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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

Right if you meant that Pakistan should listen because of the dangers involved then yes I understand thought I assumed you said Pakistan should listen to America and do there bidding.

By the way, our nation is ripe for takeover there is no leadership forget our nukes, our army. Without a strong centralised united leadership it is all useless.

I can imagine a situation in which US invades balochistan, the army chief will phone the govt leader they will then argue for hours on end by that time the damage will be done and the enemy will have gained it's foothold.

Everyone is bickering over bullshit, mostly about who has the right ideology and who deserves to be in charge. FFS is the country blind?

America is bankrolling terrorists who have attacked Pakistan numerous times, raided it with impunity strike it from the air without fear.

The economy is collapsed, our enemies want to cut Pakistan up into small chunks and we bicker about nonsense such as veena malik, religious involvement in govt affairs.

It's all looking very pear shaped, the Army needs to get a strong leader and sort it out I fear Imran Khan will be assasinated.

You have listed some of the many reasons that I worry. These times are dangerous for Pakistan indeed, and more needs to be done to avoid a catastrophe.
You have listed some of the many reasons that I worry. These times are dangerous for Pakistan indeed, and more needs to be done to avoid a catastrophe.

I wish I could do something but realistically what can I do? I'm british by birth, pakistani by blood and Islamic in faith.

I've been Pakistan many times, have a wife from there and some relatives/few local friends I made. But that is not enough to make a difference. I know more about my own country, about British people and problems and to be honest the Pakistani community here has many many problems the main being that the traditional family unit is under attack and more and more families are splitting up.

Everywhere I look at my own people, I see trouble and chaos, it makes me angry and I feel powerless to stop it.
This is nothing but another way to mount pressure on Pakistan. How can you have a hearing on Balochistan without any Baloch testifying?

As for independent Balochistan, American/Indian governments may have sympathies for human right violations in Balochistan but there is very limited any one can do. (Before you speak, Yes there have been Human Right Violations in Kashmir as well.)

Pakistan's army holds Pakistan together. There are only two ways to carve an independent Balochistan.

1. you defeat the army

2. you incite a civil war in which a lot of aggrieved army men defect to the opposition

There is no situation as of 2 and as for 1,

Even if we assume India has ill intentions, it doesn't border Balochistan and can't mount any attack citing humanitarian grounds (like 71).

US is the only power capable and placed to conduct such an operation but what'll it gain out of this?
I wish I could do something but realistically what can I do? I'm british by birth, pakistani by blood and Islamic in faith.

I've been Pakistan many times, have a wife from there and some relatives/few local friends I made. But that is not enough to make a difference. I know more about my own country, about British people and problems and to be honest the Pakistani community here has many many problems the main being that the traditional family unit is under attack and more and more families are splitting up.

Everywhere I look at my own people, I see trouble and chaos, it makes me angry and I feel powerless to stop it.

I can only commiserate and empathize.
Bl[i]tZ;2573332 said:
This is nothing but another way to mount pressure on Pakistan. How can you have a hearing on Balochistan without any Baloch testifying?

As for independent Balochistan, American/Indian governments may have sympathies for human right violations in Balochistan but there is very limited any one can do. (Before you speak, Yes there have been Human Right Violations in Kashmir as well.)

Pakistan's army holds Pakistan together. There are only two ways to carve an independent Balochistan.

1. you defeat the army

2. you incite a civil war in which a lot of aggrieved army men defect to the opposition

There is no situation as of 2 and as for 1,

Even if we assume India has ill intentions, it doesn't border Balochistan and can't mount any attack citing humanitarian grounds (like 71).

