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US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

I am just wondering....what is new about it...US never supported India on Kashmir issue...Rather if you see through the history of 90'S China's conduct with respect to Kashmir issue with India is far better than even US too...US will always plays according to the gallery...And of course...that is a good diplomacy of US too..
So where are all the Indians that were commenting on 'Pakistan minister terms US an unreliable' and then 'Pentagon report on this and that' ???

Oh yes, they would not be seen. Thread posted at 6:48pm, and yet the Indians have not shown up like flies............
Hope you understand imp of pentagon report ..
putin is india 10 dec and obama in 26 jan..
just wait and see how same you guys say ..
whoo.. usa / russia ...we dont need them.. and so on

And you should read ISAF commander (Afghanistans) report that dismissed pentagons report.. ops.. and than the visit of Gen Raheel to USA...
i follow chain of comand as per world norms of institiuion
gen raheel visit ... and thn pentagon took back report and apolised paksitan in press conference right
one side... you call USA a biggest muslim slayer ... terroist nation.. burn therir flag..
other side w e the people ..
the tradition countinues of Hypocracy and doble stnadrds

Are you mentally r3t@rd...? I challenge you to prove your first line.

India is the biggest slayer of Muslims not United States.
Are you mentally r3t@rd...? I challenge you to prove your first line.

India is the biggest slayer of Muslims not United States.
USA and islam/muslim
Eye-Opening Graphic: Map of Muslim Countries that the U.S. and Israel Have Bombed | loonwatch.com
War against Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
America’s Holy Crusade against the Muslim World | Global Research

US flag
U.S. flags burn in protest - The Eye
Pakistani Protester Said To Die From Smoke Of Burning American Flags (Updated) - Forbes
Pakistani man dies after inhaling fumes from burning American flag at anti-Islam film rally | Daily Mail Online
India and muslim

The fact that Indian Muslims have stood up in this way is surely due, in part, to the fact that they live in, are the product of and feel empowered by a democratic and pluralistic society,” Mr. Friedman explained. “They are not intimidated by extremist religious leaders and are not afraid to speak out against religious extremism in their midst. It is why so few, if any, Indian Muslims are known to have joined Al Qaeda.”

Conditions for India’s Muslims appear to have only worsened since. “No serious official effort has been made to assess the lot of India’s Muslims since the publication in 2006 of a study ordered by the prime minister, Manmohan Singh,” according to a report compiled by The Economist. “Called the Sachar report, it broadly showed Muslims to be stuck at the bottom of almost every economic or social heap. Though heavily urban, Muslims had a particularly low share of public (or any formal) jobs, school and university places, and seats in politics. They earned less than other groups, were more excluded from banks and other finance, spent fewer years in school and had lower literacy rates. Pitifully few entered the army or the police force.”

India must destroy terror infrastructures on Pak soil: Muslim cleric | Zee News

The Economist explains: Why India’s Muslims are so moderate | The Economist
India’s Muslims are numerous, but moderate. Though barely 15% of the total, at some 180m they roughly number the same as Pakistan’s entire population. Many are disaffected. In the only Muslim-majority state, Kashmir, residents are embittered by years of heavy-handed rule by Indian security forces, and protests frequently erupt. Occasional terrorist attacks take place in Indian cities, blamed on a home-grown group, the Indian Mujahideen. In February 2013 a bomb attack in Hyderabad killed 16. But these attacks have been growing less frequent and less deadly, possibly because support from Pakistan has waned. Bursts of deadly religious violence, when Muslims and Hindus clash, also take place, most notably last year near a northern town, Muzaffarnagar, when at least 40 people were killed. India’s Muslims generally have reasons for some gloom: they endure lower levels of education, income, political representation or government jobs than the majority Hindus. And yet India’s Muslims, almost across the board, have remained moderate, tolerant, quick to condemn religious violence and ready to engage members of other religions. The contrast with the sectarian bloodletting, growing radicalism and deepening conservatism in Pakistan next door, for example, is striking.

India’s Muslims: Growing, and neglected | The Economist
Overall, India’s fertility rate is falling, but among Muslims it is dropping most slowly. Old habits persist. Few Muslim women work outside the home. Contraception is not much used.

Manmohan Singh. Called the Sachar report, it broadly showed Muslims to be stuck at the bottom of almost every economic or social heap. Though heavily urban, Muslims had a particularly low share of public (or any formal) jobs, school and university places, and seats in politics.

They earned less than other groups, were more excluded from banks and other finance, spent fewer years in school and had lower literacy rates. Pitifully few entered the army or the police force.

