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US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

Pardon me here -but my point is that all this could have been done even if the GOI hadn't taken a harsher stand against Pakistan. What's the point of breaking down communication channels with a lame duck PM and a lame duck government in Pakistan when we all know that Nawaz isn't in a position to take even a single serious decision? and neither is he is in the power circle to force a change in PA's India Jihad policy. Offering tea and biscuits during the worthless talks would have stopped a percentage of the false propaganda or the bs statements from Pakistan that they desire peace while we do not want to talk.

Probably you missed my entire post, Pakistan has no problem with doing dialogue and terrorism simultaneously forever, it's we who are paying the higher price. For many years we are saying dialogue and terrorism cannot go on together, they didn't listen, what have we done about it so far? What have we gain by not doing something about it? I repeat, the policy is to break the status quo in our favour, talking to them without making them abandon their terror policy means continue with the present arrangement which is costing us more than them, rest I have already explained. And their propaganda has least effect on us, the whole world know about what they are doing.
We were beating them hollow on Kashmir - taking a harsher stand just gave them a reason to go to every country and UN to complain on us.
They have been doing it since long. Its high time that India took a sterner step and stopped looking patsy, 67 years of dialogues have not done any good.
India has better name today for the tougher stance it has adopted. This reinvigorated India's policies should finally break the confidence of those who plan to dissect India.
Probably you missed my entire post, Pakistan has no problem with doing dialogue and terrorism simultaneously forever, it's we who are paying the higher price. For many years we are saying dialogue and terrorism cannot go on together, they didn't listen, what have we done about it so far? What have we gain by not doing something about it? I repeat, the policy is to break the status quo in our favour, talking to them without making them abandon their terror policy means continue with the present arrangement which is costing us more than them, rest I have already explained. And their propaganda has least effect on us, the whole world know about what they are doing.

And how would not talking make them stop the terror policy? or change their resolve to keep engaging with kashmiri separatists? this shouldn't be a zero sum game. Policy towards India creates a lot of divisions in pakistan. All major political parties in pakistan desire - or at least they expressed that they desire peaceful relations with India...Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf Hussein, Imran Khan - even the minor one's. The one's against is the establishment (even they were a confused lot till Kayani's period) and groups like Difae pakistan and Lashkar e toiba. A harsher reaction from India has bandied them all together.

With talks on one side, Modi can still go ahead with his Kashmir vision, the reply to the cease fire violations could have been brutal as it was after the abandoning of talks, we could have continued with whatever we have been doing to counter pakistan's proxy war, who's going to stop us from doing that?. We can continue to display the carrot on a stick in front of the donkey - the monkey trap.

As for propaganda - the world runs on it, the energy wasted in countering the propaganda by India's diplomats could have been saved and could have been used for fruitful purposes.

They have been doing it since long. Its high time that India took a sterner step and stopped looking patsy, 67 years of dialogues have not done any good.
India has better name today for the tougher stance it has adopted. This reinvigorated India's policies should finally break the confidence of those who plan to dissect India.

Is Pakistan really interested to get a grip on those terrorists training on Pakistani soil? No dear, absolutely not. They are only after the groups that are damaging USA or themselves, groups working against India still get their support.

Many here thinks that there is no policy behind Modi's assertiveness against Pakistan, but there is a clear cut policy behind our stand. Is the status quo really helping us? With this policy Pakistan can continue to send two rupees terrorists in India for cheap and keep showing the world that they are a responsible country engaged in serious talks with India to resolve Kashmir issue. But the cost of preventing such terrorism is higher for us, why should we bear that cost? To keep Kashmir? Kashmir isn't going anywhere in any case, they can't take it.

So the policy is to break the status quo in our favour and make Pakistan stand down. The aim is to raise the cost of every action Pakistan is taking to keep the Kashmir issue alive;

1. Frequent border firing will be responded with even more heavier border firing.
2. Cross-border terrorism and providing help to separatists will be countered with other methods to make sure that they are paying a higher price for continuing with their policy of terrorism against India.

Now, in the short run we will see increased tension between the two countries, there will be a couple of more violent border firings like the previous one, there will be a few more terrorist activies, Pakistan will test our resolve to continue with our new policy, and we must respond with more strength to ensure that they are the one paying the higher price, we have to convince them that we are not the one budging here. At one point they will understand that it will always be them who are paying the higher price for their action, they will budge, they have to, because they know they can't win it. That's the best way to make the enemy stand down when the enemy is not interested to reason with you.

