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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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  • Poll closed .
"We" guys. We who? The EU? NATO? The Americans and Western Europeans? Don't put everyone in the same basket.
Also,Ukraine is currently fighting Russia. Not the entire Europe,not USA,not all of NATO.

Who is worried about Pakistan? I'm just questioning the logic of "Pakistan going to war with Israel".

There's no "ally" India. Like I said,India might attack Pakistan if Pakistan is pre-occupied fighting another enemy by sending big forces far away. Also,if there's a nuclear war against Pakistan,do you think India won't join the Israelis and Americans?

For an illegitimate State,they sure have gained the upper hand the last 60 years.

Jordan is at peace with them,Egypt recognized Israel,Lebanon is weak and fractured,Iraq is destroyed,Libya is destroyed,Syria is destroyed,Saudi Arabia,UAE and Qatar are friendly countries,Turkey is in good terms with Israel,Azerbaijan has excellent relations with them. Hamas and Fatah had a war.

Reality check?

No matter how much upper hand Israel gains. It will always live in fear. Despite having the support of various Arab countries Israel will never trust any of them. Simply because enmity and mistrust runs incredibly deep.

Those are things that can be iron out by the countrys military leaders. Its merely tactical and strategic soncan be easily iron out.
The only real issue is support from China. Since Pakistan would be isolated and under sanctions from the US/West , so the only power they can count on for a lifeline will be China. However knowing the Chinese I font think they will get involved or help Pakistan militarily or even economically. Since China doesnt want any form of war as we saw with Russia who has gotten Zero support from China despite Putin trying so hard to make China look like they are supporting Russia. Lol So it's likely the Chinese will stay away from supporting Pakkstan as what they need is peace in the entire region for the country's commercial ties and economy to keep growing. War will destabilise their growth and is bad for business. So yeah, that's the main issue. So without China's backing Pakistan will be a sitting duck and will not only be defeated but might even face an existential crisis itself as the country will collapse economically and the government will become even weaker while the other terror and Islamic extremist groups like TTP and others might use this opportunity to try and even take over the country while separatists groups in Balochistan will have more space to grow even stronger and create their own state which they have been trying to do for decades. So yeah there's a big risk for Pakistan taking such action without unlimited financial, economic and military backing from China. But yeah Pakistan should be willing to take the risk no matter the consequences for the country for the sake of realising the objectives the country was created for in the name of Islam. 😊
Afterall, sitting comfortably in their house in at home and in the West while badmouthing Israël doesn't change anything whatsoever, rather these Pakistanis should be ready to go to Pakistan on the ground to fight and die in the war.. That's the only way they can be credible and be taken seeious. Else all their talk in here or everywhere is rather meaningless. Since mere trash talking never changed anything.
All the above also applies to Iran as well,they should join in the war as the main protagonist actually giving their long standing stance of destroying Israel. Afterall what the point of all this decades of talking about it without ever taking any direct action . In fact, Iran should be even more justified than Pakistan in fighting Israël, since Iran has the financial and economic capacity due to their vast natural resources to sustain themselves for longer and the strong unity and sense of belonging of the country thus are less susceptible to instability that might arise due to a weakened central government than Pakistan. So I will say Iran has even more reason to be at the forefront of the war than Pakistan herself. So Iran can be the spearhead. 😁

The food bank Brit has become a Pakistan expert and advisor... Mikey from Britain is now advising Pakistan to attack Israel.
Indeed, I do mean the 20 year old armed settler with an Israeli Navy Special Forces outfit.

48 year old settlers are too old, 20 year old settlers are too young? What is this stupidity. As for the 15 year old, Iran sent thousands of children much younger than that to war, as do the Houthis. So again you are in no position to cast judgment on anyone.

If anyone underage dies while acting as a settler in an occupied land it is their responsibility or the responsibility of their family for bringing them there.

And last time Iran managed to kill any Israelis it was a bunch of tourists in Bulgaria on a bus, which many Iranians were very proud of.

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I agree with all you said, at least we should be honest with ourselves and say things the way they are instead of trying to pretend to be holier than thou in a selective way. Lol Iran itself has targeted Israeli civilians abroad several times and many of them have been proud of it. So I don't understand what the Iranian guy is trying to pretend Palestinian doing the same is a sad thing. Lol 😆😅
By the way that Israeli girl you posted is hot 🔥 Damn.....Israel has some really hot girls in their defence forces I must admit. I have seen quite a few of them and they are all 🔥☺️😋
I agree with all you said, at least we should be honest with ourselves and say things the way they are instead of trying to pretend to be holier than thou in a selective way. Lol Iran itself has targeted Israeli civilians abroad several times and many of them have been proud of it. So I don't understand what the Iranian guy is trying to pretend Palestinian doing the same is a sad thing. Lol 😆😅
By the way that Israeli girl you posted is hot 🔥 Damn.....Israel has some really hot girls in their defence forces I must admit. I have seen quite a few of them and they are all 🔥☺️😋