He also sees a strong yearning among Muslims for education, including for girls, that was absent before. That matters, especially learning English, which can offer a path to better jobs at a time when employment is fading in the traditional Muslim crafts of weaving, leather and metal working, and small-scale manufacturing. The slums of east Delhi, with many Muslims, are now home to some excellent new schools for boys and girls.

USA go by what India & Pakistan agreed and signed..!(some Pakistanis can't handle that)

That It is a bilateral issue and should be solved accordingly.
We as Americans believe India is an occupier and committing atrocities and terrorism against innocent Kashmiris. Kashmiris are the owner of their lands not Indians.

@CENTCOM @Nihonjin1051 @LeveragedBuyout @Al-zakir @qamar1990 @Desert Fox @Falcon89

That was funny, we have enough Indian Americans who can say "We as Americans believe Pakistan is a terrorist country".

India ko hum itna tang karengay,k ya to wo south asia main rahengay aur ya kashmir chor k bhaag jayengay

Dekhte hai...
US will never say it against an ally which it still has stakes in a war which is ongoing.

Only 1 guy, that too in Indian parliament has said that " “the same organisations that were creating problems in the Indian state of J&K were behind problems in Chechnya and other parts of the Russian Caucasus".

He is fortunately still in charge of his country.

Now, in the interest of preventing a host of distortions regarding the statement as presented in the thread title, the question posed to the US spokesperson by the Indian journalist was in the context of "State support", and even tried to imply US collusion with Pakistan.
US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

WASHINGTON: The United States has cautioned against making any assumptions linking Pakistan to the latest violence in the Indian occupied Kashmir, while also brushing aside the notion that last week's meeting between Army Chief General Raheel Sharif and Secretary of State John Kerry was somehow connected to the flare-up in the Uri area.

A State Department spokesperson, while expressing concern over violence in the disputed Himalayan region divided between the two countries, also urged India and Pakistan to hold dialogue on the Kashmir issue.

“I think that you're conflating a couple of things. Obviously, we know the Secretary and the army chief of staff had a very productive discussion on Sunday on a range of security-related issues, and again, we're concerned about any violence in Kashmir, and I wouldn't jump to conclusions here,” Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told an Indian journalist in response to his questions at the daily briefing.

The premise of the question sought to put the blame on Pakistan for Friday's incident and the questioner also wanted to know the United State's position on whether was a link between the meeting and the fighting involving militants and Indian soldiers in Uri in Indian-held Kashmir.

Also read: 17 dead as militants attack army camp in Indian-held Kashmir

“No, I was saying - I actually was trying not to accept the premise of the question,” the spokesperson emphasised, when asked if she accepted the premise in the question about who might have been behind the violence.

When asked if the US does not know whether there was any Pakistani involvement, the spokesperson cautioned against any assumptions: “I wouldn't assume anything.”

According to media reports, 11 Indian soldiers and six militants were killed when fighting broke out in Uri, rocking the region ahead of Indian prime minister Narendra Modibs visit to Indian-held Kashmir.

Reiterating Washington's position on addressing the Kashmir dispute, the spokesperson said: “So obviously we're concerned about any violence in Kashmir. Our policy on Kashmir hasn't changed. We still believe that the pace and the scope and character of India and Pakistan's dialogue on Kashmir is for those two countries to determine, of course.”

She also added that American embassies in both capitals, Islamabad and New Delhi, “have raised these types of incidents with their respective host governments and certainly encouraged both to continue working together on the issue.”

Later, a senior State Department official said the United States strongly condemns Friday's terrorist attacks in Kashmir, which claimed the lives of innocent civilians, military, and police personnel.

“The United States remains firmly committed to working in close partnership with India to defeat terrorism in all its forms. Our hearts go out to the families of those affected by this deplorable attack,” a statement issued Friday evening said.
US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Well it is because of two things first they we are not involved but USA can come up with false accusations but they can't afford to do it right now as most of there forces are about to leave Afghanistan.
Ever since Modi has made it to PM of india,India is loosing the group over the world wrt Pakistan.

Should by default now we consider that modi doesn't know the heck about foriegn policy and rather need advice from Man mohan singh?
I agree that Modi is taking a harsher course and it will be difficult for Pakistan to get a grip on these groups because of it. I wonder what's behind this policy though?.

Is Pakistan really interested to get a grip on those terrorists training on Pakistani soil? No dear, absolutely not. They are only after the groups that are damaging USA or themselves, groups working against India still get their support.

