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US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

In America every opinion matter unlike that third world h3llh0l3 where terrorists and murderers are gifted PM chair and where 7 lakh Indian terrorists kill innocent Kashmiris in IOK.

I' am confused, is this biggest democracy or biggest hypocrisy.

Many Indian Muslims illegally migrated to Pakistan between 2002-2007. Unlike India, Pakistan does not make drama even after having world's largest refugee population.

Indians are the first ones to run illegally to US, Europe and Muslim countries whereas they declare their own Muslim population as Bangladeshis.

Your dumb posts and your insecurities show that you brain has been continuously r@... by your Army and media and terrorists of RSS/VHP. Feel sorry for you.

Well the idea comes from people to people contact. I've meet plenty of Muslims from those areas who have negative opinion of India. Most of them have dream to migrate to Middle East or US/Europe because they are not "free" in their own land.

US has killed no Muslims at all. All those killed are Munafiqs and Takfiris and I' am happy that US did that. God Bless USA.

And for God sake, stop comparing your third world with a proper civilization of USA. You have occupied a territory and your 7 lakh terrorists continue with their terrorism to this date whereas US even hold petitions for the legal US states and territories who have demand of freedom(but those petitions failed because of people who reject separation)...this is called proper democracy. You have made a terrorist and murderer of Muslims as your PM, never ever this could happen in US.

Very good, learn to live with your agony.
In America every opinion matter unlike that third world h3llh0l3 where terrorists and murderers are gifted PM chair and where 7 lakh Indian terrorists kill innocent Kashmiris in IOK.

I' am confused, is this biggest democracy or biggest hypocrisy.

Many Indian Muslims illegally migrated to Pakistan between 2002-2007. Unlike India, Pakistan does not make drama even after having world's largest refugee population.

Indians are the first ones to run illegally to US, Europe and Muslim countries whereas they declare their own Muslim population as Bangladeshis.

Your dumb posts and your insecurities show that you brain has been continuously r@... by your Army and media and terrorists of RSS/VHP. Feel sorry for you.

Well the idea comes from people to people contact. I've meet plenty of Muslims from those areas who have negative opinion of India. Most of them have dream to migrate to Middle East or US/Europe because they are not "free" in their own land.

US has killed no Muslims at all. All those killed are Munafiqs and Takfiris and I' am happy that US did that. God Bless USA.

And for God sake, stop comparing your third world with a proper civilization of USA. You have occupied a territory and your 7 lakh terrorists continue with their terrorism to this date whereas US even hold petitions for the legal US states and territories who have demand of freedom(but those petitions failed because of people who reject separation)...this is called proper democracy. You have made a terrorist and murderer of Muslims as your PM, never ever this could happen in US.
Muslim.. india.. freee
yes.. mulsim or any relgion is not free in india .. IF>>> IFF>> IFFF
they want to kill other becuae other is not of their sect... relgion... belief..
if you meet people who wna to kill other buase he is sunni.. shia... ahameadi.. sorry
not happing in india.. so not free
you gave my ans... few of muslim cant be genralised as hole indian ulsim population ..
Indians ,,, in USA..
Do indian illegaly migrte to usa.. YES.. are indians are only in it .. NO..
please do provide detialsts what you said above rest of your stamtnet
please go thorow obama adminstrtion and list of indians.. thir top mnc key executive..
you will get answer..
Dream of middle east..
ask .. people here from pakistan .. india... bangladhes who few middle east treat ther guys
Migrtion to india to pak...
who the hell want to to go to pak .. and get killed becuase he is muhajir .. shia .. suni.. ahmedai..
those who cant pray togther...calling them land of wonder.. give me a break..
those 0.001 % here .. who are more in love of pak.. due to thier own reason.. fine we will give free way to waga to go their
remember last time univsiry student case.. your FO gave free arrival visa.. did any one come..they know they will get what i said above
RSS // VHP/ .. Army..
dear .. dont make your self.. so dulll..
either prove it or STFU
we enevr got ruled for deaced by army.. unline few countires

