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US DOD has approved a FMS for Pakistani F16s for Sniper pods & LANTIRN navigation pod

Has Trump confirmed it to you?

Has Trump even hinted he will open the taps of CSF? Help me understand. Trump, will open up CSF, which is American tax payers money, to pay for weapons for other countries in the first place. And that CSF was stopped on his complaint Pakistan is not doing enough and kinda backstabbing. You might say it's the payment for Pakistan rendering services, he didn't see it that way. Hell he asked S Korea to pay up when successive administration had troops there for strategic purposes. All the best waiting for CSF to pay for Vipers.
Pakistan has billions of CSF funds that have been withheld. The policy was always that if Pakistan reverses its Policy and plays a supportive role, it will gain access to the funds. With the Afghan peace deal and the Trump administration very satisfied with the progress of the talks, it will be hard to imagine the White House withholding the money. Considering that the United States is in deep recession, it will make political sense to release the funds and create jobs, especially in electorally critical states. Pakistan has to play its card right.

“Briefing reporters, U.S. officials stressed the suspension did not affect civilian aid to Pakistan and that the money could go through if Islamabad took decisive action against the groups.”

Exactly expecting hard cash will be difficult but subsituting it for debt relief, food items we unfortunately import due to poor planning (edible oil) and weapons will be more effective and more doable
Nope. Forget CSF. It's not coming especially not now with or without the deal. The deal is anyway collapsing with Taliban bombings and Afghan forces attack.
That bombing done by ISIS not by Talibs US acknowledged that yes Ghani regime touted that what u talking sorry my man. Deal was between Talibs and US not Ghani and Talibs that deal is there that what pak promised to deliver.

Has Trump even hinted he will open the taps of CSF? Help me understand. Trump, will open up CSF, which is American tax payers money, to pay for weapons for other countries in the first place. And that CSF was stopped on his complaint Pakistan is not doing enough and kinda backstabbing. You might say it's the payment for Pakistan rendering services, he didn't see it that way. Hell he asked S Korea to pay up when successive administration had troops there for strategic purposes. All the best waiting for CSF to pay for Vipers.
It's our money not US tax payer money by the way why U so irritant?

Has Trump confirmed it to you?
I feel he didn't like whats coming
That bombing done by ISIS not by Talibs US acknowledged that yes Ghani regime touted that what u talking sorry my man. Deal was between Talibs and US not Ghani and Talibs that deal is there that what pak promised to deliver.

It's our money not US tax payer money by the way why U so irritant?

I feel he didn't like whats coming

I have no issues with CSF Funds. I am just telling Trump is not a guy who will open up the tap. Joe Biden might if he wins.
I have no issues with CSF Funds. I am just telling Trump is not a guy who will open up the tap. Joe Biden might if he wins.
Trump called PM and talked two trillion package what it has to do Pak? Behind the scene alot going on.We will get CSF 200%

Any one talking about used vipers I doubt that if there is any will be Blk70 V then we may get used one America needs business after COVID crisis old plane to a reliable customer is not a business What US will get from it? They make money with new Jett used one nothing.
I hope it gets blocked. Pakistan needs to be weaned off from USA.
Even inferior weapons from elsewhere and own build are better than superior systems from USA.
Has Trump even hinted he will open the taps of CSF? Help me understand. Trump, will open up CSF, which is American tax payers money, to pay for weapons for other countries in the first place. And that CSF was stopped on his complaint Pakistan is not doing enough and kinda backstabbing. You might say it's the payment for Pakistan rendering services, he didn't see it that way. Hell he asked S Korea to pay up when successive administration had troops there for strategic purposes. All the best waiting for CSF to pay for Vipers.

What can I do if you have no brain.

That bombing done by ISIS not by Talibs US acknowledged that yes Ghani regime touted that what u talking sorry my man. Deal was between Talibs and US not Ghani and Talibs that deal is there that what pak promised to deliver.
It's our money not US tax payer money by the way why U so irritant?
I feel he didn't like whats coming

It is more likely that he is an ignorant person.
Doesn't matter when there are too many strings attached and they dictate us when to use those weapons and when not to.
They even bullied us for using F-16 during operation swift retort
Wrong pak did used against india only first strike can't but since india striked first then pak can use them even deep inside india that what US explain after 27 Feb incident.

What can I do if you have no brain.