Regarding the talk, since we have stated that we won't talk to them if they talk to the seperatists, that should be our final stand. No way we should budge from our stated position and send a signal to them that they can make us break our resolve by sending a few terrorists. If they want to talk, they have to give up their little chit chats with the separatists. We must maintain that stand till they accept our terms, that will be one step towards breaking the status quo in our favour. Remember, we have nothing to lose if talk doesn't happen, but we will gain by pushing Pakistan back from the present arrangement that suits them. In fact, I think we will prohibit them to entertain any seperatist while they are in India for any official purpose, their diplomats will be asked to leave India if they do such things, that I think is going to happen going forward.

The new government do have a policy to deal with the Kashmir issue and so far everything is on track, as the policymakers have foreseen. We should just be patient.

@SarthakGanguly @levina @scorpionx @OrionHunter @Abingdonboy @spark
As I stated before, Pakistan will take some time to get used to the new active policy of India. They probed for a few times but eventually things are cooling down, as expected. It was necessary for us to be clear and firm. :)
And how would not talking make them stop the terror policy? or change their resolve to keep engaging with kashmiri separatists? this shouldn't be a zero sum game. Policy towards India creates a lot of divisions in pakistan. All major political parties in pakistan desire - or at least they expressed that they desire peaceful relations with India...Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf Hussein, Imran Khan - even the minor one's. The one's against is the establishment (even they were a confused lot till Kayani's period) and groups like Difae pakistan and Lashkar e toiba. A harsher reaction from India has bandied them all together.

With talks on one side, Modi can still go ahead with his Kashmir vision, the reply to the cease fire violations could have been brutal as it was after the abandoning of talks, we could have continued with whatever we have been doing to counter pakistan's proxy war, who's going to stop us from doing that?. We can continue to display the carrot on a stick in front of the donkey - the monkey trap.

As for propaganda - the world runs on it, the energy wasted in countering the propaganda by India's diplomats could have been saved and could have been used for fruitful purposes.

Cancelling the talk itself is one of such policies to make them move from their previous position and concede, their politicians were holding meeting with separatist groups while they were in India in spite of clear objection of India, right? If we didn't take any action here, then there was no need to show bravado on the border also, we could have just let it continue like the past. They are pissed off at the border because we have cancelled the talks with the condition of stopping talks with separatist and stop supporting terrorism.

The idea of cancelling talk with Pakistan till they don't stop talking to the separatist while sitting in India is also a "Push back" strategy, we are trying to make Pakistan give up their convenient policy of holding talks with separatist groups sitting in Delhi; giving them some kind of legitimacy. This is the first of many such steps to push Pakistan back from their current position in Kashmir issue, and we have to keep the pressure on till they budge.

It will be a grave mistake if we start the dialogue again without making them lose some ground, if we do that, then this government also will not be able to make any progress in Kashmir issue, the same thing will continue like the past.
MK Bhadrakumar makes some points in the following piece along the lines of something I had been thinking of as well in the past few days. What started my thought process was the US State Department position (subject of this thread) in conjunction with a rather odd statement by the Indian Home Minister after the attacks:

""Pakistan should take an initiative to stop all this, if they can't stop, then they should talk to India about it. India is willing to help them," Singh told the media after militant attacks in several areas of poll-bound Jammu and Kashmir."

Rajnath Singh's statement, despite the accompanying customary Pakistan bashing, might suggest that India believes that Pakistan was not involved in the attack. MKB, in his piece, brought up a third point, that Modi actually refrained from blaming Pakistan despite a high profile visit to J&K after the attack and despite having engaged in some heavy Pakistan bashing in previous visits:

... some searching questions need to be asked about what really is going on the Line of Control. Quite obviously, the US has not bought into the allegation voiced by certain quarters in India that the terrorist strike in Uri last Friday was a Pakistani operation.

It stands to reason that the US has independent sources and is in no mood to unwarrantedly queer the pitch of India-Pakistan relations. The good part is that although the Uri attack was hugely provocative, the Indian rhetoric didn’t spiral out of control or became inflammatory. Evidently, the government is in possession of more details than it has divulged.