US kiiled Munafiqs and Takfiris
so .. sadam .. gadafi.. thousdsand of taliban..(pak favourite supportive ) ... many pak soldires ..
mean Noaom chowklsy is full of BS.. and you are WoW.
WoT is all bull shit where pak army geting killded for munafiq and tafkis
thierd woeld country.
we are..
let me know you are pakistani or american .. then i will give you answer
Muslim.. india.. freee
yes.. mulsim or any relgion is not free in india .. IF>>> IFF>> IFFF
they want to kill other becuae other is not of their sect... relgion... belief..
if you meet people who wna to kill other buase he is sunni.. shia... ahameadi.. sorry
not happing in india.. so not free
you gave my ans... few of muslim cant be genralised as hole indian ulsim population ..

No Sunni is killing Shia nor Shia killing Sunni nor anyone killing Ahmadis. Unlike Indians Pakistanis don't deny existence of terrorist groups who killed innocent people and are backed by RAW and Afghanistan. A shocker for you - I myself comes from a family consisting of equal number of Shias and Sunnis...we all grew up together and we all understand who is doing what. Indians try hard to claim as if there is a fight or rift between Shias and Sunnis which is their nonsense propaganda.

Indians ,,, in USA..
Do indian illegaly migrte to usa.. YES.. are indians are only in it .. NO..
please do provide detialsts what you said above rest of your stamtnet
please go thorow obama adminstrtion and list of indians.. thir top mnc key executive..
you will get answer..

Do Indians migrate to US - yes - WHY?
Do Indians illegally run to settle in US - yes - WHY?

Why do Indians wish to settle in US when they claim their land is full of honey and milk, it is already SUPA PAWA, have "white" servants, it is "shining" and around the world there are long waiting lines of people who wanna settle in India? Why do Indians run illegally to settle in the US...yes there are Mexicans and Central/South Americans who are illegally here in US but they don't claim their native country's richness or power, do they? They don't act hypocrite. This proves that these are all lies, I've interacted with many Indian Muslims(especially those from UP and Gujarat) who thank God day and night to run away from India.

Dream of middle east..
ask .. people here from pakistan .. india... bangladhes who few middle east treat ther guys

Yes Indians curse Muslims and then dream of settling in Muslim lands. Seems like money not honor or principles is God for them.

And don't talk about Pakistan. Pakistanis live in a free society, they curse their govt, media and even military if they are involved in any wrong doing. They don't claim their land is flowing rivers of milk and honey and the country is shining brighter than the sun.

Migrtion to india to pak...
who the hell want to to go to pak .. and get killed becuase he is muhajir .. shia .. suni.. ahmedai..
those who cant pray togther...calling them land of wonder.. give me a break..
those 0.001 % here .. who are more in love of pak.. due to thier own reason.. fine we will give free way to waga to go their
remember last time univsiry student case.. your FO gave free arrival visa.. did any one come..they know they will get what i said above

All those who wanna get rid of fake encounters, fake executions, judicial murders, fake allegations, harassment if they follow their religious event, etc etc. You can live in your denial like your fellow Indians but can't change reality. If Indian Muslims or Christians doesn't speak up it is not because they are happy but because they are living in fear. Try talking to Indian Muslims in Western countries.

RSS // VHP/ .. Army..
dear .. dont make your self.. so dulll..
either prove it or STFU
we enevr got ruled for deaced by army.. unline few countires

Kindly learn lower level of English or communicate in Urdu, please. Your level of Indian English is very high and it is hard to understand sometimes. Thanks.

Yes RSS, VHP, 7 lakh Indian occupier terrorists.
I' am not your father to prove anything. Search on google how Indian occupier terrorists killed tens of thousand Kashmiris in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir, how RSS terrorist was happily claiming he massacred Gujarati Muslims and modi and police protected him, how VHP terrorist openly spewing hatred against Pakistan in an open speech in front of huge public and public supporting him - in the same video police can also be seen, how Indian terrorists from RAW killed several Pakistanis in bombing Pakistani cities.

