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Universities > Top 500 (most recent) by country

You would be surprised to find out that things that unite China and India are far greater than things that divide them. Both countries had a glorious histories and had been savaged by western imperialism for the past 200 years, and now both are poor developing nations that are on their way to reclaim the their historical positions in the world with miraculous speed of growth. In the end, the real enemy for both is still out there, not on the continent of Asia.

Too bad most people who realize that are not in Asia but in west. And they will try everything possible to stop this from happening.
An understanding of quantum mechanics impacts every aspect of our modern life. The list is miles long. I just did a project on computational chemistry, a field not possible without quantum mechanics.

Computational chemistry is used to predict and stream line chemical synthesis of modern drugs, new super materials, superconductors, semi-conductors and the list goes on.

Agreed... The applications of quantum mechanics are endless. Almost everything that happens around us can been explained with quantum mechanics. I been doing a course in Photonics for past 5 yrs and from 2nd year onwards been studying quantum mechanics related subjects. The relevance of quantum mechanics is too great to be sidelined as useless in practical applications.
Agreed... The applications of quantum mechanics are endless. Almost everything that happens around us can been explained with quantum mechanics. I been doing a course in Photonics for past 5 yrs and from 2nd year onwards been studying quantum mechanics related subjects. The relevance of quantum mechanics is too great to be sidelined as useless in practical applications.

Exactly, and even if we don't know what the practical applications might (and we definitely do for QM), that is no excuse to call science for the sake of science useless.

They made fun of Faraday and called electricity a parlour trick and they probably laughed at Gregor Mendel for meticulously recording the growth of pea seedlings. It is only now that we appreciate their colossal contribution to human progress.
Exactly, and even if we don't know what the practical applications might (and we definitely do for QM), that is no excuse to call science for the sake of science useless.

They made fun of Faraday and called electricity a parlour trick and they probably laughed at Gregor Mendel for meticulously recording the growth of pea seedlings. It is only now that we appreciate their colossal contribution to human progress.

That is the key. You don't know the real application of the result of those experiment until the experiment has been carried out. So basically scientific experiment is not designed with practicial application in mind, but to discover the unknown that might have practical application once we understand it.
That is the key. You don't know the real application of the result of those experiment until the experiment has been carried out. So basically scientific experiment is not designed with practicial application in mind, but to discover the unknown that might have practical application once we understand it.

I don't quite follow, the article clearly states that this has implications on quantum information processing

Quantum entanglement is the crucial "resource" for quantum information processing, according to a paper. The work has implications for optical approaches to quantum computing and optical quantum metrology, according to the university.

Quantum computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The QM I am taught in Chem is limited but my old roommate is an electric engineer and the way he explained it to me is that the future of computers has to be in QM computing, because we have reached the limits of miniaturization for semi-conductor processors.
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I don't quite follow, the article clearly states that this has implications on quantum information processing

Quantum computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The QM I am taught in Chem is limited but my old roommate is an electric engineer and the way he explained it to me is that the future of computers has to be in QM computing, because we have reached the limits of miniaturization for semi-conductor processors.

Oh sorry, I was not referring to Quantum Mechanics. I was talking about the experiments that Chinaowns has listed. The results of those Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Cat State have little real application to them right now, but in the future who knows.
Oh sorry, I was not referring to Quantum Mechanics. I was talking about the experiments that Chinaowns has listed. The results of those Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Cat State have little real application to them right now, but in the future who knows.

Yep the Quantum cat state article that Chinaowns posted was what I was talking about.

Update: China claims record in quantum cat state
Mark LaPedus

5/28/2010 7:34 AM EDT

CHENGDU, China -- A research group in China recently claimed a new breakthrough and record in the so-called ''hyper-entangled Schrodinger cat state.''

In 1935, Austrian physicist Erwin Schrodinger proposed an experiment that took until the 21st century to test--namely, that a single atom could affect the state of macroscopic systems. In the experiment, the state of a single atom is linked with whether a cat in a box is alive or dead. Theoretically, the cat is both alive and dead until the state of the atom is measured, thereby sealing its fate.

The concept of Schrodinger cat states comes from a known paradox: ''There is a cat inside the box which can be simultaneously dead and alive. Although a macroscopic Schrodinger cat state does not exist in the macroworld, it does exist in the microscopic quantum world. Scientists can use photons or atoms to create such a state,'' according to the university.

Recently, the ten-qubit hyper-entangled Schrodinger cat state was generated by a research group from the Quantum Physics and Quantum Information (QPQI) Division of the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale at the University of Science and Technology of China.

''The created state has the number of entangled quantum bits up to 10, breaking a world record of entangled state preparation,'' according to the university. ''Meanwhile, they also utilized the Schrodinger cat state to demonstrate ultra-fine phase measurement.''

Quantum entanglement is the crucial "resource" for quantum information processing, according to a paper. The work has implications for optical approaches to quantum computing and optical quantum metrology, according to the university.

In a quantum computer, a qubit, or quantum bit, takes on the property of being both a 1 and a 0 simultaneously -- a phenomenon called superposition — thereby speeding calculations by allowing operations to be performed on superimposed ones and zeros at the same time.
from chinaowns's link (Update: China claims record in quantum cat state)

I think "quantum cat state" might be a bad name for the quantum state they are discribing because people might confuse it with Schrodinger's cat (the philosophical thought experiment)

Schrödinger's cat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What the Chinese scientists are researching is not some abstract thought experiment but really the starting blocks of practical quantum computing.
Asians on IQ tests are showen to have more intelligence then americans.
1.The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
You can't equate universities to Scholastic Ability. I referred to an earlier post that in India elite institutions are are never alligned to universities- we look standalone institutions specializing i their respective fields . Else I can give you a list of 10s of places all of which will find spots on their lists.

