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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Total cop out. But expected from you and your pathetic anti Muslim pro zionist nazi post
It's not my fault if you can't understand what I'm saying. Unless of course,you're trying to provoke me,like you usually do.

I think I've been very clear. Palestine needs to be an independent and sovereign nation and Israel should recognize it.

In the course of their struggle,Palestinians have done a lot of terrorist acts too and attacked innocent people as well.

If you ignore that,you are simply being a hypocrite. Munich,hijackings,terrorist attacks against tourists,insurrections against the Jordanian and Lebanese governments. Attacks against innocent Israelis. And don't tell me there are "no innocent Israelis".

By the way @Meengla this is the story I mentioned earlier. I had watched it back in...2001 or 2002 on a Greek documentary program,recorded most of the episode on tape back then and had watched it numerous times. The story is just so sad. This isn't the Greek documentary,this is another video about the same story:

The occupation forces prepare to storm the holy Palestinian Al-Asqa Mosque yet again to brutalise and expel Muslim worshippers.

Expect more rockets from Gaza.
honestly , do you need to clear your stands for anybody , time and time and time .
since when being a Jew a crime
That's not what we're saying. Someone suggested tourist is Catholic but this is not confirmed. It's most likely a Jewish tourist going for Jewish holiday. Either way, it's really not safe to go to Israel right now.

The occupation forces prepare to storm the holy Palestinian Al-Asqa Mosque yet again to brutalise and expel Muslim worshippers.

Expect more rockets from Gaza.
Not sure what the Israeli extremist govt is trying to gain out of this. It will continue to escalate tensions. A few rockets fired towards occupied Golan heights from Syria as well.
Now Syria launches rockets into the illegally occupied Golan Heights.

In the past 48-72 hours rockets have been launched at Israeli-occupied territory from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

There is only one way to bring Israelis to a just negotiating table: Acts like multifront rocket attacks for prolonged periods. Today may not be the day. Next year may not be the year. But the time is coming and I am sure about that. A 'template' was proposed by Hezbollah in 2006 and that template will be implemented. I just hope sanity will prevail before the region gets to that stage. But make no mistake: The more America weakens, the more the regional players will get involved to tackle Israel.

Israel had forgotten that it is living in a glass house while throwing stones!!
That's not what we're saying. Someone suggested tourist is Catholic but this is not confirmed. It's most likely a Jewish tourist going for Jewish holiday. Either way, it's really not safe to go to Israel right now.

Does anyone really needs to watch 'Dances with Wolves' or 'The Last of the Mohicans' to understand how resistance against colonialists work?? When the Native Americans saw Europeans coming into their lands, they killed everyone. Men, women, old, young, children... And when the European settlers and their soldiers had a chance, they too killed the Natives ruthlessly. Those, who are on the weaker side of the conflict--and they typically are the one who are being colonized--will find the ANY opportunity to kill anyone who is not their own allies and do so quickly. Why? Because the weaker side doesn't have the time and the resources to figure out who is who. They instinctively know that the more the non-allied are killed, the more the 'message' will get across.
It is actually quite simple. Why would a few decades of modern sensibilities change the human nature??
6 people injured in shooting in Jerusalem , unclear if it's operation targeting Israeli soldiers or settlers attacked Palestinian worshippers.
It's not my fault if you can't understand what I'm saying. Unless of course,you're trying to provoke me,like you usually do.

I think I've been very clear. Palestine needs to be an independent and sovereign nation and Israel should recognize it.

In the course of their struggle,Palestinians have done a lot of terrorist acts too and attacked innocent people as well.

If you ignore that,you are simply being a hypocrite. Munich,hijackings,terrorist attacks against tourists,insurrections against the Jordanian and Lebanese governments. Attacks against innocent Israelis. And don't tell me there are "no innocent Israelis".

By the way @Meengla this is the story I mentioned earlier. I had watched it back in...2001 or 2002 on a Greek documentary program,recorded most of the episode on tape back then and had watched it numerous times. The story is just so sad. This isn't the Greek documentary,this is another video about the same story:


So u are now advocating a 2 state solution but STILL CALLING PALESTINAIN ACTS OF SELF DEFENCE .... ACTS OF TERROR BUT NO MENTION OF TERROR OF THE NAZIS JEWISH ISRAELI OCCUPYING REGIME. .infact you call them "innocent israelis" . (You wrote this above )

So you see your bias views are obvious and that that's why I have always said you whites speak with 2 faces. Your words are a prime example. You yourself are a hypocrite

I think you need to be fair on him....he isn't totally pro zionist and understands the situation well.