Pakistan is not hypocrite country who claim to be world largest democracy but is actually world's largest hypocrisy.
Democracy is what west follows like US, Canada, UK, EU, etc. US openly gave option to southern states to register petition if they want to separate from US, but petition failed in first stage as vast majority of people rejected independence. Canada gave same option to it's French speaking state of Quebec, people of Quebec choose to live with Canada. UK provide similar option to Scotland but Scottish people decide to remain part of UK.

US kiiled Munafiqs and Takfiris
so .. sadam .. gadafi.. thousdsand of taliban..(pak favourite supportive ) ... many pak soldires ..
mean Noaom chowklsy is full of BS.. and you are WoW.
WoT is all bull shit where pak army geting killded for munafiq and tafkis

Yes US killed Munafiqs and Takfiris. I can talk only about Pakistan or US, kindly don't drag Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya.
US killed several TTP terrorists on the intelligence from Pakistan, there is a secret underground deal and many officials have claimed it too. US never killed Pakistani Soldiers except on one occasion when it mistakenly killed them in friendly fire and later apologized.

Don't get burned so fast talking about WoT, just because your RAW sponsored TTP/BLA terrorists are dying.

thierd woeld country.
we are..
let me know you are pakistani or american .. then i will give you answer

Whatever I' am, I don't feel it should matter to you. For dumbs my DN is enough.
No Sunni is killing Shia nor Shia killing Sunni nor anyone killing Ahmadis. Unlike Indians Pakistanis don't deny existence of terrorist groups who killed innocent people and are backed by RAW and Afghanistan. A shocker for you - I myself comes from a family consisting of equal number of Shias and Sunnis...we all grew up together and we all understand who is doing what. Indians try hard to claim as if there is a fight or rift between Shias and Sunnis which is their nonsense propaganda.

Do Indians migrate to US - yes - WHY?
Do Indians illegally run to settle in US - yes - WHY?

Why do Indians wish to settle in US when they claim their land is full of honey and milk, it is already SUPA PAWA, have "white" servants, it is "shining" and around the world there are long waiting lines of people who wanna settle in India? Why do Indians run illegally to settle in the US...yes there are Mexicans and Central/South Americans who are illegally here in US but they don't claim their native country's richness or power, do they? They don't act hypocrite. This proves that these are all lies, I've interacted with many Indian Muslims(especially those from UP and Gujarat) who thank God day and night to run away from India.

Yes Indians curse Muslims and then dream of settling in Muslim lands. Seems like money not honor or principles is God for them.

And don't talk about Pakistan. Pakistanis live in a free society, they curse their govt, media and even military if they are involved in any wrong doing. They don't claim their land is flowing rivers of milk and honey and the country is shining brighter than the sun.

All those who wanna get rid of fake encounters, fake executions, judicial murders, fake allegations, harassment if they follow their religious event, etc etc. You can live in your denial like your fellow Indians but can't change reality. If Indian Muslims or Christians doesn't speak up it is not because they are happy but because they are living in fear. Try talking to Indian Muslims in Western countries.

Kindly learn lower level of English or communicate in Urdu, please. Your level of Indian English is very high and it is hard to understand sometimes. Thanks.

Yes RSS, VHP, 7 lakh Indian occupier terrorists.
I' am not your father to prove anything. Search on google how Indian occupier terrorists killed tens of thousand Kashmiris in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir, how RSS terrorist was happily claiming he massacred Gujarati Muslims and modi and police protected him, how VHP terrorist openly spewing hatred against Pakistan in an open speech in front of huge public and public supporting him - in the same video police can also be seen, how Indian terrorists from RAW killed several Pakistanis in bombing Pakistani cities.

Pakistan is not hypocrite country who claim to be world largest democracy but is actually world's largest hypocrisy.
Democracy is what west follows like US, Canada, UK, EU, etc. US openly gave option to southern states to register petition if they want to separate from US, but petition failed in first stage as vast majority of people rejected independence. Canada gave same option to it's French speaking state of Quebec, people of Quebec choose to live with Canada. UK provide similar option to Scotland but Scottish people decide to remain part of UK.

