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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

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    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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for your answer. and the 86 year old not exactly a pensioner
The life expectancy for a man in Israel is 81, I would say 84 years old qualifies as a pensioner. Random or not, if you care about age then he is a far less worthy target than the settlers eliminated today.
The life expectancy for a man in Israel is 81, I would say 84 years old qualifies as a pensioner. Random or not, if you care about age then he is a far less worthy target than the settlers eliminated today.
some people even at older ages are matter more than some young dude

and you didn't explained the fake photo with military gear
Let’s not go that far. Pakistan is run by coward snakes which will never openly fight anyone, they will instead use SF or proxies to inflict damages ie against NATO/US in Afghanistan. They used a different strategy to exit NATO, one that required guile and clever tactics. Look what they accomplished while having limited resources.
ok, i get your point- but if this is the story, why does Taliban basically hate Pakistan after Pakistan helped "liberate" Afghanistan by apparently helping to kick out NATO? something is off.
@HGV you only can laugh when your fakery is exposed .
as i said palestinian resistance is nothing but Meh.
@HGV you only can laugh when your fakery is exposed .
as i said palestinian resistance is nothing but Meh.
Well what can I say when someone suggests a 48 year old settler in an illegal settlement shouldn't be killed but a 84 year old pensioner who probably has dementia has great military value.

Palestinian resistance caused more damage and deaths to Israelis than Iran ever did, so if they are meh I wonder what you call Iranian resistance. And Iranian generals sacrificed a lot to create and support the Palestinian resistance, so you are insulting their legacy for no reason.
ok, i get your point- but if this is the story, why does Taliban basically hate Pakistan after Pakistan helped "liberate" Afghanistan by apparently helping to kick out NATO? something is off.
Because the Pakistani establishment are snakes, and Talibans know they were used for a specific purpose ie fight nato.
Well what can I say when someone suggests a 48 year old settler in an illegal settlement shouldn't be killed but a 84 year old pensioner who probably has dementia has great military value.

Palestinian resistance caused more damage and deaths to Israelis than Iran ever did, so if they are meh I wonder what you call Iranian resistance. And Iranian generals sacrificed a lot to create and support the Palestinian resistance, so you are insulting their legacy for no reason.
yeah by picking up random photo from pintrest.
as if Israeli elites care about random settlers
Iraq and Afghanistan also beat the US army, something your country could never even dream of.
Lmao Taliban would not have lasten a month without Pakistani support you Nigerian troll. These are not my words but the former president of Afghanistan.

I don't know,but I know what will happen to Pakistan if it nukes Israel.
So why has Israel not nuked Pakistan? What are they so scared of?

@Foinikas Don't talk to big for your size and your know place. Your own country who can barely defend its territorial integrity against Turkey😂
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Lmao Taliban would not have lasten a month without Pakistani support you Nigerian troll. These are not my words but the former president of Afghanistan.
Calling me Nigerian only makes me suspect you're racist against Black people.

But onto your point, if Pakistan's help was so critical to Afghanistan, then explain why Taliban and Afghanistan in general has turned around and now hates pakistan- they probably hated your country for double dealing- Helping Taliban, but also helping CIA and NATO...those supply and exit routes? snakes like Musharaff played both sides- Taliban and NATO, but he was quite good tbh. You gave CIA bases, you let them hit certain Mujahideen leaders, you protected others. Bu in the end it seems Afghanistan has decided Pakistan isnt really good for it, they probably just accepted your help because they had no better option- look at how Iran has taken the lead in Afghanistan despite the lead your country had initially? lmao- Pakistan now is broke, Afghanistan has to turn to India because what is Pakistan offering today?
Calling me Nigerian only makes me suspect you're racist against Black people.

But onto your point, if Pakistan's help was so critical to Afghanistan, then explain why Taliban and Afghanistan in general has turned around and now hates pakistan- they probably hated your country for double dealing- Helping Taliban, but also helping CIA and NATO...those supply and exit routes? snakes like Musharaff played both sides- Taliban and NATO, but he was quite good tbh. You gave CIA bases, you let them hit certain Mujahideen leaders, you protected others. Bu in the end it seems Afghanistan has decided Pakistan isnt really good for it, they probably just accepted your help because they had no better option- look at how Iran has taken the lead in Afghanistan despite the lead your country had initially? lmao- Pakistan now is broke, Afghanistan has to turn to India because what is Pakistan offering today?
Stay on topic, this thread isn't about Pakistan or Taliban
Calling me Nigerian only makes me suspect you're racist against Black people.