An absolute joke is what this food bank Brit is. He is now fantasizing about hot Israeli girls. His fantasy has no limit. Highly erratic and a wishful thinker at best. In one post he is fantasizing about Pakistan attacking Israel. In the next post he is having an erection for Israeli chicks... A typical Brexiteer is what Mikey is. Angry and delusional.
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The West Bank is the hardest to arm since it is totally surrounded and controlled by Israel, but they are becoming more organised at least with light weapons, although they still remain poorly trained/equipped to deal with frequent IDF raids. I think they can do a lot better since they know the typical routes and methods the IDF uses and they can entrench themselves and set up traps etc, but OTOH it is of course a massive David and Goliath situation and I cannot judge them in the slightest.

The key theme here is the unification of the resistance in Gaza and the West Bank (and to a lesser extent Lebanon). Israel is working hard to isolate these theatres, but Palestinians are working hard to unify them.
Yeah will be hard though Hamas and PLO are not on good terms and have been fighting against each other for power to show they are the real representative of Palestinian government. Lol Especially after hamas dislodged them from Gaza.
In short, humans will always fight and are hungry for power first and foremost before the rest comes later.
If tomorrow another more viable palestinian group was to pop up over Gaza then you can sure Hamas herself will try and knock them down to preserve their own power. Thats how we humans are, people always think abiut themselves and their interests first and foremost beote the interest of the greatergod of others 😁
Let's take China for example , even if another party comes up that's more viable and capable of running the country than the CCP and that even Taiwanese will agree to reunite with the country under that Party for example , you think CCP will agree to give up their power and all their privileges for that? Lol Of course not. Humans first think about themselves first no matter how they claim its not the case. That's in our nature generally, even more so in authocratic systems where change is not common which favours this even more.
A couple of videos from two very popular You Tubers from the West. Kim Iverson is a lady I absolutely love! From the Covid pandemic stance to the Russia-Ukraine war to now, very surprisingly, her stance on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. I had known about Israel's Apartheid system some but this video really defines how horrible Israeli Apartheid is!!

The second video is by Russell Brand who brought a Holocaust survivor into his wildly popular channel. Every word by Gabor Mate is worth listening to but the most pertinent words were spoken toward the end when he said that Israel's policies are not sustainable. That's what I believe too.

rubbish with no backup - Saudis did one of the biggest "JACK" to US - selling oil in non-dollar currencies like Yuan, and joining SCO. That spells death of the petrodollar, a critical pillar of US hegemony. Iraq and Afghanistan also beat the US army, something your country could never even dream of. sometimes you really say crazy things that sound logical but dont have good logic.

those are all their fellow white people, different game. they're feeling cornered and outnumbered.

what reality? lmao

that didnt stop small hamas from beating Israel a few years ago, and it didnt stop West Bank from bleeding Israel's military morale and initiative by sustaining a low level insurgency against the ISraeli state- once agian, stop with all these rubbish extreme conclusions- this same "mightly military and economic powers" are almost bankrupt because the US is bankrupt and the dollar isnt backed by sh*t, so where da **** is that power again?

Saudi Arabia is only NOW showing some spine!!! Iran has been putting its neck out for Palestinians for decades--a 'cause' with the Persians have no ethnic ties with unlike the Arabs! Iran could have, just like it was under the Shah, just ignore the Palestine issue but Iran had chosen not to and has been paying a great price for that, otherwise there is no real conflict between Iran and Israel. Are you even a cursory reader of even the recent history??

Hamas never 'beat' Israel and Israel's morale wasn't downed by Hamas. Israelis know well how to 'mow the grass'. Israelis don't know how to deal with Hezbollah and probably will never know that because not only Hezbollah is extremely organized and ideological but also they have external connections which Hamas doesnt'.

And don't bring Pakistan to it. Why did you do that?? Firstly, Pakistan is a fair distance from Israel. Secondly, Pakistan is itself an over-crowded country with very limited resources and with great political crises. IF Pakistan was foolish enough to openly supply weapons to Palestinians then Pakistan's precarious economy would totally crash. Iran can get away with that, but not Pakistan. You want to compare Iraq/Afghanistan with Pakistan?? Iraq should be a very rich country but is a mess. And Afghanistan is the worst country in Asia! Pakistan can't afford stupid foreign policy. PERIOD!! But Pakistan and Pakistanis have NEVER stopped supporting Palestinians at least diplomatically. NEVER!!
Afterall, sitting comfortably in their house in at home and in the West while badmouthing Israël doesn't change anything whatsoever, rather these Pakistanis should be ready to go to Pakistan on the ground to fight and die in the war.. That's the only way they can be credible and be taken seeious. Else all their talk in here or everywhere is rather meaningless. Since mere trash talking never changed anything.
All the above also applies to Iran as well,they should join in the war as the main protagonist actually giving their long standing stance of destroying Israel. Afterall what the point of all this decades of talking about it without ever taking any direct action . In fact, Iran should be even more justified than Pakistan in fighting Israël, since Iran has the financial and economic capacity due to their vast natural resources to sustain themselves for longer and the strong unity and sense of belonging of the country thus are less susceptible to instability that might arise due to a weakened central government than Pakistan. So I will say Iran has even more reason to be at the forefront of the war than Pakistan herself. So Iran can be the spearhead. 😁