Yes US killed Munafiqs and Takfiris. I can talk only about Pakistan or US, kindly don't drag Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya.
US killed several TTP terrorists on the intelligence from Pakistan, there is a secret underground deal and many officials have claimed it too. US never killed Pakistani Soldiers except on one occasion when it mistakenly killed them in friendly fire and later apologized.

Don't get burned so fast talking about WoT, just because your RAW sponsored TTP/BLA terrorists are dying.

Whatever I' am, I don't feel it should matter to you. For dumbs my DN is enough.
Dear ... i just want to say..
Have a g8 life...
with your POV world is pursuit of happiness... ever and ever ...
I'm with you on this one. No remorse when illegal indian get killed by freedom fighter.
HUJI involved in Peshawar , was once fighting Jehad in Kashmir. Now it is up to you, if you call them freedom fighter.

Yes US killed Munafiqs and Takfiris. I can talk only about Pakistan or US, kindly don't drag Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya.
US killed several TTP terrorists on the intelligence from Pakistan, there is a secret underground deal and many officials have claimed it too. US never killed Pakistani Soldiers except on one occasion when it mistakenly killed them in friendly fire and later apologized.

Don't get burned so fast talking about WoT, just because your RAW sponsored TTP/BLA terrorists are dying.

We are self capable of countering any Pakistani covert operation tactically without using terrorist, and world knows this and has its Opinion.

Pakistan has used Taliban, HUJI, LET to do Jehad in Kashmir, and now they are killing your citizens in Peshawar, Karachi, Quetta, etc. So before you make such statements you should have some facts in your pockets. Why was there a need of TTP, and why was there any need to break HUJI?
I tell you why.

HUJI broke up because you wanted them to work in Kashmir so you asked Molana Mazhud Azhar to make a new group , some Ansar al Jihad something like that. It is now operating in Kashmir.

Afghan Taliban was not interested in Kashmir, though due to good relation with ISI they gave training to TTP but now due to US pressure, you started eliminating TTP after Osama was found in your back yard. And TTP has become your enemy number one.

You blame your failure and incapabilities to India.
We are self capable of countering any Pakistani covert operation tactically without using terrorist, and world knows this and has its Opinion.

Yes we know you are SUPA PAWA with "white servants" begging to get the visa of the country with honey and milk rivers.

Now come back to the ground. Your army create several groups to create troubles in neighboring countries. To name few, mutki baniha, LTTE, Dalaian, Mao, TTP, BLA, RSS, VHP, etc.

Pakistan has used Taliban, HUJI, LET to do Jehad in Kashmir, and now they are killing your citizens in Peshawar, Karachi, Quetta, etc. So before you make such statements you should have some facts in your pockets. Why was there a need of TTP, and why was there any need to break HUJI?
I tell you why.

Yes Pakistan is evil. WTF can you do about that?

HUJI broke up because you wanted them to work in Kashmir so you asked Molana Mazhud Azhar to make a new group , some Ansar al Jihad something like that. It is now operating in Kashmir.

As I said, WTF can you do about it?

Afghan Taliban was not interested in Kashmir, though due to good relation with ISI they gave training to TTP but now due to US pressure, you started eliminating TTP after Osama was found in your back yard. And TTP has become your enemy number one.

Yes and human lives on the sun whereas the earth shine bright in the day...come out of your hallucinations.

You blame your failure and incapabilities to India.

What failure...? Pakistan is slapping your r@ts left, right and center...
Yes we know you are SUPA PAWA with "white servants" begging to get the visa of the country with honey and milk rivers.

And there are more Pakistani trying for immigration than Indians.

Now come back to the ground. Your army create several groups to create troubles in neighboring countries. To name few, mutki baniha, LTTE, Dalaian, Mao, TTP, BLA, RSS, VHP, etc.

Mukti bahani was trained only during the war from June till December, creation was your indigenous.

Yes Pakistan is evil. WTF can you do about that?