But onto your point, if Pakistan's help was so critical to Afghanistan, then explain why Taliban and Afghanistan in general has turned around and now hates pakistan- they probably hated your country for double dealing- Helping Taliban, but also helping CIA and NATO...those supply and exit routes? snakes like Musharaff played both sides- Taliban and NATO, but he was quite good tbh. You gave CIA bases, you let them hit certain Mujahideen leaders, you protected others. Bu in the end it seems Afghanistan has decided Pakistan isnt really good for it, they probably just accepted your help because they had no better option- look at how Iran has taken the lead in Afghanistan despite the lead your country had initially? lmao- Pakistan now is broke, Afghanistan has to turn to India because what is Pakistan offering today?

Bro - please stop trolling. We’ll kill any Indian that tries to undermine Pakistan from Afghanistan. Don’t like the broke government fool you. They have close to a trillion dollars underground to deal with Indians.
Israel is planning something for the end of Passover/few days after it. Palestinians must remain on high alert.
Do you know how many times Palestinians have killed random civilians as "vengeance"? Or terrorist groups killed tourists in Egypt (for example Greeks tourists) and later saying they "mistook them for Israelis"?

When you say "attacking random civilians is what Israel does",you show that you have little knowledge of history. Because BOTH sides do it.

The Palestinians in the late '90s and early 2000s,during the Second Intifada,would get into buses and super-markets and kill random Israelis. They would attack cafes and restaurants. They attacked tourist spots in Egypt that Jews used to visit.

Both sides have been acting stupid.
Tourism in Israel is a mistake. It's not a safe place. Anyone planning trips to Israel should cancel their plans, especially in coming days/weeks.

Fyi, for all we know these tourists aren't Christian but Jews.
How will they get let's say....500,000 to 1,000,000 soldiers and volunteers (because there will be a lot of volunteers) from Pakistan to anywhere near Israel? Who is going to host them? Can they create a logistics chain able to supply such a massive army? Would they join Iran and move together with Iran and Iraq to Syria and from there all of them invade Israel?
They would have been bombed to pieces by Israeli Air Force the minute they would move towards Iraq. Such a thing would force USA and other countries to take serious action,economic and other embargo against Pakistan.

Not to mention that if Israelis feel threatened with extinction,they will use nukes.
Those are things that can be iron out by the countrys military leaders. Its merely tactical and strategic soncan be easily iron out.
The only real issue is support from China. Since Pakistan would be isolated and under sanctions from the US/West , so the only power they can count on for a lifeline will be China. However knowing the Chinese I font think they will get involved or help Pakistan militarily or even economically. Since China doesnt want any form of war as we saw with Russia who has gotten Zero support from China despite Putin trying so hard to make China look like they are supporting Russia. Lol So it's likely the Chinese will stay away from supporting Pakkstan as what they need is peace in the entire region for the country's commercial ties and economy to keep growing. War will destabilise their growth and is bad for business. So yeah, that's the main issue. So without China's backing Pakistan will be a sitting duck and will not only be defeated but might even face an existential crisis itself as the country will collapse economically and the government will become even weaker while the other terror and Islamic extremist groups like TTP and others might use this opportunity to try and even take over the country while separatists groups in Balochistan will have more space to grow even stronger and create their own state which they have been trying to do for decades. So yeah there's a big risk for Pakistan taking such action without unlimited financial, economic and military backing from China. But yeah Pakistan should be willing to take the risk no matter the consequences for the country for the sake of realising the objectives the country was created for in the name of Islam. 😊
Afterall, sitting comfortably in their house in at home and in the West while badmouthing Israël doesn't change anything whatsoever, rather these Pakistanis should be ready to go to Pakistan on the ground to fight and die in the war.. That's the only way they can be credible and be taken seeious. Else all their talk in here or everywhere is rather meaningless. Since mere trash talking never changed anything.
All the above also applies to Iran as well,they should join in the war as the main protagonist actually giving their long standing stance of destroying Israel. Afterall what the point of all this decades of talking about it without ever taking any direct action . In fact, Iran should be even more justified than Pakistan in fighting Israël, since Iran has the financial and economic capacity due to their vast natural resources to sustain themselves for longer and the strong unity and sense of belonging of the country thus are less susceptible to instability that might arise due to a weakened central government than Pakistan. So I will say Iran has even more reason to be at the forefront of the war than Pakistan herself. So Iran can be the spearhead. 😁

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