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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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well one of the terrorist killed is an Italian tourist
as I said in another thread , usual palestinian tactics , blindly attacking every one they see , having no discipline and don't be able to do something painful . just attack some random dude and then boast about it

oh and by the way 5 of 7 injured are tourists
Palestinians still think they will liberate their lands by firing rockets here and there...
Palestinians still think they will liberate their lands by firing rockets here and there...
no discipline and no clear goal and plan and worst of all fighting between themselves.
there is a reason after 80 years each year the land they control is shrinking
Yep, operations from the West Bank are increasing. Israel is having more trouble in the West Bank. Which is a nightmare for them as resistance activity in the West Bank has never been so high. Netanyahu is making threats about 'hard coming days' so he did authorize an assassination campaign and Hamas is alert and aware of those plans. Netanyahu will regret any adventures.
The West Bank is the hardest to arm since it is totally surrounded and controlled by Israel, but they are becoming more organised at least with light weapons, although they still remain poorly trained/equipped to deal with frequent IDF raids. I think they can do a lot better since they know the typical routes and methods the IDF uses and they can entrench themselves and set up traps etc, but OTOH it is of course a massive David and Goliath situation and I cannot judge them in the slightest.

The key theme here is the unification of the resistance in Gaza and the West Bank (and to a lesser extent Lebanon). Israel is working hard to isolate these theatres, but Palestinians are working hard to unify them.
So it's doable for Pakistan. Pakistan just needs to be willing to sacrifice their country for the great Islamic cause. Afterall they are the only country in the world who was created for Islam alone.
How will they get let's say....500,000 to 1,000,000 soldiers and volunteers (because there will be a lot of volunteers) from Pakistan to anywhere near Israel? Who is going to host them? Can they create a logistics chain able to supply such a massive army? Would they join Iran and move together with Iran and Iraq to Syria and from there all of them invade Israel?
They would have been bombed to pieces by Israeli Air Force the minute they would move towards Iraq. Such a thing would force USA and other countries to take serious action,economic and other embargo against Pakistan.

Not to mention that if Israelis feel threatened with extinction,they will use nukes.
Israel is gone with one hit from Iran but that is not important now..

Israel is living on bored time.. The Palis are just distraction
well one of the terrorist killed is an Italian tourist
as I said in another thread , usual palestinian tactics , blindly attacking every one they see , having no discipline and don't be able to do something painful . just attack some random dude and then boast about it

oh and by the way 5 of 7 injured are tourists
Tourists should also be deterred from visiting and being complicit in an illegal occupation. By the way Iran has been known to try to target Israeli tourists in other countries, so you have no moral high ground here.

Attacking random civilians is what Israel does, except they do it with precision guided bombs and on purpose. There is no equivalence between Palestinians living under and resisting an illegal occupation and those occupying Palestinians.

Palestinians today despite all their suffering and obstacles killed more Israelis in one day than Iran has managed for years.
I'm not Pakistanis
But yeah what you mentioned can be thought about by Pakistanis military before launching the war.
For one Pakistan can trade Kashmir with India for peace to reign between both sides and avoid India attacking Pakistans Eastern flank when Pakistan is at war with Israel. So Pakistan will need to first sign a peace treaty with India or better still recognised each other Kashmir held territory as defacto border between both countries..Just so Pakistan can focus on the war with Israel peacefully without being worried about India..
It's true that the US/West will sanction Pakistan and cut all military supplies.. However, Pakistan can count on her neutral all weather friend China ..Hopefully China will supply Pakistan with military ammunition, supplies to keep Pakistan in the war. Else Pakistan won't be able to fight for long(not even for a couple of months to be honest). So Pakistan will need to sort a deal with China to guarantee China will support them financially and militarily, just so Pakistan doesn't get even more bankrupt than it is already, else they cant fight Israel for long. So those things need to be sorted out first before an invasion.
Pakistan will also need to invest more in her army, airforce and navy to make the invasion more successful, this will mean Pakistan will need to sort a deal with neighboring countries in the middle east from where her troops and equipment can be station and used during the war. Syria, Lebanon, Iran(maybe even Iraq)are good choices. They will need to provide their territory for such an operation ..I believe they won't have much issue with doing so.

For your last point , none of them will use nukes, it will be a conventional war. Just like in Ukraine , Russia won't use nukes, everybody knows that. And even less likely so since Pakistan and Israel are nuclear powers.

So it's doable for Pakistan. Pakistan just needs to be willing to sacrifice their country for the great Islamic cause. Afterall they are the only country in the world who was created for Islam alone. So they need to be able to sacrifice themselves for the greater Islamic cause. If not what was the point of establishing the country? So I understand @AA_ point. :) 😁

Pakistan Air Force has a very good and long track record against Israeli Air Force

Israel is gone with one hit from Iran but that is not important now..

Israel is living on bored time.. The Palis are just distraction
With one hit? So easy,huh? They can,but they don't want to.

It's like some friends of mine would say about being able to hook up with a hot chick: "I could if I wanted,but I don't want. I'm in a relationship".

Tourists should also be deterred from visiting and being complicit in an illegal occupation.
It was the Holy Week for Catholics. There are a lot of people going to the Holy Land for pilgrimage during Easter.
Tourists should also be deterred from visiting and being complicit in an illegal occupation. By the way Iran has been known to try to target Israeli tourists in other countries, so you have no moral high ground here.
claims that none ever proven
and by the way if even true (you must prove it) its an enemy country residents not some random dude from a third country who happen to visit somewhere unless you claim Palestinian are at war with Italy .
funny part Israel kill Palestinian , Palestinian kill Italians to get even :coffee:
Attacking random civilians is what Israel does, except they do it with precision guided bombs and on purpose. There is no equivalence between Palestinians living under and resisting an illegal occupation and those occupying Palestinians.
Do you know how many times Palestinians have killed random civilians as "vengeance"? Or terrorist groups killed tourists in Egypt (for example Greeks tourists) and later saying they "mistook them for Israelis"?

When you say "attacking random civilians is what Israel does",you show that you have little knowledge of history. Because BOTH sides do it.

The Palestinians in the late '90s and early 2000s,during the Second Intifada,would get into buses and super-markets and kill random Israelis. They would attack cafes and restaurants. They attacked tourist spots in Egypt that Jews used to visit.

Both sides have been acting stupid.
Palestinians today despite all their suffering and obstacles killed more Israelis in one day than Iran has managed for years.
you mean the 3 woman in the passing car, the 15 year old child , 48 year old mom and the 20 year old girl
It was the Holy Week for Catholics. There are a lot of people going to the Holy Land for pilgrimage during Easter.
In Tel Aviv and an illegal Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank? Sure, man.
Those aren’t my words but the words of Khaled Ibn al-Walid. It looks like the quote touched some nerves on pdf.
What does ibne walid says about mujahids who pay taxes to regimes which support Israel diplomatically and financially.
In Tel Aviv and an illegal Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank? Sure, man.
People go for pilgrimage AND tourism. When someone goes to Turkey and Kurds attack,you guys go mad. When Palestinians attack "oh hey why tourists there?"

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