Significantly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was briefed personally by the army chief, also has been conspicuously restrained in his comment. The PM didn’t make any mention of Pakistani state sponsorship of the Uri attack.

Even more important, Modi’s speech on Monday at the election rally in Srinagar pointedly invoked former Prime Minister A. B. Vajpayee’s famous address in 2003, which eventually took him to Lahore.

These are early days but it cannot be ruled out that a delicate balance could be developing in the equations involving India and Pakistan. After all, Modi being a strong leader can take difficult decisions. With the successful conclusion of the elections in J&K, an opportunity arises for Delhi to engage Pakistan...
M K Bhadrakumar – Indian Punchline

The US reaction could be written off as pandering to Pakistan in search of Pakistani assistance to stabilize Afghanistan and leave a positive legacy for Obama in his last two years in office, but in conjunction with Rajnath Singh's statement and Modi's alleged 'restraint' while visiting J&K after the attack the possibility does arise that Pakistan may have worked through the US to indirectly warn India of an imminent attack.


As I stated before, Pakistan will take some time to get used to the new active policy of India. They probed for a few times but eventually things are cooling down, as expected. It was necessary for us to be clear and firm. :)
Things always "cool down" - by that yardstick MMS's policies were far better since there was no escalation of violence along the LoC/WB along the lines of what we saw in the last few months.

From the Pakistani perspective, given that Pakistan had absolutely no motive to escalate along the LoC/WB given a large military deployment in FATA, the escalation was in fact deliberate on the part of the new Modi government to bolster its credentials as "hardliners on Pakistan" leading into elections in some major States. India escalated, Pakistan responded in kind, and Indian backed down.
MK Bhadrakumar makes some points in the following piece along the lines of something I had been thinking of as well in the past few days. What started my thought process was the US State Department position (subject of this thread) in conjunction with a rather odd statement by the Indian Home Minister after the attacks:

""Pakistan should take an initiative to stop all this, if they can't stop, then they should talk to India about it. India is willing to help them," Singh told the media after militant attacks in several areas of poll-bound Jammu and Kashmir."

Rajnath Singh's statement, despite the accompanying customary Pakistan bashing, might suggest that India believes that Pakistan was not involved in the attack. MKB, in his piece, brought up a third point, that Modi actually refrained from blaming Pakistan despite a high profile visit to J&K after the attack and despite having engaged in some heavy Pakistan bashing in previous visits:

... some searching questions need to be asked about what really is going on the Line of Control. Quite obviously, the US has not bought into the allegation voiced by certain quarters in India that the terrorist strike in Uri last Friday was a Pakistani operation.

It stands to reason that the US has independent sources and is in no mood to unwarrantedly queer the pitch of India-Pakistan relations. The good part is that although the Uri attack was hugely provocative, the Indian rhetoric didn’t spiral out of control or became inflammatory. Evidently, the government is in possession of more details than it has divulged.

Significantly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was briefed personally by the army chief, also has been conspicuously restrained in his comment. The PM didn’t make any mention of Pakistani state sponsorship of the Uri attack.

Even more important, Modi’s speech on Monday at the election rally in Srinagar pointedly invoked former Prime Minister A. B. Vajpayee’s famous address in 2003, which eventually took him to Lahore.

These are early days but it cannot be ruled out that a delicate balance could be developing in the equations involving India and Pakistan. After all, Modi being a strong leader can take difficult decisions. With the successful conclusion of the elections in J&K, an opportunity arises for Delhi to engage Pakistan...
M K Bhadrakumar – Indian Punchline

The US reaction could be written off as pandering to Pakistan in search of Pakistani assistance to stabilize Afghanistan and leave a positive legacy for Obama in his last two years in office, but in conjunction with Rajnath Singh's statement and Modi's alleged 'restraint' while visiting J&K after the attack the possibility does arise that Pakistan may have worked through the US to indirectly warn India of an imminent attack.


Things always "cool down" - by that yardstick MMS's policies were far better since there was no escalation of violence along the LoC/WB along the lines of what we saw in the last few months.

