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US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

Same here ... sometimes status quo is better ... look at afghanistan had taliban remained in power Afghanistan would have been a much better place ... they had 95% area whereas crime rate was almost non existent ... slowly and gradually they would have adopted to education, science and technology in any case it would have been better ...

US is just making mess all around muslim countries ...

I hope our muslim leaders realize this ...

The US is giving the Muslims a possibility to chose a better life,
and Muslims use their choice to slaughter their fellow Muslims over petty details.
It is telling, that some people think that Muslims will only behave when controlled
by a dictatorial regime, unless they are a small minority.
You are apparently one of them that wants Afghanistan to be ruled by the Taliban.
You fail to see the repression.

Which part of THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE did you have trouble understanding?
If you are illegally occupying some other countries territory you do not get to claim self defence,its pretty much the equivalent of a bank robber or criminal who murders a policeman during the course of an illegal act trying to claim self defence.If the us forces are worried about being attacked by the syrian military then the smart thing to do would be to leave syrian territory.
Sadly this sort of disgusting hypocrisy and monstrous arrogance is pretty much par for the course as far as us behaviour in the region is concerned.

If You are right, there will be a resolution in the UNSC condemning the action.
We all know that won't happen, and we all know why.
Because the veto powers are only restrained by other veto powers outside the UN.
Which part of THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE did you have trouble understanding?
If you are illegally occupying some other countries territory you do not get to claim self defence,its pretty much the equivalent of a bank robber or criminal who murders a policeman during the course of an illegal act trying to claim self defence.If the us forces are worried about being attacked by the syrian military then the smart thing to do would be to leave syrian territory.
Sadly this sort of disgusting hypocrisy and monstrous arrogance is pretty much par for the course as far as us behaviour in the region is concerned.
Ever wonder how ISIS got there in the first place?

Because Assad regime was too busy killing his own people and ISIS took advantage.

Conflict Begins

Peaceful protests against the regime commenced in March 2011 as Syrians witnessed and were inspired by successful mobilizations against the governments in Tunisia, Egypt, and other Arab states. The Assad regime’s harsh government crackdown galvanized further protests and unrest in Homas, Banyas, and Damascus. Superficial concessions by the Assad government failed to quell demands for meaningful reform. As violence continued, the government began a massive military crackdown against protestors earning condemnation from international observers. In July 2011, the largest wing of the Syrian opposition movement formally organized as the Free Syrian Army headed by Riad Al-Assad, a former Syrian army colonel. Defections by other prominent Syrian military commanders and political ocials soon followed.

Peace Talks Fail

Despite attempts by the Arab League and the United Nations to implement ceasefires during the winter months of 2011-2012, no plan prevailed, in part, to mistrust between Syrian rebels and the Assad government about compliance. In June 2012, Kofi Annan spearheaded a meeting of key international players in Geneva to facilitate a course of action to resolve the crisis. This meeting resulted in the “Geneva Communique,” presented a road map for resolving the crisis including a ceasefire agreement, full humanitarian access, and steps for a gradual political transition to replace the Assad government. The Syrian government rejected a a key tenet of the proposal that Assad must step down.

Assad crosses the “red line”

In late 2013, reports surfaced that the Assad government had reportedly used chemical weapons on August 21, 2013 in a Damascus suburb killing up to 1,400 civilians. Despite crossing the United State?s ?red line? for intervention, international parties remain out of the conflict after Russia adeptly maneuvered to have Syria dismantle its existing chemical weapons facilities.

The Rise of ISIS

Throughout 2013 and 2014, neither the Syrian opposition nor the Assad government make substantial territorial gains. At the same time, however, an extremist branch of Al-Qaeda, ISIL or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, had entered eastern Syria and taken over vast, stateless territories transforming the city of Raqqa in ISIL’s de facto capital.

Source: https://web.stanford.edu/~imalone/Teaching/ps1/SyriaCivilWarCheatSheet.pdf


When your ego is too large for you to come to terms with the reality that the masses (you claim to represent) want you to step down but you respond with state-wide crackdown and violence...