It is more likely that he is an ignorant person.
I won't call him ignorant but I feel he is like brisk something he didn't like gone hyper.
I am amazed some user even discarded US purchase al togather
I doubt it too, PAF too focused on getting bang per buck, if we are getting Erieyes at $50 million a piece, Sniper Pods at $2 million a piece and JF-17s at $20 million, then $80 million for a brand new F-16 is way too much.
LMTAS only producing V model now.

My guess is another 18 used F-16s that may already have MLU that PAF will then pay to slightky adapt them to PAF MLU standard. Plenty of used Dutch, Belgium and Danish F-16 MLUs coming online as these countries convert to F-35 in next couple of years. PAF must do it's best to get the best air frames from these countries. Then you may be looking at a second hand F-16 for $10 million. Something PAF will surely go for

Considering the number of Mirages and F-7s that need to be replaced and that the PAF may max out on JF-17 at 200-250. It will still need at least another 100 aircraft to maintain its current fighter numbers. Buying a large number of used F-16 air frames (with PAF funds) and putting them though a MLU in the US (under CSF funding) are probably the best way to get the most bang for its buck. Coupling this with large acquisitions of munitions such as Aim-120C7, Aim-9X, JSOW and JMHCS helmets.

If the PAF can get approved to buy the Block 70 it can then try get all those used F-16s upgraded with AESA radars.

Also, now that sub-systems/accessories are being sold, PAF should look at getting upgrades for its current F-16s like a towed decoy, DRFM based Jammer pods, JHMCS for all F-16s, Inflight refueling probe enabled conformal fuel tanks for the C/D models, upgrades to the ESM or MAWS to better detect missiles fired upon the F-16, and datalink upgrades to better share the information from the sniper pod with the rest of the Air Force and the Commanders on the ground.

down the line, if Pakistan is allowed to buy more F-16s, new or used, or even if Pakistan is allowed to just buy more weapons, it should serious try to buy the sensor fuzed weapon in large numbers along with cruise missiles like JSOW to deploy them to counter the COLD START Integrated Battle Group Threat. This will go a long way in deterring Indian aggression, when it knows it’s forces will be decimated. sensor fuzed weapon strikes on a platform like the JSOW can also be a great way to deal with pop-up threats like the S-400. The many skeets can engage and re-engage the many elements of an S-400 or other air defense battery.

PAF, should also find a way to get the Britecloud expendable decoy system added to its F-16s.
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Considering the number of Mirages and F-7s that need to be replaced and that the PAF may max out on JF-17 at 200-250. It will still need at least another 100 aircraft to maintain its current fighter numbers. Buying a large number of used F-16 air frames (with PAF funds) and putting them though a MLU in the US (under CSF funding) are probably the best way to get the most bang for its buck. Coupling this with large acquisitions of munitions such as Aim-120C7, Aim-9X, JSOW and JMHCS helmets.

If the PAF can get approved to buy the Block 70 it can then try get all those used F-16s upgraded with AESA radars.

Also, now that sub-systems/accessories are being sold, PAF should look at getting upgrades for its current F-16s like a towed decoy, DRFM based Jammer pods, JHMCS for all F-16s, Inflight refueling probe enabled conformal fuel tanks for the C/D models, upgrades to the ESM or MAWS to better detect missiles fired upon the F-16, and datalink upgrades to better share the information from the sniper pod with the rest of the Air Force and the Commanders on the ground.

down the line, if Pakistan is allowed to buy more F-16s, new or used, or even if Pakistan is allowed to just buy more weapons, it should serious try to buy the sensor fuzed weapon in large numbers along with cruise missiles like JSOW to deploy them to counter the COLD START Integrated Battle Group Threat. This will go a long way in deterring Indian aggression, when it knows it’s forces will be decimated. sensor fuzed weapon strikes on a platform like the JSOW can also be a great way to deal with pop-up threats like the S-400. The many skeets can engage and re-engage the many elements of an S-400 or other air defense battery.

Pakistan will treat F-16 in next 20 years as it treated Mirage in last 20 years. We will buy spare and used ones whereever we can at low cost, upgrade them and replace old F-7s and Mirages. Ultimately Azm will be final replacement for F-16. JF-17 cannot truly replace F-16.

Only issue is in past no country needed French permission to sell on it's second hand Mirages to Pakistan. Now all F-16 users need US permission to sell their F-16s to Pakistan. We just need US to play ball here. Not a big ask if we carry on pouring money into US companies for the upgrade kits and more weapons
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