From the Pakistani perspective, given that Pakistan had absolutely no motive to escalate along the LoC/WB given a large military deployment in FATA, the escalation was in fact deliberate on the part of the new Modi government to bolster its credentials as "hardliners on Pakistan" leading into elections in some major States. India escalated, Pakistan responded in kind, and Indian backed down.
I agree. MMS was good for Pakistan. So we chose someone who is good for India. As for 'India backed down' - yeah ok, sure. :)
I agree. MMS was good for Pakistan. So we chose someone who is good for India. As for 'India backed down' - yeah ok, sure. :)
During MMS's time there was relative peace, so why would Pakistan want to escalate at this point in time, since, as Indians themselves claim, MMS was a "weak PM" and therefore would not have responded to a Pakistani escalation?

Pakistan had zero motive to escalate, given the deployment of around 150,000 troops in FATA and an escalating war there - Modi had all the motive given that he was still in "election mode".

The variable that changed in favor of escalation here was that an extremist Hindu zealot came into power in India, and had both motive and some crazy extremist religious ideas (cosmic weapons, space travel and plastic surgery by ancient Indians etc.), and therefore the only party that had any motive to initiate unprovoked military firing across the LoC/WB was the Modi government.

Modi ranted and raved about "we shut Pakistan up", "we gave them a jaw breaking response" etc. etc., and yet, after each childish rant, the Indian media itself would be up in arms about "yet more firing across the LoC", and Modi and his BJP leaders ended up looking like fools. If Modi's rants were in fact accurate about such a "strong response to Pakistan", why was the Indian military and media itself then accepting the fact that there was no halt to Pakistani military responses across the LoC after each such statement from the current lot of Hindu extremists in power in India? The definition of a "jaw breaking response" is that the other side essentially stops all military response, yet that is not what happened, so yes, all the facts point to India backing down.
During MMS's time there was relative peace, so why would Pakistan want to escalate at this point in time, since, as Indians themselves claim, MMS was a "weak PM" and therefore would not have responded to a Pakistani escalation?

Pakistan had zero motive to escalate, given the deployment of around 150,000 troops in FATA and an escalating war there - Modi had all the motive given that he was still in "election mode".

The variable that changed in favor of escalation here was that an extremist Hindu zealot came into power in India, and had both motive and some crazy extremist religious ideas (cosmic weapons, space travel and plastic surgery by ancient Indians etc.), and therefore the only party that had any motive to initiate unprovoked military firing across the LoC/WB was the Modi government.

Modi ranted and raved about "we shut Pakistan up", "we gave them a jaw breaking response" etc. etc., and yet, after each childish rant, the Indian media itself would be up in arms about "yet more firing across the LoC", and Modi and his BJP leaders ended up looking like fools. If Modi's rants were in fact accurate about such a "strong response to Pakistan", why was the Indian military and media itself then accepting the fact that there was no halt to Pakistani military responses across the LoC after each such statement from the current lot of Hindu extremists in power in India? The definition of a "jaw breaking response" is that the other side essentially stops all military response, yet that is not what happened, so yes, all the facts point to India backing down.

1. It was Pakistan who started the border firing, I hope you remember how your compatriots were jumping up and down with joy & ecstasy and shouting "Where is Modi" here in PDF.

2. It was Pakistan who continued with supporting terrorists against India, for last few pages you are trying to convince us that Pakistan has no control over these terrorist actives against India from their land, but even many Pakistanis here would lough at this, haven't you seen how one of the admins here proudly claims such terrorist attacks as some kind of achievement for Pakistan?

3. It is on the expected lines that Pakistan would up the ante in response to our new assertive policy, everything is on track. And no, we won't back down.
'We'? Since when have you become an American spokesman? You are just a Pakistani settled down in in the U.S. for better financial prospects which you can't get in Pakistan. You're only making a fool of yourself by pretending you are an American.

Read the definition of American then come to bark like a .....

This is not a third world h3llh0l3.

You Pakistanis attacked Kashmir with your army supported by tribals in 1947 and were thrown back by the Indian Army to where the LoC generally runs today. We know you've been brainwashed by the nonsense spewed out by your Mullah brigade, and your text books written by their stooges.

No Pakistan army personal attacked Kashmir. It was tribals from Waziristan and FATA who went there on the call from their Kashmiri brethren to stop the slaughter of innocent Kashmiris by DOG ra and Indian terrorists. Pakistan's Army only went on offensive when Indian terrorists tried to capture the already liberated parts from Tribals. Stop your dumb @$$ nonsense that you've learned from your Army, Media and Punditah Saffron brigade. You are one brainwashed soul just like many other Indians.

