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US brings resolution on religious freedom in Gujarat


It makes all the difference, mate.

If I steal something and the state is not able to find evidence against me, that is one thing.

However, if the same state makes a law legalising theft; it puts the thing at an altogether different level.

Pakistan's blasphemy law legalizes the persecution of minorities.

To kill an innocent person is one thing and to legalize the killing is entirely another thing.

Face it. It says a lot more than that.

Bullcrap it do not says anything against minorities.
Gujarat under Modi, is growing at 10%+.

Whereas your Congress party has destroyed India's dream of achieving double-digit growth. The latest data, shows India growing at only 6.1%.

Modi is the only one who can bring India to double-digit growth, yet you guys demonize him without end.

When it comes to development Modi has done great but when it comes to religious freedom then answer will be no
You see buddy India is a different country even our minorities are bigger than the population of some countries and in such a country growth is not the only way of measuring the performance of any political leader or body and the issue here is whatever where were the reasons but Modi still failed to perform in sufficient way to save Gujarat's musilims .:what:

@Capt Jack sparrow you are saying that Gujarat people likes Modi but do you know the what kind of resistance this guy was taking from UP muslims a couple of months back and these incidents themselves show that whatever this guy has done in past he just can't get rid from his own deed .:)
BTW US is acting a little stupid here these kind of steps will surely stop them from becoming anywhere a friend of India.

these guys should give more attention to there own country they just can't stop poking their nose every where I mean first Balochistan and now Gujarat What are you upto Mr Obama??? :hitwall:
Bullcrap it do not says anything against minorities.

Minorities are mostly the ones facing the brunt of it, aren't they?

Besides, the point remains that it is the innocents, muslims or non-muslims, who end up having their lives ruined by a Pakistani constitution sanctioned instrument of persecution.
Minorities are mostly the ones facing the brunt of it, aren't they?

Besides, the point remains that it is the innocents, muslims or non-muslims, who end up having their lives ruined by a Pakistani constitution sanctioned instrument of persecution.

Its nothing like that.
Doing something bad and giving it constitutional sanction by making it a law is even worse.

You clearly have missed the point I'm trying to make here.

1 or 1000, an innocent's life remains precious and so do the principles guarding it.

As far as 'blasphemy laws' in Pakistan go...well, it is their laws and their country. I personally do not agree with it. I believe in free and open discussion, even if it becomes a mud-slinging/trolling contest.

But, it is their law and their country and neither mine nor your opinions can change that fact.

Let me tell you something.

We were under the rule of the British. How do you think that the British being a small country conquered nearly half of the world? They didn't achieve that out of nowhere. No country, and I mean no country in this world is as systematic, tradition maintaining and lawful as the United Kingdom.

Sure, we didn't like the British. But, the key is how they achieved what they wanted to see.

What happened in Gujarat was an example of utter chaos.

Maintaining the law, holding on to the country's founding principles, and traditions do matter.
Its nothing like that.

Well, I can't help it if you don't want to acknowledge the truth.

The blasphemy law is a LAW in PAKISTAN.

There is no law in India legalising riots or the persecution of minorities.

The difference lay in the state giving its sanction to persecute the innocents.
But, it is their law and their country and neither mine nor your opinions can change that fact.

Indeed. Just like Modi and the Gujarat riots are the internal affair of India.

However, I'm not sensitive to criticism from any quarter be it from India or from outside of India.

Pakistanis and Americans are free to criticise us but they should also be open to criticism of their policies as well.
US Knows the Indian Economy will Grow in double Digits If Modi Becomes the PM...They will do everything to Stop it...

If Modi Becomes PM Relation with China will improve Drastically its the Another Reason Why US is against Him... & US should Stop thinking World Rotates Around them...

a country which Killed around 10 Million to 20 Million People through out its History from world war 2 to Vietnam war , Korean war, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan other 100's of war they had with ... Now they acting like angel from Heaven ...

Who gives a damn about U... neither u run our Economy nor our Military ... pass a resolution for the Country that u run Not India...
Gujarat under Modi, is growing at 10%+.

Whereas your Congress party has destroyed India's dream of achieving double-digit growth. The latest data, shows India growing at only 6.1%.

Modi is the only one who can bring India to double-digit growth, yet you guys demonize him without end.

He said that keeping his religious hatred in his mind, even if gujrath grows at 20 percent and india's growth goes down to 2% under congress, he will support Congress because of religious reasons....
He said that keeping his religious hatred in his mind, even if gujrath grows at 20 percent and india's growth goes down to 2% under congress, he will support Congress because of religious reasons....

People who think congress is secular ... they are biggest stupid ..

Just look at dogvijay, rahul, sonia ghadi for their dirty muslim vote bank politics
Washington: A Congressional resolution urging Gujarat government to restore religious freedom in the state has been introduced in the US House of Representatives on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of communal riots.

The non-binding resolution (H Res 569) "recognising the 10th anniversary of the tragic communal violence in Gujarat" was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Keith Ellison, early this week.

Unlike most of such resolutions, it has no co-sponsors. The resolution has been sent to the House Foreign Affairs Committee for necessary action.
Recognising the suffering of the people affected by the 2002 violence in Gujarat, including those who lost their lives in the Godhra train fire; the resolution shares the opinion of the US Department of State that the Gujarat government has not adequately pursued justice for the victims of the 2002 violence.

Expressing concern over reports from journalists and human rights groups about alleged complicity of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in the 2002 violence; the resolution commends the US Government for denying a visa to Modi in 2005 on the grounds of a religious freedom violation under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), in a statement welcomed the introduction of the Congressional resolution.

"Congressman Ellison's resolution is an important effort to memorialise all those who were killed in the horrific sectarian violence of Gujarat in 2002," said Shaheen Khateeb, IAMC president.

"It is an opportunity to renew our pledge to continue the struggle for justice and reparation for the victims and to combat the discrimination and the economic hardships that plague minorities in Gujarat," he added.

In a statement, IAMC urged Indian American community to call upon their local Congressional representatives and urge them to become a co-sponsor of the House Resolution.
US brings resolution on religious freedom in Gujarat

we need to put U.S in control for better ties..keep them at arms distance......
Expected One!!!
People who think congress is secular ... they are biggest stupid ..

Just look at dogvijay, rahul, sonia ghadi for their dirty muslim vote bank politics

Seems to be working in UP, according to exit polls.
Logic is not and can never be confined to a thread topic.

Logic runs wide and is the same, unless, of course, you want to change the goal posts.

Asim, on a personal level might be against the blasphemy laws and I respect him and others like him for that.

However, that doesn't change the fact that the blasphemy laws do exist under the aegis of the Pakistani peoples' desire to have them.

Hence the question. Does it put all the Pakistanis at fault also?
I don't think that you have ever read any article from Pakistani contitution related to Blasphamy law.. Better to read it before comparing and posting your opinions.:undecided:
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