:
Who are you?
US president Barack Obama.
How can you become so significant in all these matters.
Last time Indo US relation is in rock bottom over diplomatic case.
Our PM modi visa case is also very well reputed.
We are interesting in cooperation but only when we get true tech.
Who is this US to determine ,which country is rogue or not.
Iran is not a rogue country for us.They are our friends.
US interest is not a matter for us.Our aim is to fulfilling our national security and prosperity.
GoI has the records how US treat us in past decades and in present diplomatic case.
Any kids with basic level education can understand present pathetic condition of US -Indo relationship.

you forgot to ask about the price of tea in china...

present pathetic us-indo relationship is enjoying the highest defense deals and cooperation. It was the US that took you out of the nuclear power plant ban lists... single handley and is the one who spoke up first to make india a permanent of of the security council.

you may not get that information in your village

LOL, losing the argument and go ad hominem. What else can I expect?

Indian troops in Germany, in your dream indeed. :jester:

indian troops in germany ?.:lol: - you never disappoint us about your lack of comprehension..
you forgot to ask about the price of tea in china...

present pathetic us-indo relationship is enjoying the highest defense deals and cooperation. It was the US that took you out of the nuclear power plant ban lists... single handley and is the one who spoke up first to make india a permanent of of the security council.

you may not get that information in your village

indian troops in germany ?.:lol: - you never disappoint us about your lack of comprehension..

You can only speak for your country, India. I remember you said that your country aided us after WWII. I'm sure at that time, you were not even born in India. In fact, India didn't even exist as an independent country at that time. :lol:
You can only speak for your country, India. I remember you said that your country aided us after WWII. I'm sure at that time, you were not even born in India. :lol:

another classic example of the chinese lack of comprehension... someone has to be born in the historical period to speak to facts on the historical period ?:rofl:

and you a chinese, so used to be told by the master CCP what you can say and represent , now thinks you can dictate who I speak for ..:lol:

you make it too easy for me :lol:
you forgot to ask about the price of tea in china...

present pathetic us-indo relationship is enjoying the highest defense deals and cooperation. It was the US that took you out of the nuclear power plant ban lists... single handley and is the one who spoke up first to make india a permanent of of the security council.

you may not get that information in your village

you never disappoint us about your lack of comprehension...:lol:

US is the no.1 country in this world .How did they get this type of people like you?
Our military still contains 79% purchase from Russia.
That was right.US create all these nuclear drama and then what happens?
For our own security we pass nuclear liability law and then US so called nuclear friendship is finished.
US sanctions us in 1974 just after Pokhran -1.They even create NSG after that.
But do you know the nuclear technology advancement of India after 1974?.
Now We are the front runner in thorium based reactor in this world.We already developed full fledged PFBR and Fast Breeder technology.
Guess what?' US so called sanctions made us stronger.So the conclusion or the fact you must understand we can move forward without US help if we want.
They create all this drama because they need a fair share of our nuclear business.But they dont get it.
US is the no.1 country in this world .How did they get this type of people like you?
Our military still contains 79% purchase from Russia.
That was right.US create all these nuclear drama and then what happens?
For our own security we pass nuclear liability law and then US so called nuclear friendship is finished.
US sanctions us in 1974 just after Pokhran -1.They even create NSG after that.
But do you know the nuclear technology advancement of India after 1974?.
Now We are the front runner in thorium based reactor in this world.We already developed full fledged PFBR and Fast Breeder technology.
Guess what?' US so called sanctions made us stronger.So the conclusion or the fact you must understand we can move forward without US help if we want.
They create all this drama because they need a fair share of our nuclear business.But they dont get it.

allowing India to single handedly come out of the NSG blacklist is not drama. But as I said , thank god you are insignificant putz and your moronic rants have no bearing on the indian govt. If india followed your logic it would stuck in pre independence days / mindset.
another classic example of the chinese lack of comprehension... someone has to be born in the historical period to speak to facts on the historical period ?:rofl:

and you a chinese, so used to be told by the master CCP what you can say and represent , now thinks you can dictate who I speak for ..:lol:

you make it too easy for me :lol:

Oh come on, you are so sad and shameful about the state of your home country India that you virtually beg your Indian compatriots to fall on their knees just like you did to the US. Sadly for you, that of your Indian compatriots are more patriotic and have more dignity than you. :)
Stop insulting him and others as slumdog, what are you then? Coconut? brown on outside, white on inside.USA can take their "Dream status" and shove it in their ***,we don't care, what matters for is our country's interests .
Everyone knows how USA treats its allies pakistan,ex-ally iran,iraq etc.History is full of it.

The reason we treat them the way they are because they did something stupid. Why do we treat Iraq the way it was? Because it invaded Kuwait? Why did we treat Iran the way it is? Because of the embassy takeover. And so on. Should you expect an ally to treat you with respect even though you took over its embassy?
allowing India to single handedly come out of the NSG blacklist is not drama. But as I said , thank god you are insignificant putz and your moronic rants have no bearing on the indian govt. If india followed your logic it would stuck in pre independence days / mindset.
Oh really??:lol::lol::lol:.
That is why I asked to you?
Who are you?US President Obama or Foreign secretary John Kerry.
India has its own values and methods .That is why our present BJP govt ban FDI in multibrand retail and snub Walmart and other companies.

NSG drama was good .It also helped us to increase our trade.But we dont go to die even if we dont get that so called 'single handedly' effort.If US dont stage that drama in India we dont fucking care about that.We can move alone with our technology advancement in nuclear science.
But US did that only for an eye in our market .And we gave reward by buying billions $ weapon from US.
So mr American wannabe save you rant on yourself .
We dont need US favour for our growth.It always a good business.
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