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Universities > Top 500 (most recent) by country

There are no question in my mind that the people in Pakistan, India and China are for the most part as Intelligent as those that emigrate. Most just lack opportunity and many are so indoctrinated by their society and madgrassa schools even if they have the intelligence they cant change or take advantage of opportunties. Thats true to one extent or the other everywhere.

Make up your mind Captain America!

Initially you were claiming that we were intellectually weak.

Now you are claiming that Pakistanis, Indians and Chinese are intelligent.

Maybe once you are clear with you really think, we can carry forward this discussion! :blink:
Make up your mind Captain America!

Initially you were claiming that we were intellectually weak.

Now you are claiming that Pakistanis, Indians and Chinese are intelligent.

Maybe once you are clear with you really think, we can carry forward this discussion! :blink:

Perhaps its just beyond your understanding. Why would you think India has only 3
of the top 500 universitys in the world while they have 1.1 billion people. Why do you think these Indian Nobel Prize Winners has to go to other countries for the most part to earn nobel prizes.

Main article: Nobel laureates of India
1.Venkatraman Ramakrishnan*, Chemistry, 2009
2.Amartya Sen, Economics, 1998
3.Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar*, Physics, 1983
4.Mother Teresa, born in then Ottoman Empire, now Macedonia, Peace, 1979
5.Har Gobind Khorana*, Medicine, 1968
6.C. V. Raman, Physics, 1930
7.Rabindranath Tagore, Literature, 1913
8.Rudyard Kipling*, Literature,1907
9.Ronald Ross*, Physiology or Medicine, 1902

Same for China
See also: List of Ethnic Chinese Nobel laureates
1.Charles K. Kao, Physics, 2009
2.Gao Xingjian*, Literature, 2000
3.Daniel C. Tsui*, Physics, 1998
4.Edmond H. Fischer*, Medicine, 1992C
5.Chen Ning Yang, Physics, 1957
6.Tsung-Dao Lee, Physics, 1957
China Mainland has never had a nobel prize winner.
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lol..an american commenting on our intelligence ?? I have talked to these americans over the phone continuously for two years..ask me, >>I can claim with my personal experience they are the dumbest people on earth..atleast the majority of them. ..I'll give you an examples out of many funny incidents that kept happening with these americans...

Since I was in a technical que..a young customer who was an university student came up with some problem in the laptop...while trouble shooting, I asked him to close all the windows that were open...would you belive, he got up the chair and closed all the windows in his house and asked me when should he open them...lol..me and my colleagues were bouncing on our chairs laughing our a$$ out.
Perhaps its just beyond your understanding. Why would you think India has only 2 of the top 500 universitys in the world while they have 1.1 billion people.

Before you question my understanding, maybe you need to ask yourself what your understanding is!

Sadly, YOU still dont know if YOU think Asians are intellectually weak or if Asians are intelligent! Do let us know when the bell rings! :cheers:
Why would you think India has only 2 of the top 500 universitys in the world while they have 1.1 billion people.
Because they don't have enough money. You can't compare between the costs of studying in American and Indian universities.
lol..an american commenting on our intelligence ?? I have talked to these americans over the phone continuously for two years..ask me, >>I can claim with my personal experience they are the dumbest people on earth..atleast the majority of them. ..I'll give you an examples out of many funny incidents that kept happening with these americans...

Since I was in a technical que..a young customer who was an university student came up with some problem in the laptop...while trouble shooting, I asked him to close all the windows that were open...would you belive, he got up the chair and closed all the windows in his house and asked me when should he open them...lol..me and my colleagues were bouncing on our chairs laughing our a$$ out.

Thats funny.. But really hard to believe. How can a University student be that stupid? Did he by chance belong to one of those American Universities in the Top 500 list?:woot:
i found 1 thing amazing here......surprisingly this thread had bought both Indian's and Chinese together.Instead of mud slinging against each other both r defending for each other...amazing is not it:confused:
Thats funny.. But really hard to believe. How can a University student be that stupid? Did he by chance belong to one of those American Universities in the Top 500 list?:woot:

I dont know, but I asked him what he does only when he acted this stupidly...this is nothing..I have hundred of incidents about them, which will be hard for you to belive...but you will not be able to stop your laughter.
i found 1 thing amazing here......surprisingly this thread had bought both Indian's and Chinese together.Instead of mud slinging against each other both r defending for each other...amazing is not it:confused:

Yeah... We got some new Chinese members who's number one objective is not India Bashing.
Kudos to them for getting involved in constructive on topic discussions.
lol..an american commenting on our intelligence ?? I have talked to these americans over the phone continuously for two years..ask me, >>I can claim with my personal experience they are the dumbest people on earth..atleast the majority of them. ..I'll give you an examples out of many funny incidents that kept happening with these americans...