So who's occupying Pak Administered Kashmir? Pakistan! You need to hand back the areas illegally occupied by you to India including Gilgit/Baltistan which you forcibly took.

First you have to hand back areas illegally occupied by India. IOK, Hyderabad Deccan, Junagadh/Manvadar and Kolkata should be good starting points.

That was funny, we have enough Indian Americans who can say "We as Americans believe Pakistan is a terrorist country".

Dekhte hai...

And that's more funny when Pakistanis and Chinese and Bangladeshis and Middle Easterns will say "We as Americans believe India is a terrorist country with r@p3 as it's national sports"

Don't try to be smart @$$ and divert the topic dragging your swami, indian army, RSS, VHP, goswami, bharat verma nonsense.

USA and islam/muslim
Eye-Opening Graphic: Map of Muslim Countries that the U.S. and Israel Have Bombed | loonwatch.com
War against Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
America’s Holy Crusade against the Muslim World | Global Research

US flag
U.S. flags burn in protest - The Eye
Pakistani Protester Said To Die From Smoke Of Burning American Flags (Updated) - Forbes
Pakistani man dies after inhaling fumes from burning American flag at anti-Islam film rally | Daily Mail Online
India and muslim

The fact that Indian Muslims have stood up in this way is surely due, in part, to the fact that they live in, are the product of and feel empowered by a democratic and pluralistic society,” Mr. Friedman explained. “They are not intimidated by extremist religious leaders and are not afraid to speak out against religious extremism in their midst. It is why so few, if any, Indian Muslims are known to have joined Al Qaeda.”

Conditions for India’s Muslims appear to have only worsened since. “No serious official effort has been made to assess the lot of India’s Muslims since the publication in 2006 of a study ordered by the prime minister, Manmohan Singh,” according to a report compiled by The Economist. “Called the Sachar report, it broadly showed Muslims to be stuck at the bottom of almost every economic or social heap. Though heavily urban, Muslims had a particularly low share of public (or any formal) jobs, school and university places, and seats in politics. They earned less than other groups, were more excluded from banks and other finance, spent fewer years in school and had lower literacy rates. Pitifully few entered the army or the police force.”

India must destroy terror infrastructures on Pak soil: Muslim cleric | Zee News

The Economist explains: Why India’s Muslims are so moderate | The Economist
India’s Muslims are numerous, but moderate. Though barely 15% of the total, at some 180m they roughly number the same as Pakistan’s entire population. Many are disaffected. In the only Muslim-majority state, Kashmir, residents are embittered by years of heavy-handed rule by Indian security forces, and protests frequently erupt. Occasional terrorist attacks take place in Indian cities, blamed on a home-grown group, the Indian Mujahideen. In February 2013 a bomb attack in Hyderabad killed 16. But these attacks have been growing less frequent and less deadly, possibly because support from Pakistan has waned. Bursts of deadly religious violence, when Muslims and Hindus clash, also take place, most notably last year near a northern town, Muzaffarnagar, when at least 40 people were killed. India’s Muslims generally have reasons for some gloom: they endure lower levels of education, income, political representation or government jobs than the majority Hindus. And yet India’s Muslims, almost across the board, have remained moderate, tolerant, quick to condemn religious violence and ready to engage members of other religions. The contrast with the sectarian bloodletting, growing radicalism and deepening conservatism in Pakistan next door, for example, is striking.

India’s Muslims: Growing, and neglected | The Economist
Overall, India’s fertility rate is falling, but among Muslims it is dropping most slowly. Old habits persist. Few Muslim women work outside the home. Contraception is not much used.

Manmohan Singh. Called the Sachar report, it broadly showed Muslims to be stuck at the bottom of almost every economic or social heap. Though heavily urban, Muslims had a particularly low share of public (or any formal) jobs, school and university places, and seats in politics.

They earned less than other groups, were more excluded from banks and other finance, spent fewer years in school and had lower literacy rates. Pitifully few entered the army or the police force.

