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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Trango,go learn some history and when you're done,come back and post.

Because when you post such nonsense,you're either ignorant or biased.

Everyone who has followed this conflict for more than 20 years,knows that both sides are at fault. Palestinians have had their own big share of crimes and terrorist attacks.

Maybe you're too young,maybe you're too lazy. In 2001 onwards,I was watching documentaries and reading books about it like crazy. What were you doing? You were probably a toddler.

That is logical. Do you doubt that ultimately international Zionism wants to rule the entire world? They've achieved a big part of it.
History loool.
You are all slaves to zionism. Christians fund zinists who dance in the streets of occupied Palestine singing we killed Jesus. It's you that needs to make a clear stand instead of blaming Palestinians for defending themselves. But you people have always been 2 faced. Ukraine freedom
Palestine terrorism
The Palestinians can easily abduct one Israeli and force them to release 1000 Palestinians from the prisons.
How? By attacking with nukes first? Then you're automatically going to be nuked by USA and possibly Britain,maybe France too and your neighbor India. You will be annihilated.
So will US, China, France, India and your tiny Greece. You did not answer my previous comment?
The Palestinians can easily abduct one Israeli and force them to release 1000 Palestinians from the prisons.
Israeli current poly against kidnapping is...when a soldier is taken..flatten the area and kill everyone including their own
Israeli current poly against kidnapping is...when a soldier is taken..flatten the area and kill everyone including their own
One who is kidnapped is not kept in the same place from where he is taken. Secondly, they can also take civilians or settlers.
So will US, China, France, India and your tiny Greece. You did not answer my previous comment?
My "tiny Greece" why? Suddenly you go back to hating me? What's Greece got to do with you nuclear cuckolds?

You're talking about Pakistan attacking Israel. Do you think the Americans and the British will let you do that or get away with it?
History loool.
You are all slaves to zionism. Christians fund zinists who dance in the streets of occupied Palestine singing we killed Jesus. It's you that needs to make a clear stand instead of blaming Palestinians for defending themselves. But you people have always been 2 faced. Ukraine freedom
Palestine terrorism
Yes,history. That think you never read about. Both sides have done a lot of bad things.

When you say "Christians" fund zionists,you mean Evangelicals. Not Orthodox,not Catholics. There's a difference.

And your vague accusations again,somehow include me when I've been against the war in Ukraine,but not on Zelensky's side IF YOU PAID ATTENTION ON THE UKRAINE WAR THREAD A YEAR AGO. Which you probably didn't.

I used to wear a kuffiyah and talked about Freedom to Palestine when you were a toddler watching cartoons.

Your problem and the problem of the 3 other people who liked your post,is that you cannot admit Palestinians have done their own share of mistakes and atrocities. You see everyone who supports the Palestinians' right to their own State,but also condemns terrorist acts against civilians,as a "jewww loooover" or "typical Western hypocrite". Grow up. Read history. Check the facts. Palestinians blew up innocent people. The end doesn't sanctify the means. What's the difference between a Zionist soldier who shoots Palestinian kids,when the Palestinian blows up kids in a bus?
Your garbage is going a little too far for me not respond to. Too bad others fell for your obvious tongue-in-cheek /trolling when you suggested that Pakistan should put its forces close to Israel blah blah. They should have known you as a mental slave of the Brit official policy, which is nothing but a projection of the American foreign policy.

Why YOU a Brit more in love with Israel than many Jews themselves?? Because many Israelis are 'white'? Or 'Western'? And WHY do you think that everyone living in the West should have the same and positive opinion about Israel? That's totalitarian mindset! Why is a Jimmy Carter--a former President of America-- condemning Israel not arousing xenophobia in you but someone from different country of origin does? Think about it and answer honestly. Do you expect everyone who is an immigrant to have automatic agreement with the respective regime's policy?

Finally, if you think the 'decades' you are talking about amount to much then you, if you were ever versed in history, would know that they are a mere 'decades'. Jerusalem had changed hands many times and will change hand. I advise you to watch Russell Brand's video--he is also 'white' and a 'westerner'. I posted that video above.
No I don't expect them to. I made an observation..neither I'm I pro Israel. I see the Israel -Palestinian issue/conflict like JUST ONE OF MANY OTHER CONFLICTS AROUND THE WORLD; from the war in Congo (which is even far worse with millions of deaths and counting, thus they should have even more of the world's sympathy but nobody cares for obvious reason. Lol), to the conflict in Western Sahara fighting for their independence for decades now against Morocco being the oppressor, to the ones in East Timor with Indonesia, to Burma with its many rebel groups and repressive government , Turkey with its restive Kurdistan region, Pakistan with its long running baloch rebellion for freedom , to India with its many separatists rebel groups fighting for their own homeland invane, the war in Ukraine fighting for its own hometown where hundreds are dying every single day or Columbia with its decades long Farc rebellion and hundreds of thousands death, to Cameroon with its own rebel separatist groups fighting for freedom for their territory with tens of thousands death and counting etc etc etc the list is long .