Your garbage is going a little too far for me not respond to. Too bad others fell for your obvious tongue-in-cheek /trolling when you suggested that Pakistan should put its forces close to Israel blah blah. They should have known you as a mental slave of the Brit official policy, which is nothing but a projection of the American foreign policy.

Why YOU a Brit more in love with Israel than many Jews themselves?? Because many Israelis are 'white'? Or 'Western'? And WHY do you think that everyone living in the West should have the same and positive opinion about Israel? That's totalitarian mindset! Why is a Jimmy Carter--a former President of America-- condemning Israel not arousing xenophobia in you but someone from different country of origin does? Think about it and answer honestly. Do you expect everyone who is an immigrant to have automatic agreement with the respective regime's policy?

Finally, if you think the 'decades' you are talking about amount to much then you, if you were ever versed in history, would know that they are a mere 'decades'. Jerusalem had changed hands many times and will change hand. I advise you to watch Russell Brand's video--he is also 'white' and a 'westerner'. I posted that video above.
Result? The Al-Aqsa does NOT care.
Idols never care about their preservation. Not meaning to condone what the Israelis are doing.
Do you know how many times Palestinians have killed random civilians as "vengeance"? Or terrorist groups killed tourists in Egypt (for example Greeks tourists) and later saying they "mistook them for Israelis"?

When you say "attacking random civilians is what Israel does",you show that you have little knowledge of history. Because BOTH sides do it.

The Palestinians in the late '90s and early 2000s,during the Second Intifada,would get into buses and super-markets and kill random Israelis. They would attack cafes and restaurants. They attacked tourist spots in Egypt that Jews used to visit.

Both sides have been acting stupid.
Ahh there he is the supporter of facism. And now he will say

You are derailing the thread.
I have palestinain friends
I am neutral Christian

Naaa it's clear who you are
Your garbage is going a little too far for me not respond to. Too bad others fell for your obvious tongue-in-cheek /trolling when you suggested that Pakistan should put its forces close to Israel blah blah. They should have known you as a mental slave of the Brit official policy, which is nothing but a projection of the American foreign policy.

Why YOU a Brit more in love with Israel than many Jews themselves?? Because many Israelis are 'white'? Or 'Western'? And WHY do you think that everyone living in the West should have the same and positive opinion about Israel? That's totalitarian mindset! Why is a Jimmy Carter--a former President of America-- condemning Israel not arousing xenophobia in you but someone from different country of origin does? Think about it and answer honestly. Do you expect everyone who is an immigrant to have automatic agreement with the respective regime's policy?

Finally, if you think the 'decades' you are talking about amount to much then you, if you were ever versed in history, would know that they are a mere 'decades'. Jerusalem had changed hands many times and will change hand. I advise you to watch Russell Brand's video--he is also 'white' and a 'westerner'. I posted that video above.

This poster is a weird dude. The two “westerners” here raising my suspicion to what they’re trying to say and do.
Ahh there he is the supporter of facism. And now he will say

You are derailing the thread.
I have palestinain friends
I am neutral Christian

Naaa it's clear who you are
Trango,go learn some history and when you're done,come back and post.

Because when you post such nonsense,you're either ignorant or biased.

Everyone who has followed this conflict for more than 20 years,knows that both sides are at fault. Palestinians have had their own big share of crimes and terrorist attacks.

Maybe you're too young,maybe you're too lazy. In 2001 onwards,I was watching documentaries and reading books about it like crazy. What were you doing? You were probably a toddler.

No matter how much upper hand Israel gains. It will always live in fear. Despite having the support of various Arab countries Israel will never trust any of them. Simply because enmity and mistrust runs incredibly deep.
That is logical. Do you doubt that ultimately international Zionism wants to rule the entire world? They've achieved a big part of it.
Afterall, sitting comfortably in their house in at home and in the West while badmouthing Israël doesn't change anything whatsoever, rather these Pakistanis should be ready to go to Pakistan on the ground to fight and die in the war..
But don't you know?


Tourism in Israel is a mistake. It's not a safe place. Anyone planning trips to Israel should cancel their plans, especially in coming days/weeks.
Now obviously it's dangerous. But generally,it has been safe enough to visit,as far as I know.

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