Many here thinks that there is no policy behind Modi's assertiveness against Pakistan, but there is a clear cut policy behind our stand. Is the status quo really helping us? With this policy Pakistan can continue to send two rupees terrorists in India for cheap and keep showing the world that they are a responsible country engaged in serious talks with India to resolve Kashmir issue. But the cost of preventing such terrorism is higher for us, why should we bear that cost? To keep Kashmir? Kashmir isn't going anywhere in any case, they can't take it.

So the policy is to break the status quo in our favour and make Pakistan stand down. The aim is to raise the cost of every action Pakistan is taking to keep the Kashmir issue alive;

1. Frequent border firing will be responded with even more heavier border firing.
2. Cross-border terrorism and providing help to separatists will be countered with other methods to make sure that they are paying a higher price for continuing with their policy of terrorism against India.

Now, in the short run we will see increased tension between the two countries, there will be a couple of more violent border firings like the previous one, there will be a few more terrorist activies, Pakistan will test our resolve to continue with our new policy, and we must respond with more strength to ensure that they are the one paying the higher price, we have to convince them that we are not the one budging here. At one point they will understand that it will always be them who are paying the higher price for their action, they will budge, they have to, because they know they can't win it. That's the best way to make the enemy stand down when the enemy is not interested to reason with you.

Regarding the talk, since we have stated that we won't talk to them if they talk to the seperatists, that should be our final stand. No way we should budge from our stated position and send a signal to them that they can make us break our resolve by sending a few terrorists. If they want to talk, they have to give up their little chit chats with the separatists. We must maintain that stand till they accept our terms, that will be one step towards breaking the status quo in our favour. Remember, we have nothing to lose if talk doesn't happen, but we will gain by pushing Pakistan back from the present arrangement that suits them. In fact, I think we will prohibit them to entertain any seperatist while they are in India for any official purpose, their diplomats will be asked to leave India if they do such things, that I think is going to happen going forward.

The new government do have a policy to deal with the Kashmir issue and so far everything is on track, as the policymakers have foreseen. We should just be patient.

@SarthakGanguly @levina @scorpionx @OrionHunter @Abingdonboy @spark
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We as Americans believe India is an occupier and committing atrocities and terrorism against innocent Kashmiris. Kashmiris are the owner of their lands not Indians.
'We'? Since when have you become an American spokesman? You are just a Pakistani settled down in in the U.S. for better financial prospects which you can't get in Pakistan. You're only making a fool of yourself by pretending you are an American.

You Pakistanis attacked Kashmir with your army supported by tribals in 1947 and were thrown back by the Indian Army to where the LoC generally runs today. We know you've been brainwashed by the nonsense spewed out by your Mullah brigade, and your text books written by their stooges.

So who's occupying Pak Administered Kashmir? Pakistan! You need to hand back the areas illegally occupied by you to India including Gilgit/Baltistan which you forcibly took.

Is Pakistan really interested to get a grip on those terrorists training on Pakistani soil? No dear, absolutely not. They are only after the groups that are damaging USA or themselves, groups working against India still get their support.

Many here thinks that there is no policy behind Modi's assertiveness against Pakistan, but there is a clear cut policy behind our stand. Is the status quo really helping us? With this policy Pakistan can continue to send two rupees terrorists in India for cheap and keep showing the world that they are a responsible country engaged in serious talks with India to resolve Kashmir issue. But the cost of preventing such terrorism is higher for us, why should we bear that cost? To keep Kashmir? Kashmir isn't going anywhere in any case, they can't take it.

So the policy is to break the status quo in our favour and make Pakistan stand down. The aim is to raise the cost of every action Pakistan is taking to keep the Kashmir issue alive;

1. Frequent border firing will be responded with even more heavier border firing.
2. Cross-border terrorism and providing help to separatists will be countered with other methods to make sure that they are paying a higher price for continuing with their policy of terrorism against India.

Now, in the short run we will see increased tension between the two countries, there will be a couple of more violent border firings like the previous one, there will be a few more terrorist activies, Pakistan will test our resolve to continue with our new policy, and we must respond with more strength to ensure that they are the one paying the higher price, we have to convince them that we are not the one budging here. At one point they will understand that it will always be them who are paying the higher price for their action, they will budge, they have to, because they know they can't win it. That's the best way to make the enemy stand down when the enemy is not interested to reason with you.

Regarding the talk, since we have stated that we won't talk to them if they talk to the seperatists, that should be our final stand. No way we should budge from our stated position and send a signal to them that they can make us break our resolve by sending a few terrorists. If they want to talk, they have to give up their little chit chats with the separatists. We must maintain that stand till they accept our terms, that will be one step towards breaking the status quo in our favour. Remember, we have nothing to lose if talk doesn't happen, but we will gain by pushing Pakistan back from the present arrangement that suits them. In fact, I think we will prohibit them to entertain any seperatist while they are in India for any official purpose, their diplomats will be asked to leave India if they do such things, that I think is going to happen going forward.