A good metric will be standardized scores-GRE, GMAT etc. - same tests taken by amricans and taken by Indians...Indian 'average' scores are always higher than americans. I myself took GMAT and GRE, was in the top 3-4% worldwide for both. In the US, people would have said 'great score' , while in India I restrict myself with '700+' for GMAT and '1400+' for GRE. Why? Becuase if I make the mistake of letting out my actual scores, the saidistic SOBs will taunt me by saying...ohhh I know this guy who got 10 points more than you. Plus, my own B School tests were taken not for any American B School but for an Indian B School called ISB- it won't feature in your list but it's good enuf for me to ignore some of the top B schools on the planet.
You can't equate universities to Scholastic Ability. I referred to an earlier post that in India elite institutions are are never alligned to universities- we look standalone institutions specializing i their respective fields . Else I can give you a list of 10s of places all of which will find spots on their lists.

A good metric will be standardized scores-GRE, GMAT etc. - same tests taken by amricans and taken by Indians...Indian 'average' scores are always higher than americans. I myself took GMAT and GRE, was in the top 3-4% worldwide for both. In the US, people would have said 'great score' , while in India I restrict myself with '700+' for GMAT and '1400+' for GRE. Why? Becuase if I make the mistake of letting out my actual scores, the saidistic SOBs will taunt me by saying...ohhh I know this guy who got 10 points more than you. Plus, my own B School tests were taken not for any American B School but for an Indian B School called ISB- it won't feature in your list but it's good enuf for me to ignore some of the top B schools on the planet.

I have a vague idea about what you are talking about, I took my GRE nearly 50 years ago, but here is how Shanghai Jiaotong University selected the top 500 universitys

The ranking compared 1200 higher education institutions worldwide according to a formula that took into account alumni winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals (10 percent), staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals (20 percent), highly-cited researchers in 21 broad subject categories (20 percent), articles published in Nature and Science (20 percent), the Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index (20 percent) and the per capita academic performance (on the indicators above) of an institution (10 percent). The methodology is set out in an academic article by its originators, N.C. Liu and Y. Cheng.[4] Liu and Cheng explain that the original purpose of doing the ranking was "to find out the gap between Chinese universities and world-class universities, particularly in terms of academic or research performance."[5] The rankings have been conducted since 2003 and then updated annually.

Academic Ranking of World Universities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There seems to be two listing the other being american, but I chose the Chinese one because most of you would not think they favored Americans. Also I am not sure knowing a lot makes you intelligent. I have knowen a lot of people that seem to know everything that were dumber then stumps.
Nice we are tied with Russia. Not too bad. Universities in Turkey are all based on those blasted OST exams. Depending on where your score falls you end up picking a list of topics in that area. So if you score really high you can study the good stuff but if you score low you will end up with a short list of degree options that are the low end so to speak. Money in not involved when it comes to Universities in turkey unless you go to private or foreign ones.
I have a vague idea about what you are talking about, I took my GRE nearly 50 years ago, but here is how Shanghai Jiaotong University selected the top 500 universitys

The ranking compared 1200 higher education institutions worldwide according to a formula that took into account alumni winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals (10 percent), staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals (20 percent), highly-cited researchers in 21 broad subject categories (20 percent), articles published in Nature and Science (20 percent), the Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index (20 percent) and the per capita academic performance (on the indicators above) of an institution (10 percent). The methodology is set out in an academic article by its originators, N.C. Liu and Y. Cheng.[4] Liu and Cheng explain that the original purpose of doing the ranking was "to find out the gap between Chinese universities and world-class universities, particularly in terms of academic or research performance."[5] The rankings have been conducted since 2003 and then updated annually.

Academic Ranking of World Universities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There seems to be two listing the other being american, but I chose the Chinese one because most of you would not think they favored Americans. Also I am not sure knowing a lot makes you intelligent. I have knowen a lot of people that seem to know everything that were dumber then stumps.
Trust me...I firmly believe there's nothig called IQ, defenitely not for most average/common people (Maybe the einsteins are the exception). To us if you don't do well then your plain fat lazy...that's our culture, makes us push harder, makes you more disciplined and focused...usually that's enuf for stuff like your regular acads...but a nobel/einstein type accomplishment may need that indescribable thing called 'genuis' along with PLENTY of hard work and discipline.
I have a vague idea about what you are talking about, I took my GRE nearly 50 years ago, but here is how Shanghai Jiaotong University selected the top 500 universitys

I seriously doubt that somehow. Maybe you were talking about GED.
I took my GRE nearly 50 years ago, but here is how Shanghai Jiaotong University selected the top 500 universitys

You're quite old to be trolling on a forum. :lol:

Or as you say, "pulling some kids legs on the internet"... which sounds a bit strange... did people talk like that back then?
You're quite old to be trolling on a forum. :lol:

Or as you say, "pulling some kids legs on the internet"... which sounds a bit strange... did people talk like that back then?

I don't think that he actually understand the meaning of the idiom "to pull someone's legs". Otherwise, he would not be using it.

Idiom Definitions for 'Pull someone's leg'
If you pull someone's leg, you tease them, but not maliciously.

Because everyone knows who got his legs pulled every time in the end.
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