Pakistan has used Taliban, HUJI, LET to do Jehad in Kashmir, and now they are killing your citizens in Peshawar, Karachi, Quetta, etc. So before you make such statements you should have some facts in your pockets. We can ask you to fix them.

As I said, WTF can you do about it?
The question is what are you going to do about that now, they have changed their area of operation.

Yes and human lives on the sun whereas the earth shine bright in the day...come out of your hallucinations.
TTP is created by You to fight in Kashmir, but due to US pressure, you have to kill them :P . It is possible that India asked US to mount pressure on you. ;)

What failure...? Pakistan is slapping your r@ts left, right and center...
Failure of not eliminating these elements which are created by yourself. :)
And there are more Pakistani trying for immigration than Indians.

First of all, Pakistanis never claim those sort of things like SUPA PAWA, Prosperous Pakistan(for Incredible India), Shining Pakistan, white servants, etc etc. Pakistanis know that their country is poor on the other hand Indians talk as if rivers and streams of milk and honey is flowing in their backyards of their palaces where 1.3billion world's "trillionaires" live. Secondly the trend is changing and many families are moving back to Pakistan. Although that pace has slow down in recent years but it was all time high in around 2005-2007.

Mukti bahani was trained only during the war from June till December, creation was your indigenous.

Doesn't matter, it was created for terrorism in Pakistan. The support may have shrink after independence of Bangladesh but not died down.

Pakistan has used Taliban, HUJI, LET to do Jehad in Kashmir, and now they are killing your citizens in Peshawar, Karachi, Quetta, etc. So before you make such statements you should have some facts in your pockets. We can ask you to fix them.

India has used mutki baniha, LTTE, dalaians, 7 lakh terrorists in IOK, TTP, BLA, RSS, VHP to occupy territories in which it can practice medieval cults such as sacrificing children for "Kali" and "Durga". ;)The same people get out of control and killed Gandhi, Indra, etc. So before barking like a j3rk0 first look at the mirror. We can order you to fix them.:P

The question is what are you going to do about that now, they have changed their area of operation.

The question is what will India do now as Pakistan has decided to crush their TTP children and waste their multi billion investment.

TTP is created by You to fight in Kashmir, but due to US pressure, you have to kill them . It is possible that India asked US to mount pressure on you.

TTP is created, funded and sponsored by India via Afghanistan. Many people in India kill children for their "Kali" or "Durga", same thing is what TTP does. Now due to Pakistan's pressure your supporter Afghanistan who along with India was supporting these groups, is backing off as Pakistan threatens to strike. It is possible that Pakistan asked US and Russians to pressure you.

Failure of not eliminating these elements which are created by yourself. :)

Don't be so excited because soon these Indian/RAW sponsored rats will be killed.
First of all, Pakistanis never claim those sort of things like SUPA PAWA, Prosperous Pakistan(for Incredible India), Shining Pakistan, white servants, etc etc. Pakistanis know that their country is poor on the other hand Indians talk as if rivers and streams of milk and honey is flowing in their backyards of their palaces where 1.3billion world's "trillionaires" live. Secondly the trend is changing and many families are moving back to Pakistan. Although that pace has slow down in recent years but it was all time high in around 2005-2007.

Doesn't matter, it was created for terrorism in Pakistan. The support may have shrink after independence of Bangladesh but not died down.

India has used mutki baniha, LTTE, dalaians, 7 lakh terrorists in IOK, TTP, BLA, RSS, VHP to occupy territories in which it can practice medieval cults such as sacrificing children for "Kali" and "Durga". ;)The same people get out of control and killed Gandhi, Indra, etc. So before barking like a j3rk0 first look at the mirror. We can order you to fix them.:P

The question is what will India do now as Pakistan has decided to crush their TTP children and waste their multi billion investment.

TTP is created, funded and sponsored by India via Afghanistan. Many people in India kill children for their "Kali" or "Durga", same thing is what TTP does. Now due to Pakistan's pressure your supporter Afghanistan who along with India was supporting these groups, is backing off as Pakistan threatens to strike. It is possible that Pakistan asked US and Russians to pressure you.

