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US DOD has approved a FMS for Pakistani F16s for Sniper pods & LANTIRN navigation pod

Alright I getting confused here right now. It'll help if some senior members answer these dumb questions.

1. Can Pakistan get F-16s?
Or the old ones??

2. If yes then, who will be the supplier in both these case?

3. Will Pakistan be able to get its CSF?

4. And, Are AH-1Zs are going to be delivered?
You have to be realistic here, current MLU standard is fine for South Asia needs, AESA will add greatly to cost and involve another dance with US.

Having current PAF MLU is fine, just get as many planes as we can, maybe another 36 for 2 more sqaudrons. That gives PAF a very healthy 7 squadron force at very low cost. During these times we will be having 8-10 squadrons of JF-17s all of whom will be slowly converting to Block III/AESA. Combine that with a networked forced backed by 10 Erieyes, and you have a very very formidable air defence system.

Remember India has scrapped MRCA, only 36 Rafales on the way split between China and Pak front. LCA is a joke and you can expect another 5 years delay till you see operational LCA units facing Pakistan. SU-30 and Mirage 2000 are the biggest threats too, but with the force outlined above you can expect PAF to cope

No its not, in this decade IAF will be fielding large numbers of AESA equipped fighters new or upgraded so PAF should have same technology level for its front line fighter too.
Getting permission to buy old F-16s is not enough, for used F-16s PAF will need permission for SLEP and Block-70/72 MLU so they could be good assets in future air Battles with advance aircrafts of enemy.

In Short Block-70/72 upgrade should be standard for fleet with SLEP where needed.
And latest BVRs too
there is no point of discussing why the jf17s were with the strike package but if you see the fact sheet both of these kills were done by f16.

stop living in the dream like we have been living for the past 70 years.
Nava aya ayen?????
Kid everyone here already kNows the “fact sheet” and again I am saying mind your tone!
Just yesterday you tweeted that Block-52 shot down Sukhoi lol and here you are telling others about “fact sheet”
Alright I getting confused here right now. It'll help if some senior members answer these dumb questions.

1. Can Pakistan get F-16s?
Or the old ones??

2. If yes then, who will be the supplier in both these case?

3. Will Pakistan be able to get its CSF?

4. And, Are AH-1Zs are going to be delivered?

You forgot, who will finance the purchase?
I don't think Venezuela has put its 20 F-16s A/B on the market but maybe PAF should talk to them.

You can expect these to be in pretty bad condition. US stopped supporting these many years ago and climate there is very humid.
Pakistan will treat F-16 in next 20 years as it treated Mirage in last 20 years. We will buy spare and used ones whereever we can at low cost, upgrade them and replace old F-7s and Mirages. Ultimately Azm will be final replacement for F-16. JF-17 cannot truly replace F-16.

Only issue is in past no country needed French permission to sell on it's second hand Mirages to Pakistan. Now all F-16 users need US permission to sell their F-16s to Pakistan. We just need US to play ball here. Not a big ask if we carry on pouring money into US companies for the upgrade kits and more weapons
Yet all the PAF leadership tell us block 3 will be way better than any f16 in our inventory. PDF self made experts think not. Ummm
Yet all the PAF leadership tell us block 3 will be way better than any f16 in our inventory. PDF self made experts think not. Ummm

What ACM said was always the case, "in certain parimeters" Block III is in fact better then an F-16. It's radar and the potential of PL-15 is one aspect. F-16 wins in EW, load, Sniper Pod and thrust.
Alright I getting confused here right now. It'll help if some senior members answer these dumb questions.

1. Can Pakistan get F-16s?
Or the old ones??

2. If yes then, who will be the supplier in both these case?

3. Will Pakistan be able to get its CSF?

4. And, Are AH-1Zs are going to be delivered?

I am no Sr. Member, but here is my go at it:

1: Yes and Yes, new and old, it mostly depends up on how the current US Gov't feels about it.

2: New will be LM, used will be most likely be USAF units, unless US Gov't feels that it would be easier to get it done through 3rd party ( Jordan, or some West European Country such as Belgium / Netherlands ). However likely be no used unless PAF picks up new birds which makes LM keep US workers employed.

3 & 4: Hinges up on how Current US Gov't feels about progress being made by Pakistan. Remember, President Trump likes to feel good when he thinks that events are happening as he desires, pat on the back type thing. He was jubilant over China Trade deal, how he got NK to meet his demands etc etc. If he feels US is getting more out of the deal then yes the AH-1Z be coming your way.


Some mentioned Financing: Bilal ( QUWA ) has answered in few of his last posts, see last three or four pages in the F-16 thread.
Alright I getting confused here right now. It'll help if some senior members answer these dumb questions.

1. Can Pakistan get F-16s?
Or the old ones??

2. If yes then, who will be the supplier in both these case?

3. Will Pakistan be able to get its CSF?

4. And, Are AH-1Zs are going to be delivered?
Probably No ..this deal is generic deal isnt for pakistan alone..
Indian MRCA was nothing but a trap for western companies last 15 yrs trials and media hype nothing came out but Tejas? I hope these companies will not fall Indian trap again and I doubt they will

I doubt it. India is too big a market to ignore, even if they don't follow through. India has already bought billions in US arms. If there's a chance for more, companies will make the effort.

More likely, I can see US companies investing in India's defense industry if FDI is allowed.

It's more of "Pakistan can ask for the F-16s it wants, but it'll only get the ones it can afford..."

I assume you are talking CSF here. If that's the case, then that needs to be cleared up before any serious deals are done. Pakistan has a number in mind, but will the US agree?
I doubt it. India is too big a market to ignore, even if they don't follow through. India has already bought billions in US arms. If there's a chance for more, companies will make the effort.

More likely, I can see US companies investing in India's defense industry if FDI is allowed.

I assume you are talking CSF here. If that's the case, then that needs to be cleared up before any serious deals are done. Pakistan has a number in mind, but will the US agree?
You think they gonna look at you another 15yrs so you decide??? Defence investment is something different it's not Govt contracts
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