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US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

Doesn't look to be a joke but a clever strategy which fools can't understand.

Nope. Things are changing fast in this region. You would see result of this visit soon.
Yup strategies which Pakistan is famous for failing :D
Yup strategies which Pakistan is famous for failing :D

Looking at the whining ad desperation of more than a billion people that doesn't look to be failing. ;)
Everyone know who goes for 7 days to US and stays for equal no. of days more. The country in which FP is handled by army.

Lol, the joke is on you! :lol:

It's none of your concern, Pakistanis are more comfortable with Sharif in Khaki going to deal with US than Sharif in Shirwani.
It's none of your concern, Pakistanis are more comfortable with Sharif in Khaki going to deal with US than Sharif in Shirwani.
As I said it's not of concern, it's a joke on Pakistan.
Not as much funny as everyday new scientific theories coming from mantaris of world's largest democracy.

Well these people were atleast elected by Indians themselves.
So the joke still remains on you guys.
Well these people were atleast elected by Indians themselves.
So the joke still remains on you guys.

You mean to say those mantaris are just tip of iceberg?
Folks keep the posts on topic please.

Oh well, another day in the relationship between Pakistan and the USA.
Sorry...that comparison dosent suit India. It suits more to a country which gave US bases, fought their wars and fvcked up it's economy along with getting 50,000 people killed.

Where is that diplomat now? And where is phd scholar siddiqi?

That does suits India. You can believe whatever you want but your leaders are paid to work for American interest in the region.

Whereas the other country fought it's own war by killing Indian sponsored TTP/BLA terrorists. US helped that country.

Where ever that diplomat is, doesn't change the fact that she was a fraudia and was strip searched in front of hundreds if not thousands.
We are real democracy...unlike some fake democracies of third world copycats where terrorists/goons/thugs/fanatics are made soldiers and awarded PM seats.

We are "We the People" not Pentagon.:usflag::usflag:

It is actually we Americans showing you middle finger and telling you we as the boss will not read Indian lines even if Indians buy weapons from USA.:sniper:

Everyone here is an immigrant, be it Pakistani, Brit, German, Italian, Arab, Chinese, Nigerian, Brazilian, etc...together they are known as Americans.
one side... you call USA a biggest muslim slayer ... terroist nation.. burn therir flag..
other side w e the people ..
the tradition countinues of Hypocracy and doble stnadrds
I have a question to serious and mature Indian members, why do Indians always blame their internal problems on Pakistan? do you guys seriously think that 7 decades of occupation, oppression, brutalities, killings, rapes, imprisonments, economic deprivation would not result in aggression and hate towards occupational forces? There are numerous examples around the world of oppressed fighting back and defeating even the superpowers, isn't that inspiration enough for the people to stand for themselves? why do Indians think that all their problems are because of Pakistan? why Nexals, Tamils, Bengalis, Sikhs are fighting against indian injustice and oppression? do you guys evel do some soul searching and look at your own racist behaviour towards minorities in india?
Occam's Razor - to paraphrase, "the simplest explanation might be the correct one".

Modi may be an excellent administrator but I didn't realize how much of a religious zealot he was until I read his comments about "ancient Hindus, cosmic weapons, plastic surgery etc". He has also chosen to surround himself with hawks who may simply not have the ability to take a long term view of the situation and take into account the complex dynamics Pakistan has to deal with.

Modi as CM of Gujarat could be as much of a religious zealot as he wanted and still be an excellent Chief Minister - as PM he has to figure out how to balance his "Hindu nationalism" and the demands from the religious zealots in his base with the need to understand the complexities of the India-Pakistan relationship and somehow, at the very least, keep that relationship on the relatively peaceful level that it has been at for the past decade.

There is definitely an innate Hinduization push in Modi's scheme of things - but I don't see a reason for apprehension there. He is trying to leverage Hindu identification along with the Indian identification, nothing wrong with that when we see almost every country in the world operating under a single identification of either being Muslim or white Christian or Buddhist or Communists or coming from a single stock of orientals or Black Africans. India is unique when we say we are Indians rather than a single identity of being either from a single religion or from a single entity.

What the RSS is trying to do is bring all religious minorities under an umbrella of Hinduism citing Vasudeiva kutumbam and every human being from a single family and the Hindu philosophy of secularism, as in peaceful space for all. They might be successful in it or something may go horribly wrong - lets wait and watch.

Pakistani's complaining about their quest for a single religious identity is frivolous when Pakistan's identity is based on a single religion, plus their objections doesn't really matter here.
They couldn't do squat before, I don't think this statement will even flick a leaf. Americans are free to express there opinion. Let's just look at the ground realities. Which would show election turnout was 77% even after hurriat and terrorists threatened with violence. People of Kashmir still came out to exercise there right to vote despite the fact that were putting their lives at risk. So there goes the "bhains panni meh."

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