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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

Oh wow!!

First, Vietnam - Result? A bloody nose!
Second, Somalia - Result? A bloody nose!
Third, Iraq - Result? A bloody nose!
Fourth, Afghanistan - Result? A bloody nose!
Fifth, Pakistan - Probable result? A bloody nose!


USA only gets bloody nose but others get their hands and legs cut .. like Vietnam,Somalia,Iraq and Afghanistan.. none of the country is doing any good for people right now.. most of the common ppl are at limit of their suffering .. and USA got just bloody noise
USA only gets bloody nose but others get their hands and legs cut .. like Vietnam,Somalia,Iraq and Afghanistan.. none of the country is doing any good for people right now.. most of the common ppl are at limit of their suffering .. and USA got just bloody noise

be careful, if you loose to much blood or get an infection, you might die. :)

[pretending to miss sarcasm]
Mate, you dont need to be a mind reader to understand the reason behind an Indian's support for Balochistan. And it is hatered towards Pakistan (not people, but policies )

Its the people who make policies so if you hate Pakistan and its policies (and we know that Indians do right or wrong) you automatically hate its people. So if you had the guts to admit one thing, then you don't need to sugarcoat another. Indian hatred towards Pakistan and its people is no secret and believe me we know and we can handle it and we don't expect anything different either.
be careful, if you loose to much blood or get an infection, you might die.

Haha I see what you did there, well said
Americans are becoming increasingly and openly desperate to open the supply routes.
Is this a begging in disguise?

Yes, they are at the point of begging now. Here is the proof:

KARACHI: Officials in the United States Department of State are said to have been supporting a proposal circulating in the administration for the US to issue a formal apology over the deaths of Pakistani soldiers in the November 26 Nato airstrike, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

US considering formal apology for NATO attacks: Report – The Express Tribune
crystal clear..:)

bahhh...just one more pakistani misconception....just because most of us dont eat beef ,we dont become vegetarians...:laugh:

only a few percent of indians are vegetarian..nothing bad in it though...but my people for example sacrifice goats in temples and cook it into a sumptous meal then and there....so no i will not feel out of place....

glad to know.
by the way its not just Pakistani misconception but a worldwide one.
and the other thing is I dont mean to cause offense.
I never had meat during lunch time when I had Hindu guests with me. my Hindu friends are very strict vegetarians.

coming back to the topic,

I am feeling very uneasy because a super power which has its own designs in the region is talking about reshaping the map my place.
And the way it is discussing it is as if its making a partition of a house or distributing sweets to children.
what they are talking about involves the lives of many innocent people of 3 countries.

I dont know how they are banking on 2 terrorist groups in Pakistan and Iran to carve out a new country out of 3 countries when the majority of the population is completely indifferent to this thinking and is very much happy with the way the current boundaries are.

"one fits all" formula of touting one faction and dismissing the rest and hoping the things will turn out as planned has not worked in Iraq and Afghanistan but the American Policy makers are willing to risk the lives of their own soldiers and deaths of tens of thousands of people from Iran , Afghanistan and Pakistan.

I hope the sense prevails in America or it falls flat financially due to its war debt for the sake of countless lives that will be lost due to this new American adventure.
Well, Pakistan should pay heed to this sentence in particular:

I hope it happens as quickly as possible before the situation gets out of hand.

Why, just because the US has bigger guns then Pakistan they should listen? They should give in to threats of a new nation being carved out of Pakistan? The start of the end...

Bro, move that Pakistan flag out of your avatar I wasnt even born in Pakistan but I have more respect for it then you ever will.
Why, just because the US has bigger guns then Pakistan they should listen? They should give in to threats of a new nation being carved out of Pakistan? The start of the end...............

Pakistan should listen because it is is important to keep their own house united and in order, that is why, to neutralize not external, but internal dangers. Nation carving in the sub-continent is not exactly a new game is it? It has happened multiple times before, has it not?
Why is US having a congressional meeting about Balochistan??? Why oh why?

What about Somalia, Palestine, Kashmir, and alot of other places in the world.
Oh wow!!

First, Vietnam - Result? A bloody nose!
Second, Somalia - Result? A bloody nose!
Third, Iraq - Result? A bloody nose!
Fourth, Afghanistan - Result? A bloody nose!
Fifth, Pakistan - Probable result? A bloody nose!


I don't think so. Given the nature of state of Pakistan(Politics), International community should consider supporting Baluchistan. if not the independence of Baluchistan, at least for their rights over the Natural resources, which were promised by Pakistani state when it annexed Baluchistan.

i think India should include it in the Pakistan Policy
The potential risks for Pakistan are much, much graver.

When did you stop being logical? There is nothing which Pakistan may loose for this act.. USA, India and Israel has tried all they could and do whatever they could to trigger insurgency in Baluchistan. What is this act going to do other than offending Pakistan more? I see USA is putting a lot on the risk for being stupid yet another time.
When did you stop being logical? There is nothing which Pakistan may loose for this act.. USA, India and Israel has tried all they could and do whatever they could to trigger insurgency in Baluchistan. What is this act going to do other than offending Pakistan more? I see USA is putting a lot on the risk for being stupid yet another time.

My point is very logical: those external forces have not stopped trying yet, have they? Thus, the potential risks are grave and still present.
I don't think so. Given the nature of state of Pakistan(Politics), International community should consider supporting Baluchistan. if not the independence of Baluchistan, at least for their rights over the Natural resources, which were promised by Pakistani state when it annexed Baluchistan.

i think India should include it in the Pakistan Policy

You must be a hysterical bloke eh?
blaming the hostiles is pointless
they are doing what an enemy is supposed to do.
we need to put our own house in order

we are again making the same mistake this time by going after the blackmailing Baloch Sardars.
we need to make them irrelevant and approach the people.
Have you seen the Baloch youth coming all the way to Punjab and Sindh to attend Imran Khan’s rallies?
They say they are not interested in point scoring and seeking apologies but they want jobs, schools and better infrastructure like the rest of Pakistanis.
The Balochis are looking forward to welcome Imran Khan on 23rd of March.
Just like the rest of the country, Baloch people have high hopes for Imran Khan and are willing to risk the wrath of their chieftains by supporting Imran Khan.
These scheming Yanks and their Indian sidekicks will eat dirt and lick their behinds once Imran gets the chance to lead the country.

You are expecting too much from Imran khan. He is a text book Politician. Neither a leader nor an intellectual.
Pakistan should listen because it is is important to keep their own house united and in order, that is why, to neutralize not external, but internal dangers. Nation carving in the sub-continent is not exactly a new game is it? It has happened multiple times before, has it not?

Right if you meant that Pakistan should listen because of the dangers involved then yes I understand though I assumed you said Pakistan should listen to America and do there bidding.

By the way, our nation is ripe for takeover there is no leadership forget our nukes, our army. Without a strong centralised united leadership it is all useless.

I can imagine a situation in which US invades balochistan, the army chief will phone the govt leader they will then argue for hours on end by that time the damage will be done and the enemy will have gained it's foothold.

Everyone is bickering over bullshit, mostly about who has the right ideology and who deserves to be in charge. FFS is the country blind?

America is bankrolling terrorists who have attacked Pakistan numerous times, raided it with impunity strike it from the air without fear.

The economy is collapsed, our enemies want to cut Pakistan up into small chunks and we bicker about nonsense such as veena malik, religious involvement in govt affairs.

It's all looking very pear shaped, the Army needs to get a strong leader and sort it out I fear Imran Khan will be assasinated.
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