Don't be so excited because soon these Indian/RAW sponsored rats will be killed.
no time to reply BS. But kindly explain how i dia is suppting TTP. Man you create terrorists to do jehad on Kashmir, we break them and ask them not to look at kashmir, they come back to you, daddy daddy we need support. Pakistan disownes them, not our men. US puts pressure on Pak, eliminate them. You do Zarb e Azb, they hit you back. Sala how the hell India is involved. Khud ka gand kiya hua hai khud saaf karo..
no time to reply BS. But kindly explain how i dia is suppting TTP. Man you create terrorists to do jehad on Kashmir, we break them and ask them not to look at kashmir, they come back to you, daddy daddy we need support. Pakistan disownes them, not our men. US puts pressure on Pak, eliminate them. You do Zarb e Azb, they hit you back. Sala how the hell India is involved. Khud ka gand kiya hua hai khud saaf karo..

Don't be a dumb @$$ cl0wn. It shows your r3t@rdiness. TTP was formed in 2007 by Indian terrorists in collaboration with Afghanistan. From then India is creating chaos in western parts of Pakistan. Unfortunately the US did a mistake to let India in Afghanistan. After Indian entrance in Afghanistan all these groups such as BLA, TTP start popping up. After Indian-TTP attack on Pakistani children - 12/16 attacks -, Pakistan's general warned Afghanistan to face respond if it didn't stop supporting TTP. The result is Afghanistan backing off and now their forces taking action against TTP first time ever in history. Indians on online forums are dying because their multi billion investment to keep Pakistan in chaos and distract it's focus from IOK is being gang banged by Pakistan, Afghanistan and US. RAW and TTP are getting gang banged in Afghanistan.
Don't be a dumb @$$ cl0wn. It shows your r3t@rdiness. TTP was formed in 2007 by Indian terrorists in collaboration with Afghanistan. From then India is creating chaos in western parts of Pakistan. Unfortunately the US did a mistake to let India in Afghanistan. After Indian entrance in Afghanistan all these groups such as BLA, TTP start popping up. After Indian-TTP attack on Pakistani children - 12/16 attacks -, Pakistan's general warned Afghanistan to face respond if it didn't stop supporting TTP. The result is Afghanistan backing off and now their forces taking action against TTP first time ever in history. Indians on online forums are dying because their multi billion investment to keep Pakistan in chaos and distract it's focus from IOK is being gang banged by Pakistan, Afghanistan and US. RAW and TTP are getting gang banged in Afghanistan.

why are you narrating me jokes?
Why didn't your general warn India then? No balls? Or you are planning a terror strike in India, with the help of lakhvi and that harami LeT leader Khabeez sayed?o_O
why are you narrating me jokes?
Why didn't your general warn India then? No balls? Or you are planning a terror strike in India, with the help of lakhvi and that harami LeT leader Khabeez sayed?o_O

It may be a joke for you because you guys kill young children for "Kali" and "Durga", but it is very serious issue for some.

The general warned Afghanistan because India is doing terrorism via Afghanistan. If it happens from India then the general will take care of it without even giving any warning. Remember last year incidents. Your khabeez moodi or dhovul terrorist can only strike from Afghanistan or they are good at killing unarmed Muslims of Gujarat, Bengal. Not to mention their 7 lakh terrorists, terrorizing innocent Kashmiris in IOK but could'nt change their minds.
It may be a joke for you because you guys kill young children for "Kali" and "Durga", but it is very serious issue for some.

The general warned Afghanistan because India is doing terrorism via Afghanistan. If it happens from India then the general will take care of it without even giving any warning. Remember last year incidents. Your khabeez moodi or dhovul terrorist can only strike from Afghanistan or they are good at killing unarmed Muslims of Gujarat, Bengal. Not to mention their 7 lakh terrorists, terrorizing innocent Kashmiris in IOK but could'nt change their minds.

you need alprax!
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