He also sees a strong yearning among Muslims for education, including for girls, that was absent before. That matters, especially learning English, which can offer a path to better jobs at a time when employment is fading in the traditional Muslim crafts of weaving, leather and metal working, and small-scale manufacturing. The slums of east Delhi, with many Muslims, are now home to some excellent new schools for boys and girls.

hahaha...I know several Muslims here from Gujarat, Indian Bengal, Hyderabad and Utter Pradesh who have told me how Muslims are treated in India. "Mianh log" "Sala Muslahs" remember these derogatory terms?

The reason why Indian Muslims in India does not speak up because they don't wanna die which will not even be reported by saffron punditah media.

A terrorist who murdered thousands of Muslims openly is a PM...rings a bell?

Babri Mosque...rings a bell?
Read the definition of American then come to bark like a .....

This is not a third world h3llh0l3.

No Pakistan army personal attacked Kashmir. It was tribals from Waziristan and FATA who went there on the call from their Kashmiri brethren to stop the slaughter of innocent Kashmiris by DOG ra and Indian terrorists. Pakistan's Army only went on offensive when Indian terrorists tried to capture the already liberated parts from Tribals. Stop your dumb @$$ nonsense that you've learned from your Army, Media and Punditah Saffron brigade. You are one brainwashed soul just like many other Indians.

First you have to hand back areas illegally occupied by India. IOK, Hyderabad Deccan, Junagadh/Manvadar and Kolkata should be good starting points.

And that's more funny when Pakistanis and Chinese and Bangladeshis and Middle Easterns will say "We as Americans believe India is a terrorist country with r@p3 as it's national sports"

Don't try to be smart @$$ and divert the topic dragging your swami, indian army, RSS, VHP, goswami, bharat verma nonsense.

hahaha...I know several Muslims here from Gujarat, Indian Bengal, Hyderabad and Utter Pradesh who have told me how Muslims are treated in India. "Mianh log" "Sala Muslahs" remember these derogatory terms?

The reason why Indian Muslims in India does not speak up because they don't wanna die which will not even be reported by saffron punditah media.

A terrorist who murdered thousands of Muslims openly is a PM...rings a bell?

Babri Mosque...rings a bell?

Your idiotic post confirms that you've been brainwashed by the nonsense spewed out by your Mullah brigade, and your text books written by their stooges.

What dumb-asses!! Jeeez! The shite that some of these morons write is spectacular in its nonsense!
Now, in the interest of preventing a host of distortions regarding the statement as presented in the thread title, the question posed to the US spokesperson by the Indian journalist was in the context of "State support", and even tried to imply US collusion with Pakistan.
US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence
Problem is, if the terrorists aren't state-supported but their training camps, refuges, etc. can nonetheless be traced to Pakistan whose gov't refuses to act against them, the Indians are authorized under international law (UNSCR 1373) to attack and destroy such terror installations on Pakistani territory themselves. And Pakistan can't complain Pakistani sovereignty has been violated because just like the NATO drone attacks in N. Wazirstan, UNSCR 1373 nullifies it!
Read the definition of American then come to bark like a .....

This is not a third world h3llh0l3.

No Pakistan army personal attacked Kashmir. It was tribals from Waziristan and FATA who went there on the call from their Kashmiri brethren to stop the slaughter of innocent Kashmiris by DOG ra and Indian terrorists. Pakistan's Army only went on offensive when Indian terrorists tried to capture the already liberated parts from Tribals. Stop your dumb @$$ nonsense that you've learned from your Army, Media and Punditah Saffron brigade. You are one brainwashed soul just like many other Indians.

First you have to hand back areas illegally occupied by India. IOK, Hyderabad Deccan, Junagadh/Manvadar and Kolkata should be good starting points.

And that's more funny when Pakistanis and Chinese and Bangladeshis and Middle Easterns will say "We as Americans believe India is a terrorist country with r@p3 as it's national sports"

Don't try to be smart @$$ and divert the topic dragging your swami, indian army, RSS, VHP, goswami, bharat verma nonsense.

hahaha...I know several Muslims here from Gujarat, Indian Bengal, Hyderabad and Utter Pradesh who have told me how Muslims are treated in India. "Mianh log" "Sala Muslahs" remember these derogatory terms?

The reason why Indian Muslims in India does not speak up because they don't wanna die which will not even be reported by saffron punditah media.

A terrorist who murdered thousands of Muslims openly is a PM...rings a bell?