US is the only power capable and placed to conduct such an operation but what'll it gain out of this?

true very true
and I have no clue about the last sentence. its creating more chaos in the region which already has a lot of unrest. to what end? who knows, I dont know and I doubt if I stop a passerby and ask him that question and he will know. the only explanation is that the American policymakers hunger for more violence and chaos.

and please be mindful (regarding redrawing the Pakistani Map)

its not just Pakistan but their most hated Iran and currently occupied Afghanistan too which they want to cut to make this Greater Balochistan.

your opening sentence is the essence here. you see the height of arrogance and sheer cheek that they didnt deem even a single baloch Pakistani or Irani to represent the Baloch in this grand scheme they have for us.

thats why I wish that the American people rise up and save themselves and the rest of the world from these Mad policy makers who are hell bent to bring further chaos in this region.
thats why I wish that the American people rise up and save themselves and the rest of the world from these Mad policy makers who are hell bent to bring further chaos in this region.

It is just a Congressional Hearing. There are no foregone conclusions about policy to be made from mere hearings.
This is nothing but another way to mount pressure on Pakistan. How can you have a hearing on Balochistan without any Baloch testifying?

As for independent Balochistan, American/Indian governments may have sympathies for human right violations in Balochistan but there is very limited any one can do. (Before you speak, Yes there have been Human Right Violations in Kashmir as well.)

Pakistan's army holds Pakistan together. There are only two ways to carve an independent Balochistan.

1. you defeat the army

2. you incite a civil war in which a lot of aggrieved army men defect to the opposition

There is no situation as of 2 and as for 1,

Even if we assume India has ill intentions, it doesn't border Balochistan and can't mount any attack citing humanitarian grounds (like 71).

US is the only power capable and placed to conduct such an operation but what'll it gain out of this?

that number 2 was used in 71 which allowed you people to gain the foothold even in a war as weird as 71.... but this is different Bangladesh had mukti bahini surrounded by enemy and heavy civilian unrest. balochistan doesnt have neither three they are covered by us bla is extremely weak now it was strong a few years back and people have little unrest and that is also caused by bla if us invades it will be like a war with pakistan and us wont have any support of the people or the terrorist elements.... and does usa think this will make things better with pakistan trying to carve countries these think tanks need mental help

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

why would they have baloch represents in hearing that would just make things harder for them these guys are starting to freak me out

---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------

It is just a Congressional Hearing. There are no foregone conclusions about policy to be made from mere hearings.

tell me if they say things are wrong and balochistan should be created what would they do will they attack us or just name threats

tell me if they say things are wrong and balochistan should be created what would they do will they attack us or just name threats

Let's wait and see what happens in the hearings. To say anything at this point would be premature.
Well , this time you cant get the resolution passed from UN :rofl: ... Some countries have already shown their power in the Syrian issue ..

So please continue mental masturbation ! :pakistan:
The potential risks for Pakistan are much, much graver.
Bull **** ! What more harm can they inflict than they already have caused ? ... Do you think we aren't aware of the NATO and Indian consulates providing arms to the insurgents ? :azn:
Pakistan should listen because it is is important to keep their own house united and in order, that is why, to neutralize not external, but internal dangers. Nation carving in the sub-continent is not exactly a new game is it? It has happened multiple times before, has it not?
What doesn't the US take care of its own country where unemployment rates are sky rocketing ? :azn: ... Yes , it is important to keep the house united and in order but this should be of no concern to the US ... They should remember that their puppet Zardari and NATO are going back in a few years time ... Taliban are once again poised to take over Afghanistan ... Indians can say good bye to their consulates and worth-no-more-than-toilet-paper agreements signed with the mayor of Kabul ... The Afghan National Army is as corrupt as ever ... It is actually insulting to call them army " militia " would be a more appropriate word ... Russia and China have earlier shown in the UN that they will not let US invade/ruin another country ...
What doesn't the US take care of its own country where unemployment rates are sky rocketing ? ............. ...

Check the news Sir: US unemployment is lower, and the economy is recovering too, albeit a bit slowly. It will be back on track within a year or two.
Check the news Sir: US unemployment is lower, and the economy is recovering too, albeit a bit slowly. It will be back on track within a year or two.

Good for them, now can they leave us alone?
Neither USA nor Pakistan can leave each other alone for the foreseeable future, I am sorry to report.

And what exactly is this foreseeable future for you sir? How about next year?
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