Since I was in a technical que..a young customer who was an university student came up with some problem in the laptop...while trouble shooting, I asked him to close all the windows that were open...would you belive, he got up the chair and closed all the windows in his house and asked me when should he open them...lol..me and my colleagues were bouncing on our chairs laughing our a$$ out.

Well lets think about that for a moment, if american are so dumb how do you account for the USA have 168 out of the top 500 Universities in the world according to a Chinese Web Site. Thats more then four times the number in any other country. How would you account for the USA earning 320 of the 829 Nobel prizes that have been awarded since 1900.
Because they don't have enough money. You can't compare between the costs of studying in American and Indian universities.

Well lets think about that for moment, Israel has 7 out of that top 500 with only 6 million people, according to Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Would you like to compare that to Saudia Arabia. Taiwan has 5. It does amaze me for a group in Shanghai to admit Taiwan has 5 of the top 500 Universities does that tells me China has come a long way, I can remember the day that would have got them a bullet in the back of the head or sent to a work camp.
Before you question my understanding, maybe you need to ask yourself what your understanding is!

Sadly, YOU still dont know if YOU think Asians are intellectually weak or if Asians are intelligent! Do let us know when the bell rings! :cheers:

Asians on IQ tests are showen to have more intelligence then americans.
1.The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites

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I think part of the reason that US has alot of high standard universities is that they attract bright minds from around the world to study, due to better living standard and wealth. So in some respect this is an joint effort by the international intellectuals to upheld the standard of research in US.

And also because they have sufficiently developed economy, founding, infrastructure and technologies to sustain high end research
I think part of the reason that US has alot of high standard universities is that they attract bright minds from around the world to study, due to better living standard and wealth. So in some respect this is an joint effort by the international intellectuals to upheld the standard of research in US.

And also because they have sufficiently developed economy, founding, infrastructure and technologies to sustain high end research

would add Intellectual property rights, democracy, freedom, local control of schools.
Well lets think about that for a moment, if american are so dumb how do you account for the USA have 168 out of the top 500 Universities in the world according to a Chinese Web Site. Thats more then four times the number in any other country. How would you account for the USA earning 320 of the 829 Nobel prizes that have been awarded since 1900.

Look Nobel prizes are MEANINGLESS, the opinions of 15 Swedes is NOT the opinion of the ENTIRE scientific community. There is no evidence that these 15 Swedes are PHYSICISTS, these 15 swedes decide who gets ALL THE NOBEL PRIZES (except peace). And only 100 other Swedes are allowed to submit candidates.

Especially you, being such a hypocrite always talking about Freedom and democracy when the Nobel Prizes are nothing but the equivalent of a dictatorship. And you always claim that all dictatorships cannot be trusted, so how can you trust the nobel prize committee's to be just and fair?

If China can't do research why does China hold EVERY WORLD RECORD in Quantum physics?

You can keep jerking off your nobel prizes and your retarded rankings, and China will just keep holding on to every world record and effortlessly crushing the USA in every academic competition.

Chinese Researchers Tap Quantum Noise to Generate Randomness at Record Rates | Popular Science

The method is a bit mind-bending, but still more impressive is the output: 300 megabits per second of random data, blowing a 100-megabit record set by American scientists using a different method earlier this month clean out of the water. Which means the U.S. will now have to top the Chinese to stay ahead in the encryption game, setting up a competitive back-and-forth that should make true Cold Warriors wistful for the good old days.

DailyTech - China Teleports Photons 10 Miles, Surpasses U.S./European Record

China Teleports Photons 10 Miles, Surpasses U.S./European Record

Update: China claims record in quantum cat state

Update: China claims record in quantum cat state
Mark LaPedus
5/28/2010 7:34 AM EDT
CHENGDU, China -- A research group in China recently claimed a new breakthrough and record in the so-called ''hyper-entangled Schrodinger cat state.''
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