You will simply make him turn against you with such rhetoric.
Bro I just posted above where he calls Palestinians terrorists and Israelis innocent.

So please ... I know his bs well. He understands xxxxxx
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So u are now advocating a 2 state solution but STILL CALLING PALESTINAIN ACTS OF SELF DEFENCE .... ACTS OF TERROR BUT NO MENTION OF TERROR OF THE NAZIS JEWISH ISRAELI OCCUPYING REGIME. .infact you call them "innocent israelis" . (You wrote this above )
What's interesting is that you haven't been paying attention to my posts ever since I came on this forum and think I just discovered the "Two-State solution".

You have to be extremely biased or just ignorant if you think that a baby is not innocent. A 17 year-old girl going to the supermarket,a 3 year-old kid,a baby in the crib and his mother next to it.

"The bomber was standing alongside a group of women with baby carriages who were waiting for their husbands to return from the synagogue, and blew himself up just as the family and guests were beginning to leave. The ensuing blast shook downtown Jerusalem, and ignited a nearby car. Among the dead were an infant and her six-year-old brother, a mother and her three-year-old son, and a 12-year-old boy.
A woman who was pregnant with twins survived but lost both of her unborn children.[citation needed] Two babies were taken to Hadassah Medical Center, the whereabouts of their parents unknown"

And it's weird how you say that I don't mention Israeli terror,when I've been posting videos about it.

So you see your bias views are obvious and that that's why I have always said you whites speak with 2 faces. Your words are a prime example. You yourself are a hypocrite
The only one showing bias here is you. And that is extreme bias.

Bro I just posted above where he calls Palestinians terrorists and Israelis innocent.
You twist words and change the meaning of what I said either because you cannot understand what I'm saying or because you are simply trying to flame me and lie about me to others.

@Englishman can read my post easily and draw his own conclusions.
All people in the occupied territories are criminals. Because they occupied the land of the Palestinians by living in the occupied territories. They must either leave there or be targeted.

They should go to their real homeland in Europe.

Leave or die
All people in the occupied territories are criminals. Because they occupied the land of the Palestinians by living in the occupied territories. They must either leave there or be targeted.

They should go to their real homeland in Europe.

Leave or die
All people? Children too?
What's interesting is that you haven't been paying attention to my posts ever since I came on this forum and think I just discovered the "Two-State solution".

You have to be extremely biased or just ignorant if you think that a baby is not innocent. A 17 year-old girl going to the supermarket,a 3 year-old kid,a baby in the crib and his mother next to it.

"The bomber was standing alongside a group of women with baby carriages who were waiting for their husbands to return from the synagogue, and blew himself up just as the family and guests were beginning to leave. The ensuing blast shook downtown Jerusalem, and ignited a nearby car. Among the dead were an infant and her six-year-old brother, a mother and her three-year-old son, and a 12-year-old boy.
A woman who was pregnant with twins survived but lost both of her unborn children.[citation needed] Two babies were taken to Hadassah Medical Center, the whereabouts of their parents unknown"

And it's weird how you say that I don't mention Israeli terror,when I've been posting videos about it.

The only one showing bias here is you. And that is extreme bias.

You twist words and change the meaning of what I said either because you cannot understand what I'm saying or because you are simply trying to flame me and lie about me to others.

@Englishman can read my post easily and draw his own conclusions.
Once again Only Jews are Innocent.

Here is your innocent Israeli army in one example

That little boy and unarmed father ... are they not innocent. I could go on all day. Even prominent Jews areagainst this facist regime but you are dancing for them with your pompoms

You are a nazi sympathiser. And you have been exposed.
Once again Only Jews are Innocent.

You are a nazi sympathiser. And you have been exposed.
Do you have trouble understanding? Are you mentally challenged?


Just admit it,you're ignoring what I'm saying and trying to slander me with stuff you pull out of your ***.

If you CANNOT understand plain english,then what the exact **** are you doing on this forum?
All people? Children too?
they are not children or woman or ordinary peoples.
They are occupier.

Of course Palestinians don't wanted to attack children or women but this happened unwanted. They should leave occupied lands.

So leave or die.
Its last warning to Zionists
All people? Children too?

This might be a cruel answer, but if they are children and people of settlers in settlements. Then, yes, they are fair targets as well. You wouldn't want someone to come to your backyard, set up a tenant, and claim that territory; the same concept applies.
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