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US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

Not enough. But good to see that Indians are getting trolled in Washington too and not just this forum. ;)

Indians are born trolls. Whether it is some moron on defence..pk or some journalist n Washington.

True, this plus the aid for the next year.. ;) it still is a good deal for US :D
India ko hum itna tang karengay,k ya to wo south asia main rahengay aur ya kashmir chor k bhaag jayengay
India ko hum itna tang karengay,k ya to wo south asia main rahengay aur ya kashmir chor k bhaag jayengay
You gave up your game easily, but don't worry we won't be going no where.
Wow.... US didnt spell any name.

How fascinating and refreshing.
Big deal, they have to look at their own interest too. When they indite Pakistan they don't care, but otherwise you are my best friend.
The primary relevance of the US position on the attacks, in the India-Pakistan context, is that it points to a continued failure of the Indian diplomatic offensive to "isolate Pakistan internationally".

Look, everyone knows at this point that India does not have (and will not have for another generation at least, assuming a continuation of the current economic growth in both States) the kind of conventional military superiority over Pakistan that would allow the Indian government to "act strong" in front of the electorate by conducting punitive military strikes against Pakistan without suffering an equally punitive Pakistani military retaliation. With that kind of military status-quo, the Indian government, and especially the new Hindu Nationalist Modi government, will need to display some kind of tangible "international diplomatic punishment of Pakistan" to appease its hawkish base and differentiate itself from the preceding Congress led government on the issue of India-Pakistan relations.

Of course this is but the start of the Modi government, and certain events (on the terrorism front especially) can still change the current course of positive engagement between Pakistan and the US, Russia, EU and China (in the latter case, an inability to fulfil the promise of billions in investment in various sectors in Pakistan), but the current trajectory leaves few options for the Modi government outside of overt or covert military action against Pakistan, which in turn will invite an escalatory covert and overt military response from Pakistan, which in turn will hamstring the Modi government's ability to deliver on the economic front domestically. Domestic economic growth is something Modi absolutely has to deliver on if he wants to retain the BJP's electoral primacy for more than one election cycle, so he will have to balance the demands for military escalation from hawks within the BJP with the demands to deliver on the economic front. On the Pakistani side, neutralizing the Indian ability to leverage terrorist groups within Pakistan (TTP, LeJ, BLA, BRA etc.) will demand continued focus on the fight against the TTP in the North West and an elevation of the overt and covert ops against the cells in the 'settled areas'.
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Now, in the interest of preventing a host of distortions regarding the statement as presented in the thread title, the question posed to the US spokesperson by the Indian journalist was in the context of "State support", and even tried to imply US collusion with Pakistan.
US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
this is the height of absurdness and desperation on the part of Indians. reminds me of a comment attributed to Gen Collin Powell where he told an Indian journalist to shut up.
I really loved this news

I know this announcement will send Indian foreign office and its diplomatic staff in a frenzy and they will burn themselves to get some "favorable" announcements from some American senators

by favorable I mean, anything implying LeT and then ISI and Haqqanis and --------------------------- (whatever Indians can fill in to please themselves).

what's more. the Pakistan army just scored a major Al Qaeda kill today which is seen with great interest by the Americans (yet another reason for that Taqi guy to bite his own fingers off).
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An Indian journalist's single question to Deputy spokesperson and a thread and its comments and its interpretations.

This is really funny. It really is.
The primary relevance of the US position on the attacks, in the India-Pakistan context, is that it points to a continued failure of the Indian diplomatic offensive to "isolate Pakistan internationally".

there was a self praise and country and internet wide bragging by the Indians that Pakistan has been discarded by the international community, first they dismissed the Russian -Pakistani warming up of the ties and even went as far as writing off the Russians and dismissed them as one isolated country going for another isolated country but to their grief , the COAS visit to USA turned out to be something impossible to swallow and its effects are still causing concerns among the Indians who opened up their Campaigns too early.

if the bubble of self importance and ill placed arrogance is not busted yet then it must be strained at the event horizon. lol

for us, this statement is a victory for Pakistan and we are going to rub on it and the swarm of Indian comments below will show how right we are ;)
this is the height of absurdness and desperation on the part of Indians. reminds me of a comment attributed to Gen Collin Powell where he shut up an Indian journalist to shut up.
I really loved this news

I know this announcement will send Indian foreign office and its diplomatic staff in a frenzy and they will burn themselves to get some "favorable" announcements from some American senators

by favorable I mean, anything implying LeT and then ISI and Haqqanis and --------------------------- (whatever Indians can fill in to please themselves).

what's more. the Pakistan army just scored a major Al Qaeda kill today which is seen with great interest by the Americans (yet another reason for that Taqi guy to bite his own fingers off).

Indian media and Indian foreign office aren't related so no sweat. Besides, this state department spokesperson Mary Hoff is a dunce and is all over the place, which was evident in the previous Kobragade affair. She hardly qualifies to be in the know of policy decisions and is just the press face for initial contact with the media.

AQ kill is interesting, wonder what a major AQ head was doing all this wile in Pakistan.
An Indian journalist's single question to Deputy spokesperson and a thread and its comments and its interpretations.