I have no special feeling for Palestine or Israel conflict as it is just one of many other conflict (others are even worse) on this earth. Only a few people seem to act as if Israel and Palestine conflict is special. Lol As if others are lesser human beings. Lol 😆
This conflict isn't any special. Obviously just because some of you think it is for you doesn't means we should regard it with the same passion like you do. Lol So you might read too much into what others say more than it is on face value. So I regard as just another conflict which it is. I jave no real special feeling towards Israel or Palestine..they are both just normal countries with normal people for me, religion matters not for me, so I don't see things the way some of you Muslim or Christians do. So I might make an observation but yeah it doesn't means I'm backing either side. I do recognise that some people let their emotions get the best of them due to religion and their bais obviously . Happens on both sides. So they say some unrealistic things which I find funny. However, I do recognise things for what they are most times. So if one countrybis doing well on a field I will say it, and if the other is doing poorly I will say it, doesn't means I am backing the other side. It's just that we ahiuld recognise some facts as well.
Some people instead of just analysing events impartially or factually are calling others cowards for not standing up to a particular cause which they claim to hold dear to their heart, yet they themselves are not at the front to fight for this cause which they claim to hold to heart more than anything. Which is why I said those people claiming this issue is so dear to their heart with passion should at least make an effort to go on the ground and try and change things instead of chastising others for being cowards. Don't you think that's a realistic thing to say? 😁
At least those young British Muslims who went to fight in Syria and the region even though they were naive and got sold the Islamic revolution eldorado, at least they were passionate enough and the cause was dear enough in their heart for them to go on the ground and help fight for what they believed in. Though it was the wrong cause . 😅 At least we can say they fought for what they believed in, unlike like others who claim to hold to heart or be so passionate about this issue and yet just seat in the comfort of their homes in the West on a computer, we all know that won't help change anything, which is what I said. 😊
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Yes,history. That think you never read about. Both sides have done a lot of bad things.

When you say "Christians" fund zionists,you mean Evangelicals. Not Orthodox,not Catholics. There's a difference.

And your vague accusations again,somehow include me when I've been against the war in Ukraine,but not on Zelensky's side IF YOU PAID ATTENTION ON THE UKRAINE WAR THREAD A YEAR AGO. Which you probably didn't.

I used to wear a kuffiyah and talked about Freedom to Palestine when you were a toddler watching cartoons.

Your problem and the problem of the 3 other people who liked your post,is that you cannot admit Palestinians have done their own share of mistakes and atrocities. You see everyone who supports the Palestinians' right to their own State,but also condemns terrorist acts against civilians,as a "jewww loooover" or "typical Western hypocrite". Grow up. Read history. Check the facts. Palestinians blew up innocent people. The end doesn't sanctify the means. What's the difference between a Zionist soldier who shoots Palestinian kids,when the Palestinian blows up kids in a bus?
Why is Ukraine allowed to defend its elf and not Palestine? Palestine has teh right to absolutely kill every jew that's from Europe.

today the nazis Jews say there is no Palestine and there never was a Palestine.

here is history for you

Here is why these nazis must be stopped and its their jewsih military commanders saying this

For us Christian is CChristianwe don't differentiate just like you don't.
When it suits you you say what you like. Like isis is Muslim!!!
If we are talking history then it was the British chriatians that created this shit. The balfour Treaty.

Regarding palestinains resistance

If I come to your home and say my family owned this land 3000 years ago use the army to kick your family out. In the meantime I shoot your mother in the head. Kick your wife in the stomach and take your 5 year old son a prisoner labelling him a terrorist and using Christian media to portray that you were a terrorist harbouring a dangerous 5 year old who resisted my right to your home. I guess you would sit back and say ... sure take my home, no problem you killed my mother abused my wife and taken my 5 year old to prison that's OK.

Then I uproot 1000s year old olive trees and plant jewsih tree that biblically wollprotect them when the messiah come.

What planet is that OK.

Palestianins have 100% right to resist and infact theh should take the war abroad to attacking synagogues globally as al aqsa is under attack.

Christians are also under attack but you don't give a shit as its in Palestine.

If anyone needs to learn history it's you and dumb Europe that's asleep whist Jews rule u
I made an observation..neither I'm I pro Israel. I see the Israel -Palestinian issue/conflict like JUST ONE OF MANY OTHER CONFLICTS AROUND THE WORLD;

Absolutely wrong!
There is a reason why even minor clashes between the Israelis and Palestinians make global headlines. Eurasia has always been the focus of human activity and major conflicts and the Palestine has been, for thousands of years, perhaps the center point. Why? Because the three Abrahamic religions, which predominate Eurasia, are fighting for that region for a long time and each with their own agenda at the expense of others, each full of religious fervor and working with some Messianic zeal. I believe a just peace along the 1967 borders between Israel and Palestinian will go long ways in improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

Congo or some Latin American conflicts or places like the Southeast Asia were never the focus of major human events to the extent Eurasia has been.

Iron dome activated in the north
Dear Iran, test your device asap. Attack on you may be near.
You're talking about Pakistan attacking Israel. Do you think the Americans and the British will let you do that or get away with it?

This is nonsense talk of Pakistan nuking Israel. Only IF/WHEN Israelis destroy the Muslim holy places in Palestine would trigger uncontrollable rage in Pakistan where Pakistan would indirectly supply weapons to the Palestinian resistance.

But I am disappointed by your stance in this issue: I don't condone Palestinians blowing themselves up in buses etc. But did they have the F16s or the sophisticated weaponry like the Israelis? Can you rule out that human being, in desperation and anger over their long plight would do whatever it would take to 'get the message across' to the other side? BTW, the modern suicide bombing were put into much use in Sri Lanka's civil war and that war was being Hindus and Buddhists.

In this conflict, Israelis are the colonizing power and absolutely on the wrong side of history. They are kicking out people who have been living there for thousands of years. I encourage you to watch the Kim Iverson and the Russell Brand videos I posted above and after that TAKE A CLEAR STAND!

In this conflict, you really have to be 'Either with us or against us' mode! There is no 'why can't we all get along' because one side is refusing to be reasonable and that's the Israeli side.

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