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US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province

You should probably have bothered to read the actual resolution in question before posting because if you had you would`ve seen that the statement you posted is simply not correct.Here is the relevant part of the resolution in question [res#2249]
5.Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter...
As you can see this in no way at all gives the us or anyone else carte blanche to come into syria and violate its sovereignty nor does it give anyone the right to occupy syrian territory,to support insurgent/terror groups and to attack syrian military or allied forces.The us presence in syria is NOT legitimate in any way unlike the russian,iranian and other allied forces that were formally invited into syria by the legitimate government of syria.
In fact the resolution begins with this:
Reaffirming the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations,Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and unity of all States in accordance with purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter
Sadly the us seems rather hellbent on ignoring this particular section.Heres a link to the resolution in question,read it for yourself if you like
Sorry to burst your bubble but Bashar regime has no legitimacy in Syria.
You mean the government that came into power through a coup,
and then periodically run "elections" that even their closest ally - Russia find ridiculous.
Between the elections, they massacre civilians.
The troops that are sent by a government, where only "approved" candidates can be elected.
Thats completely irrelevant,the syrian government is still the only legitimate and internationally recognized government of syria and frankly when it really comes down to it thats all that matters.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Bashar regime has no legitimacy in Syria.
Sorry to burst yours but under international law the syrian government is the only legitimate and internationally recognized government of syria,its really just that simple.
Then you dont need to worry about me as i am also trying to wakeup those who thinks that al saud and khumeni are their respective divine leaders ... iran and Ksa has caused so much bloodshed among muslims ...

Agreed therefore i am of strong opinion that BasharulAsad should have been left in power for sake of humanity

Great. We need more people like you.
I am no fan of Assad, but I am afraid that he and his regime are needed for the future of this country, I just don't see 1 of 93 'moderate' rebel groups taking over, I think if Assad is gone, Syria will become an even bigger hellhole than it already is.

Same here ... sometimes status quo is better ... look at afghanistan had taliban remained in power Afghanistan would have been a much better place ... they had 95% area whereas crime rate was almost non existent ... slowly and gradually they would have adopted to education, science and technology in any case it would have been better ...

US is just making mess all around muslim countries ...

I hope our muslim leaders realize this ...
Sorry to burst yours but under international law the syrian government is the only legitimate and internationally recognized government of syria,its really just that simple.
Sorry to burst yours again but International Community has called for Bashar al-Assad to step down and face charges for his crimes against his own people.

A government has legitimacy as long as it is working for the greater good of the society. Bashar has ruined his country and a large number of Syrians want his head on the pike for his crimes against them.
Same here ... sometimes status quo is better ... look at afghanistan had taliban remained in power Afghanistan would have been a much better place ... they had 95% area whereas crime rate was almost non existent ... slowly and gradually they would have adopted to education, science and technology in any case it would have been better ...

US is just making mess all around muslim countries ...

I hope our muslim leaders realize this ...
Same Taliban that permitted Al-Qaeda Network to utilize Afghanistan as base of its operations and stage terrorist attacks around the world?

Taliban did not come to power through democratic forums but through use of weapons.

I don't get the pro-Taliban sentiments in my country, honestly. Do you want to live under Taliban?
There is not any proof or evidence about Sarin attack.
No that is not right read American statement even they didn't speak about any attack against them by Syrian jet.
They consider an attack on the troops they trained to fight ISIS motivation enough.
You should probably have bothered to read the actual resolution in question before posting because if you had you would`ve seen that the statement you posted is simply not correct.Here is the relevant part of the resolution in question [res#2249]
5.Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter...
As you can see this in no way at all gives the us or anyone else carte blanche to come into syria and violate its sovereignty nor does it give anyone the right to occupy syrian territory,to support insurgent/terror groups and to attack syrian military or allied forces.The us presence in syria is NOT legitimate in any way unlike the russian,iranian and other allied forces that were formally invited into syria by the legitimate government of syria.
In fact the resolution begins with this:
Reaffirming the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations,Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and unity of all States in accordance with purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter
Sadly the us seems rather hellbent on ignoring this particular section.Heres a link to the resolution in question,read it for yourself if you like
So if western backed forces who are fighting ISIS come under attack from the regime they should simply ignore it? It's a legitimate action of self defence and acting in the fight against ISIS.
@mike2000 is back and @A.P. Richelieu
what do you have to answer about this part of my sentence?
You speak about democracy and freedom and then monarch and dictators are your best friend.
you accuse both of Saudis and Qataris for supporting terrorism while selling billion of dollars for them.
and you come here and speak against Iran democracy and power.