Babri Mosque...rings a bell?

A Pakistani immigrant's ranting in an internet doesn't qualify as the 'opinion of America', one must be quite a dumb to think like that.

And how many Indian Muslims are lining up for a refuge in Pakistan? Take care of your own citizens instead of bothering about others.
Read the definition of American then come to bark like a .....

This is not a third world h3llh0l3.

No Pakistan army personal attacked Kashmir. It was tribals from Waziristan and FATA who went there on the call from their Kashmiri brethren to stop the slaughter of innocent Kashmiris by DOG ra and Indian terrorists. Pakistan's Army only went on offensive when Indian terrorists tried to capture the already liberated parts from Tribals. Stop your dumb @$$ nonsense that you've learned from your Army, Media and Punditah Saffron brigade. You are one brainwashed soul just like many other Indians.

First you have to hand back areas illegally occupied by India. IOK, Hyderabad Deccan, Junagadh/Manvadar and Kolkata should be good starting points.

And that's more funny when Pakistanis and Chinese and Bangladeshis and Middle Easterns will say "We as Americans believe India is a terrorist country with r@p3 as it's national sports"

Don't try to be smart @$$ and divert the topic dragging your swami, indian army, RSS, VHP, goswami, bharat verma nonsense.

hahaha...I know several Muslims here from Gujarat, Indian Bengal, Hyderabad and Utter Pradesh who have told me how Muslims are treated in India. "Mianh log" "Sala Muslahs" remember these derogatory terms?

The reason why Indian Muslims in India does not speak up because they don't wanna die which will not even be reported by saffron punditah media.

A terrorist who murdered thousands of Muslims openly is a PM...rings a bell?

Babri Mosque...rings a bell?
your idea of india .. is only few ghettos of gujrat and hyderabd .. and UP...
its good that people called you .. how many .. 100..1000.. 1Lakh .. still it does not reprsent true musim of idniawho are in 30 cr plus.. so while quoting make sure its does not boomrang on you...

Media... you better not talk about it.. those people who kill journalist becuase he become nusiance to army and govt and terrorist in pak.. dont have nay rright to say a word..

leave media.. govt is vocal about msulim issue.. the sachar commite report whihc you epoeple quaoted to show whow india discrimaite mulsim is a clear exaple .. even govt is open for same issue media is quite open on same ..
want proof ..
heeee. same saffern pundit haveing good debate . on national daily wihouut fighting
India’s Muslims Aren’t All Skeptical of Modi and the BJP | The Diplomat

yes.. it was mistake and crime.. which indian people paid price..

we are not perefect society in india.. i am not comparing with pakistan because you are not SOCIETY first..
i may be rude to this aspect.. but i can see .. shia ... suni.. belvali... punaji..pashu.. sindhi. exy.. but no pakistani...
its extaclty rever se in india..
indian first.. muslim.. sikh..hindu.... kerlalist..

India hve problem and we sorting it out slowly.. are w e perfect no .. are we trying to be yes..
we still have few people who have some view of other and its has its own result which ic negative .. (exa. current chage of relgion saga) but most 99 % dont support themm.. that sanity keep india diffrent from others..

Read the definition of American then come to bark like a .....

This is not a third world h3llh0l3.

No Pakistan army personal attacked Kashmir. It was tribals from Waziristan and FATA who went there on the call from their Kashmiri brethren to stop the slaughter of innocent Kashmiris by DOG ra and Indian terrorists. Pakistan's Army only went on offensive when Indian terrorists tried to capture the already liberated parts from Tribals. Stop your dumb @$$ nonsense that you've learned from your Army, Media and Punditah Saffron brigade. You are one brainwashed soul just like many other Indians.

First you have to hand back areas illegally occupied by India. IOK, Hyderabad Deccan, Junagadh/Manvadar and Kolkata should be good starting points.

And that's more funny when Pakistanis and Chinese and Bangladeshis and Middle Easterns will say "We as Americans believe India is a terrorist country with r@p3 as it's national sports"

Don't try to be smart @$$ and divert the topic dragging your swami, indian army, RSS, VHP, goswami, bharat verma nonsense.

hahaha...I know several Muslims here from Gujarat, Indian Bengal, Hyderabad and Utter Pradesh who have told me how Muslims are treated in India. "Mianh log" "Sala Muslahs" remember these derogatory terms?