Rebellion takes shape and adopts the face of militancy. However, mindless killing spree radicalize survivors and ISIS emerges from the ashes.
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Same Taliban that permitted Al-Qaeda Network to utilize Afghanistan as base of its operations and stage terrorist attacks around the world?

Taliban did not come to power through democratic forums but through use of weapons.

I don't get the pro-Taliban sentiments in my country, honestly. Do you want to live under Taliban?

Yes same Al qaida that was created and funded by US ... you dont condemn US but Taliban as easy target for you ... my friend reality is not what documrntaries of CNN and BBC were telling ...

Taliban did came by force but what do you expect in a civil war ? Did election in Iran worked out ? Infact they divided iraq even more ...

At the time when Afghanistan was burning thanks to US and Russia Taliban started to defeat other oppenents and created fov on 95% of the land but in creation of gov they included other tribal leaders in the cabinet hence it was a coalition gov and was working very well for people of Afghanistan ... ceime rate declined, opium production ended, civil war ended ... is there better thing that can be provided to citizens of Afghanistan?

I can still recall visit of taliban representative where they litterally beg US for recognition and asked them to supporr in rebuilding afghanistan and to provide in establishing educational institutions but US denied ...

Al-qaida was charged with 9/11 then why the hell punishment was given to Taliban which did not had any direct or indirect relationship with 9/11 ... you can check history they said that we are ready to bring Osama to justice but we do not trust US and provided three option that either provide us proof of 9/11 and we will run trial in our own court or alternatively we will handover Osama to a third country who can take responsibility of fair trial ... but US rejected as they had already decided to destroy Afghanistan ... rest is history ...

My friend do not confuse Taliban with ISIS or other terrorist organization as they were entierly different ... i would like to request you to read independent journalist and then reality will be open to you ...

Taliban were far from perfect ... thwy had many issues of tribal illeterate people but they were common people of Afghanistan they were good to their population and they war far from corruption ...

Regarding west ... any country where they have intervene they have brought nothing but destruction including afganistan, syria, iraq, yemen, israel, libya etc ..

The US is giving the Muslims a possibility to chose a better life,
and Muslims use their choice to slaughter their fellow Muslims over petty details.
It is telling, that some people think that Muslims will only behave when controlled
by a dictatorial regime, unless they are a small minority.
You are apparently one of them that wants Afghanistan to be ruled by the Taliban.
You fail to see the repression.

If You are right, there will be a resolution in the UNSC condemning the action.
We all know that won't happen, and we all know why.
Because the veto powers are only restrained by other veto powers outside the UN.
It is going to be extremely nasty. The US has opened a Pandora's box by taking down the Syrian plane. The war in Syria just got uglier. The Russians are obviously not going to sit quite after this.

Russia says US-led coalition jets that fly west of the Euphrates in Syria will be treated as targets....Breaking news now.
Russia says US-led coalition jets that fly west of the Euphrates in Syria will be treated as targets....Breaking news now.


U.S. pilots operating over Syria won't hesitate to defend themselves from Russian threats, a Pentagon spokesperson said Monday in the latest escalation between the two superpowers since a U.S. jet shot down a Syrian aircraft on Sunday.

"We do not seek conflict with any party in Syria other than ISIS, but we will not hesitate to defend ourselves or our partners if threatened," Capt. Jeff Davis told The Washington Examiner.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford doubled down on that rhetoric during a Monday speech at the National Press Club.

"I'm confident that we are still communicating between our operations center and the Russia federation operations center -- and I'm also confident that our forces have the capability to take care of themselves," Dunford said.

Department of Defense spokesperson Maj. Adrian J.T. Rankine-Galloway said coalition aircraft would continue conducting "operations throughout Syria, targeting ISIS forces and providing air support for Coalition partner forces on the ground."

"As a result of recent encounters involving pro-Syrian Regime and Russian forces, we have taken prudent measures to re-position aircraft over Syria so as to continue targeting ISIS forces while ensuring the safety of our aircrew given known threats in the battlespace," Rankine-Galloway said in a statement.

Earlier Monday, Russian officials threatened to treat U.S.-led coalition planes flying in Syria, west of the Euphrates River, would be considered targets.