No, We are not selling arms that can be used to support terrorism to KSA or Qatar.
There are people which mixes Switzerland and Sweden together.
Less people confuses Sweden with the US.

Sweden has been at odds with KSA several times in a few years over human rights.
We do not consider the track record of Iran any better.


Very legitimate.

Iranian Mullahs and Bashar family - a match made in hell; both find common ground in oppression and pulling the Zionist conspiracy card to gain sympathy and ensure their legitimacy. Though Bashar has gone too far in his brutality in comparison and now he dares to rely upon ISIS card to ensure his legitimacy.

You (Iranians in general) have no moral ground for accusing others for inciting violence and/or supporting monarchs and dictators when you people forge alliances with the worst kind of scum on Earth at present.
Can't blame Iran. They are simply furthering their influence and national interests by doing so. It's normal in geo politics. So I don't see anything wrong in that. Theres no morality in foreign policy. So can't blame Iran. Every power does that.
Don't mind some Iranians saying otherwise, you can't expect them to agree that they are merely supporting the side which suites their interests irrespective of any crimes or whatever Assad commits. That's politics for you.

No, We are not selling arms that can be used to support terrorism to KSA or Qatar.
There are people which mixes Switzerland and Sweden together.
Less people confuses Sweden with the US.

Sweden has been at odds with KSA several times in a few years over human rights.
We do not consider the track record of Iran any better.
Both KSA and Iran are not any different when it comes to human rights in their country.
Can't blame Iran. They are simply furthering their influence and national interests by doing so. It's normal in geo politics. So I don't see anything wrong in that. Theres no morality in foreign policy. So can't blame Iran. Every power does that.
Don't mind some Iranians saying otherwise, you can't expect them to agree that they are merely supporting the side which suites their interests irrespective of any crimes or whatever Assad commits. That's politics for you.
I am not an advocate of the kind of politics in which the worst scum on Earth get away with ruining the lives of millions of people because they are not willing to concede their power and find foreign support to ensure their stay.

Muslims seem to be growing out of touch with Islamic teachings unfortunately and making their bed with corruption and pursuit of interests. Islamic way of life is not about pursuit of interests but for the greater good of the masses.

Entire Islamic bloc should have been on the same page by putting pressure on that ruthless sum Bashar al-Assad to step down and face charges for his terrible crimes against his own people. What we actually see is Iranians in beds with this ruthless scum and lecturing others about morality and dictatorship. Bunch of hypocrites.
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So if western backed forces who are fighting ISIS come under attack from the regime they should simply ignore it? It's a legitimate action of self defence and acting in the fight against ISIS.
Which part of THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE did you have trouble understanding?
If you are illegally occupying some other countries territory you do not get to claim self defence,its pretty much the equivalent of a bank robber or criminal who murders a policeman during the course of an illegal act trying to claim self defence.If the us forces are worried about being attacked by the syrian military then the smart thing to do would be to leave syrian territory.
Sadly this sort of disgusting hypocrisy and monstrous arrogance is pretty much par for the course as far as us behaviour in the region is concerned.
Russia will not automatically destroy any aerial objects in the areas of its Aerospace Forces’ actions in Syria, the decisions will be made on individual basis, First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council's Committee on Defense and Security Frants Klintsevich told Sputnik on Monday.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Earlier in the day, the Russian Defense Ministry said that any aircraft and drone in the area of Russian Aerospace Forces’s operations on Syria would be tracked by the air defense systems as aerial targets. Moreover, Russia halted all interactions with the US within the framework on the memorandum of incident prevention in Syrian skies. The move came following the US-led coalition's downing of a Syrian army's jet near Raqqa.

"The decisions will be made in each case individually, the targets will not be attacked automatically. But in case of aggressive acts from the United States, these actions will be strictly stopped by the Russian Aerospace Forces," Klintsevich said.

On June 18, the Syrian army said that the US-led coalition had brought down its aircraft in southern Raqqa countryside when it was fulfilling its mission against Daesh.

Later, the coalition confirmed the information saying that it shot down the Syrian government forces' Su-22 aircraft as it had allegedly been bombing in an area where US-backed rebel forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), were stationed, south of Tabqa in the Raqqa province. The US-led coalition called its attack on the Syrian army's jet "collective self-defense," adding that it contacted the Russian military to de-escalate the situation after the incident.

The Russian Defense Ministry called the attack "cynical" and "de facto an act of aggression" against a UN member state.
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