The reason why Indian Muslims in India does not speak up because they don't wanna die which will not even be reported by saffron punditah media.

A terrorist who murdered thousands of Muslims openly is a PM...rings a bell?

Babri Mosque...rings a bell?
If Modi is terrorist as per your standeds of "who murdered thousands of Muslims openly"

who is Obama and Bush.. Saint or pir.. ?

Why they hate us (II): How many Muslims has the U.S. killed in the past 30 years? |
Noam Chomsky calls US 'world's leading terrorist state' — RT USA

and you staying in USA... what that call for.. ?

Please explain
waiting for reply..
American or pakistani
A Pakistani immigrant's ranting in an internet doesn't qualify as the 'opinion of America', one must be quite a dumb to think like that.

And how many Indian Muslims are lining up for a refuge in Pakistan? Take care of your own citizens instead of bothering about others.

In America every opinion matter unlike that third world h3llh0l3 where terrorists and murderers are gifted PM chair and where 7 lakh Indian terrorists kill innocent Kashmiris in IOK.

I' am confused, is this biggest democracy or biggest hypocrisy.

Many Indian Muslims illegally migrated to Pakistan between 2002-2007. Unlike India, Pakistan does not make drama even after having world's largest refugee population.

Indians are the first ones to run illegally to US, Europe and Muslim countries whereas they declare their own Muslim population as Bangladeshis.

Your idiotic post confirms that you've been brainwashed by the nonsense spewed out by your Mullah brigade, and your text books written by their stooges.

What dumb-asses!! Jeeez! The shite that some of these morons write is spectacular in its nonsense!

Your dumb posts and your insecurities show that you brain has been continuously r@... by your Army and media and terrorists of RSS/VHP. Feel sorry for you.

your idea of india .. is only few ghettos of gujrat and hyderabd .. and UP...
its good that people called you .. how many .. 100..1000.. 1Lakh .. still it does not reprsent true musim of idniawho are in 30 cr plus.. so while quoting make sure its does not boomrang on you...

Media... you better not talk about it.. those people who kill journalist becuase he become nusiance to army and govt and terrorist in pak.. dont have nay rright to say a word..

leave media.. govt is vocal about msulim issue.. the sachar commite report whihc you epoeple quaoted to show whow india discrimaite mulsim is a clear exaple .. even govt is open for same issue media is quite open on same ..
want proof ..
heeee. same saffern pundit haveing good debate . on national daily wihouut fighting
India’s Muslims Aren’t All Skeptical of Modi and the BJP | The Diplomat

yes.. it was mistake and crime.. which indian people paid price..

we are not perefect society in india.. i am not comparing with pakistan because you are not SOCIETY first..
i may be rude to this aspect.. but i can see .. shia ... suni.. belvali... punaji..pashu.. sindhi. exy.. but no pakistani...
its extaclty rever se in india..
indian first.. muslim.. sikh..hindu.... kerlalist..

India hve problem and we sorting it out slowly.. are w e perfect no .. are we trying to be yes..
we still have few people who have some view of other and its has its own result which ic negative .. (exa. current chage of relgion saga) but most 99 % dont support themm.. that sanity keep india diffrent from others..

If Modi is terrorist as per your standeds of "who murdered thousands of Muslims openly"

who is Obama and Bush.. Saint or pir.. ?

Why they hate us (II): How many Muslims has the U.S. killed in the past 30 years? |
Noam Chomsky calls US 'world's leading terrorist state' — RT USA

and you staying in USA... what that call for.. ?

Please explain
waiting for reply..
American or pakistani

Well the idea comes from people to people contact. I've meet plenty of Muslims from those areas who have negative opinion of India. Most of them have dream to migrate to Middle East or US/Europe because they are not "free" in their own land.

US has killed no Muslims at all. All those killed are Munafiqs and Takfiris and I' am happy that US did that. God Bless USA.

And for God sake, stop comparing your third world with a proper civilization of USA. You have occupied a territory and your 7 lakh terrorists continue with their terrorism to this date whereas US even hold petitions for the legal US states and territories who have demand of freedom(but those petitions failed because of people who reject separation)...this is called proper democracy. You have made a terrorist and murderer of Muslims as your PM, never ever this could happen in US.
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