The new government do have a policy to deal with the Kashmir issue and so far everything is on track, as the policymakers have foreseen. We should just be patient.
Well said!

Pakistan should be aware that two can play the terror game. They should now be prepared for a riposte.
DRAY said:
Pakistan will test our resolve to continue with our new policy, and we must respond with more strength to ensure that they are the one paying the higher price, wehave to convince them that we are not the onebudging here. At one point they will understand that it will always be them who are paying the higherprice for their action, they will budge, they have to,because they know they can't win it. That's the best way to make the enemy stand down when theenemy is not interested to reason with you.

You're absolutely right!
Given the propensity of this crisis if India takes a step back then Pakistan would take that as India's weakness.
I hope our govt remains adamant that it won't entertain any "talks" with the separatists.

Was listening to Modi's speech in sher-e-Kashmir stadium just now :) and I think he's right when he gave an example of kutch and said that now we should stop talking about Pakistan to Kashmiris.We have many other issues to tackle in the region and terrorism is just one of 'em.
Kashmir ke achhe din jald aayenge!! :)
Is Pakistan really interested to get a grip on those terrorists training on Pakistani soil? No dear, absolutely not. They are only after the groups that are damaging USA or themselves, groups working against India still get their support.

Many here thinks that there is no policy behind Modi's assertiveness against Pakistan, but there is a clear cut policy behind our stand. Is the status quo really helping us? With this policy Pakistan can continue to send two rupees terrorists in India for cheap and keep showing the world that they are a responsible country engaged in serious talks with India to resolve Kashmir issue. But the cost of preventing such terrorism is higher for us, why should we bear that cost? To keep Kashmir? Kashmir isn't going anywhere in any case, they can't take it.

So the policy is to break the status quo in our favour and make Pakistan stand down. The aim is to raise the cost of every action Pakistan is taking to keep the Kashmir issue alive;

1. Frequent border firing will be responded with even more heavier border firing.
2. Cross-border terrorism and providing help to separatists will be countered with other methods to make sure that they are paying a higher price for continuing with their policy of terrorism against India.

Now, in the short run we will see increased tension between the two countries, there will be a couple of more violent border firings like the previous one, there will be a few more terrorist activies, Pakistan will test our resolve to continue with our new policy, and we must respond with more strength to ensure that they are the one paying the higher price, we have to convince them that we are not the one budging here. At one point they will understand that it will always be them who are paying the higher price for their action, they will budge, they have to, because they know they can't win it. That's the best way to make the enemy stand down when the enemy is not interested to reason with you.

Regarding the talk, since we have stated that we won't talk to them if they talk to the seperatists, that should be our final stand. No way we should budge from our stated position and send a signal to them that they can make us break our resolve by sending a few terrorists. If they want to talk, they have to give up their little chit chats with the separatists. We must maintain that stand till they accept our terms, that will be one step towards breaking the status quo in our favour. Remember, we have nothing to lose if talk doesn't happen, but we will gain by pushing Pakistan back from the present arrangement that suits them. In fact, I think we will prohibit them to entertain any seperatist while they are in India for any official purpose, their diplomats will be asked to leave India if they do such things, that I think is going to happen going forward.

The new government do have a policy to deal with the Kashmir issue and so far everything is on track, as the policymakers have foreseen. We should just be patient.

@SarthakGanguly @levina @scorpionx @OrionHunter @Abingdonboy @spark

Pardon me here -but my point is that all this could have been done even if the GOI hadn't taken a harsher stand against Pakistan. What's the point of breaking down communication channels with a lame duck PM and a lame duck government in Pakistan when we all know that Nawaz isn't in a position to take even a single serious decision? and neither is he is in the power circle to force a change in PA's India Jihad policy. Offering tea and biscuits during the worthless talks would have stopped a percentage of the false propaganda or the bs statements from Pakistan that they desire peace while we do not want to talk.

You're absolutely right!
Given the propensity of this crisis if India takes a step back then Pakistan would take that as India's weakness.
I hope our govt remains adamant that it won't entertain any "talks" with the separatists.

Was listening to Modi's speech in sher-e-Kashmir stadium just now :) and I think he's right when he gave an example of kutch and said that now we should stop talking about Pakistan to Kashmiris.We have many other issues to tackle in the region and terrorism is just one of 'em.
Kashmir ke achhe din jald aayenge!! :)

We were beating them hollow on Kashmir - taking a harsher stand just gave them a reason to go to every country and UN to complain on us.

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