This is really funny. It really is.
Before Gen Sharif went to US, Pentagon came out with a report about how Pakistan is using proxies in Afghanistan and India but after his visit to the US things changed. And now this statement, what an achievement and how India's efforts have been thwarted.
None of which is happening because Americans need Indian for now to counter China.

In simple words,

Furthermore recently America again show middle finger by arresting so called diplomat who was fraudia and US elite police strip searching her in front of her kids and other school children and people.
Sorry...that comparison dosent suit India. It suits more to a country which gave US bases, fought their wars and fvcked up it's economy along with getting 50,000 people killed.

Where is that diplomat now? And where is phd scholar siddiqi?
there was a self praise and country and internet wide bragging by the Indians that Pakistan has been discarded by the international community, first they dismissed the Russian -Pakistani warming up of the ties and even went as far as writing off the Russians and dismissed them as one isolated country going for another isolated country but to their grief , the COAS visit to USA turned out to be something impossible to swallow and its effects are still causing concerns among the Indians who opened up their Campaigns too early.

Irfan Bhai - what a load of bull.

can you prove all that with links to any official statements from India to all your fantasies. These seem to be just your imaginations going wild.
Before Gen Sharif went to US, Pentagon came out with a report about how Pakistan is using proxies in Afghanistan and India but after his visit to the US things changed. And now this statement, what an achievement and how India's efforts have been thwarted.
Right after the Pentagon report the senior US military commander on the ground issued a statement that the Pakistani military operation had in fact disrupted the Haqqani network - mixed messages, or perhaps just an indication that the Pentagon report was outdated, relying largely on information prior to the Pakistani military offensive in NW.
Now, in the interest of preventing a host of distortions regarding the statement as presented in the thread title, the question posed to the US spokesperson by the Indian journalist was in the context of "State support", and even tried to imply US collusion with Pakistan.
US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence

WASHINGTON: The United States has cautioned against making any assumptions linking Pakistan to the latest violence in the Indian occupied Kashmir, while also brushing aside the notion that last week's meeting between Army Chief General Raheel Sharif and Secretary of State John Kerry was somehow connected to the flare-up in the Uri area.

A State Department spokesperson, while expressing concern over violence in the disputed Himalayan region divided between the two countries, also urged India and Pakistan to hold dialogue on the Kashmir issue.

“I think that you're conflating a couple of things. Obviously, we know the Secretary and the army chief of staff had a very productive discussion on Sunday on a range of security-related issues, and again, we're concerned about any violence in Kashmir, and I wouldn't jump to conclusions here,” Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told an Indian journalist in response to his questions at the daily briefing.

The premise of the question sought to put the blame on Pakistan for Friday's incident and the questioner also wanted to know the United State's position on whether was a link between the meeting and the fighting involving militants and Indian soldiers in Uri in Indian-held Kashmir.

Also read: 17 dead as militants attack army camp in Indian-held Kashmir

“No, I was saying - I actually was trying not to accept the premise of the question,” the spokesperson emphasised, when asked if she accepted the premise in the question about who might have been behind the violence.

When asked if the US does not know whether there was any Pakistani involvement, the spokesperson cautioned against any assumptions: “I wouldn't assume anything.”

According to media reports, 11 Indian soldiers and six militants were killed when fighting broke out in Uri, rocking the region ahead of Indian prime minister Narendra Modibs visit to Indian-held Kashmir.

Reiterating Washington's position on addressing the Kashmir dispute, the spokesperson said: “So obviously we're concerned about any violence in Kashmir. Our policy on Kashmir hasn't changed. We still believe that the pace and the scope and character of India and Pakistan's dialogue on Kashmir is for those two countries to determine, of course.”

She also added that American embassies in both capitals, Islamabad and New Delhi, “have raised these types of incidents with their respective host governments and certainly encouraged both to continue working together on the issue.”

Later, a senior State Department official said the United States strongly condemns Friday's terrorist attacks in Kashmir, which claimed the lives of innocent civilians, military, and police personnel.

“The United States remains firmly committed to working in close partnership with India to defeat terrorism in all its forms. Our hearts go out to the families of those affected by this deplorable attack,” a statement issued Friday evening said.
US brushes aside assumptions linking Pakistan to Kashmir violence - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

The two pieces of the woman's statement stand out because Indians are well known for connecting things that have no connection and jumping to conclusions. :lol:

Right after the Pentagon report the senior US military commander on the ground issued a statement that the Pakistani military operation had in fact disrupted the Haqqani network - mixed messages, or perhaps just an indication that the Pentagon report was outdated, relying largely on information prior to the Pakistani military offensive in NW.

Most likely the Pentagon report was outdated. Perhaps @CENTCOM can confirm this for us??

I can just imagine face of that Indian journalist after that response. :rofl:

You guys are good jokers. Keep it up. ;)

Probably soiled his chaddi. :lol:
An Indian journalist's single question to Deputy spokesperson and a thread and its comments and its interpretations.

This is really funny. It really is.
The question, and response to it, merely allow for a discussion on the larger trend in US-Pakistan relations of late, which in turn allows for a segway into a broader discussion on the increasing engagement of Pakistan with major world powers - engagement that points to a failure of Indian diplomatic efforts, over a decade, to isolate Pakistan internationally.
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