The news came one day after the first time in history a U.S. jet shot down a Syrian plane – and the first time in nearly 20 years the U.S. has shot down any warplane in air-to-air combat.

The last time a U.S. jet had shot down another country’s aircraft came over Kosovo in 1999 when a U.S. Air Force F-15 Eagle shot down a Serbian MiG-29.

On Sunday, it was a U.S. F-18 Super Hornet that shot down a Syrian SU-22 after that jet dropped bombs near U.S. partner forces taking on ISIS.

Russia's defense ministry also said Monday it was suspending coordination with the U.S. in Syria over so-called "de-confliction zones" after the downing of the Syrian jet.

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/06/19/us-shoot-down-syrian-jet-prompts-russian-threat.html

Give it a try please.
Yesterday Iran and Chinese Naval exercises started , and today Syrian fighter plane being shot down.

The shootdown came a little more than two hours after forces allied with the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad attacked the north-central Syria town of Ja'Din, which was controlled by the SDF.

a Syrian government Su-22 attacked the SDF forces with bombs.

"In accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition-partnered forces, (the Syrian jet) was immediately shot down by a US F/A-18E Super Hornet," the coalition statement said.

The shootdown was the first of a Syrian aircraft by the US military since it began fighting ISIS in the country in 2014.



Today Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. (IGRC) said it launched a series of missiles into Syria on Sunday in revenge for deadly attacks

“Medium-range missiles were fired from the (western) provinces of Kermanshah and Kurdestan . Missile range 700 kms to 800 Kms .


seems similar like what were fired by Houthis.

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Russia says US-led coalition jets that fly west of the Euphrates in Syria will be treated as targets....Breaking news now.

Mark my words. We are going to see casualties. Syrian airspace has now become a death zone.
Russia says US-led coalition jets that fly west of the Euphrates in Syria will be treated as targets....Breaking news now.

So we might find how good the Russian Air Defense really is if they shoot down a US jet.
It is not unlikely that there is attempt to take them out.
Can they handle 60 cruise missiles going for the SAM batteries?
So we might find how good the Russian Air Defense really is if they shoot down a US jet.
It is not unlikely that there is attempt to take them out.
Can they handle 60 cruise missiles going for the SAM batteries?

That would be an all out war!
Why would US pull a trigger on Russia?

Mark my words. We are going to see casualties. Syrian airspace has now become a death zone.

Both the US & Russians maintain the hot-line.
That would be an all out war!
Why would US pull a trigger on Russia?
Both the US & Russians maintain the hot-line.

If Russians shoot down a US jet, without any other reason than it is doing a mission in Syria,
it is really a war already.
If there is a confrontation again with the Syrian Air Force,
and Russia shoots down a jet, it is a little different.

The Russians will, if they are smart, not intervene in the US war against ISIS.
It only benefits ISIS.
So we might find how good the Russian Air Defense really is if they shoot down a US jet.
It is not unlikely that there is attempt to take them out.
Can they handle 60 cruise missiles going for the SAM batteries?

Poking the Russian bear out of hibernation is not an outcome you guys want. It seems you forget Russia has enough nukes to blow up entire planet earth multiple times, now let that sink in IF you're able to comprehend that. Now lets have a contest to see who's ding dong is bigger and better?!
If Russians shoot down a US jet, without any other reason than it is doing a mission in Syria,
it is really a war already.
If there is a confrontation again with the Syrian Air Force,
and Russia shoots down a jet, it is a little different.

The Russians will, if they are smart, not intervene in the US war against ISIS.
It only benefits ISIS.

There is much more at stake here than just ISIS and you know that.
Russia has put the US on notice, that it will consider their aircrafts as targets.
Both have hot-line though.
If Russians shoot down a US jet, without any other reason than it is doing a mission in Syria,
it is really a war already.
If there is a confrontation again with the Syrian Air Force,
and Russia shoots down a jet, it is a little different.

The Russians will, if they are smart, not intervene in the US war against ISIS.
It only benefits ISIS.
I am pretty sure the Russians would not shoot down a coalition jet without good reason. The Russians could have striked Turkey when they shot down that su-24, they didn't.

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